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Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum

all others through Education. Tomas Del Rosario College morally upright, committed and competent
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tel No: (047) 237-3115; Tel No: (047) 791-6082 human resources needs in the profession,
government, business, industry and home.

Department: EDUCATION

I. Course Code: II. Course Title: Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary

III. Course Credit: 3 IV. Prerequisite:

V. Course Description:
This course includes methods and strategies in teaching Social Studies in Elementary including Sibika at Kultura, Heograpiya, Kasaysayan at
Sibika (HKS). It also deals on the use of Graphic Organizes in planning the lesson plan and thematic approach in using Collaborative,
Integrative and Interactive processes.

Program Educational Objectives:

Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the diversity of learners in various learning areas;
1. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of the different subject areas;
2. Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure learning outcomes;
3. Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking and use of tools and technology to accelerate learning and teaching;
4. Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as an individual and as a professional;
5. Manifest a desire to continuously pursue personal and professional development.
6. To instill moral values and good work habits.

Student Learning Outcomes/Objectives:

By the time of graduation, Education students will be able to:
a. explain the philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological, and political bases of teaching-learning practices
b. demonstrate mastery of the subject matter/discipline
c. articulate and discuss the latest developments in teaching as a career
d. apply skills in developing assessment and research
e. demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes
f. apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant, sustainable educational practices
g. effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. Tomas Del Rosario College morally upright, committed and competent
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tel No: (047) 237-3115; Tel No: (047) 791-6082 human resources needs in the profession,
government, business, industry and home.

h. develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners
i. practice the professional and ethical requirements of teaching profession
j. recognize the need for, and prepare to engage in lifelong learning
k. function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural settings

Course General Objectives:

At the end of the course, the students must have:
1. Discuss the Social Studies Framework under the K to 12 curriculum.
2. Mastered the preparation of Lesson Plan in Social Studies (Elemetary Level).
3. Applied new and effective strategies in teaching Social Studies in Elementary.
4. Utilized the technology in presenting lessons in Social Studies.
5. Integrated Filipino Values in teaching Social Studies in Elementary.

IV. Course Content

Outcome-Based Teaching Assessment of Learning

Course Content/Subject
Time Desired Learning Outcomes (DLO) and Learning (OBTL) Outcomes (ALO)
Frame (Intended Learning Outcomes) (Teacher-Learner (Assessment
Activities) Methods/Tasks)
Prelim Period
 Discussion/Oral
 Vision, Mission, oLecture
1st recitation of the vision,
School Mission & Vision Goals and Core oTeacher led-
session mission, and goals of the
Program outcomes Values class discussion
Program Core Values  Course Overview  - Individual
 Getting students’
 Rules and Policies sharing and discussion
Week 1 The Elementary Social Studies Curriculum  Concept of Social  Report – Discussion  Getting students prior
 What is Social Studies? Studies  Practicum of questions knowledge on Social
-Social Studies: Meanings, Concepts  Features of the and assignments Studies and its purpose
and Purpose Philippine social (Menti, Jamboard) using
-Conceptualizing Social Studies studies 
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. Tomas Del Rosario College morally upright, committed and competent
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tel No: (047) 237-3115; Tel No: (047) 791-6082 human resources needs in the profession,
government, business, industry and home.

 Development of social  Small-Group

-Myths on the origin of Social
studies Discussion thru buzz
 Challenges of the sessions, then
(Andres, Esmeralda, Padernal 2-15)
Philippine social presentation thru
(NCSS), (Anthur Dunn, David Saxe),
studies Symposium/panel

 Social Studies as Integrated

 Integrated
Curriculum and
-Integrated vs. Interdisciplinary
Interdisciplinary  Brainstorming
Curriculum (Applebee, Adler &
curriculum  Grouping discussion
Flihan, 2007)
 Social Studies as and class sharing  Discussion/Brainstorming
Week 2 -Social Studies as integrated
integrated  On-Line App (Menti,
curriculum (Andres, Esmeralda,
curriculum Jamboard)
 Importance of an
(Susan A. Adler integrated
 Elementary Social Studies
Curriculum Cuban, Larry. “History of
Teaching in Social Studies.” In James P.  Features of the
 Report – Discussion  On-line Quiz,
Shaver, ed.,. Elementary Araling
 Brainstorming  Interview
 -Seven themes of the Araling Panlipunan
Week 3  Grouping discussion  Participation in class
Panlipunan StudyCorgi. (2020,  Themes in the
and class sharing discussion
September 26). Major Themes of Araling Panlipunan
Social Studies. Curriculum
 -Key stage standard (Andres,
Esmeralda, Padernal 16-25)
Week 4  Constructivist Theory in Teaching  Constructivism as  Small-Group  Oral report on experiences
Social Studies an Educational Discussions  Participation in class
 -Tenets of constructivism Philosophy breakout session, discussion
 Types of constructivism  Implications of then sharing with 
 Pedagogy Constructivism in the class
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. Tomas Del Rosario College morally upright, committed and competent
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tel No: (047) 237-3115; Tel No: (047) 791-6082 human resources needs in the profession,
government, business, industry and home.

 E. von Glasersfeld, “A Constructivist Approach

to Teaching” in L. P. Steffe and J. Gale,
the Social Studies
eds., Constructivism in Education (Hillsdale,
NJ: Erlbaum, 1995), (Andres, Esmeralda,
Padernal 39-51)
Instructional Planning  Types, process and
 Basics of Instructional Planning importance of  Group sharing
 Study of ELC /SSLC
-Types of Instructional planning instructional  Checking of sample
for sample lesson
Week 5 -Importance of Instructional planning Instructional plan
planning  Developing unit downloaded by the
Ben DavisApril 1, 2021 (Andres, plan for grade level students
Esmeralda, Padernal 52-60) on the K to 12
 Declarative and
knowledge in the
 Things to Consider in Planning elementary social
 Report-Discussion
Instruction studies curriculum
 Study of samples
-Content  Instructional
 Group work on the
-Objectives objectives in
preparation of lessons  On line test
-Classroom Environment elementary social
Week 6  Study of learning  Participation in discussions
-Materials studies that adhere
activities contained in  Submission of a sample plan
-Student to Bloom’s
lesson plans
-Teacher Taxonomy of the
(Andres, Esmeralda, Padernal 52-73) Cognitive Domain
Ben DavisMay 25, 2021  Differentiation in
planning social
studies activity
Prelim Exam
Midterm Period
Week 7  Instructional Models for Social  Direct Instruction  Report-Discussion  Participation on Discussion
Studies Model  Grouping discussion
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. Tomas Del Rosario College morally upright, committed and competent
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tel No: (047) 237-3115; Tel No: (047) 791-6082 human resources needs in the profession,
government, business, industry and home.

 Hunter’s Seven Step

-Direct Instruction Model  Application of
-Cooperative Learning Model Hunter’s Seven Step and class sharing
(Andres, Esmeralda, Padernal 52-73) Model to elem social  Study of samples  Submission of sample
Andrew P. Johnson 2016 Instructional class
Models in Social Studies  Inquiry Model
 Cooperative Learning
 Comprehensice
Lesson Plan
 Developing Lessons for Social  Report-Discussion  On line test
 Abbreviated Lesson
Studies  Grouping discussion  Participation in
Week 8 (Andres, Esmeralda, Padernal 52-73) and class sharing discussions
 Components of
  Study of samples  Submission of a sample
Lesson Plan
 Tips in developing
lesson plan
Instructional Strategies for Social
 Lecture –Discussion
-Steps  Lecture discussion
 Lecture-Discussion  On line quiz
-Advantages Strategy
Week 9  Study of samples  Participation in discussions
-Tips  Practicum-
Developing LP  Submission of a sample plan
(Andres, Esmeralda, Padernal 52-73)
Angela Watson
 Using Graphic Organizers  Small-Group
 Using graphic
-Use of graphic organizers Discussions thru buzz
Organizer  Submission of lesson plan
-how to use graphic organizers sessions, then sharing
Week 10  Understanding the that uses graphic
-types of graphic organizers with the class
different types of organizer
(Andres, Esmeralda, Padernal 52-73) (symposium/panel)
graphic organizer

Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. Tomas Del Rosario College morally upright, committed and competent
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tel No: (047) 237-3115; Tel No: (047) 791-6082 human resources needs in the profession,
government, business, industry and home.

 Inquiry-Based Teaching Strategy

Explain the relevance of inquiry  Process to adhere  Study of samples of
in social studies education in constructing lessons for each
Appreciate the art of questioning instructional approach/ method  Submission of plan
Week 11 inside a social studies classroom methodology  Group work on the using inquiry based
Create a lesson plan using  The inquiry process preparation of lessons teaching strategy
inquiry based teaching strategy  Questioning for each method
(Andres, Esmeralda, Padernal 52-73) Technique
White, Shimoda and Frederiksen 1999
 Case Study
 Discuss case study as
instructional strategy
 Types of case  Plenary-Parallel
 Explain how case study is used in Group Discussions
elementary social studies studies
thru break-out
instruction  -Steps in  Submission of plan
Week 12 sessions, then sharing
 Develop a lesson plan that use implementing case with the class using case study
case study studies (symposium/panel)
(Andres, Esmeralda, Padernal 52-73)  -Advantages
Laurel Schwartz, Edutopia
June 4, 2019

Midterm Exam
Final Period
Week 13  Discuss jigsaw as an  Jigsaw  Study of learning  Submission of sample
instructional strategy  Panel Discussion activities contained in
 Explain how jigsaw is used in lesson plans
elementary social studies  Group exercise on
selecting strategy for a
given objective
 Develop a lesson plan that uses
jigsaw in elementary social
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. Tomas Del Rosario College morally upright, committed and competent
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tel No: (047) 237-3115; Tel No: (047) 791-6082 human resources needs in the profession,
government, business, industry and home.

(Andres, Esmeralda, Padernal 52-73)
 Misty Hance Carson-Newman University,
 How to conduct a
panel discussion
 Room set up and
 Panel Discussion  The moderator
 Technology-Based interactive takes control
 Timing is  Panel Discussion
Teaching Strategy  Submission of plan
 Group exercise on
(Tatadarz Auxtero Lagria) 2016 everything
Week 14 selecting strategy using panel
(Andres, Esmeralda, Padernal 52-73)  Bases on the
for a given objective discussion
Simin Ghavifekr, Wan Athirah Wan Rosdy integration of
Faculty of Education , University of Malaya, technology
Malaysia,  Advantages and
 ADDIE Model
 List of Applications
for Teaching
 Importance of
Field Studies
 Field Studies  Challenges in field
 Simulations
 Service Learning studies
Week 15  Report-Discussion  Demo teaching
(Andres, Esmeralda, Padernal 52-73)  Types of service
 Steps in service
Week 16 Assessment Strategies for Social  Assessment in  Study / Analysis of  Submission of
Studies Social Studies assessment tools summative and
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. Tomas Del Rosario College morally upright, committed and competent
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tel No: (047) 237-3115; Tel No: (047) 791-6082 human resources needs in the profession,
government, business, industry and home.

 Characteristics of
21st century
 Assessing Learning in Social Assessment
Studies  Formative and
 Report-Discussion
(Andres, Esmeralda, Padernal 52-73) Summative formative samples
 Content Standard,
 Traditional
 Purpose of
assessment  Study / Analysis of
 Traditional and Authentic  Authentic sample Assessment
Assessment in Social Studies Assessment  Submission of
Week 17 Using Performance-based  Performance  Report-Discussion Performance based
Assessment in Social Studies Based assessment  Demonstrating how assessment sample
(Andres, Esmeralda, Padernal 52-73) preparation is done
 Strengths and
Limitations of PBA
 Types of
Performance Task
 Steps in Creating
Performance Task
Week 18  Designing Learning Portfolios in  Purposes of  Group work on  Submission of
Social Studies Portfolio the preparation sample learning
(Andres, Esmeralda, Padernal 52-73) Assessment of Learning portfolio
 Steps in Portfolio
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. Tomas Del Rosario College morally upright, committed and competent
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tel No: (047) 237-3115; Tel No: (047) 791-6082 human resources needs in the profession,
government, business, industry and home.

portfolio  Sharing
assessment Discussion

Final Exam

V. Course Requirement/Course Assessment (Grading System)

 The grading system is Averaging and grades are computed as follows:


CSx2+Examination Rating PA+MA+FA
3 3

CSx2+Examination Rating

CSx2+Examination Rating

VI. References
1. Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary Grades
Brenson Y. Andres, Ernest L. Esmeralda, Rowel S. Padernal
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. Tomas Del Rosario College morally upright, committed and competent
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tel No: (047) 237-3115; Tel No: (047) 791-6082 human resources needs in the profession,
government, business, industry and home.

5. E. von Glasersfeld, “A Constructivist Approach to Teaching” in L. P. Steffe and J. Gale, eds., Constructivism in Education (Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1995),
6. Instructional Planning
7. Andrew P. Johnson 2016 Instructional Models in Social Studies
8. Angela Watson
12. Simin Ghavifekr, Wan Athirah Wan Rosdy Faculty of Education , University of Malaya, Malaysia,

Prepared by: Recommending Approval:


Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. Tomas Del Rosario College morally upright, committed and competent
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tel No: (047) 237-3115; Tel No: (047) 791-6082 human resources needs in the profession,
government, business, industry and home.

Instructor Department Chair



Vice President for Academics, Student Affairs and Extension Services

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