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Name : Salman Safiqy

NIM : 21090122120011

Week 1

Tell (V) Talk (N)

[tel] [tɔːk]

Ex : Let your friends tell us about his job. Ex : In the street was usually possible to talk, after
Cognate Words: Cognate Words :
Telling (v) Talking (adj)
Teller (n) Talking/talker (n)
Telling (adj) Talking (v)

Warn (V) Soft (V)

[wɔːn] [sɒft]

Ex : They devised several signal to warn the group Ex : soft word win hard hearts

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

warned (v) Softly (adj)
warns (v) Softening (v)
warning (adj) Softness (n)
warning/warner (n)

Listen (V) Sound (N)

[ˈlɪsn] [saʊnd]

Ex : Women typically listen expansively Ex : That sound is annoying

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Listening (adj) Sounding (adj)
Listener (n) Soundness (n)
Listening (v)

Welcome (Adj) Sell (V)

[ˈwelkəm] [sel]
Ex : I’ll sell the jewelry to customers.
Ex : Welcome to Semarang
Cognate Words :
Cognate Words : Sellable (v)
Welcoming (adj) Seller (n)
Welcomer (n) Selling (v)
Welcoming (v)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 1

Speak (V) Weather (N)

[spiːk] [ˈweðə(r)]

Ex: He dosn’t speak English Ex: It all depends on the weather

Cognate Words: Cognate Words:

Spoken (adj) Weatherly (adj)
Speaker (n) Weatherliness (n)
Speaking (v) Weathered (v)

Wear (V) Steal (V)

[weə(r)] [stiːl]

Ex : What do you wear ? Ex : You steal my stuff?

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Worn (adj) Stolen (adj)
Wearer (n) Stealer (n)
Wearing (v) Stealing (v)

Track (N) Touch (V)

[træk] [tʌtʃ]

Ex : These projects already have proven track record Ex : a soft touch

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Tracked (adj) Touching (adj)
Tracker (n) Toucher (n)
Tracking (v) Touched (v)

Turn (V) Trust (N)

[tɜːn] [trʌst]

Ex: Can you turn up th TV? Ex : You’ve betrayed their trust.

Cognate Words: Cognate Words:

Turning (n) Trustful (adj)
Turning (v) Trusty (n)
Trusting (v)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 1

Better (adj) Annual (Adj)

[ˈbetə(r)] [ˈænjuəl]

Ex: Everyone agrees things are getting better. Ex: The butterflies make annual journey between
northern Europe and Africa.
Cognate Words:
Betterment (n) Cognate Words:
Betting (v) Annual (Adj)
Annually (Adv)

Create (V) Carriage (N)

[kriˈeɪt] [ˈkærɪdʒ]

Ex : Singing can create a sense of well-being Ex : Trains should have a separate carriage for smokers,
and restaurants should segregate as well
Cognate Words :
Creative (adj) Cognate Words :
Creatively (adv) Carriages (n)
Creature (n)

Competition (N) Cook (V)

[ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn] [kʊk]

Ex : an independent regulator will be appointed to Ex : There’s room to move as a fry cook

ensure fair competition
Cognate Words :
Cognate Words : Cooking (v)
Compete (V) Cooker (n)
Competitive (Adj) Cooking (adj)
Competitively (adv)
Competitor (n)

Enter (V) Climb (V)

[ˈentə(r)] [klaɪm]

Ex: soon he would enter our classroom Ex : I couldn’t even stand up, let alone climb up like a
Cognate Words:
Enter (V) Cognate Words:
Climb (n)
Climbing (v)
climbable (adj)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 1

Admire (V) Challenge (N)

[ədˈmaɪə(r)] [ˈtʃælɪndʒ ]

Ex: You know. I really admire you for standing up for Ex: The new goverment’s firs challenge is the economy.
what your believe. ‘’ he says.
Cognate Words:
Cognate Words: Challenger (n)
Admirable (adj) Challenging (v)
Admiration (n)

Find (V) Blank (Adj)

[faɪnd] [blæŋk]

Ex : I’ts another thing to think you might find one Ex : My heart is empty, my mind is blank.
Cognate Words :
Cognate Words : Blankly (adv)
Finds (v) Blankness (n)
Found (V)
Finding (v)

Method (N) Punish (V)

[ˈmeθəd] [ˈpʌnɪʃ]

Ex : This method of cooking also permits heat to Ex : Current employment laws will be changed to reward
penetrate evenly from both sides. effort and punish laziness.

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Methodical (Adj) Punitive (adj)
Methodically (adv) Punitively (adv)
Methodology (N) Punishment (n)

Crack (V) Cry (V)

[kræk] [kraɪ]

Ex: Some rocks fall on one another, like the crack of gun Ex : It turned into silent, tearless cry, it was so painful
Cognate Words:
Cognate Words: Crying (adj)
Cracked (adj) Crying (v)
Cracking (adv)
Cracker (n)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 1

Resist (V) United (Adj)

[rɪˈzɪst] [juˈnaɪtɪd]

Ex: we was firmly resist this inclination. Ex: they stood united, inseparable.

Cognate Words: Cognate Words:

Resistant (adj) Unitedly (adv)
Resistance (n) Unity (n)
Uniting (v)

Threat (N)

Ex : I can’t deal with any threat. This was a big threat.

Cognate Words :
Threatened (adj)
Threateningly (adv)
Threatening (v)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 2

Operate (V) Pack (V)

[ˈɒpəreɪt] [pæk]

Ex : In some cases the surgeons operate with the use of a Ex : Machines now exist to pack olives in jars.
remote-control device that allows them to manipulate
several robotic arms. Cognate Words :
Packed (Adj)
Cognate Words: Package (n)
Operative (Adj)
Operation (n)

Park (N) Patient (N)

[pɑːk] [ˈpeɪʃnt]

Ex : He walked across the park and through a gateway. Ex : Malnutrition obviously weakens the patient.

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Parking (Adj) Patiently (adj)
Parking (v) Patience (n)

Sink (V) Sketch (N)

[sɪŋk] [sketʃ]

Ex : In a naval battle your aim is to sink the enemy's ship. Ex : A sketch might be scored onto the surface as a guide

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Sinkable (adj) Sketchy (adj)
Sinker (n) Sketchily (adv)

Short (adj) Space (N)

[ʃɔːt] [speɪs]
Ex : This room has space for fifty people.
Ex : The proposals were short on detail.
Cognate Words :
Cognate Words : Spaced (adj)
Shortly (Adv) Spacing (v)
Shortage (n)
Shortening (V)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 2

Suck (V) Store (N)

[sʌk] [stɔː(r)]

Ex: And it motivates me to suck in my gut and earn my Ex: Surprises were also in store for me.
keep every day.
Cognate Words:
Cognate Words: Stored (adj)
Sucking (Adj) Storage (n)
Sucker (n)

Spend (V) Sting (V)

[spend] [stɪŋ]

Ex : Businessmen spend enormous amounts advertising Ex : After the Spanish sting came the looting of German
their products. gold in World War II.

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Spent (Adj) Stingy (adj)
Spender (n) Stingily (Adv)
Stinger (n)

Equip (V) Expect (V)

[ɪˈkwɪp] [ɪkˈspekt]

Ex : Owners of restaurants have to equip them to admit Ex : Both leaders seemed to expect measurable progress.
disabled people.
Cognate Words :
Cognate Words : Expectable (Adj)
Equipment (n) Expectantly (Adv)
Expectation (n)

Project (N) Raise (V)

[ˈprɒdʒekt] [reɪz]

Ex: The board unanimously approved the project last Ex : he Federal Reserve Board is expected to raise
week. interest rates.

Cognate Words: Cognate Words:

Projecting (adj) Raised (Adj)
Projecting (v) Raising (n)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 2

Extract (N) Choose (V)

[ˈekstrækt] [tʃuːz]

Ex: A dentist may decide to extract the tooth to prevent Ex: It is always important to choose enjoyable, nutritious
recurrent trouble. foods.

Cognate Words: Cognate Words:

Extractable (Adj) Chooser (n)

Cover (V) Limit (N)

[ˈkʌvə(r)] [ˈlɪmɪt]

Ex : Leftover food and unwashed dishes cover the dirty Ex : They struggled to limit the cost by enforcing a low-
counters. tech specification.

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Covering (Adj) Limited (Adj)
Coverage (n) Limiting (V)

Lonely (Adj) Marble (N)

[ˈləʊnli] [ˈmɑːbl]

Ex : She replied to a lonely hearts ad she spotted in the Ex : The Galaxy Note II is available in Marble White and
New York Times. Titanium Gray color options.

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Loneliness (n) Marbled (Adj)
Marbling (V)
Marbleize (Vt)

Loop (N) Lock (V)

[luːp] [lɒk]

Ex: This new confession threw me for a loop. Ex : The key rasped in the lock and the door swung open.

Cognate Words: Cognate Words:

Looped (Adj) Locked (Adj)
Looping (V) Lockage (N)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 2

Promise (V) Rate (N)

[ˈprɒmɪs] [reɪt]

Ex: The boy first showed promise as an athlete in grade Ex: A special weekend rate is available from mid-
school. November.

Cognate Words: Cognate Words:

Promising (Adj) Ratable (adj)
Promisingly (Adv) Rating (v)
Promiser (n)

Luck (N) Melt (V)

[lʌk] [melt]

Ex : I knew I needed a bit of luck to win. Ex : Once the tomatoes melt into the dish, add the
water, basmati rice and okra.
Cognate Words :
Lucky (Adj) Cognate Words :
Luckily (Adv) Melting (Adj)
Melter (n)

Report (N) Priest (N)

[rɪˈpɔːt] [priːst]

Ex : He'd delivered his report clearly and concisely. Ex : He had trained to be a Catholic priest.

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Reporting (adj) Priestly (Adj)
Reportedly (Adv) Priesthood (N)

Circulate (V) Gather (V)

[sɜːʳkjʊleɪt] [gæðəʳ]

Ex: Rumours were already beginning to circulate that Ex : She wanted to gather as many people as possible
the project might have to be abandoned.
Cognate Words:
Cognate Words: Gathering (N)
Circular / Circulative / circulatory (Adj) Gatherer (N)
Circularly (Adv) Gathering (V)
Circulation (N)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 2

Dirt (N) Autumn (N)

[dɜːʳt] [ɔːtəm]

Ex: I started to scrub off the dirt. Ex: In the autumn of 1989, the Berlin wall came down.

Cognate Words: Cognate Words:

Dirty (Adj) Autumnal (Adj)
Dirtily (Adv)
Dirtiness (N)

Colour (N)

Ex : The gardens blazed with colour.

Cognate Words :
Colourful (Adj)
Coloring (V)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 3

Adopt (V) Sweep ( v )

[əˈdɒpt] [swēp]

Ex : There are hundreds of people desperate to adopt a Ex : Planning to sweep the streets with it?
Cognate words :
Cognate Words: Swept ( adj )
Adopted (Adj)
Adoption (n)

Impolite ( adj ) Crowded ( adj )

[impəˈlīt] [kroudəd]

Ex : It is considered impolite to pry, but we ask for Ex : But the stage is crowded.
details. Cognate words :
Cognate words : Crowd ( n )
Impolitely ( adv )
Impoliteness ( n )

Ignore ( v ) Forbid ( v )
[iɡˈnôr] [fərˈbid]

Ex : Mary decided to ignore Tom’s behavior. Ex : What should I forbid.

Cognate words : Cognate words :
Ignored ( adj ) Forbidden ( adj )
Ignorance ( n )

Count ( v ) Mistake ( n )
[kount] [məˈstāk]

Ex : So she couldn’t count, either. Ex : So there is no mistake.

Cognate words : Cognate words :
Counter ( adv ) Mistaken ( v )
Countless ( adj )
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 3

Clever ( adj ) Jealous ( adj )

[klevər] [jeləs]

Ex : He is indeed a clever boy. Ex : You’re just jealous.

Cognate words : Cognate words :
Cleverly ( adv ) Jealously ( adv )
Cleverness ( n ) Jealousy ( n )

Chew ( v ) Fold ( v )
[CHo͞o] [fold]

Ex : Should you chew Betel Nut? Ex : Learns how to fold that crane.
Cognate words : Cognate words :
Chewy ( adj ) Folding ( adj )
Folder ( n )

Reach ( v ) Matchmaker ( n )
[rēCH] [maCHˌmākər]

Ex : Keenan still couldn’t reach Kugy. Ex : So Kuggy played matchmaker?

Cognate words : Cognate words :
Reachable ( adj ) Matchmaking ( adj )
Match ( n )

Mistake ( n ) Introduce ( v )
[məˈstāk] [intrəˈd(y)o͞os]

Ex : So there is no mistake. Ex : Let’s briefly introduce each.

Cognate words : Cognate words :
Mistaken ( v ) Introductory ( adj )
Introduction ( n )
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 3

Draw ( v ) Spare ( adj )

[drô] [sper]

Ex : Why draw out your adolescent? Ex : Back then she had projects planned for her
Cognate words : “spare” time.
Drawn ( adj ) Cognate words :
Drawing ( v ) Sparingly ( adv )

Crowded ( adj ) Wash ( v )

[kroudəd] [wäSH]

Ex : But the stage is crowded. Ex : They wash like this : by hand.

Cognate words : Cognate words :
Crowd ( n ) Washing ( adj )

Simplicity ( n ) Moisture ( n )
[simˈplisədē] [moisCHər]

Ex : So, what is simplicity? Ex : Mushrooms also need moisture and warmth.

Cognate words : Cognate words :
Simple ( adj ) Moistly ( adj )
Simply ( adv )

Decently ( adv ) Parade ( n )

[dēsəntlē] [pəˈrād]

Ex : I'm doing decently just glad that i can breathe. Ex : But first a special parade is held.
Cognate words : Cognate words :
Decent ( adj ) Paraded ( v )
Decency ( n )
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 3

Equal ( n ) Roar ( n )
[ˈēkwəl] [Rôr]
Ex : You have no equal.
Cognate words : Ex : It’s the lion roar!
Equalized ( adj ) Cognate words :
Equally ( adv )
Roaring ( adj, n )
Roarer (n )

Fathom ( v ) Exalt ( v )
[ˈfaT͟Həm] [iɡˈzôlt]

Ex : 5 in order to grasp the severity of sin and its Ex : King of all days, oh so highly exalt.
effects, we must try to fathom what it has cot us. Cognate words :
Cognate words : Exalted ( adj )
Fathomable ( adj ) Exaltation ( n )

Presence ( n ) Silhouette ( n )
[ˈprezəns] [Silo͞oˈet]

Ex : In the presence of my savior. Ex : He could see Kugy’s silhouette.

Cognate words : Cognate words :
Present ( adj, n ) Silhouetted ( v )
Presenter ( n )

Reveal ( v ) Flock ( n )
[rəˈvēl] [Flak]

Ex : Mahar would certainly reveal an excellent idea. Ex : Examples to the flock.

Cognate words : Cognate words :
Revealing ( adj ) Flock ( v )
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 3

Ascend ( v ) Curious ( adj )

[əˈsend] [kyo͝orēəs]

Ex : So, you’ll let me ascend. Ex : It was curious how seldom he thought of her.
Cognate words : Cognate word :
Ascension ( n ) Curiously ( adv )
Ascensive ( adj ) Curiosity ( n )

Horrible ( adj )

Ex : Horrible chest pain.

Cognate words :
Horribly ( adv )
Horridness ( n )
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 4

Wise ( adj ) Delay ( v )

[wīz] [dəˈlā]

Ex : Well, Asaph was wise. Ex : Probably react without delay.

Cognate words : Cognate words :
Wisely ( adv ) Delayed ( adj )
Wisdom ( n ) Delayer ( n )

Clean ( adj ) Wares ( n )

[klēn] [werz]

Ex : Things are so clean, so tidy. Ex : Noni Prattled on like a peddler promoting her
Cognate words : wares.
Cleanly ( adv ) Cognate words :
Cleanable ( adj ) -

Chart ( n ) Downward ( adj )

[CHärt] [dounwərd]

Ex : This is the typical organization chart. Ex : Glaciers move downward very slowy.
Cognate words : Cognate words :
Chartless ( adj ) Down ( adj )
Chartist ( n ) Downwards ( adv )

Dull ( adj ) Panel ( n )

[dəl] [panl]

Ex : Will the daily routine be dull? Ex : Your old friend Michael’s on the audition panel.
Cognate words : Cognate words :
Dully ( adv ) Panelist ( n )
Panelling ( v )
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 4

Distort ( v ) Guilt ( n )
[dəˈstôrt] [ɡilt]

Ex : Let’s see if we can distort that. Ex : Guilt could not be overlooked.

Cognate words : Cognate words :
Distoreted ( adj ) Guilty ( adj )
Distortion ( n ) Guiltily ( adv )
Distoreted ( v ) Guiltiness ( n )

Port ( n ) Poor ( adj )

[pôrt] [po͝or]

Ex : Port Moresby Harbour. Ex : Alas, poor Yorick!

Cognate words : Cognate words :
Portal ( n ) Poorly ( adj )
Potage ( vt ) Poorly ( adv )
Poorness ( n )

Wheat ( n ) Accusation ( n )
[(h)wēt] [akyəˈzāSH(ə)n]

Ex : Flax, Barley, Wheat. Ex : Bias is not an accusation.

Cognate words : Cognate words :
Wheaten ( adj ) Accused ( adj )
Accusingly ( adv )
Accuser ( n )

Affect ( v ) Grief ( n )
[əˈfekt] [ɡrēf]

Ex : Obviously, television can affect infants. Ex : The grief is unimaginable.

Cognate words : Cognate words :
Affected ( adj ) Grieve ( vt )
Affectedly ( adv )
Affection ( n )
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 4

Aberration ( n ) Punch ( n )
[abəˈrāSH(ə)n] [pən(t)SH]

Ex : Agent Atsumi said it was a statistical Ex : Let me see your punch!

aberration. Cognate words :
Cognate words : Puncher ( n )
Aberrant ( adj )
Aberrance ( n )

Maintain ( v ) Claim ( v )
[mānˈtān] [klām]

Ex : Maintain clean conduct. Ex : Statistics back this claim.

Cognate words : Cognate words :
Maintainable ( adj ) Claimant ( n )
Maintenance ( n )

Announce ( v ) Rapid (Adj)

[əˈnouns] /’raepid/

Ex : You don’t have to announce anything today. Expl : The area has seen a rapid population growth.
Cognate words : Cognate word:
Announcement ( n ) Rapidly (adv)
Rapidity / Rapidness (n)

Refined (adj) Provoke (V)

/rI’faInd/ /pre’vouk/

Expl : Oil is refined to remove naturally occurring Expl : His duty was to conciliate the people, not to
impurities. provoke them.
Cognate word: Cognate word:
Refinement / Refinery / Refining / Refiner (n) Provoking / Provoked (adj)
Refining (v) Provocation (n)
Refine (vt) Provoking / Provoked (v)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 4

Pity (n) Parliament (n)

/’pIti/ /’pa:lement/

Expl : Her voice was tender, full of pity. Expl : He was elected to Parliament as the Member
Cognate word: for Leeds.
Pitiful / Pitiable / Pitiless / Pitying (adj) Conate word:
Pitifully / Pitiably / Pitilessly / Pityingly (adv) Parliamentary / Parliamentarian (adj)
Pitilessness (n) Parliamentarian (n)

Obtain(v) Odd(adj)
/eb’teIn/ /a:d/

Expl : Underage youths can obtain alcohol from Expl : they were an odd-looking couple.
their older friends.
Cognate word: Oddish (adj)
Obtainment (n) Oddly (adv)
Obtainable (adj) Oddity / Oddment / Oddness (n)

Prejudice (n)
Port (n) /’predjudis/
/po:t/ Expl : He was a victim of racial prejudice.
Cognate word:
Expl : Boston quickly became a flourishing port. Prejudiced / Prejudicial (adj)
Cognate word: Prejudication (n)
Portal / Porter / Portage (n) Prejudiced (v)
Portage (v)

Prominent (adj) Pile (N)

/’pramInent/ /paIl/

Expl : He had an angular face with prominent Expl : Its brass feet dented the carpet’s thick pile.
cheekbones Cognate word:
Cognate word: Piled (adj)
Prominently (adv) Piling (n)
Prominence (n) Piled (v)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 4

Pace (N) Pound (N)

/peIs/ /paund/

Expl : The riders had to keep their pace up. Expl : You were never a ninety-einght pound
Cognate word: weakling.
Pacy (adj) Cognate word:
Pacing (v) Pounding / Poundage / Pounder (n)
Pacing / Pacer (n) Pounding (v)

Pole (N)

Expl : The truck crashed into a telegraph pole.

Cognate word:
Pole (n)
Poler (n)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 5

Redden (V)
Negotiated [ ‘redn ]
Ex : English version of the word redden.
Ex : She tried to negotiate with father
Cognate Words :
Cognite words : Redden (V)
Negotiated (V) Rednes (N)
Negotiation (N) Red (Adj)
Negotiable (Adj)

Modernize (V) Glorify (V)

[ ma:dernaiz ] [ glo:rifay ]

Ex : It’s in the museum of modern Art. Ex : Additionally,obelisk were used to glorify the Pharaohs

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Modernize (V) Glorifay (v)
Modernity (N) Glory (N)
Modern (Adj) Glorious (Adj)

Imitate (V) Strengthen (V)

[ breɪk ] [ˈstreŋ.θən]

Ex : His children should imitate him. Ex : His battle against cancer has strengthened his belief
in God
Cognate Words :
Imitate (V) Cognote Words :
Imitation (N) Strength (n)
Imitative (Adj) Strengthener (n)
Imitatively (Adv)

Suspect (V) Die (V)

[səˈspekt] [daɪ]

Ex : No one knows who killed her, but the police suspect Ex : It is a brave person who will die for their beliefs
her husband
Cognote Words :
Cognote Words : Dead (Adj)
Suspected (V) Deadly (Adv)
Suspensive (Adj) Death (n)
Dying (n)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 5

Debilitate (V) Bleed (V)

[dɪˈbɪlɪteɪt] [blēd]
Ex: All the stories began to bleed together.
Ex: The radiation produced in a nuclear war, among its
many other effects, debilitates the body’s immunological Cognate Words :
system. Bloodily (Adv)
Bloodless (Adj)
Cognate Words : Bloodiness (n)
Debilitated (adj)
Debilitating (n)

Deafen (V) Dismiss (V)

[ˈdefən] [dɪsˈmɪs ]

Exp :In case we have to deafen them to death?

Ex : Hey, you can’t dismiss my subjects like that.
Cognate words:
Deafness(N) Cognate words:
deaf(Adj) Dismissive/Dismissible (Adj)
Dismissal/Dismission (N)

Cheap (Adj) Reliable (Adj)

[ˈtʃiːp ] [ rɪˈlaɪəbəl ]

Ex : There is no reliable information about civilian

Ex : I’m going to live off campus if I can find somewhere casualties.
cheap enough.
Cognate words:
Cognate words: Reliably (Adv)
Cheaply (Adv) Rely (V)
Cheapskate (N) Reliability (N)

Fascinating (Adj) Scratch (V)

[ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ] [ˈskrætʃ ]

Ex : What was fascinating to me was the way the Ex: Captain speedy began to scratch his forehead, as if he
creatures moved. were trying to tear off his skin.

Cognate Words : Cognote Words :

Fascinated (adj) Scratchy (Adj)
Fascinatingly (adv) Scratcher (N)
Fascination (n)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 5

Dig (N) Lend (V)

[dɪɡ] [Lend]

Ex : He’s always making a dig at me Ex : Very reluctantly, I’ve consented to lend him my car

Cognote Word : Cognote Word :

Digging (V) Lender (N)
Dug (V)

Acquire (V) Aid (N)

[əˈkwaɪər] [eɪd]

Ex : They estimate that millions of patients every year Ex : A woman in the street saw that he was in trouble and
acquire infections while in hospital came to his aid

Cognote Word : Cognote Word :

Acquirable (Adv) Aider (N)
Acquirability (N) Aidful (Adj)
Acquirer (N) Aidless (Adj)

Enumerate (V) Evaporate(V)

[əˈn(y)o͞oməˌrāt] [əˈvapəˌrāt]

Ex: I enumerate the work that will have to be done. Ex: So we need to let that evaporate.

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Enumerable (Adj) Evaporative/Evaporable (Adj)
Enumeration/Enumerator (n) Evaporation/Evaporite (n)

Fascinate (V) Imitate (V)

[ˈfasəˌnāt] [ˈiməˌtāt]
Ex: He could imitate in speech or writing most of
Ex: What facts about the ant fascinate you? those he admired.

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Fascinating/Fascinated (Adj) Imitative/Imitation (Adj)
Fascination (n) Imitation/Imitator (n)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 5

Irritated (V) Narrow (Adv)

[ˈirəˌtāt] [ˈnerō]

Ex: Her high voice really irritated Maria. Ex: Access was via a narrow archway.
Cognate Words : Cognate Words :
Irritative/Irritant (Adj) Narrowed (V)
Irritation/Irritability (n) Narrowing (V)
Narrowness (n)

Moist (Adj) Bad(Adj)

[moist] [bæd]

Ex: The soil is reasonable moist after the September Ex: His spelling is very bad.
rain. Cognate Words :
Cognate Words : Bad (Adj)
Moistened (V) Badly/Bad(Adv)
Moistly (Adv) Bad/Badness (n)
Moisture/Moistener (n)

Permit (V) Antecedent (N)

[pərˈmɪt] [ˌæntɪˈsiːdnt]

Ex: We're waiting for the building permit to go Ex : We shall first look briefly at the historical
through. antecedents of this theory.

Cognate Words : Antecedence (n)

Cognate Words : Antecedency (n)
Permissibly/Permissively (Adv) Antecedenly (adv)
Permissive/Permissible (Adj)
Permission/Permissibility (n)

Afterwards (V) Artificial (Adj)

[ˈæftərwərdz] [ˌɑːrtɪˈfɪʃl]

Ex : Let's go out now and eat afterwards. Ex : All food served in the restaurant is completely free
from any artificial colours and flavours.
Cognate Words :
Afterthought (n) Cogante Words :
Artificially (adv)
Artificiality (n)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 5

Astonish (V) Detach (V)

[əˈstɑːnɪʃ] [dɪˈtætʃ]

Ex : It astonishes me (that) he could be so thoughtless. Ex : Detach the coupon and return it as soon as possible.

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Astonishment (n) Detachable (adj)
Astonishing (adj) Detachment (n)
Astonishingly (adv) Detached (V)

Beneath (Prep)

Ex : She found pleasure in sitting beneath the trees.

Cogante Words :
Beneath (adverb)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 6

Callous [Adj] Acutely [Adv]

/ˈkæləs/ /əˈkjuːtli/

e.g. The troops showed a callous disregard for life and e.g. I am acutely aware of the difficulties we face.
Cognate Words :
Cognate Words : Acute (Adj)
Callously (adv) Acuteness (n)
Callousness (n)

Condemn [V] Covet [V]

/kənˈdem/ /ˈkʌvət/

e.g. In 1919, Middleton was convicted of e.g. She covets everything that belongs to her sister.
murder and condemned to die.
Cognate Words :
Cognate Words : Coveted (V2/V3)
Condemned (V2/V3) Covetous (adj)
Condemnable (adj) Covetousness (n)
Condemnation (n)

Frown [V] Furious [Adj]

/fraʊn/ /ˈfjʊriəs/

e.g. By then the customer was frowning impatiently. e.g. He was furious with himself for letting things get so
out of control.
Cognate Words :
Frown (n) Cognate Words :
Frowned (V2/V3) Furiously (adv)
Furiousness (n)
Furiosity (n)

Desolate [Adj] Deduce [V]

/ˈdesələt/ /dɪˈduːs/

e.g. The forest was now a desolate wasteland of charred e.g. Using the evidence available it is possible to deduce
tree stumps. quite a lot about how these people lived.

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Desolately (adv) Deduced (V2/V3)
Desolation (n) Deductive (adj)
Deduction (n)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 6

Despicable [Adj] Downcast [Adj]

/dɪˈspɪkəbl/ /ˈdaʊnkæst/

e.g. Would do something as despicable as murder? e.g. And Meg’s downcast face brightened as she spoke.

Cognate Words : Cognate Words : Downer (n)

Despicably (adv)

Guarantee [V] Humiliate [V]

/ˌɡærənˈtiː/ /hjuːˈmɪlieɪt/

e.g. They told aid workers to leave, saying they could not e.g. I didn't want to humiliate her in front of her
guarantee their safety. colleagues.

Cognate Works : Cognate Words :

Guaranteed (V2/V3/adj) Humiliated (V2/V3/adj)
Guaranty (n) Humiliating (adj)
Humiliation (n)

Hatred [N] Integer [N]

/ˈheɪtrɪd/ /ˈɪntɪdʒər/

e.g. He has a deep hatred of the police. e.g. Enter any positive integer between 0 and 255.

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Hate (V/n) Integrate (adj/n)
Hatefully (adv) Integral (adj/n)
Integrally (adv)
Integrality (n)

Neglect [V] Moth [N]

/nɪˈɡlekt/ /mɔːθ/

e.g. They are neglecting their duty as elected e.g. Moths fly mainly at night and are attracted to bright
representatives. lights.

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Neglected (V2/V3/adj) Mothy (adj)
Negligible (adj)
Negligently (adv)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 6

Sanctuary [N] Suffocate [V]

/ˈsæŋktʃueri/ /ˈsʌfəkeɪt/

e.g. Thousands of refugees have sought sanctuary in e.g. He put the pillow over her face and suffocated her.
neighbouring countries.
Cognate Words :
Cognate Words : Suffocated (V2/V3)
Sanctum (n) Suffocating (adj)
Suffocation (n)

Treason [N] Devote (V)

/ˈtriːzn/ (dɪvoʊt)

e.g. In 1606 Guy Fawkes was executed for treason. Expl : It’s members devote themselves to the education
of poor boys.
Cognate Words :
Treasonable (ad) Cognate words:
Treasonous (adj) Devoted / Devotional (Adj)
Devotion (N)
Devoted (V)

Dignify (V) Debilitate (V)

(dɪgnɪfaɪ) (dɪbɪlɪteɪt)

Expl : We won’t dignify this kind of speculation with a Expl : He thought it dangerous to make an
comment. already debilitated patient vomit.

Cognate words: Cognate words:

Dignified (Adj) Debilitating / Debilitated (Adj)
Dignity (N) Debilitation / Debility (N)

Forsake(V) Innnocent (Adj)

[fərˈsāk] [ˈinəsənt]

Expl: We had to fosake logic and follow his instructions. Expl : is dating simply an innocent custom?

Cognate Words: Cognate words :

Forsook (V2) Innocently (Adv)
Forsaken (V3) Innocence (N)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 6

Omit [V] Ominous [Adj]

/əˈmɪt/ /ˈɑːmɪnəs/

e.g. If you are a student, you can omit questions 16–18. e.g. If you see an ominous frown on your boss's face,
you're in trouble!
Cognate Words :
Omitted (V2/V3) Cognate Words :
Omission (n) Ominously (adv)

Prosperous [Adj] Propose [V]

/ˈprɑːspərəs/ /prəˈpəʊz/

e.g. He lives in the relatively prosperous city of New Delhi, e.g. This year we propose a tax increase of 3.9 percent.
in India.
Cognate Words :
Cognate Words : Proposed (V2/V3/adj)
Prosperously (adv) Proposer (n)
Prosperity (n)
Prosper (V)

Precise [Adj] Overwhelm [V]

/prɪˈsaɪs/ /ˌəʊvərˈwelm/

e.g. Please give precise details about your previous e.g. The beauty of the landscape overwhelmed me.
Cognate Words :
Cognate Words : Overwhelmed (V2/V3)
Precisely (adv) Overwhelming (adj)
Precision (n) Overwhelmingly (adv)

Smudge [N] Slash [V]

/smʌdʒ/ /slæʃ/

e.g. She pushed back her hair, leaving a smudge of paint e.g. She tried to commit suicide by slashing her wrists.
on her face.
Cognate Words :
Cognate Words : Slashed (V2/V3)
Smudge (V) Slashing (adj/n)
Smudgy (adj) Slash (n)
Slasher (n)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Week 6

Sophisticated [Adj] Snug [Adj]

/səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd/ /snʌɡ/

e.g. The inner workings of a computer are sophisticated. e.g. I spent the afternoon snug and warm in bed.

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Sophisticatedly (adv) Snugly (adv)
Sophisticate (n) Snug (n)

Sufficient [Adj]

e.g. These reasons are not sufficient to justify the ban.

Cognate Words :
Suffice (V)
Sufficiency (n)
Sufficiently (adv)
Salman Safiqy (21090122120011)
Week 7

Choke (V) Mental (adj)

CHōk ˈmen(t)l
Ex : the power of riches is deceptive and can Ex : that doesn`t understand mental healt.
choke spirituality. Cognate words :
Cognate words : Mentally (adv)
Mentality (n)
Choking (adj)
Choker (n)

Wish (V) Coat (N)

wiSH kōt
Ex : unless you wish to poison him. Ex : where is your coat
Cognate words : Cognate words :
Wistful (adj) Coated (adj)
Coating (v)
Wishfully (adv)
Wishing (n)
Climb (V) Fit (adj)
klīm fit
Ex : join us in the climb Ex : if it would even fit

Cognate words : Cognate worrds :

Fitting (n)
Climbing (adj)
Fittingly (adv)
Climber (n)

Bell (N) Bend (V)

bel bend
Ex : that ring a bell? Ex : bend your fingers

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Bended (adj)
Bellied (adj)
Bending (n)
Bellying (v)

Perish (V) Glorify (V)

ˈperiSH ˈɡlôrəˌfī
Ex : that is how democracies perish. Ex : i shall rescue him and glorify him.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Glorified (adj)
Perishable (adj)
Glory (n)
Perisher (n)
Salman Safiqy (21090122120011)
Week 7

Arch (N) Area (N)

ärCH ˈerēə
Ex : 2 arch of triumph Ex : size and topography of area.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Arched (adj) Areal (adj)
Archly (adv)
Archer (n)
Arm (N) Art (N)
ärm ärt
Ex : adri stroked his wife`s arm. Ex : the art of brewing

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Armed (adj) Arty (adj)
Armor (vt) Artist (n)

Bill (V) Capture (V)

bil ˈkapCHər
Ex : pay your credit-card bill promptly. Ex : that oculd capture this gigantic economy
of scale.
Cognate words : Cognate words :
Billing (n) Captive (adj)
Captor (n)

Cart (N) Carve (V)

kärt kärv
Ex : please, would you just just go back to the Ex : do i carve a message in the snow?
Coganate words : Cognate words :
Carrier (n) Carved (adj)
Carving (n)

Castle (N) Casual (adj)

ˈkasəl ͞
Ex : what about the little castle ones ? Ex : this was no one-time casual look
Cognate words : Cognate words :
Castled (adj) Casually (adv)
Castling (v) Casualness (n)
Salman Safiqy (21090122120011)
Week 7

Redden (V) Sadden (V)

ˈredn ˈsadn
Ex : yet even if red chips falter, hongkongs Ex : 15 granted, trials can sadden or even
bussines scane will continue to redden. depress us.
Cognate words : Cognate words :
Red (adj) Sad (adj)
Redly (adv) Sadly (adv)
Red (n) Sadness (n)
whiten (V) Include (V)
ˈ(h)wītn inˈklo͞od
Ex : we have lasers, we can whiten it out. Ex : include a brief demonstration

Cognate words : Conate words :

White (adj) Inclusive (adj)
Whitey (n) Inclusion (n)

mimic (V) Harm (N)

ˈmimik härm
Ex : we can mimic nature Ex : no harm, no foul?

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Mimetic (adj) Harmful (adj)
Harmfully (adv)
Mime (n)

Firm (V) Explain (V)

fərm ikˈsplān
Ex : his tone was firm. Ex : lena tired to explain

Cognate words : Cognate words :

firmness Explainable (adj)
Explanation (n)

Interfere (V) Strike (V)

ˌin(t)ərˈfir strīk
Ex : don`t interfere Ex : he could not run, he could not strike a
Cognate words : Cognate words :
Interfering (adj) Struck (adj)
Inerference (n) Striker (n)
Salman Safiqy (21090122120011)
Week 7

Bleed (V) Cheap (adj)

blēd CHēp
Ex : they bleed for it. Ex : everything`s really cheap.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Bloody (adj) Cheaply (adv)
Bloodly (adv) Cheapskate (n)
Blood (n)
Rake (V) Aid (N)
rāk ād
Ex : do not rake fire into your bosom Ex : please, lend him some more aid!

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Rake (v) Aid (n)

Moist (adj)
Ex : keep yor skin moist.

Cognate words :
Moistly (adv)
Moisture (n)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Permit [N] Decline [N]

[pɚˈmɪt] [dɪˈklaɪn]

Ex : She has managed to obtain a temporary residence Ex : industrial decline

Cognate words :
Cognate words : Declination (N)
Permisssion / Permissiveness / Permissibility (N)
Permissibly / Permissively (Adv)
Permissible / Permissive (Adj)

Endorse [V] Hike [N]

[ɪnˈdɔːrs] [haɪk]

Ex : I certainly don’t endorse her views. Ex : The recent hike in train fares came as a shock to
Cognate words :
Endorsement / Endorser (N) Cognate words :
Endorsed (Adj) Hiking / Hiker (N)

Favor [N] Ramble [V]

[feɪ.vər] [ˈræm.bəl]

Ex : Will you do me a favor and turn the oven on at four Ex : I love to ramble through the fields and lanes in this
o’clock? part of the country.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Favorite / Favour / Favourite / Favourable (N) Rambler (N)
Favorable / Favored (Adj) Rambling (V)
Favorably (Adj)

Promote [V] Select [Adj]

[prəˈmoʊt] [səˈlekt]

Ex : Advertising companies are always having to think up Ex : There was a choice of four prizes, and the winner
new ways to promote products. could select one of them.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Promotion / Promoter (N) Selection / Selector / Selectivity (N)
Promotional / Promotive (Adj) Selective / Selected (Adj)
Selectively (Adj)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011

Prime [Adj] Mature [Adj]

[praɪm] [məˈtʊr]

Ex : This is a prime example of 1930s architecture. Ex : He's very mature for his age.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Primary / Primer / Primal / Priming / Primality / Primness (N) Maturity / Maturation (N)
Primaily (Adv) Matured (Adj)
Primeval / Prim (Adj) Maturely (Adv)

Force (V) Ripe [Adj]

[fɔːrs] [raɪp]
Ex: Air force jets bombed the airport.
Cognate Words: Ex : The fruit turns red when it is ripe.
- Forced / Forceful (adj)
Cognate words :
- Forcefully (adv)
Ripeness (N)
- Forcefulness (n) Ripen (Vi)
Ripely (Adv)

Form (V) Willing [Adj]

[fɔːrm] [ˈwɪl.ɪŋ]
Ex: Gambling is a form of entertainment.
Cognate Words: Ex : He is not willing to concede any of his power.
- Former / Formal / Formalized (adj)
Cognate words :
- Formally (adv)
Will / Willingness / Willpower / Willful (N)
- Former / Formal / Formality (n) Willdul (Adj)
Willingly / Willfully (Adv)

Infant [N] Game [Adj]

[ˈɪn.fənt] [ɡeɪm]

Ex : a newborn infant. Ex : The children played a game of cops and robbers.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Infancy / Infantilism (N) Gambling / Gaming / Gameness (N)
Infantile (Adj) Gamely (Adv)
Gamy / Gamey (Adj)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Shy [Adj] Scant [Adj]
[ʃaɪ] [skænt]

Ex : He was too shy to ask her to dance with him. Ex : He pays scant attention to the needs of his children.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Shyness (N) Scantiness (N)
Shyly / Shily (Adv) Scanily (Adv)
Scanty (Adj)

Rash [N] Ample [Adj]

[ræʃ] [ˈæm.pəl]

Ex : I've got an itchy rash all over my chest. Ex : You'll have ample opportunity to ask questions after
the talk.
Cognate words :
Rashness (N) Cognate words :
Rashly (Adv) Ampleness (N)
Amply (Adv)

Prudent [Adj] Lavish [Adj]

[ˈpruː.dənt] [ˈlæv.ɪʃ]

Ex : It's always prudent to read a contract carefully before Ex : The lavish production makes this musical truly
signing it. memorable.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Prudence (N) Lavishness (N)
Prudently (Adv) Lavishly (Adv)
Prudential (Adj)

Frugal [Adj] Stingy [Adj]

[ˈfruː.ɡəl] [ˈstɪn.dʒi]

Ex : a frugal lifestyle. Ex : He's really stingy and never buys anyone a drink
when we go out.
Cognate words :
Frugality (N) Cognate words :
Frugally (Adv) Sting / Stinger / Stinginess (N)
Stinging / Stingless (Adj)
Stingly (Adv)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Near [Adj] Junk [N]
[nɪr] [dʒʌŋk]

Ex : Is there a restaurant near here? Ex : We ought to clear out this cupboard - it's full of junk.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Nearness (N) Junky (N)

Former [Adj] Shed [V]

[ˈfɔːr.mɚ] [ʃed]

Ex : the former president of the United States. Ex : She's planting seeds in the shed.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Form / Formative / Formalism / Formalization (N) Shedding / Shedder (N)
Formally / Formerly (Adv)
Formalized / Formless (Adj)

Depart [V] Firm [Adj]

[dɪˈpɑːrt] [fɝːm]

Ex : The plane departs at 6 a.m. Ex : These pears are still too firm to eat.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Departure / Departed (N) Firmness (N)

Quit [V] Genuine [Adj]

[kwɪt] [ˈdʒen.ju.ɪn]

Ex : I'm going to quit smoking. Ex : genuine leather.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Quitter / Quittance (N) Genuineness (N)
Genuinely (Adv)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Sound [N] Divide [V]
[saʊnd] [dɪˈvaɪd]

Ex : They could hear the sound of a bell tolling in the distance. Ex : At the end of the lecture, I'd like all the students to
divide into small discussion groups.
Cognate words :
Soundness / Sounding / Sounder (N) Cognate words :
Soundly / Soundlessly (Adv) Division / Divider / Divisibility (N)
Sounding / Soundless (Adj) Divided / Divisive / Divisible / Dividing / Divisional (Adj)
Dividing (V)

Tone [N]

Ex : I tried to use a sympathetic tone of voice.

Cognate words :
Toner / Tonality (N)
Tonal / Toned / Toneless (Adj)
Tonelessly (Adv)
Nama : Salman Safiqy
Nim : 21090122120011
Drug [N] Ancestor [N]
[drʌɡ] [ˈæɚ]

Ex : The new drug could be an important step in Ex : There were portraits of his ancestors on the
the fight against cancer. walls of the room.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Druggist (N) Ancestral (Adj)
Ancestry /Ancestress (N)

Cure [N] Condemn [V]

[kjʊr] [kənˈdem]

Ex : The best cure for boredom is hard work! Ex : The terrorist action has been condemned as
an act of barbarism and cowardice.
Cogante words :
Cured / Curable (Adj) Cognate words :
Cured (V) Condemnation / Condemning (N)
Condemnatory / Condemnable (Adj)

Dope [N] Sucker [N]

[doʊp] [ˈsʌk.ɚ]

Ex : They were arrested for smoking dope. Ex : The leech has a sucker at each end of its
Cogante words :
Dopy (N) Cognate words :
Doped / Dopey / Dopy (Adj) Suck / Suckling (N)
Sucking (V)

Bottom [N] Source [N]

[ˈbɑː.t̬ əm] [sɔːrs]

Ex : He stood at the bottom of the stairs and called Ex : Money is often a source of tension and
up to me. disagreements in young married couples.

Cognate words : Cogante words :

Bottomless / Bottomed (Adj) Source (N)
Nama : Salman Safiqy
Nim : 21090122120011
Wreck [N] Punish [V]\
[rek] [ˈpʌn.ɪʃ]

Ex : He has been warned that his behaviour might Ex : See how I punish you dirty people!
wreck his chances of promotion.
Cognate words :
Cognate words : Punishment (N)
Wrecked (Adj) Punitve / Punishing / Punishable / Punitory (Adj)
Wreckage / Wrecker / Wrecking (N) Punitively (Adv)

Prototype [N] Paradigm [N]

[ˈproʊ.t̬ ə.taɪp] [ˈper.ə.daɪm]

Ex : a prototype a new car. Ex : Some of these educators are hoping to

produce a change in the current cultural paradigm.
Cognate words :
Prototypical / Prototypal(Adj) Cognate words :
Paradigmatic (Adj)

Overthrow [V] Ruin [N]

[ˌoʊ.vɚˈθroʊ] [ˈruː.ɪn]

Ex : the overthrow of the monarchy. Ex : The car accident meant the ruin of all her
Cognate words :
Overturned (Adj) Cognate words :
Ruined / Ruinous (Adj)
Ruination (N)
Ruinously (Adv)

Origin [N] Theory [N]

[ˈɔːr.ə.dʒɪn] [ˈθɪr.i]

Ex : It's a book about the origin of the universe. Ex : He has a theory that the hole was caused by a
Cognate words :
Original / Originality / Originator / Origination Cognate words :
(N) Theorem / Theorist / Theoritican / Theorization /
Originally (Adv) Theorizer (N)
Theoretically (Adv)
Theoritical / Theoretic (Adj)
Nama : Salman Safiqy
Nim : 21090122120011
Speculation [N] Gamble [N]
[ˌspek.jəˈleɪ.ʃən] [ˈɡæm.bəl]

Ex : Rumours that they are about to marry have Ex : I like to gamble when I play cards.
been dismissed as pure speculation.
Cognate words :
Cognate words : Gambling / Gambler (N)
Speculator / Speculativeness (N)
Speculative (Adj)

Assert (V) Astonish (V)

[/əˈsərt/] [/əˈstäniSH/]

Ex : Mr. Helm plans to assert that the bill violates Ex : My news will astonish you.
the First amendment.
Cognate Words :
Cognate Words : Astonishing (Adj)
Assertive/Asserted/Assertable (Adj) Astonishingly (Adv)
Assertively (Adv) Astonishment (N)
Assertion (N)

Cement (N) Chalk (N)

[/səˈment/] [/CHôk/]

Ex : I poured cement in the hole he dug under the Ex: Let's chalk it up to an inactivespring.
Cognate Words :
Cognate Words : Chalky (Adj)
Cement (N)

Chase (V) Coal (N)

[/CHās/] [/kōl/]

Ex : I don't mean to chase you out. Ex : Coal is found in the ground, too.

Cognate Words : Cognate Words :

Chaser (N) Coal (N)
Nama : Salman Safiqy
Nim : 21090122120011
Murder [N] Assassination [N]
[ˈmɝː.dɚ] [əˌsæs.əˈneɪ.ʃən]

Ex : a murder weapon. Ex : the assassination of the opposition leader

Cognate words : Cognate Words :

Murderer / Murderee / Murderess (N) Assassin / Assassinator (N)
Murderous (Adj) Assassinate (Vt)

Purge [N] Oust [V]

[pɝːdʒ] [aʊst]

Ex : Party leaders have undertaken to purge the Ex : Police are trying to oust drug dealers from the
party of extremists. city .

Cognate Words : Cognate words :

Purification / Purging / Purifier / Purifying / Ouster (N)
Purgative / Purgation (N)

Hire [V] Engage [V]

[haɪ] [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ]

Ex : How much would it cost to hire a car for the Ex : She has been known to engage the services of
weekend? a professional shopper.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Hireling (Adj) Engagement (N)
Hirer (N) Engagingly (Adv)
Engagaed / Engaging (Adj)

Sack [V] Pocket [N]

[sæk] [ˈpɑː.kɪt]

Ex : a sack of flour Ex : a jacket pocket.

Cognate Words : Cognate words :

Sacking / Sackcloth (N) Pocketable (Adj)
Nama : Salman Safiqy
Nim : 21090122120011
Comb (N) Conceal (V)
[/kōm/] [/kənˈsēl/]

Ex : I've got to go comb my hair. of Ex : Yet she was always trying to conceal
that passion.
Cognate Words :
Combed (N) Cognate Words :
Combed (V) Concealment/Concealer (N)

Contrary (Adj)

Ex : On the contrary, I didn't evenhearit.


Cognate Words :
Contrarious (Adj)
Contrarian/Contrariety/Contrariness (N)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Neglect [V] Extend [V]
[nɪˈɡlekt] [ɪkˈstend]

Ex : to neglect your appearance the house Ex : We have plans to extend our house.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Negligence (N) Extensive / Extended / Extensible / Extendable /
Negligible / Neglected / Negligent / Extensional / Extendible (Adj)
Neglectful (Adj) Extension / Extensiveness (N)
Negligently / Neglectfully (Adv) Extensively (Adv)

Trip [N] Campaign [N]

[trɪp] [kæmˈpeɪn]

Ex : The trip from York to Newcastle takes Ex : The protests were part of their campaign
about an hour by train. against the proposed building development in the
Cognate words :
Tripping / Tripper (N) Cognate words :
Campaigner (N)

Petition [N] Devotion [N]

[pəˈtɪʃ.ən] [dɪˈvoʊ.ʃən]

Ex : I signed a petition against the proposed Ex : He inspired respect and devotion from his
closure of the local hospital today. pupils.

Cognate words :
Devoted / Devotional (Adj)
Devotedly (Adv)

Poke [V] Regard [N]

[poʊk] [rɪˈɡɑːrd]

Ex : You'll poke someone in the eye with that Ex : The company holds her in high regard.
umbrella if you're not careful!
Cognate words :
Cognate words : Regardless / Regardant / Regardful (Adj)
Poker (N)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Store [N] Fertility [N]
[stɔːr] [fɚˈtɪl.ə.t̬ i]

Ex : a department store. Ex : He runs a fertility clinic.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Storage / Storekeeper (N) Fertile / Fertilistion (N)
Stored (Adj) Fertilize / Fertilise (Vt)

Plenty [N] Potency [N]

[ˈplen.t̬ i] [ˈpoʊ.t̬ ə]

Ex : They've always had plenty of money. Ex : This new drug's potency is not yet known.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Plenitude (N) Potentiality / Potentiate / Potentate (N)
Plentifully (Adv) Potent (Adj)
Plentiful / Plenteous (Adj)

Force [N] Frailty [N]

[fɔːrs] [ˈfreɪl.t̬ i]

Ex : The force of the wind had brought down a Ex : Though ill for most of her life, physical
great many trees in the area. frailty never stopped her from working.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Forcefulness (N) Frail (N)
Forced / Forceful (Adj)
Forcefully (Adv)

Flaw [N] Variance [N]

[flɑː] [ˈver.i.əns]

Ex : I returned the material because it had a flaw Ex : There has been some unusual variance in
in it. temperature this month.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Flawless (Adj) Variation / Variable / Variant / Variability (N)
Flawlessly (Adv)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Similarity [N] Undo [V]
[ˌsɪm.əˈler.ə.t̬ i] [ʌnˈduː]

Ex : I can see the similarity between you and Ex : Can someone help me to undo my seat belt?
your mother.
Cognate words :
Cognate words : Undoing (N)
Similar / Similitude (N) Undone (Adj)
Similarly (Adv)

Mar [V] Blot [N]

[mɑːr] [blɑːt]

Ex : I hope the fact that Louise isn't coming won't Ex : an ink blot.
mar your enjoyment of the evening.
Cognate words :
Cognate words : Blotter (N)
Marred (Adj) Blotchy (Adj)

Mark [N] Streak [N]

[mɑːrk] [striːk]

Ex : She had a red mark on her arm where she'd Ex : Her stubborn streak makes her very difficult
burned herself. to work with sometimes.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Marker / Marking (N) Streaker (N)
Marked (Adj) Streaky / Streaked (Adj)

Sphere [N] Expertise [N]

[sfɪr] [ˌek.spɝːˈtiːz]

Ex : Doctors have replaced the top of his hip bone Ex : We admired the expertise with which he
with a metal sphere. prepared the meal.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Sphericity (N) Expert / Expertness (N)
Sherical / Sheroidal (Adj)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Grasp [N] Sway [V]
[ɡræsp] [sweɪ]

Ex : We must grasp every opportunity to Ex : The movement of the ship caused the mast to
strengthen economic ties with other countries. sway from side to side.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Grasping / Graspable (Adj) Swayback (N)

Sovereignty [N] Rule [N]

[ˈsɑːv.rən.i] [ruːl]

Ex : Talks are being held about who should have Ex : The first/most important rule in life is always
sovereignty over the island. to appear confident.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Sovereign (N)

Lethargic [Adj] Dull [Adj]

[ləˈθɑːr.dʒɪk] [dʌl]

Ex : I was feeling tired and lethargic. Ex : He's pleasant enough, but deadly dull.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Lethargy (N) Dully (Adv)
Lethargically (Adv)

Gloomy [Adj] Sunny [Adj]

[ˈɡluː.mi] [ˈsʌn.i]

Ex : The cemetery is a gloomy place. Ex : We're having the party in the garden, so I'm
praying it'll be sunny.
Cognate words :
Gloom / Gloominess / Glooming (N) Cognate words :
Gloomily (Adv) Sun / Sunshine / Sunray / Sunniness (N)
Sunnily (Adv)
Sunlit / Sunless / Sunshiny (Adj)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Wet (Adj) Misty [Adj]
[wet] [ˈmɪs.ti]

Ex : a wet floor Ex : The morning will start off misty.

Cogante words : Cognate words :

Wetting / Wetness / Wetter (N) Mist / Mistness (N)
Weter / Wettable (Adj) Mistily (Adv)

Fuzzy [Adj]

Ex : Is the picture always fuzzy on your TV?

Cognate words :
Fuzz / Fuzziness (N)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Rural [Adj] Restrain [V]
[’rurel] [ri’strein]

Ex : The landscape has remained predominantly Ex : She was unable to restrain her desperate
rural in appearance. anger.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Rurally (Adv) Restraint / Restrainer (N)
Ruralism / Ruralist / Rurality (N) Restrained (Adj)
Restrained (V)

Rod [N] Reliable [Adj}

[rad] [rI’laiebl]

Ex : The rod bent double, the reel shrieked and Ex : There is no reliable information about
ratcheted. civilian casualties.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Rod (N) Reliably (Adv)
Reliability (N)
Rely (Vi)

Rot [N] Rigid

[Rat] [‘ridjid]

Ex : Sugary canned drinks rot your teeth. Ex : The prospect of failure scares me rigid.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Rotting (N) Rigorous (Adj)
Rotting (V) Rigidity / Rigor / Rigidness (N)
Rigidly (Adv)

Spacecraft [N] Sword

[’speiskra:ft] [sc:d]

Ex : The spacecraft will enable scientists to study Ex : He clanged his sword three times on his
some dark corners of the solar system. shield.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Spaceship (N) Sword (N)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Saint Soil [N]
[seint] [Soil]

Ex : My girlfriend Geraldine is a saint to put up Ex : Farmers grow rice in the rich soil.
with me.
Cognate words :
Cognate words : Soil (N)
Saintly / Sainted / Saintlike (Adj)
Sainted (V)
Sainthood / Saintliness (N)

Solemn [Adj] Unaware (Adj)

[’salem] [ˌʌnəˈwɛr]

Ex : His solemn little face broke into smiles. Ex : Are they possibly unaware of the importance
of doing so?
Cognate words :
Solemnity / Solemnization (N) Cognate words:
Solemnly (Adv) Unawareness (N)

Sin (V) Dizzy (adj)

[sɪn] [dɪzɪ]

Ex : We were all born with a fatal flaw sin! Ex: My legs were exhausted, my head was
Cognate words:
Sinful/sinless (Adj) Cognate Words:
Sinner (N) Dizzily (Adv)
Dizziness (N)

Parade [N] Exalt [V]

[pəˈrād] [iɡˈzôlt]

Ex : But first a special parade is held. Ex : King of all days, oh so highly exalt.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Paraded (V) Exalted [Adj]
Exaltation [N]
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Decomposition [N] Putrid [Adj]
[ˌdiː.kɑːm.pəˈzɪʃ.ən] [ˈpjuː.trɪd]

Ex : The corpse was in an advanced stage of Ex : What's that putrid smell?

Cogante words :
Cognate words : Putrefaction / Putrescence / Putrescible / Putridity
Decomposite (N) / Putridness (N)
Decompose (Vi) Putrefactive / Putrescent (Adj)
Decomposable / Decomposite (Adj) Putrefy (Vi)

Foul [Adj] Notorious [Adj]

[faʊl] [noʊˈtɔːr.i.əs]

Ex : Those toilets smell foul! Ex : one of Mexico's most notorious criminals

Cognate words : Cognate words :
Foulness (N) Notoriously (Adv)
Foully (Adv) Notoriety (N)

Moral [N] Proverb [N]

[ˈmɔːr.əl] [ˈprɑː.vɝːb]

Ex : It's her moral obligation to tell the police Ex : The appetite, says the proverb, grows with
what she knows. eating.
Cognate words : Cognate words :
Morality / Moralism / Moralist / Moralization (N) Proverbial (Adj)
Morally (Adv)
Moralistic (Adj)

Slogan [N] Jingle [N]

[ˈsloʊ.ɡən] [ˈdʒɪŋ.ɡəl]

Ex : a campaign slogan Ex : the jingle of sleigh bells.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Sloganeer (N) Jingling (N)
Jingly (Adj)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Verse [N] Rhyme [N]
[vɝːs] [raɪm]

Ex : Shakespeare wrote mostly in verse. Ex : "Blue" and "flew" rhyme.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Version / Versifier (N) Rhythmic / Rhyming / Rhymer / Rhymester (N)
Versify (Vt) Rhythmitical / Rhymed / Rhymeless (Adj)

Stone [N] Pebble [N]

[stoʊn] [ˈpeb.əl]

Ex : a primitive stone axe. Ex : This part of the coast has pebble beaches.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Stoner / Stoning (N) Pebbly (Adj)
Stonily (Adv)
Stony / Stoned (Adj)

Metal [N] Thus [Adv]

[ˈmet̬ .əl] [ðʌs]

Ex : The wooden beam is reinforced with a metal Ex : Bend from the waist, thus.
Cognate words :
Cogante words : Thusly (Adv)
Metalloid / Metalwork / Metalware (N)
Metalic (Adj)

Advise [V] Urge [N]

[ədˈvaɪz] [ɝːdʒ]

Ex : I'd strongly advise against making a sudden Ex : The urge to steal is very strong in some of
decision. these young men.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Advisor / Advisory / Adviser / Advisement / Urgency (N)
Advisee (N)
Advised (Adj)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Aversion [N] Hatred [N]
[əˈvɝː.ʒən] [ˈheɪ.trɪd]

Ex : I felt an instant aversion to his parents. Ex : What is very clear in these letters is Clark's
passionate hatred of his father.
Cognate words :
Aversive (Adj) Cognate words :
Hate (N)
Hatefully (Adv)

Antagonism [N]

Ex : There's a history of antagonism between the

two teams.

Cognate words :
Antagonistic (N)
Antagonize / Antagonize (Vi)
Antagonistic (Adj)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Peril [N] Splitting [Adj]
[ˈper.əl] [ˈsplɪt̬ .ɪŋ]

Ex : I never felt that my life was in peril. Ex : a splitting headache.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Perilous (Adj) Split (N)
Perilously (Adv)

Blizzard [N] Wizard [N]

[ˈblɪz.ɚd] [ˈwɪz.ɚd]

Ex : We once got stuck in a blizzard for six hours. Ex : Your mother's a wizard at Scrabble.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Blizzard (N) Wizardly (Adj)
Wizardry (N)

Barbarian [N] Hostage [N]

[bɑːrˈber.i.ən] [ˈhɑː.stɪdʒ]

Ex : The walled city was attacked by barbarian Ex : She was held hostage by the gunmen.
Cognate words :
Cognate words : Host (N)
Barbarism / Barbarization (N)
Barbaric (Adj)
Barbarously (Adv)

Drag [N] Art [N]

[dræɡ] [ɑːrt]

Ex : Drag racing. Ex : I enjoyed the ballet, but it wasn't really great

Cognate words :
Dragging (Adj) Cognate words :
Dragger (N) Arty (Adj)
Artist (N)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Strict [Adj] Harsh [Adj]
[strɪkt] [hɑːrʃ]

Ex : My parents were very strict with me when I Ex : The children had had a harsh upbringing.
was young.
Cognate words :
Cogante words : Harshness (N)
Strictly (Adv) Harshly (Adv)
Strictness (N) Harshen (Vt)

Mild [Adj] Vague [Adj]

[maɪld] [veɪɡ]

Ex : She can't accept even mild criticism of her Ex : I do have a vague memory of meeting her
work. many years ago.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Mildness (N) Vaguely (Adv)
Mildly (Adv) Vagueness (N)

Archer [N] Combat [N]

[ˈɑːr.tʃɚ] [ˈkɑːm.bæt]

Ex : The archer killed the deer. Ex : There was fierce combat between the two
Cognate words ;
Arch / Archery / Arching (N) Cognate words :
Combatant / Combativeness (N)
Combative (Adj)

Struggle [N] Scramble [N]

[ˈstrʌɡ.əl] [ˈskræm.bəl]

Ex : It was a terrible struggle for him to accept her Ex : It was a real scramble to the top of the
death. hillside.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Struggling (Adj) Scrambled / Scrambler (N)
Struggler (N)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Entertainment [N] Spiral [N]
[en.t̬ ɚˈteɪn.mənt] [ˈspaɪr.əl]

Ex : There's not much in the way of entertainment Ex : A corkscrew is spiral-shaped.

in this town - just the cinema and a couple of pubs.
Cognate words :
Cognate words : Spirally (Adv)
Entertaining (Adj) Spire / Spirilla / Spirillum (N)
Entertain (Vi)

Settled [Adj] Rapid [Adj]

[ˈset̬ .əld] [ˈræp.ɪd]

Ex : Now that the children are settled at school, we Ex : I was startled by a rapid movement to my
don't really want to move again. left.

Cogante words : Cognate words :

Settle / Settlement / Settler / Settling / Setscrew (N) Rapidity / Rapidness (N)
Rapidly (Adv)

Tardy [Adj] Paths [N]

[ˈtɑːr.di] [pæθ]

Ex : Dinner was somewhat delayed on account of Ex : a well-trodden path.

David's rather tardy arrival.
Cognate words :
Cognate words : Paths (N)
Tardiness / Tardigrade (N)
Tardigrade / Tardive (Adj)
Tardily (Adv)

Guard [N] Flat [Adj]

[ɡɑːrd] [flæt]

Ex : security guards. Ex : An ice rink needs to be completely flat.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Gaurded (Adj) Flatness / Flatmate (N)
Guardedly (Adv) Flatly (Adv)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Envy [N] Selfish [Adj]
[ˈ] [ˈsel.fɪʃ]

Ex : I envy her ability to talk to people she's never Ex : The judge told him: "Your attitude shows a
met before. selfish disregard for others."

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Envious / Enviable (Adj) Self / Selfishness / Selfessness (N)
Enviously / Enviably (Adv) Selfishly (Adv)
Selfless (Adj)

Venal [Adj] Ethic [N]

[viː.nəl] [ˈeθ.ɪk]

Ex : a venal ruler. Ex : he (Protestant) work ethic.

Cognate words : Cognate words :

Venality (N) Ethical (Adj)
Venally (Adv) Ethical / Ethics / Ethicist (N)
Ethically (Adv)

Principle [N] Span [N]

[ˈprɪn.sə.pəl] [spæn]

Ex : The machine works according to the principle Ex : Over a span of just three years, the new
of electromagnetic conduction. government has transformed the country's economic
Cognate words :
Principled (Adj) Cognate words :
Spanner (N)

May [V] Autumn [N]

[meɪ] [ˈɑː.t̬ əm]

Ex : There may be other problems that we don't Ex : Last autumn we went to Germany.
know about.
Cognate words :
Cognate words : Autumnal (Adj)
Might / Maybe (N)
Name : Salman Safiqy
NIM : 21090122120011
Fair [Adj] Flourish [V]
[fer] [ˈflɝː.ɪʃ]

Ex : Why should I have to do all the cleaning? It's Ex : Parts of the city continue to flourish.
not fair!
Cognate words :
Cognate words : Flour (N)
Fairness (N) Flourshing (Adj)
Fairly (Adv)

Humid [Adj]

Ex : New York is very hot and humid in the


Cogante words :
Humidty / Humectant (N)
Humidify (Vt)

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