2022-23 Notes On The Tentative Program 1-Online Baski

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Second Term Percentages

5% – Speaking Assessment
5% – Portfolio end products
15% – Announced Quizzes + Instructor’s Grades (IG)
25% – Midterms

Formal Assessment – Span 1

 There will be one midterm (MT3) at the end of the span (comprising Language, Vocabulary, Reading,
Listening and Writing parts). A test specification document will be provided prior to the Midterm.
 There will be two announced quizzes (AQ).
 There will be one Portfolio End Product (PEP).
 There will be one Instructor’s Grade at the end of the span. Each Instructor’s Grade (IG) will be
included in the semester average as one quiz grade. The Instructor’s Grade (IG) should be justifiable by
the criteria provided.
 Please note that the Program has been arranged by taking into consideration the quiz and PEP hours to
be administered in that particular week.

The grades of each quiz and PEP must be entered to dbeonline within a week after it is administered.
All grades, Attendance 3, and IG 1 must be entered to dbeonline by April 14, 2023, 18:00, the latest.


Announced Quiz 201 (AQ 201) 21 March 2023 Reading & Vocabulary
Announced Quiz 202 (AQ 202) 4 April 2023 Language & Vocabulary
Portfolio End Product 01 (PEP 01) 27 March 2023 Essay Writing

Skillful 3 Reading and Writing

 This book comprises a Student’s Book, Student’s Resource Center with class audio and video and Online
Workbook. In addition to the hardcopies of the student’s book and teacher’s book, instructors will have
access to the Teacher’s Presentation Kit and Teacher’s Resource Center with class audio, video, and test
 For the book/Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) material:
 Supplementary Handouts (Supp.HO) have been provided for the second reading of each unit. The
content of the Supplementary Handouts is included in the testing syllabus.
 The video sections at the beginning of each unit can be assigned as homework in case of time
constraints. Students can be asked to come to class having watched the video and answered the
 Students are responsible for the Grammar and Vocabulary items of the units indicated in the Program,
including the vocabulary items in the Glossary. These items are included in the testing syllabus.
 The active vocabulary for the book units indicated in the Program is on the Active Vocabulary List, and
the vocabulary items on this list are included in the testing syllabus. 
 Please note that the writing parts in the student’s book and workbook are two different tasks. Students
are responsible for the ones in the student’s book. Writing parts in the workbook are optional, and
students can do them in their own time.
 You can access the sample writing outputs in the teacher’s and student’s resources.
 Students will also be provided with Writing Handouts (WHO) in line with the writing input given in
Skillful 3 Reading & Writing.
 The exercises in the workbook are also students’ responsibility, and they are to be done outside class.
No class hours have been allotted for them. However, if you feel the need, you can assign and check
your choice of exercises in the class hours allocated for each unit.
 Please make sure you cover all the exercises in the book unless they are marked as “omitted” or
“optional,” but feel free to assign any task as homework in case of time constraints.

Please see the table below for the omitted/optional pages in the coursebook:
Unit 1 Writing task (p. 24) Optional
Unit 2 Academic words Part 2 Item 1 (p. 37) Please be aware that this item includes
a sensitive topic, so feel free to omit
the page if you feel necessary.
Writing task (p. 42) Optional
Unit 3 Study skills (p. 49) Omitted
Unit 4 Grammar (p. 76) Omitted
Unit 5 Study skills (p. 85) Omitted
The Critical thinking and Writing sections (pp. Omitted
Unit 6 Study skills (p. 103) Omitted
Critical thinking (p. 110) Omitted

NOTE: “Study skills” sections of Skillful 3 Reading & Writing are NOT included in the testing syllabus.

 As indicated in the program, there are TWO TED Talks. The aim of these talks is to encourage students to
practice listening and speaking while activating their critical thinking capability. Their contents or vocabulary
items are NOT included in the testing syllabus.

 The students are expected to actively participate in class discussions based on questions in Critical
Thinking sections of Skillful 3 Reading and Writing, TED TALKS materials, and in some reading
handouts. The students’ in-class speaking performances will NOT be graded.
 This span, students will participate in a whole-class debate in Week 4. A handout (SHO for Class
debate) has been prepared for this purpose. The debate will NOT be graded.
 There will be one Speaking Handout that aims to familiarize the students with the Speaking
Assessment and provide a sample task for practice. Please go over the sample task with your students
in class in Week 6.
 Please note that the Speaking Assessment includes a Read Aloud section. Whenever you have time,
please have your students read out loud short passages. This will be training for the speaking
 Sample videos will be available throughout the span on ODTUClass as of Week 2. Students can access
them and practice speaking multiple times.
 Details regarding speaking assessment will be sent before the end of the span.

 As indicated in the program, there are THREE reading handouts, two of which are to be done in class. In
case you are short of time, you can assign them as homework and give FB in class.
 The vocabulary of the reading handouts is NOT included in the testing syllabus.


 ONE text from More to Read II is to be done in class. (The Vocabulary Practice part of this text, MTR
140, can be assigned as homework.) The other MTR texts indicated on the Program are to be
assigned as homework. Both in-class and outside-class texts are included in the testing syllabus.
 No class hours have been allotted for the outside readings in the program as the students are
expected to do them in their own time, referring to the answer key of the book. 
 The active vocabulary for both in-class and outside-class texts is in the Active Vocabulary List, and the
words in the list and the collocations that appear on this list are included in the testing syllabus.

 There are TWO short stories in the Program. The aim of including these works in the Program is to add
variety and offer reading, critical thinking, and speaking practice to the students.
 Their contents or vocabulary are NOT included in the testing syllabus. In case you are short of time, feel
free to assign them as homework and give FB in class.


 There are FOUR listening and THREE note-taking and writing handouts this span. All of them aim to
provide further practice in listening to short and medium length talks and dialogues. The note-taking
activities in the listening handouts aim to provide practice in taking notes and answering questions using
their notes.
 Instructors can access the soft copies of the handouts and the audio files on ODTUClass as Word
documents. These materials will also be uploaded on ODTUClass in “book” format (in a way that
students can study them in their own time without having to download the audio files).

 GHO 1 has been provided to give students practice in gerunds and infinitives. GHO 2 has been provided to
give support to the grammar points introduced in Skillful 3 R&W Unit 6 and to introduce some other
structures that can be considered as alternatives to “if.” GHO 3 has been provided to introduce and give
practice in Causatives. All of the grammar handouts are included in the testing syllabus.
 All the other grammar points will be introduced to students only as much as the coursebook does.
 Videos that were prepared by DBE instructors are available for the students on the school’s Youtube
channel, dbeonline. Links to the relevant videos will be shared with the students on ODTUClass. Making use
of the videos is optional.
 The Tense Revision Handout and Noun Clause Revision Handout aim to provide practice in previously
learned tenses and noun clauses. Students are expected to do them in their own time. You can go over the
answers together with the students in class. The points covered are included in the testing syllabus.

 TWO paraphrasing handouts will be provided this span. The aim of PHO 1 is to introduce the meaning and
the methods of paraphrasing and nominalization, and the aim of PHO 2 is to provide students with
paraphrasing practice. (NOTE: Please make sure you cover PHO 1 before covering Supplementary Reading
Material 3 designed to support the second reading of Skillful 3 R&W Unit 3.)
 In case of time constraints, feel free to assign the items that cannot be covered in class as homework.


 This span, students will be expected to write THREE ESSAYS in accordance with the units in Skillful 3
Reading and Writing for their Writing Portfolio. They will also be provided with a writing handout in line
with the discourse studied in each Unit.
 WHO 1 (opinion essay making comparisons), WHO 2 (opinion essay based on the analysis of a problem
and solutions to it), and WHO 3 (opinion essay using cause and effect relationships) have been prepared
to guide the students with the basics of the discourses covered.
 As an initial part of the writing task, students will be provided with an outline template comprising a
thesis statement and the points that will be elaborated on in their essay (the supporting ideas). Making
use of these outlines is optional, and the outlines can be written outside class.
 Following the feedback given on the outline (optional), students will write their essays accordingly.
 It is expected that students write the 1st draft during class hours and submit it to ODTUClass.
 Suggested time for the 1st draft is 35 minutes.
 The writing tasks in the Writing Portfolio will NOT be graded. However, a rubric will be provided for
 Please give feedback to the 1st draft as you see fit using the rubric.
 Students write the 2nd/final draft and submit it to ODTUClass.
 Please give feedback to the 2nd/final draft as you see fit using the rubric.
 Please note that the contents of the writing handouts are included in the testing syllabus.

After you finish the Writing Tasks for WHO 1 and WHO 2 in the portfolio, there will be one assessed
portfolio task (Portfolio End Product – PEP) with a new question similar to either of the writing tasks
studied in the Writing Handouts. PEP will be done in class, and it will be graded out of 100 pts.

 Please grade the papers using the rubric provided (over 10 pts.) and multiply the grade by 10.
 Enter the grades to dbeonline as WP01.

This handout contains some of the points studied in this span. It is a general practice material for students
and a preparation for the Midterm.

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