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- units 0-3 –

1. Look and write the word. Where do they live?

2. Read and circle.

3. Look at the picture and write the words.

in front of between behind next to Atwood between

a. Sam´s house is .................................... the hospital

and the hotel.
b. Tony´s house is .......................... the bakery.
c. Rose´s house is ....................................... Tony´s
house and Mike´s house.
d. The hospital is ............................... the flower shop.
e. Sam´s house is in ............................ Street.
f. Lisa´s house is ................................ John´s house.
4. Look at the picture in Activity 3 again and answer the questions:
a. Where is the supermarket? ___________________________________________________
b. Where is the pet shop? _______________________________________________________

5. Put the words in order. Answer.

a. Sylvia/hockey/does/play ? ...............................................................................................
Yes, ..................................
b. at 7 o´clock/ you/ get/ do / up ? ...............................................................................................
No, ..................................
c. baseball / David / does / like ? ...............................................................................................
No, ....................................
d. ride / do / their bikes / they ? ...............................................................................................
Yes, ......................................
e. she/ does / swimming / go ? ...............................................................................................
No, .......................................

6. Some or any?
a. Are there ................... parks in your town? Yes, there are ................. parks.
b. Are there ................... biscuits in the box? No, there aren´t ........................ biscuits.
c. Is there ....................... fish in this salad? Yes, there is .............................. fish in it.
d. Is there ..................... juicein the fridge? No, there isn´t ........................ juice.

7. Answer the questions:

a. What do you eat for breakfast? ....................................................................................
b. What time do you usually get up? ....................................................................................
c. Are you going to make a soup? ....................................................................................
d. What do you think of my hair? ....................................................................................

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