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Forensic out experiments with candles and described

how the image id formed.
 It refers to the application of
scientific knowledge to legal Leonardo da Vinci- suggested that the
problems especially scientific human eye is like a camera Obscura.
analysis of physical evidence
Giambattista della Porta – added a
 Derived for Latin word “Forum”
concave lens near to where light enters the
which means “a market place” where
people gathered for public
discussion. Johannes Kepler- he camera obscura for
astronomical applications and created a
portable version.
 Sensitized material with the aid of a
Daniel Barbaro- encourage the use of
camera, lens and its accessories, camera obscura for artistic endeavors.
and the chemical process
 Derived from the Greek word “ Phos” Johann Heirich Schulze- major pioneer,
or “Photos” means “ light” and he discovered silver nitrate was sensitive to
“grapho” means “writing “ or “ light.
graphia” meaning “ to draw”
Joseph Nicephore Neipce- silver chloride
Police Photography- its relation to the solution, (heliograph) Father of
police work and in the administration of Photography.
Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre- he
Forensic Photography- process of produced first practical photograph. He
recording the crime scene or any object for used “hypo or sodium thiosulfate” (fixer)
court presentation, it is photographic
William Henry Fox Talbot- he introduced
evidence .
an important concepts to the future of
Photograph- is the mechanical and photography (the Negative Talbot) his
chemical result of photography , is an image image called Calotype. Father of Modern
that can only be a product of photography. Photography.

Picture- is a generic term refers to all kinds Sir John Frederick William Herschel-
of formed image. invented photographic process using
sensitized paper.
Camera Obscura- darkened box with a
convex lens or aperture for protecting James clerk maxwell- made research on
image, small round building. Latin words additive colors of light, father of modern
“Moti” means dark room. physics.

Mo Tzu or Mozi- Chinese philosopher was U.S Eastman Kodak- George Eastman
the first people that we know to write about company adds innumerable develops to the
the basic idea of pinhole. technology of photography.

Alhazen- Father of Optics, who found out Edwin H. Land- led the Polaroid
that light entering a small hole on the wall or Corporation in its development .
shuttered window of dark room, he carried
Red, blue and green- Wide angle lens- focal length of 35mm and
used to show much more area in one
 it create white light photograph than a normal lens.
 primary colors
 also known as bands Macro lens- focal length of less than 50mm
and used for highly detailed close up
Black- has no wavelength photographs
Green and red- create color yellow Multi purpose lens- focal length from 28-
Blue and green- cyan color 80 mm used to take normal, wide etc.

Blue and Red- magenta Camera Aperture- is a measure of the

diameter of the opening of the diaphragm.
Black, Yellow, Cyan, magenta- subtractive
colors. Shutter Speed- is the leght of time that the
film, measured as a fraction of a second by
Yellow and Cyan= green factors of ½.
Magenta and yellow- red/orange Depth of Field- shown in a photograph is
the amount of area in the foreground and
Cyan and magenta = blue/violet
background of an object .
Color Additive Theory-
DSLR Modes
 invented by James Maxwell.
 auto mode automatically selects an
 Is a fundamental component of appropriate f stop and shutter speed
color theory and must be
 sports mode captures subjects in
understood by students and
motion by using a higher
(faster)shutter speed.
Photographic film- consist pf a sheet of  Night mode use a lower (slower)
silver halide grains which ‘expose” when shutter speed
exposed to light.  Landscape mode automatically
selects the higher f-stops to improve
Film Speed- is a measure of light gathering depth of field.
capacity of the film
 Portrait mode select lower f-stops
Digital Photograph- is made when a light to decrease the depth of field.
sensitive microchip captures light.
Single Lens Reflex (SLR)- most commonly
Hot- if it has a bluer hue
used camera in crime scene
Cold- light source has a red-orange hue.
SLR and DSL- allow for adjustment of
camera settings such as shutter Flash Unit- can produce either direct
reflective lightning , angle less 90% to
Normal Lens- focal length of 50-55mm and
surface to show detail.
used for most photograph that need to be
taken at a crime. 2 Kinds Of Filters
Telephoto Lens- focal length of 100 mm or Barrier Filters- block one specific
greater and used to magnify images wavelength (color) of light from reaching the
, making areas of that color appear lighter in  include the center of the scene
the photograph.
Bypass Filters- allow only a small range of
 photographs are taken last and
wavelenghts of light to reach the film or
show greater detail of individual
microchip and block all other.
Tripods  taken 90 angle

 to take photographs eliminates the

possibility of blurred photos
Night Photography- requires the use of
resulting from unsteady hands.
external lightning or painting with light
 A level of ensire of 90 degrees of
images of evidence Indoor photography- requires photographs
 Independently adjustable of the neighborhood, entry and exit etc.
Crime Scene Photograph Log Outdoor Photography- requires location of
photographs to be recorded by a Global
 A log of each photograph taken positioning device measurements from
at the crime scene is kept by the landmarks.
CS photographer
 At the top may include (case Arson Photography- requires photograph
number, type of scene, date, of the point of the fire’s origin and use of
location etc special equipment.

Crime Scene Photograph Sexual assault photography- requires

photographs of all wounds and clothing
 Should record the area in which the while showing discretion.
crime actually took place and all
adjacent Impression photography- requires oblique
 Prerequisite for photographing a lightning to show detailas, it create 1:1 scale
crime scene photograph for comparison to footwear or
 Completely possible in a logical tire samples.
succession Bloodstain photography- requires
 Sequence- will show the overall photograph of all pertinent stains and
scene first. determined area of convergence.
4 Minimum Photograph Latent fingerprint photography- requires
Overview- 1:1 scale using special latent fingerprint
 photograph the entire scene and
surrounding area including points of Advantages of Digital CS Photography
exit and entry.  the ability to observe images
 Include visual tag immediately after taking them
Medium Range-  re resolution available can exceed 6
 photographs show the layout of  computer programs can stitch digital
smaller significant areas of the crime scene.
crime scene
Art Photography- collection of photographs
of high artistic merit
Digital CS Photography
Photojournalistic Photography- used in
 digital images are easily news, papers etc.
manipulated using computer
programs and may not show. Commercial Advertising Photography-
 May lose image data or details used for catalogue, illustrations, promotions
through compression. etc.

Camera Talk Portrait Photography- usually capture the

face of a person
Aperture F=Stops- it relates to the size of
the opening in the Lens Educational Photography- usually see in
visuals aids, slides and motion pictures.
Shutter Speed- refers to the shutter is open
Scientific Photography- used to make
Perspective- refers to the spatial observations of the heavens by the
relationship in the image. astronomers.
TTL- refers to through the lens metering Aerial Photography- used in military
Light- is a measure by wavelength and the reconnaissance, mapping etc.
unit of measurement is usually the 5 ESSENTIAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY
nanometer &(m x 10-10)
Light- is an electromagnetic energy that
Fluorescent Photography travels in a form of wave of with speed of
 Usually requires tripod, remote 186,000 miles per second.
shutter release with standard of Camera- a light tight box designed to block
35mm camera. unwanted or unnecessary light.
4 BRANCHES OF PHOTOGRAPHY Lens- is the light gathering mechanism of
Amateur Photography- include both the camera
casual taking of photographs for record or Sensitized material- composed of a highly
amusement and the serious pursuit of sensitized chemical compound.
pictorial as an art.
Chemical process- is the process
Professional Photography- used in press necessary for reducing silver halides into
photography form so as a latent image and a positive
Radiography- means of x-rays, for medical image be made.
scientific and industrial purposes. 2 Types of Light
Applied Photography- in correction with Visible Lights- a type of light that produces
the arts and sciences such as Aerial different sensation when reach the human
photography, photomicrography etc. eye, its capable or exciting retina.
8 KINDS OF PHOTOGRAPHY Invisible light- which their wavelength are
Snapshot Photography- either black or either too short or too long to excite the
white or colored taken by amateur with retina of human eye
simple cameras. LIGHT SOURCE
Natural Light- are those light which come
to existence without the intervention of man
Bright Sunlight- object in an open space
cats a deep and uniform shadow.
Hazy sunlight- open space cats a
transparent shadow.
Dull sunlight- open space cats no shadow
due to thick clouds.
Artificial light- otherwise known as “man
made light”

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