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Many events that occur every day have a tendency to stick in our memories the most.

may select a few of the many daily events that stand out as being particularly significant and
irreplaceable. The moments we have experienced with the most memorable movements become
our memories. I've had a lot of remarkable moments in my life, some of which were full of joy
and delight and others which were anxious. Despite having a lot of life experience, I can still
choose the ones that I will cherish for the rest of my days.
One of those experiences was the first time I joined in a street and solidarity dance. It was
for the celebration of our town’s 191st founding anniversary. Even though I am just a props man
there, the happiness and excitement that I felt were incredible. On the day of the competition, it
was a sunny day and from the very start, you can see that all of the participants prepared a lot for
the said event. You can notice it from their props, costumes, and most especially from their
faces. This wonderful sight keeps my heart pounding fast at that moment, aside from the fact that
we are the first performer that day and there are a lot of people watching. Moreover, seeing some
of my fellow schoolmates having trouble breathing because of the weather makes me nervous.
Luckily, we successfully finished the dance even though there are some unwanted situations that
occurred. Most of all, we are so happy with the results, we ended up being 1 st place in that dance
competition. There is a mix of emotions when we hear the results, but we are so happy that all of
our hard work paid off.
I'll never forget this first-time encounter, to put it briefly. I had mixed feelings about my
first experience; I was both anxious and excited. After then, I learned a lot, but I will never forget
my first-time encounters. I desire that all of my future first-time encounters would be more
exciting and joyful.

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