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APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION ID NUMBER: CAP COLLEGE FOUNDATION, INC. AN: 126 Amorsolo Street, Legaspi Village, 1229 Makati City (Accomplish this form as com, iter or in block print, PERSONAL INFORMATION OF STUDENT-APPLICANT Mr/MesiMis Last First Middie/Maiden Birth Date Gender: Civil Status: Citizenship: ‘ACR No. Contact/Current Address ‘No. / Steet / Subdivision or Vilage / Barengay / Town or Gity / Province 7 Region / Country Provincial/Home Address: Email Address Tel No, Mobile No. Occupation/Employer Position Business Address Tel. No, LAST SCHOOL ATTENDED: ADDRESS OF SCHOOL: COURSE and MAJOR To Enroll in: ENTRY LEVEL: G Freshman G Transferee 0 Cross-Enroliee C3 SHS Graduate: Track & Strand: CINon-SHS Graduate came to know about CAP College through Internet Oi Streamers / Fiyers CAP College Student / Graduate i Newspaper / Radio/TV CCAP Employee Oi Friends / Acquaintances CCAP College Advisor: 0 Others: | certify to the truth of all information herein and | agree to abide by all CAP College regulations. Witnessed by: Applicant's Name and Signature Date ‘Advisor siLRP's Name and Signature ee a SLE I, eer ee Eseries This Binding Certificate is good only for deposit on the Comprehensive Fees of the student-applicant for his application for admission to CAP College Foundation, Inc. and may not be used for any other purpose. You will receive an Official Receipt within 30 days; otherwise, please write or cail the CAP Office nearest you. Received from the amount of Php (PnP. ) a8 deposit for his Comprehensive Fees ‘Advisor's Name and Signature Date a __ Cutocsess dated ine eee ees Pee Na Ifthe ORIGINAL documentary requirements are not available now, accomplish the Waiver Form at the back. Received from the following credentials: 1D HighSchool Card 2- 4x1 ID Pictures 0.2-2x2 ID Pictures 1 Transcrint of Records 1 Honorable Dismissal ‘Advisor s/LRP’s Name and Signature Date Tv 2079,

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