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Group Assignment – Organizational leadership

“If you work hard and meet your responsibilities, you can get ahead, no
matter where you come from, what you look like or who you love.”—
Barack Obama

Submitted To Submitted By
Dr. Subir Verma Anshita Khare 218003
Date – 31-08-2022 Saurav Bhandari 218025
Table of Contents Particulars Page No

1 Acknowledgement 2

2 What makes Barack Obama a great leader 3-4

3 Introduction 5-7

4 Literature Review 8-11

5 Obama’s Presidency – An Overview 12-19

6 Leadership Mantras 20-24

7 Leadership Traits 25-27

8 Leadership Styles 28-30

9 Conclusion 31

10 References 32


We’d like to express my gratitude to my teacher, Dr. Subir Verma sir, for his substantial
contribution to the assignment’s success.

Throughout the course of completing the task, I was guided by several of his/her helpful
recommendations and experience.

We would also like to Thank Dimple Bhojwani maam for her constant help and support

What makes Barack Obama a great leader and one of the most liked US

1. Leading through a crisis

The world was in a crisis when President Obama assumed office. After Lehman Brothers
collapsed, there was a global financial crisis that resulted. The $831 billion American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act was swiftly signed into law by Obama. The longest period of growth and
employment creation in American history followed, lasting more than ten years.


2. Being culturally sensitive

Obama had to assemble a coalition of people from across America's cultural divide in order to win
the presidency.

President Obama prevailed when it came to the black vote (95%) and the Latino vote (67%) and
the Asian vote (67%) in 2008, according to Pew Research Center, despite Republican John McCain
winning 55 percent of the white vote to Obama's 43 percent in that election (62 percent ).There is
no way that Obama would have won the election for president without the diversity of support.
One of the leadership lessons you learn in the business school classroom is to work with and
manage teams of individuals from all over the world, much like how he achieved success by
assembling a varied support base and team.

3. Charisma

When Ben Tiggelaar, a best-selling author and visiting professor at IE Business School, sat down
to interview Barack Obama, the former US president told him the key to his oratory prowess is to
tell your own story.He claimed that speaking with a particular manner and tone and using
charismatic techniques were all overdone. Here is what effective communication demands: You
must be a believer in what you say. That you have given it some thought and have said what you
believe to be most significant in a sincere and understandable manner.

‘Today, so much of our communication consists of disposable soundbites. We speak as we see the
situation to need at the time. what is practical. versus actually examining something and asking,
"Is that what I think? "

4. A positive attitude

"Yes, We Can" was Obama's campaign slogan. Three words that conveyed optimism and
conviction. Sometimes having confidence and being upbeat are the keys to a successful campaign.
Obama's campaign staff hit the leadership nail on the head with their choice of slogan for the US
election in 2008.

5. Inspiring people and maintaining composure under pressure

Respect, professionalism, and relentless hard work are required of those who hold the position of
president of the United States for four years. tense, to put it mildly.

But no matter what he said during his two administrations or how people describe working for
him, one thing was always clear: Obama kept his teams focused and composed under duress. Any
future leaders should learn from the former president in this regard.

6. Listening

Obama read ten letters from the public every day when he was president. He did so to make sure
he didn't veer off course from his primary objective of helping the American people.This is a subtle
reminder that it doesn't take much to connect at a time when political leaders can frequently come
across as being removed from the constituents they represent.

If you end up in a leadership role after business school, you should adopt this straightforward
leadership principle: Take the time to listen to everyone and everything, from your team members
to the environment to the larger society you represent.


Barack Hussein Obama or usually called Barack Obama became the 44th American President
and was the first African-American President to serve as President of the United States. He served
as leader of the superpower since January 20, 2009 after George Walker Bush. He has been
involved in politics after graduated from Columbia University and Harvard University Law
School. He worked as President of the Havard Law Review with the task of coordinating the
community and also serve as a civil rights lawyer. He also had been the Illionis Senate for 3 times
from 1997 to 2004.

He was also experienced in help make laws governing conventional weapons and promote
public accountability in the use of federal funds at the 109th Congress. In various experience in the
political field brought him into an important achievement, namely becoming President of United
States. From that, Barack Obama is known by many people in the word, including us. From the
black race that turned out to be great and could lead a white race in the Superpower World. Barack
Obama, America's First Black President on Friday, November 4, 2008 is a historic day in the world
politics of the United States (US). On that date, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois defeated his rival,
Senator John McCain of Arizona in the US Presidential election (US) 44th.Obama's victory has
made history in the US. He became the first African Americans who managed to set foot in the
White House. Democratic candidates were declared victory after securing 365 electoral vote and
53% of popular vote. Meanwhile, presidential candidate of the Republican Party only received 173
electoral vote and 45% of popular vote.

In the first US presidential election, Obama was accompanied by Sen. Joe Biden of
Delaware. Meanwhile, Senator John McCain was accompanied by Governor Sarah Palin from
Alaskan. Palin is the first female Republican ever been nominated as Vice-President.US
Presidential election when it is unique. Because, Obama is the son of a white woman from Kansas
and his father is a black man from Kenya. Before turning to politics, the man who was born in
1961 in Hawaii is a lecturer of law at the University of Chicago in 1996.

Obama's political career started since he was elected to the Senate in the State of Illinois.
In fact, in 1998 and 2000, Obama returned believed to occupy the same position. Obama began
widely known after he won the US Senate election of the Democratic Party in Illinois. On February
10, 2007 in Springfield, Illinois, Obama finally officially announced his candidacy for President
of the United States.

To win the US presidential election, Obama's campaign team had to work extra hard.
Moreover, no one in the history of Uncle Sam, the President of the United States held by people
who came from blacks. Team's hard work coming to fruition. Obama team set to work building a
base of grassroots. The method used is to build charisma Obama. Obama's life story is unique and
inspiring successfully influence the public. The method has attracted the majority of Americans to
support Obama. In fact, the Obama campaign not only in the country but also abroad, one of them
in Germany.

Team Obama's success is also trying hard to attract new voters, mostly young people and
blacks. Different from the other candidates, Obama's campaign team also used the Internet to
organize supporters and to get funding. This method is relatively new in the history of US politics.
According to a report from The Washington Post, three million donors has resulted in 6.5 million
online donations and more than $ 500 million campaign fund. When the campaign, Obama
promised to withdraw US troops from Iraq and expand public health services. Related economic
issues, Obama is trying to show that he has the best plan for economic betterment. When the voting
day on November 4, more than 69.4 million Americans voted for Obama. While the 59.9 million
votes were cast for McCain. Based on these results, Obama declared victory over its rival. Obama
became the first US senator who managed to sit in the White House since President John Kennedy
in 1960.

Obama's victory is inseparable from the success of the traditional group won the vote
Republicans in Virginia and Indiana as well as the main voice barn in Florida and Ohio. In fact,
these places is a sound basis Republican primary. Having declared victory, Obama immediately
appear in front of a crowd of supporters in Chicago's Grant Park. He then delivered his first speech
by declaring that his victory as the US President is a very historic. The speech was delivered 143
years after the end of the American Civil War and the abolition of slavery.

Barack Obama rose to national prominence in part due to his ability to forge empathy bonds with
supporters from a seemingly insurmountable political base (Noble , 2009). Conservatives admired
his use of language and metaphors that spoke to their core beliefs, while liberals and progressives
saw the rise to prominence of a self-identified African American with impeccable civil rights
credentials as a victory for their own core agenda (Noble , 2009). This paper will concentrate on
Barack Obama's leadership; how he made history and was able to lead the country during a time
of crisis. Furthermore, the theoretical perspectives of postmodernism and transformational
leadership will be used to discuss some of the reasons for his success as a leader.

From October 31 to November 1, 2017, Obama hosted the inaugural summit of the Obama
Foundation in Chicago. He intends for the foundation to be the central focus of his post-presidency,
and it is part of his ambitions for his post-presidency activities to be more significant than his
presidency. Obama was hesitant to endorse in the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries because
he wanted to position himself to unify the party regardless of who the nominee was. On April 14,
2020, Obama endorsed his former vice president, Joe Biden, as the presumptive Democratic
nominee for president in the 2020 election, saying he possesses "all the qualities we need in a
president right now."

Obama's most notable achievement is widely regarded as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the
provisions of which went into effect from 2010 to 2020. Many Senate Republicans' attempts to
repeal the ACA, including a "skinny repeal," have thus far failed. However, in 2017, the penalty
for failing to comply with the individual mandate was repealed, with effect in 2019. Together with
the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act amendment, it represents the most significant
regulatory overhaul and expansion of coverage in the United States' healthcare system since the
passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965.

Literature Review:

A Promised Land

Barack Obama, who served as the 44th president of the United States from 2009 to 2017, wrote a
memoir titled A Promised Land that focuses on his political career. The presidential biography
details Obama's life from his early years to the circumstances surrounding Osama bin Laden's
death in May 2011. The book has been translated into twenty languages, has a length of 768 pages,
and is available in hardcover, paperback, and digital forms. Additionally, Obama reads a 28-hour
audiobook version of the book. The memoir, which keeps its attention on Obama's political career,
starts with his early years, goes into detail about his initial campaigns, and lasts throughout the
most of his first term in office. The circumstances leading up to Osama bin Laden's death in May
2011 are wrapped up in the book with a meeting between Obama and the Navy SEALs who carried
out the raid. The first 200 pages or so of the book, roughly, are devoted to Obama's background
and profession up until his time in Chicago, even though the book's focus is still politics.
Descriptions of other politicians - Throughout his early life and administration, Obama has positive
things to say about a lot of the workers and other politicians that he meets. Obama's "affection for
his first-term inner circle" was "stirring," according to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, who wrote a
review for the New York Times, and he "makes heroes of people" in his portrayals of others. The
memoir honours numerous people, including Tim Geithner for handling the financial crisis of
2007–2008 and Claire McCaskill for "voting her conscience" on The Dream Act. Obama's simple
remark upon receiving the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was "for what?," according to the book. When
travelling to Oslo for the Nobel Prize ceremony, Obama explained, "The thought that I, or any one
person, could restore order to such turmoil seemed absurd. On some level, the spectators cheering
below were supporting a delusion. United Nations: According to Obama, in the middle of the Cold
War, there was little likelihood of achieving a consensus, which is why the U.N. did nothing as
Soviet tanks invaded Hungary or American planes dumped napalm on rural Vietnam. The Security
Council's differences have hindered the United Nations' ability to solve crises even after the end
of the Cold War. Its member states lacked the resources or the political will to stop ethnic cleansing
in countries like Sri Lanka or to rebuild failing governments like Somalia.

From Crusader to Exemplar: Bush, Obama and the Reinvigoration of America’s Soft Power

America's international legitimacy and credibility have suffered significantly as a result of the
Bush Administration's disregard for and waste of its soft power. By contacting allies, Obama has
made an effort to repair some of the harm caused by Bush's first year in office. Obama is a
pragmatist and a "clever" president, while he may be a soft power president at heart. Obama
acknowledges that "the world has changed" and that assertions of American leadership in the world
are frequently ineffective. Anti-American sentiment and discontent with American policies are
some of the reasons why US influence has decreased throughout the world. Obama seeks to return
to the idea of US exceptionalism while acknowledging the limits of American power. A more
tolerant, courteous, and modest country would replace the crusading hegemon of the Bush
administration. There are early indications that Obama's resuscitation of US soft power is starting
to reap genuine benefits. Obama is pushing policies that conflict with initiatives to "rebrand"
America. The Bush Administration Damaged American normative leadership. It will probably
take several years to reestablish US legitimacy and credibility. In many regions of the world,
opposition to US global leadership is ingrained in human nature.

A Comparative Analysis of the George W. Bush and the Barack Obama Administrations’

Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, terrorism has been the top national security threat
for the United States. In order to stop more attacks on the country, this threat has received
significant attention in U.S. foreign policy for more than a decade. As a result, the nation declared
war on terrorism and reconnected with Pakistan to fight it. This dissertation examines the U.S.
foreign policy of the George W. Bush and Barack Obama Administrations in the context of the
War on Terror with an emphasis on bilateral ties between the United States and Pakistan. Its goal
is to evaluate and determine whether and where the United States' foreign and Pakistani policies
have changed or remained the same since the Bush Administration.The dissertation aims to
establish American foreign policy interests in the conflict, elucidates these interests' motivations,
and attempts to explain American foreign policy behaviour and results during both administrations
with reference to Pakistan. It was anticipated that U.S. foreign policy, particularly with regard to
Pakistan, would change from one administration to the next because Bush and Obama are from
quite different political parties. However, the dissertation argues that, in terms of the War on Terror

and the fight against terrorism, little has changed in terms of foreign policy. Although there has
been some continuity, there has also been change in the approach and style of implementing such
policies. The case of Pakistan and the bilateral ties between the United States and that nation show
this. Therefore, while comparing the foreign policy and bilateral relations with Pakistan under the
Bush and Obama Administrations during the war, it can be claimed that there has been change
within continuity.

Introduction – Britannica

Barack Hussein Obama II, the full name of the 44th president of the United States (born August
4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii), was in office from 2009 to 2017. Obama received his degrees from
Columbia University in 1983 and Harvard Law School in 1991, the latter of which saw him
become the first African American to hold the position of Harvard Law Review president. Prior to
his 1996 Democratic Party election to the Illinois Senate, he relocated to Chicago, where he
worked as a community organizer and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago. He
was chosen to serve in the United States Senate in 2004 and soon rose to prominence in the
country's politics. Obama unexpectedly defeated former U.S. first lady Hillary Clinton in 2008 to
secure the Democratic Party's nomination for president. The first African American president, he
easily defeated Republican nominee John McCain. Then, he made an effort to guide the nation out
of its worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. In 2009 he was awarded the Nobel
Peace Prize “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation
between peoples.” The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a comprehensive healthcare
reform that Obama had championed, became law in March 2009. He won a second term in 2012
after defeating Republican opponent Mitt Romney. Obama declared the thawing of ties with Cuba
in 2014, and he paid his first official state visit to the island nation in more than 80 years in 2016.

Obama and the Economic Recovery: Keynesian Policies, Gridlock, and the New Global

The administration's capacity to address the Great Recession, a singular and historic crisis facing
the nation at the time of Obama's inauguration, will be a major determinant of the Obama
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presidency. This essay assesses the president's performance during both of his terms in enacting
an economic strategy that was largely characterized by a commitment to Keynesian economics
and stricter regulations on the financial services sector, but it also emphasizes the institutional
constraints the president faced in affecting the economy. The president has been least successful
in effectively communicating the benefits of his actions to the public, according to an analysis of
the administration's efforts across three key metrics: ability to win congressional support for his
policy agenda, empirical impact that measures have had on key economic variables, and public
perception of his handling of the economy. Even though the economy is undeniably in better shape
than it was when President Obama took office in early 2009, a thorough examination of his
economic policy is essential to comprehending his legacy. This is because of the rise of technology
in our new global economy and the adamant Republican opposition he faced at all levels.

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Obama’s Presidency – An Overview

January 22, 2009

Executive order to close Guantánamo Bay

Obama issues an executive order to close Guantánamo Bay, a military prison operated by the
United States, within a year. People who are viewed as national threats to the United States are
held and interrogated in contentious circumstances at Guantánamo Bay. Strong Congressional
opposition to his presidential order meant that the prison stayed open even after he left office.

January 29, 2009

Signing of first bill

Lawmaking of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. The bill, which aims to help close the wage gap
between men and women, makes it simpler for people to contest accusations of uneven pay.

February 17, 2009

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

In Denver, Colorado, President Obama signs the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into
law. The act's goals included saving and creating jobs, as well as helping individuals who had been
most negatively impacted by the 2008–2009 financial crisis.

March 9, 2009

Stem cell research

A rule that limited the amount of federal funds that may be used for embryonic stem cell research
is overturned by the president.

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October 9, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize

Obama receives the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of "his outstanding efforts to advance
international diplomacy and people-to-people cooperation."

October 20, 2009

HIV travel ban

Obama removes a 22-year-old restriction on people with HIV/AIDS entering the country.

October 28, 2009

Hate Crimes Prevention Act

To assist jurisdictions in more efficiently investigating and prosecuting hate crimes, the Matthew
Shepard and James Byrd, Jr., Hate Crimes Prevention Act becomes law.

March 20, 2010

Affordable Care Act

Obamacare, also known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, becomes a law. Since
the 1960s, the American healthcare system has undergone the most major regulatory change.
Obama aimed to improve healthcare access, cost, and quality through the new rules.

April 8, 2010

Reduction of nuclear arms

The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty is signed by US President Obama and Russian President
Dmitry Medvedev (START). The goal of this agreement is for Russia and the United States to
reduce their nuclear arsenals.

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April 15, 2010

Budget funding for NASA

Obama suggests increasing NASA's funding by $6 billion over the following five years. Instead
of lunar exploration, the funds would be spent for space exploration.

July 21, 2010

Wall Street reform

Dodd-Frank Act President Obama signs the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
The Act tries to protect consumers by limiting practises in consumer loans and credit cards and
gives regulators greater discretion when it comes to dismantling huge corporations.

August 3, 2010

Veteran education reform

Obama puts the post-9/11 GI Bill into action. With the help of this bill, veterans of the American
armed forces can pay nothing or very little for their college tuition.

November 2, 2010

Midterm elections

Republicans gained six seats in the Senate during the midterm elections, cutting the Democratic
majority there from 18 (59 to 41) to six (53 to 47). Additionally, the GOP gained 63 seats in the
House of Representatives, giving them a 242 to 193 majority and allowing them to take control of
the chamber in the 112th Congress.

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December 17, 2010

Extension of Bush tax cuts

Act of 2010 for Tax Relief, Job Creation, and Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization becomes
law. This provides additional provisions to promote economic growth in the form of tax cuts in
addition to extending the tax cuts President Bush implemented in the early 2000s.

December 22, 2010

“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

Obama ends the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, which permits individuals to serve in the U.S.
Armed Forces while being openly homosexual, lesbian, and bisexual.

February 2, 2011

New START treaty

Obama signs the New START nuclear armaments accord with Russia, which aims to strengthen
our security, our relationship with Russia, and a world free from nuclear weapons fear.

May 1, 2011

Osama Bin Laden killed

Osama Bin Laden, the head of Al-Qaeda, the terrorist organisation that took credit for the attacks
on the United States on September 11, 2001, is declared dead by Obama. Although Bin Laden was
assassinated in Pakistan on May 2, 2011, the president of the United States announced his death
on May 1.

August 2, 2011

Budget Control Act

Enactment of the Budget Control Act. It lifts the government debt ceiling, prevents a default, and
establishes a bipartisan committee to talk about financial problems.
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September 8, 2011

American Jobs Act

The American Jobs Act, a bill to boost the American economy, is introduced by President Obama
in a speech to a joint session of Congress.

October 21, 2011

End of Iraq War

President Obama declares that American involvement in the war is over and that all troops would
return from Iraq by the end of December. Obama signs an executive order freezing Iranian
government assets located in the US as a result of Iran using "deceptive techniques," in Obama's

November 6, 2012


With 332 electoral votes to 206 for Republican Mitt Romney and 51% of the national vote, Obama
defeats Romney to earn a second term in office.

August 9, 2013

Student loans

The Bipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act of 2013 is promulgated by Obama. In addition to other
strategies for assisting students with severe debt, this act specifies how the government should
disburse loans to students.

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September 10, 2013

Chemical weapons in Syria

The Bipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act of 2013 is promulgated by Obama. In addition to other
strategies for assisting students with severe debt, this act specifies how the government should
disburse loans to students.

February 7, 2014

Agriculture Act of 2014

2014 saw the signing of the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act. From 2014
through 2018, this act grants $956 billion for improved awareness and spending on nutrition and
agriculture programmes in the US.

March 6, 2014

Russian sanctions

Obama demands the imposition of financial penalties on individuals instigating the Russian
incursion into Crimea and the theft of Ukrainian citizens' property.

July 21, 2014

LGBT discrimination

Obama issues an executive order to safeguard the rights of LGBT workers. People cannot
discriminate based on their preferred religion because there is no exception for religious beliefs in

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November 4, 2014

Midterm elections

In the wake of the midterm elections, Republicans regained control of Congress.

January 9, 2015

Free community college

Obama suggests making community college free for students who meet certain requirements, like
keeping a certain GPA. He also describes what the federal government and community colleges
need to do to support this transition.

June 26, 2015

Gay marriage upheld

The United States Supreme Court declares 5–4 that same-sex marriage is protected by the

August 3, 2015

Clean Power Plan

The Clean Power Plan, announced by the President and the EPA, aims to cut carbon pollution from
existing power plants by more than 30% by 2030.

January 17, 2016

Deal with Iran

Obama announces a historic deal with Iran to stop the country from acquiring nuclear weapons.
The United States started easing some economic sanctions against Iran after they met the

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March 20, 2016

Cuba trip

Obama makes history as the first U.S. president to visit Cuba while in office since 1928.

July 28, 2016

Gives speech at Democratic National Convention

Obama speaks in favour of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president, at the
Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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Leadership Mantras

Modeling the way:

1. Barack Obama worked hard to improve the country's environment and provide equitable
opportunities. He also sought to lessen hate crimes and develop a clear international policy
to prevent the deaths of their warriors. The steps he took to turn his thoughts into reality
are as follows:
2. Women's rights: The White House Council for Women and Girls actively worked to make
sure that women and girls are taken into account in all laws, regulations, and government
3. LGBT: All 50 states have passed laws allowing same-sex unions. Expanded the Hate
Offenses Protections: In 2009, the Crimes Prevention Act was approved, which added
gender, sexual orientation, and disability to the existing list of crimes in addition to those
based on race, colour, religion, or national origin.
4. End of the Iraq War: In 2011, the President issued an order for troop withdrawal from Iraq.
5. War in Afghanistan began to be drawn down; according to Obama, 8,400 troops will still
be stationed there by the end of 2016.
6. Improved Food Safety System: Increase FDA funding, reorganise regulatory duties, raise
health standards, and increase control and food inspection operations.
7. Competitive grants for education: $4.35 billion for reform
8. Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act: new guidelines for free meals; $4.5 billion more will be
spent on nutrition.

Inspired a shared vision:

Barack Obama wanted to see America prosper, so he created a common vision that gave the people
a direction and a goal to work for.

1. Invent: The President urged fresh financial commitments to American invention. The nation's
R&D investments as a percentage of GDP increased to their greatest levels since President
Kennedy thanks to the budget. He is challenging American scientists and engineers to develop
ground-breaking new sustainable energy technology. Obama has asked for 80 percent of America's
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electricity to come from renewable sources by 2035, including wind, solar, nuclear, clean coal,
and natural gas in order to encourage these breakthroughs. He is also proposing policies to make
sure that the United States is the first nation to have 1 million vehicles with modern technology on
its roads.

2. Educate: Building on the success of Race to the Top, he urged Congress to redefine and scale
back the federal government's role in education by repealing No Child Left Behind and replacing
it with a new law that sets higher standards, penalises failure, honours success, and gives schools
more leeway to experiment and improve student outcomes. By the end of the decade, he also
promised to train an extra 100,000 scientific, technology, engineering, and math teachers. The
President will keep working to improve the Pell Grant programme and is urging Congress to make
his American Opportunity Tax Credit, worth $10,000 for four years of college, permanent in order
to help America regain its position as the world's leader in higher education. recruit people by
highlighting common goals.

3. Build: He stressed the need for a new initiative to guarantee that the United States has the
quickest, most dependable transportation systems for people, commerce, and information,
including high-speed rail, high-speed Internet, and highways and airports. He has put out a
National Wireless Initiative to assist businesses in reaching 98 percent of the population with the
next generation of wireless service. He is also advocating initiatives to rebuild and repair America's

4. Government reform: The President worked to make government leaner and wiser for the twenty-
first century by removing obstacles and introducing fresh incentives for expansion. In order to
reduce unnecessary burdens and ensure common sense standards to safeguard the American
people, he ordered a review of regulations. In order to increase America's competitiveness, he also
requested attempts to merge, consolidate, and reorganise federal agencies. The President was of
the opinion that the measures will slow the rate of increase in health care costs, including legal
liability for medical malpractice. Additionally, President Obama changed our corporate tax code
by closing loopholes and reducing the corporation rate without increasing the deficit in order to
maintain the United States as the finest location for company investment.

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Challenge the Process:

The election of Barack Obama in November 2008 seemed to herald a revival of the soft power
concepts first put forth by former Clinton aide Joseph Nye in the early 1990s. Obama rejected the
crusading tone and manner of his predecessor and sought to firmly reinsert America back into the
US exceptionalism heritage. He portrayed America as a nation that aspires to lead by example,
seeing it as one nation among many, conscious of the boundaries of US power, and committing to
revitalize America's soft power. Given the Obama administration's growing emphasis on "smart
power," the difficulties of ensuring national security in a volatile and dangerous world, and the
rhetorical revival of this concept in the early foreign policy of the Obama Administration, this
paper examines whether the debate over hard and soft power has now become out of date. Obama
has found himself constrained by the constraints of the international system, despite his promises
of a sharp break from the Bush Administration. Deep-seated scepticism of the United States,
opposition to US power, and the emergence of new power centres have all served to highlight the
difficulties of turning rhetoric into reality. The paper concludes by arguing that while Obama's
idealism and instincts for soft power frequently clash with the pragmatism at the core of the
President's approach to foreign policy and what is frequently perceived as the malevolent nature
of America's global power, he should be credited for placing soft power at the centre of US foreign
policy and exhibiting a sincere - if occasionally imperfect - commitment to leading by example.

Obama, unlike his predecessor, does not want to defend and advance a forceful US global
hegemony based on the country's unmatched military superiority. In his inaugural address, Obama
admitted that "the world has changed" and that assertions of American global leadership are
frequently ineffective. The "post-American" era is characterised by considerable limitations on the
use of American power, some of which his predecessor caused and others which are more
structural and founded in shifts in the global order. As a result of growing anti-American sentiment
and discontent with US policies during the eight years of the Bush Administration, as well as the
fact that America is no longer the global powerhouse it once was, US influence has decreased. In
addition to the economic crisis Obama inherited and the development of rising superpowers like
China, India, and Brazil, Barry Buzan points out that there is a widespread movement among world
society against hegemony and hence against the global leadership role itself. The US's challenge
is to "learn to live in a more pluralist international society where it is no longer the single
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superpower but merely the first among equals" under that situation. Just over a year after his
victory, it would appear that Obama has not abandoned US claims to global leadership but neither
is he the forceful advocate of US hegemony that his predecessor was. Instead, he acknowledges
the limitations of American strength and strives to restore the idea of US exceptionalism, according
to which the US sets an example for other countries to follow while also looking to others to share
the weight of global leadership. He does not reject US exceptionalism, but he strives to go beyond
the manner in which it has been interpreted in ways that are firmly ingrained in the political psyche
of the US. America was "ready to lead again," he said in his inaugural address the warlike hegemon
of the Bush years would be gone, and in its place would rise a more tolerant, respectful, and modest
nation, one whose "power grows through its prudent use," whose "security emanates from the
justness of our cause, the force of our example, the tempering qualities of humility and restraint,"
and whose "security emanates from the humility of our cause."

Enabled others to act

President Obama highlighted the value of a more transparent and inclusive government from the
outset of his Presidency, asking federal agencies to "discover new ways of harnessing the wisdom
and experience of regular Americans."

To address some of the most difficult and urgent issues facing the country, the federal government
has tapped into the skills and passions of thousands of Americans. Over 300 challenge
competitions hosted by attracted 42,000 Americans who won $35 million in prizes.
Rebuild by Design, a competition held by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to
explore rebuilding proposals for the area hit by Hurricane Sandy, recently presented $2 million to
the competition's winners.

These initiatives are just a few examples of how the American government works with civil
societies including businesses, colleges, foundations, non-profits, and the general public to achieve
national priorities by utilising incentive prizes, crowdsourcing, and citizen research.

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Encourage the Heart:

Obama commended the Sikh and Hindu communities in Haiti for their assistance efforts after the
country was devastated by an earthquake last month.

It's motivating. In difficult times, Americans act in this way. We come together, realising that these
situations need action from all of us, and that the most sacred duty in life is to make sacrifices, as
said by Hillary and upheld by all major world religions.

Addressing the group in charge of setting down NASA's Curiosity rover on the surface of Mars,
he said, "It's just mind-boggling what you've been able to accomplish." These are a few instances
in which President Obama has expressed gratitude to the team. This is crucial for a leader because
it inspires and motivates the followers to work harder. In this case, President Obama's appreciation
not only impacted the individual or group, but also had a significant global impact.

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Leadership Traits

1. Read the situation- Obama demonstrated his awareness by reading situations and
responding appropriately to his surroundings. First, he devises a strategy to entice many
people to vote for him in the United States elections. He targets specific groups by acting in
response to situations. He targets teenagers through the use of social media platforms such
as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and others. Obama delivered a simple and concise complex
idea on those Social Media platforms. Obama demonstrated awareness of the situation at the
time during his speech by carefully adjusting the way he spoke, such as his accent depending
on location, and even using slang. One of the advantages that a leader should possess is the
ability to adapt to the community / society.

2. Self-confidence- Obama's self-assurance was palpable in his campaign slogan, "Yes We

Can." From the beginning of the Democratic Party's presidential campaign until the end of
the United States President's election campaign, Obama stated his readiness to become the
next President of the United States. Because of his confidence, Obama has been described
as a leader who is eagerly anticipated by the people of the United States and around the
3. Some of Obama's personal characteristics are widely regarded as significant. Obama has a
humanist, intelligent, and humble personality. Several groups of informants agree that
quality like this should be owned by every leader.Barack Obama is regarded as a more
deserving leader than the previous American president because he attained his position
through hard work and service.
4. Unlike Bush, when Obama was President, America's face appeared to be friendly and open
to the Islamic State and the Muslim community. Obama demonstrates the side of an
American leader who is new to viewing Islam from a different perspective than the previous
leader. He is the only President of the United States who sincerely seeks to understand the
Islamic world and Muslims. Islamophobia is gradually fading in the United States.

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5. Accept People’s Aspiration- Obama enthusiastically accepted the aspirations of the people. is a website that was created to accommodate people's voices while also
accepting all criticism and suggestions about problems that occur in America.
6. While President Obama is becoming more self-conscious in his decision-making, it is
characterised by his analytical and cautious attitude. President Obama described his
approach method as "bringing together the best people and hiring them as a team; assessing
analytical strength in evaluating the nature of a problem; and ensuring that every difference
of opinion is heard and various options are explored."
7. Be Inclusive- Obama's campaign was extremely inclusive, and people from all walks of life
came out to support him, from celebrities like Snoop Dogg to Warren Buffet. He made an
effort to ensure that all bases were covered.You must include your followers in the decision-
making process if you want them to take ownership of corporate decisions. People who are
isolated from that quickly become withdrawn and disinterested, believing that they have little
influence over the outcome. Consider how you can involve more people in your decision-
making and find ways to solicit their feedback; you might be surprised.
8. Be Clear about the Vision- Although John McCain had great reform policies, it was Obama
who was able to explain the vision in a very simple manner. In his speech, he frequently used
the word "change." This word embodied the spirit of his words, which came through in his
speeches through his conviction. To capture people, you must speak to their hearts; speaking
to their minds may get them to intellectually agree with you, but it will not necessarily get
them to follow you. As a leader, this is an essential skill.

Obama explains his approach to the relative use of analytical approaches in all decision making as
a rational approach, stating that "you must make decisions based on non-emotional information."
Implicitly, President Obama's characteristics contrast sharply with those of George W. Bush,
particularly in decision-making. In response to Obama's statement, Bush actually said the opposite
"I simply think instinctively. I'm not a traditional player. I am a key figure ". President Obama has
a habit of starting war decisions with a discussion and negotiation process between hardline
military supporters and civilian officials who prefer a more straightforward approach to conflict
resolution. What makes Obama so popular in some segments of American society. Obama's
decision-making style is cautious and sometimes requires a lengthy period of time and process.
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For example, when deciding whether and how much the war in Afghanistan would be improved,
Obama was chastised for taking so long to decide, but as Obama stated in a series of meetings with
the NSC and military leaders, it is his determination not to be burly in committing that is primarily
related to the addition of U.S. troops in the war. Since the presidential campaign, Obama's figure
has promised change in his reign, including the closure of Guantanamo Bay and the end of the
long war in Iraq. This is why Obama enjoys widespread support in some segments of the American

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Leadership Styles

1. Mr. Barack Obama follows a democratic leadership in which an iron heart leader, when
ascending to the presidency as the first black American, inherited a global economic
recession, two foreign wars, and a nation that was so vulnerable yet took America to new
heights despite all odds. As a leader and as a man, a man of his stature possesses numerous
qualities. The three most important leadership skills, behaviors, and traits that Barack
Obama possesses are as follows: the ability to connect with the public with respect and
peace, the ability to inspire loyalty, and the ability to be honest most of the time.
2. Barack Obama appears to have a charismatic personality trait that has helped him attract
the attention of both Americans and foreigners. During the campaign, Barack Obama's
transformational- charismatic trait enabled him to draw others to his side. Furthermore, he
delivered a better speech in front of a large crowd. He is regarded as one of the best orators
in American presidential history, capable of capturing the public's attention. He also
appeals to people of all religious backgrounds and handled the Islam phobia crisis well.
3. Former US President Barack Obama adheres to the trait leadership theory. He had worked
hard to improve America's image in the eyes of the public and other world leaders. Barack
Obama took a different approach to bringing other cultures together and expanded into
global issues of humanity, and his policy was not limited to the interests of Americans
alone, but also included issues and concerns from other countries. He also worked hard to
improve the image of the United States by visiting many international foreign countries
and paying attention to their cultural standards. Former President Barack Obama was more
interested in improving America's relations with other countries through consensus-
building policies. His personal characteristics, such as transformational- charismatic, were
crucial in approaching people of other foreign countries.

Transformational Leadership

After George Bush's presidency ended, the American people had grown tired of the same political
environment. Voters wanted something different that would bring about change in the country.
Transformational leadership instils intrinsic motivation in their followers, resulting in a large
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number of supporters (Green & Roberts, 2012). According to Bass and Riggio (2005),
transformational leadership helps followers grow and develop into leaders by responding to
individual followers' needs, empowering them, and aligning individual followers' goals.
Transformational leaders have the personality traits of other effective leaders, particularly
charismatic leaders (Dubrin, 2013). Transformational leaders with a clear and compelling vision
can impose their views of reality on followers, violating the postmodern value system's
foundational principle of individual and collective knowledge creation autonomy (Green &
Roberts, 2012). Many citizens expressed a strong desire for leadership change during the 2008
presidential election. A number of issues needed to be addressed, including the imploded housing
market and the economic collapse. Bush's presidency had one of the lowest approval ratings in
history (Green & Roberts, 2012). There was a call for change during the presidential election.
Young voters desired a leader who inspires them and has a clear vision. As a leader, Barack Obama
did exactly that. He captured the young voters’ attention and gave the American people the change
they’ve been longing for. He is a good example of a transformational leader.


According to studies, the younger generation in the United States and the rest of the developed
world now has a more postmodern and post-materialist value system. For the first time in American
history, four generations work together in the same place. The Greatest Generation (1922-1945),
Baby Boomer (1946-1964), Generation X (1965-1980), and Millennial (1981-2000) are the four
generations (Green & Roberts, 2012). Obama's campaign communication methods and message
clearly appealed to the Millennia's sense of community involvement. Barack Obama took
advantage of the opportunity to connect with his generation and the population of younger voters.
The Bush administration was unable to meet the millennial generation's new set of values and
expectations. Some key postmodern characteristics include questioning authority, challenging
conventional wisdom, tolerating ambiguity, accepting diversity, and constructing constructive
reality (Green & Roberts, 2012). As a result, postmodernists are sceptical of institutions and hard
facts. The leadership style of Baby Boomers is autocratic, whereas Millennials are governed by a
democratic approach (Green & Roberts, 2012). These generational leadership characteristics
inspire some followers while inhibiting others. In order to gain followers/support from this
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postmodern generation, a leader (Presidential Candidate) must understand their cultural
differences. For example, Barack Obama's religious inclusion was consistent with postmodern
assumptions that reject mutually exclusive truth claims (Green & Roberts, 2012). He was also able
to connect with the younger generation via the internet (e.g., Twitter) and was successful in getting
a larger than usual number of young people to vote for him. As a result, one can conclude that
Obama's understanding of postmodernism, as well as all of the cultural differences of the new
generation, made a significant difference in his campaign and contributed to his success as a
historic leader.

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To summarize, Barack Obama's understanding of postmodernism and his appeal to various cultural
groups across America (Blacks, Latinos, Whites, and other races) are some of the factors that
contributed to his success as a leader. He exemplifies a transformational leader. Barack Obama
rose to national prominence in part due to his ability to forge empathy bonds with supporters from
a seemingly insurmountable political base. His charisma, honesty, and wit distinguished him as a
leader. He believed in the "Change" slogan, which represented what the American people desired
after the Bush administration left office. He was also able to connect with the younger generation
through his astute communication methods and the internet, causing a larger than usual number of
the younger generation to vote.Obama is charismatic, and many minority groups in the United
States, such as the coloured, look up to him as a role model, with the majority willing to emulate
him. To say his oratory skills are excellent is an understatement, and he has demonstrated them
numerous times, including during his famous Cairo speech, which gave hope to strained relations
between the United States and Islamic nations, the Berlin speech, and in presidential debates,
where he managed to persuade voters that he was ready for the job, among others. In his major
healthcare budget plans, he has welcomed criticism and incorporated Republican suggestions into
the bill that was eventually passed by Congress.

This paper examined Barack Obama's leadership, specifically how he made history and led the
country during a time of crisis. It also used postmodernism and transformational leadership theory
to discuss some of the reasons why he was successful as a leader. His crisis leadership was also
mentioned, with some credible statistical data to back it up. His decision-making abilities have
earned him unrivalled respect during his tenure in office. When he took office, the president faced
enormous challenges, including the economic crisis and budget deficit, the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan, unemployment, strained foreign relations with several Islamic countries, and the
healthcare system, among others. However, he has well prioritised and strategized his problem-
solving tactics to include all of the above, some of which, like the economy, are already on a
positive trend. Others are long-term environmental policies. His ability to bring people together
for a common goal was most evident in the United Nations' Copenhagen Convention, in which he
forced nations to agree on a document when all else had failed.
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