Cbea 22 301e Peralta - As - 6

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Complete Name: PERALTA, KRISHIA MAE VERDERA Course/Year: __________________

__________________________________ CBEA-22-301E


Art has remained relevant in our daily lives because most of it has played some form of function for man.
Since the dawn of civilization, art has been at the forefront of giving color to man’s existence. The different
functions of art may be classified as either personal, social, or physical. An art’s function is personal if it
depends on the artist herself/himself or sometimes, still the audience of the art. There is a social function
in art if it has a particular social function, when it addresses a collective need of a group of people. Physical
function, finally, has something to do with direct, tangible uses of art. Not all products of art have function.
This should not disqualify them as art though. As mentioned by some of the most important thinkers in
history, art may serve either as imitation, representation, a disinterested judgment, or simply a
communication of emotion.

Directions: You will be grouped into eight (8). Each group will be assigned to present a 5-minute
explainer video about the following topics. Use the images uploaded in your GC as references.

Group 1 – Personal Functions
Group 2 – Social Functions
Group 3 – Physical Functions
Group 4 – Other Functions


Group 5 – Art as an Imitation
Group 6 – Art as a representation
Group 7 – Art as a Disinterested Judgment
Group 8 – Art as a Communication of Emotion

Duration (5 minutes) 5 points

Artistic Presentation of the Video 5 points

Use of Props or Artwork 5 points

Relevance to the Topic 10 points

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Balingasay, Aliah Marie P.
Florano, Grace D.
Jimenez, Arielle C.
Peralta, Krishia Mae V.
Ungco Jr., Felix D.

Google Drive Link: Group 4 – Other Functions Video Submission:


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Video Script Pitching:
Introduction and Overview – Peralta
Hello lovely creatures. And today we’re going to explore more what are the other
functions of art. Art has remained popular in our daily lives because most of it has
served some purpose for man. Other functions of art comprise of Spiritual including
sacred art, ritual art, and cultic practices. Along with the Political in accordance with
Historical experienced and economic policies. Now, let me call my team to further
understand the artistic approach and how does the art is truly appreciated.
1. Spiritual Function
1.1 Introduction to Spiritual Function
It expresses spiritual beliefs about the fate of life being controlled by a higher power.
Its function is to bring the soul toward its Creator and to draw it into a spiral or spiritual
growth, both in the world of creation and in the sphere of human creativity. The people
are serving as a tool of spiritual function of art. Why? People create an art relates to our
spiritual beliefs to have a strong connection in our creator or God such as bible,
painting, story of God and the great battle between angels and devils, and films or
movies. It means that the spiritual art is performed by spiritually cleansed individuals
who act as intermediaries between the laws of existence and the recipient.
1.2 Sacred Art
Sacred art is a religious art which means religious themes and inspiration are
frequently used in artistic imagery with the goal of elevating the spirit. It means, Sacred
art involves the ritual and cultic practices and practical and operative aspects of the path
of the spiritual realization within the artist's religious tradition. Sacred art helps us to
visualize the appearance of God and the historical event related to our religion
1.3 Ritualistic Function
In addition to that, art and spiritually are connected. By engaging works of art, we can
experience a sense of comfort and peace, as well as feeling of unease and being
challenged. (Another sub-topic of spiritual function is ritualistic art) It is a movement,
such as dance that commonly experience when you are going to indigenous tribe; it is

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their way to praise their God. And praising of sculptures and paintings of GODS are also
a part of it, but there is a ritualistic art that used in festivals to celebrate and look back to
the history of their region like this (pointing out the picture).
1.4 Cultic Practices
It is a ritual behavior in connection with specific objects, within a framework of spatial
and temporal coordinates. Ritual would include prayer, sacrifice, votive offerings,
competitions, processions and construction of monument.
2. Political Function
2.1 Economic
State economies depend on arts and culture. In addition to creating jobs, attracting
investments, and generating tax revenues, arts and culture-related industries provide
direct economic benefits to states and communities. Moreover, these industries provide
creative ideas to other industries and preparing workers for the modern economy.
Additionally, the arts and culture enrich local amenities and attract young professionals
suitable for community development. As states compete in the global marketplace,
governors increasingly recognize the creative sector's importance.

2.2 Historical
As you know, art history involves much more than simply listing all art movements and
placing them historically. The study of arts focuses on the meaning of visual arts which
are paintings, sculptures, and architectural designs at the time they were created.
Additionally, art supports and enhances a sense of identity and ideological connections
to specific political views, parties, or individuals.
Now, is there a reason for appreciating art? Our past is reflected in visual art. It serves
as a record of past events, and art generally allows us to understand better how
civilization evolved over time.

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(Write your answer in just a 3-sentence paragraph.)

In this asynchronous activity, which I belong to the Group 4: Other Functions and
assessed me to brainstorm the subject and its topic and subtopics. As well as to
express my creativity in creating and designing a visual art as form of five (5) minutes
video art. However, with regards to our group main content topic entitled “Other
Functions”, which comprised of Spiritual Function specifically sacred art, ritual art, and
cultic practices and Political Function including historical and economic. This aims to
understand the artistic values and approach, and how does it influence our beliefs and
practices. Not only but also art has remained significance in our daily lives, and it has
been at the forefront of adding color to man's existence since the dawn of civilization.
Hence, this activity evaluated a standard and quality output with my groupmates
explicitly visual art in form of video art.

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(PDF) the spiritual role of art – reseracchgate.net. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2, 2022, from
What is ritual art /ra/? LY.R.A. (2019, August 17). Retrieved October2, 2022 from
What is art history? IESA arts & culture. (2017, December 20). Retrieved October 1, 2022,
Thomasian, J. (n.d.). Using Arts and Culture to Stimulate State Economic Development.
NGA Center for Best Practices. Retrieved October 1, 2022, from
Functions of art. MVHS IB ART. (n.d.). Retrieved October 5, 2022, from
Google Arts and Culture. (2012). Explore Art from around the World. YouTube. Retrieved
October 6, 2022, from https://youtu.be/4ZdCByYeNRU.

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