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Jethro T.


Activity #1


Aristotle tries to begin with common sense. He doesn’t just want to build theories in
thin air that have no connection to reality. He just collects different opinions from
different people about a certain topic. For your Activity you will ask the opinions of 20
different people about the following questions:

A. What is happiness?
B. What is/are your goals/ in life?
C. How can you achieve your goal/s?
D. Who are the people you need to achieve your goal/s with?

Gather all the answers of the respondents. What is the top 3 most frequent answer?

A. What is happiness?
1. When you reach success
2. Goodhealth
3. Money

B. What is/are your goal/s in life?

1. To be successful
2. To have a stable life
3. To have a long life

C. How can you achieve your goal/s?

1. By focusing in achieving goals
2. To stay positive and determine
3. By doing it one step at a time

D. Who are the people you need to achieve your goal/s with?
1. Family and friends
2. Loved ones
3. Professionals

What is happiness from the data you’ve gathered from different respondents?

These are what I’ve gathered from different respondents.

- Happiness is buying stuff that you want for a long time.

- Happiness is seeing your parents smile
- Happiness is to feel loved
Jethro T. Lucida

- Happiness is achieving your goals

- Happiness is living a simply life
- Happiness is building your own house
- Happiness is achieving productivity
- Happiness is completing a task
- Happiness is to spend time to someone you love
- Happiness is being able to unwind
- Happiness is a choice
- Happiness is fulfilling responsibility

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