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Alejandra López Vendrell


Ladies and gentlemen. Bullying, what means bullying? Bullying is any kind of
harassment or aggression towards a child or teenager caused by other children or
teenagers. Unfortunately, nowadays, this word is well recognized by everyone, since
who has not experienced an episode of bullying either as the one who suffers it, the
one who provokes it or the one who simply observes it?

Three main characters appear in each bullying story. First of all, the person who
suffers the abuse, in other words, the victim which is usually the one who appears to
be the weakest, the one who does not physically match the strict stereotypes that our
society imposes, the one who has some kind of difficulty in the academic field, the
one who has a different sexual orientation, in short, the person who for any reason
does not fit into a group. It’s more than obvious that this person has no defects or
problems, but there are people that through causing harm and damage to others are
able to feel better. These are called the bullies, those who have no life and need the
victim to feel vulnerable, sad and different in order to be able to feel superior. The
bullies make the victims believe that they have some sort of problem, but the real
problem is with them, because what kind of person can feel good by abusing others.
However, not everything is always black or white. In many cases bullies tend to
engage in this horrible behavior due to they may have suffered some abuse at home,
have a bad family situation, have any trauma among other factors, so when they find
someone who appears to be weaker, they take the opportunity to take their anger out
on them. Don't be fooled by appearances, bullies appear to be the strongest, the most
popular, the perfect ones, but in reality they are the most vulnerables. They are the
ones who really need help, for them bullying becomes a game, a pleasure and even a
disease. Finally, in every bullying story we find the third individual, the one who

doesn't abuse, doesn't help, doesn't tell, the one who simply watches, the one who
stays in silence.

Bullying can be provoked in several ways, the abuse can be physical, where the
victims are punched, pushed or kicked; verbal, where they are insulted, humiliated or
threatened; psychological, where they are blackmailed or manipulated; and finally,
the victims can suffer cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying is one of the most recent types,
as it is caused through social networks where the bullies are usually anonymous and
the fact that they are typing behind a screen makes them braver and they don't
hesitate to comment all sorts of nasty comments. In addition, can be the most
dangerous because even if it does not cause physical injuries, it can cause an
enormous emotional damage because as I have already mentioned, the abuser is
anonymous, so it could even be the person you considered your best friend.

According to a study carried out by the NGO bullying international, Mexico is in the
first position where 7 out of 10 children suffer bullying at school. Spain is in fourth
place, with 4 out of 10 children being bullied.

Bullying may begin as a mere game, but it can lead to something much deeper and
worse. For many people, it is a simple form of pastime, but for others it can turn into
a fear, a torture and a trauma. Approximately 800,000 young people end up
committing suicide each year because of school bullying, and many more try to

Imagine not wanting to go to class one day because you are afraid, I repeat afraid, of
your classmates. Not going because you are afraid of the people around you, the
people who were supposed to be your friends or at least your classmates. Waking up
every morning and wondering: what will they do to me today, they will punch me,
humiliate me or they will try something new? Sincerely people who have suffered
bullying become the bravest and the strongest ones because putting up with it every
day is invaluable.

If you are ever being bullied, don't keep it to yourself you must tell it to someone.
And if you know someone who is being bullied, you have to tell it out to anyone,
father, mother, teacher, whoever it could be. Because those who watch and remain
stay silent are as responsible as those who abuse. Say no to bullying!

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