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1 Carbon sequestration Potential of Tree Plantation on Saline soil and its

2 Role in Salinity Control



6 Research Synopsis submitted for the partial fulfilment of degree of M.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture
7 (Forestry and Range management)

10 By
11 Muhammad Ahmad
12 2017-ag-1209



16 Name of Supervisor

17 Professor Dr Din Muhammad Zahid



21 Department of Forestry and Range Management
22 Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology
23 Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan
24 2021-2023

1 Sustainable Agroforestry Model for Salinity Control and Enhanced
2 Carbon Sequestration in South Punjab - Pakistan
3 Muhammad Ahmad (2017-ag-1209), Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan.

4 Introduction:
5 The integration of trees with crops in a specific manner after undertaking all the factors
6 involved is termed as Agroforestry. The concept of agroforestry is very old but ignored to
7 some extent by certain socio-economic constraints for developing countries like Pakistan.
8 Agroforestry is becoming the need of the day. This is due to its importance for climate
9 change mitigation (to sequester carbon), for economic backup, to control salinity, sodicity,
10 waterlogging, and cool down temperature (Muhammad et al., 2010). Soil degradation is the
11 major problem nearly all over the world, and the developing countries are most affected, due
12 to various reasons including mono cropping system as primary source to earn, thus draining
13 all the nutrients from the soil and in return chemicals and inorganic fertilizers are added. So,
14 humans do not skip even a single chance to destroy their food providing soil.
15 Soil salinity is one of the most serious global problems in arid and semi-arid areas,
16 threatening agricultural productivity (El hasini et al., 2019). Salinization is already
17 covering 20% of all cultivated area and 33% of irrigated farming fields across the world
18 (Shrivastava & Kumar, 2015). By 2050, the rate of growth in soil salinization is predicted to
19 be quicker than it is presently perceived (Anonymous, 2014). For example, in Bangladesh,
20 the percentage of salty soils grew from less than 1% in 1990 to 33% in 2015, owing to sea
21 water intrusion in coastal regions due to excessive withdrawal of ground water sources
22 (Rahman et al., 2018). The salt effects are also becoming severe due to other anthropogenic
23 activities of the ever-increasing global population pressure. The worrying influence of
24 climate change on the accumulation of soil salinity has recently gained a lot of scientific
25 interest. Soil salinity is one of the primary and pervasive issues that has hampered global food
26 security and environmental sustainability in recent years. Worsening the issue, the negative
27 effects of climate change hasten the development of soil salinity, potentially expanding the
28 problem to previously unaffected areas in the near future (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2021b). The
29 increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHG) concentrations, as well as the resulting
30 increase in air temperature and decrease in relative humidity, as well as extreme rainfall
31 events, are likely indicators of changing climate that have a significant impact on the rate of
32 soil salinity development (Trenberth, 2015). Due to rising sea levels, climate change may
33 hasten salt water incursion into rich soils, and excessive groundwater extraction in arid places

1 Sustainable agroforestry model for salinity control and Enhanced Carbon Sequestration

1 of the world may further exacerbate soil and groundwater salinity. Salinization is expected to
2 affect around 600 million people living in coastal zones across the world (Wheeler, 2012).
3 Rising air temperatures, extreme rainfall events, meteorological conditions (e.g., protracted
4 droughts and floods), changing soil fertility and health, and new insect infestations, all of
5 which are contributing to stalled agricultural growth, are key causes of soil salinity (Corwin,
6 2021). Large amounts of rainfall travel through soils to cumulate at recharge sites as a result
7 of hydrological disturbances such as significant forest removal for agricultural reasons,
8 resulting in dryland salinity concerns (Rengasamy, 2006). Salinity is a side effect of irrigated
9 agriculture, especially if internal drainage is obstructed and water conveyance
10 canals/distributaries are at a higher elevation than the adjacent land, and where groundwater
11 pumping is less than incoming seepage (Singh, 1994). For effective control of salinity of such
12 extent with positive effect on controlling climate change is tree plantation with crops.
13 Furthermore, the proper disposal of drainage water remains a key environmental concern.
14 Pakistan is agriculturally based country feeding about 207.77 million population. But there
15 are threats to Pakistan economy due to salinization of the soil. About 6.28-million-hectare
16 land is affected by salinity. This is due to the use of brackish water from underground. When
17 the pumping of water through bore pumps due to shortage of canal water, the salinity also
18 started from that point. The research suggested not to use groundwater irrigation at such level
19 but people did not listen and number of bore pumps increased, resulting in increased soil
20 salinity (Malik et al., 2020). As a result, bio-drainage forestry plantings with deep-rooted
21 trees have been advocated for dryland salinity management. Trees assist restore hydrological
22 balances by managing water flows to recharge sites and directly accessing groundwater via
23 transpiration. Tree plants in irrigated regions can assist to prevent seepage from canals
24 (McFarlane et al., 2016). A wide range of goods, such as fuel-wood, fodder, and lumber, as
25 well as carbon sequestration, improved physio-chemical characteristics of soil, and the
26 ecological advantages of restoring biodiversity, are all supplementary benefits (Chizmar et
27 al., 2022). Trees do not compete with the crops as they are deep rooted and does not affect
28 the yield much. And we know that climate change need addressing, so by using trees as
29 remedies for salinity control, enhanced carbon sequestration will also be achieved thus
30 mitigating carbon from the environment. Other social and economic benefits are also
31 considerable (Singh, 1994). Aesthetic values, disease control, cleaning the environment,
32 creating micro-environments reducing the warm weathering conditions are plus points. Trees
33 are vital part of any sustainable, diverse land use ecosystem for multiple benefits. Under the

1 Sustainable agroforestry model for salinity control and Enhanced Carbon Sequestration

1 current global wave of climate change, trees are being considered one of the main rescues to
2 mitigate climate change. At global scale agroforestry has been proven and been adapted as
3 one of the best land use systems (McFarlane et al., 2016). But in Pakistan, farmers always
4 remained reluctant to opt agroforestry as one of their main land uses. There are multiple
5 reasons for this reluctance, such as long rotation age of trees for sale, dwindling and poor
6 marketing system, shade effect on crop near trees, instead overall crop yield and farm income
7 is always increased (Bari & Schofield, 1991). Other reasons include small land holdings for
8 sustenance, lack of machinery and affordability of poor farmers to carry out forestry related
9 silvicultural operations. Technically, there has not been any agency or institute that could
10 help the poor farmers in establishing a robust agroforestry model to follow, for sustainable
11 higher income than that of the traditional poor farm production practices already in use
12 (Mathur & Bhattacharya, 2022).
13 No doubt world is trying its best to restore soil, but the research work and trials in Pakistan
14 are limited to universities and research institutes. There is insufficient extension services and
15 involvement of local farmers to benefit. Now the situation is kind a worse and it will move
16 forward if we do not take steps to slow it down. One of the most desirable solutions is to
17 plant trees with the crops to get multiple benefits. Agroforestry will help restore soil, mitigate
18 climate change, creates microclimates, temperature balance etc. Population is increasing and
19 forests are being cut for urban land development for housing and agriculture, which results in
20 tree loss. So, to fulfill this gap of removal, agroforestry is the only solution (Baig et al.,
21 2021).

23 Objectives (achievables):

24 To evaluate the economics of model agroforestry farm in Pakistan such as farm budgeting,
25 NPV, IRR, BC ratio, non-market valuation, change in income, etc. that affect farm
26 productivity.

27 Suitable tree species and potential of selected trees and its economic value.

28 Comparison of such model farms with other similar farms.

29 Benefits:

30 The objectives of restoration of saline soil and carbon sequestration will be obtained through
31 given model and will generate self-employment opportunities through supply of value-added

1 Sustainable agroforestry model for salinity control and Enhanced Carbon Sequestration

1 products in the local and foreign market for rural youth and farming communities including
2 women empowerment.

3 Better/improved/uplifting of lifestyle.

4 Sustainable income generation.

5 Review of Literature:

6 Soil salinity is a severe and pervasive problem that has hampered global food security and
7 environmental sustainability in recent years. Worsening the issue, the negative effects of
8 climate change hasten the development of soil salinity, potentially expanding the problem to
9 previously unaffected areas in the near future (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2021a). Saline/ saline
10 sodic soils form an important component of world agricultural lands to meet global food
11 requirements, comprising 3.4% (434 million ha) of the global landscape. Out of 230 million
12 ha of irrigated land, 45 million ha (19.5 percent) are salt-affected soils. Dryland agriculture
13 comprise of almost 1500 million ha, of that 32 million (2.1 percent) are salt affected soils.
14 Some agricultural uses have become less viable and detrimental to biodiversity, water
15 balances, soil health (e.g. increased salinity, land degradation) etc. under changing climates
16 and there is need for reforestation, new agricultural industries, or blends of sustainable land
17 uses (Anonymous, n.d.). Agricultural economy of Pakistan is vital for provision of food and
18 employment for 207.77 million populations. This economy is mainly threatened by salinity
19 which is expanding to 6.28 mha, thus developing wasteland of 2 mha due to presence of high
20 salinity. The injudicious use of brackish underground water is one of the major factors
21 responsible for increased salinity ultimately effecting productivity in Pakistan. Salinity has
22 devastating socio- economic impact on farmers micro economy in Pakistan, directly
23 impacting living standard, migration, health, the crumbling of houses, and harming to
24 communication and transport (Malik et al., 2020) The development of groundwater for
25 irrigation in Pakistan’s Punjab has lowered water tables and markedly reduced the extent of
26 waterlogged lands. However, the incidence of salinity has not been reduced at the same rate.
27 In irrigated regions with restricted availability to high-quality canal water, electrical
28 conductivity of the saturated soil extract (ECe) and salt adsorption ratio (SAR) were found to
29 be considerably higher. Farmers may employ tube well irrigation water to reduce salinity's
30 impacts, for example, by increasing the frequency of application when crops exhibit signs of
31 salt-induced water stress. Farmers are not faring as well in terms of sodicity, according to

1 Sustainable agroforestry model for salinity control and Enhanced Carbon Sequestration

1 evidence given (Kijne & Kuper, 1995). Trees are vital part of any sustainable, diverse land
2 use ecosystem for multiple benefits. Under the current global wave of climate change, trees
3 are being considered one of the main rescues to mitigate climate change. At global scale
4 agroforestry has been proven and been adapted as one of the best land use systems. But in
5 Pakistan, framers always remained reluctant to opt agroforestry as one of their main land uses
6 (Nawaz et al., 2018). There are multiple reasons for this reluctance, such as long rotation age
7 of trees for sale, dwindling and poor marketing system, shade effect on crop near trees,
8 instead overall crop yield and farm income is always increased. Other reasons include small
9 land holdings for sustenance, lack of machinery and affordability of poor farmers to carry out
10 forestry related silvicultural operations (Mahajan et al., 2019). Technically, there has not been
11 any agency or institute that could help the poor farmers in establishing a robust agroforestry
12 model to follow, for sustainable higher income than that of the traditional poor farm
13 production practices already in use (Nawaz et al., 2018). It is stated that the Changes in
14 climate are happening which are unparalleled. If we continue on our present course, life on
15 the Earth will be modified to such an extent that it will be very difficult to fix. Due to several
16 activities like combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation during the last 100 years, chemical
17 makeup of this flimsy layer of the atmosphere has been extremely altered (Bari & Schofield,
18 1991). Such kind of modifications in chemical composition has a wide range of significant
19 harmful results on the long-term weather conditions of the planet, the ecological systems
20 which are being supported by the climate of the Earth, and the welfare of human beings and
21 economy. While agroforestry is a well-established approach for agroecological
22 intensification, rice is less often integrated with trees than other annual staple crops. The
23 benefits and risks from rice agroforestry practices have not been systematically explored.
24 Considering the need for strategies that may address low fertility and high degradation of
25 arable soils and contribute to smallholder farm productivity, livelihoods and climate
26 resilience, such exploration would both be timely and relevant (Mathur & Bhattacharya,
27 2022). Across all types of agroforestry practices enumerated, the average effect of adding
28 trees compared to a no-fertilizer and no-tree control is + 38%. It was observed that about 82%
29 of the households surveyed in the two districts of Tripura have adopted agroforestry
30 practices, either along with shifting cultivation or as the sole type of cultivation practice. This
31 transition to inclusion of agroforestry happened within a span of about 10 years, due to
32 various government and private interventions. A total of 15 agroforestry species were
33 recorded that were grown by these farmers in various combinations that depended on external

1 Sustainable agroforestry model for salinity control and Enhanced Carbon Sequestration

1 factors like availability of seedlings, external interventions, area of homestead land and
2 financial viability (Smit et al., 2007). Through awareness and better infrastructural support,
3 these farmers can manage their cultivation more sustainably and reap better financial returns
4 from them. Land and stream salinization is a major and increasing problem in southwestern
5 Australia. Transformation of the south-western Australian landscape from deep-rooted woody
6 vegetation systems to shallow-rooted annual cropping systems has resulted in the severe loss
7 of biodiversity and this loss has been exacerbated by rising ground waters that have
8 mobilized stored salts causing extensive dry land salinity (Silori & Mishra, 2001). Since the
9 original plant communities were mostly perennial and deep rooted, the model for sustainable
10 agriculture and landscape water management invariably includes deep rooted trees.
11 Commercial forestry is however only economical in higher rainfall (>700 mm yr−1) areas
12 whereas much of the area where biodiversity is threatened has lower rainfall (300–700 mm
13 yr−1) (Flugge & Abadi, 2006). Agroforestry may provide the opportunity to develop new
14 agricultural landscapes that interlace ecosystem services such as carbon mitigation via carbon
15 sequestration and biofuels, biodiversity restoration, watershed management while
16 maintaining food production(Mahajan et al., 2019). To restore soils trees are only solution by
17 considering other situations like climate change, increasing population, food security,
18 pollution etc.

19 To know the different factors affecting on the adoption process of agroforestry by small
20 household farmers survey methodology was used. A multistage sampling technique was used
21 to collect data from 239 household in Kenya. This study applied a descriptive, cross-sectional
22 research design to identify the factors influencing farmers’ decisions to adopt AF
23 technologies. A farmer adoption status was dependent variable and the independent variables
24 were household socioeconomic characteristics, economic characteristics, farm characteristics,
25 and institutional characteristics (Pello et al., 2021). The other study was carried out by survey
26 research design in which two analytical designs were used. The farmers were selected and
27 divided into two groups (one who is applying agroforestry and other who is not using tree
28 integration with crops). The first methodological approach includes an income analysis to
29 determine differences in farm income that applies for agroforestry and non-agroforestry
30 systems. Second, the Interpretative Structural Modelling (ISM) method measured. Through
31 this methodology we can find the best agroforestry model (combination of trees with
32 different crops) through economic analysis, other factors like soil reclamation etc. we can
33 find ecological impacts through this (Nuddin et al., 2019). Another methodology used is a

1 Sustainable agroforestry model for salinity control and Enhanced Carbon Sequestration

1 Delphi methodology in which we can find sustainability indicators by presenting

2 questionnaire to the selected experts and then the results are evaluated and after evaluation
3 new questionnaire is formed and the average results of previous analysis are attached and
4 again data is collected. From this we can find different indicators like stocking rate, farm
5 profitability, degree of job satisfaction etc. (Escribano et al., 2018).

6 The total present value of each individual cash flow makes up the NPV. In general, any
7 project with an NPV above 0 is technically feasible, and the long-term advantages outweigh
8 the short-term expenses. The NPV number by itself, however, doesn't reveal anything about
9 the amount of capital needed. A suggested project can have a higher NPV than a competing
10 idea, but it might also need a bigger capital expenditure. The decision in accepting the project
11 has the rules like if NPV is greater than 0 then the project is feasible. But, if it is equal to
12 zero, we are in the middle, and if NPV is less than zero. The project will be rejected. We can
13 find NPV by following formula:

NPV=∑ ( Bt−Ct ) ÷(1+r )
t =0

15 where r is the chosen discount rate, n is the number of years, B the benefits in year t, C the
16 costs in year t. (Mercer et al., 2015)

17 The IRR establishes the optimum interest rate that a project may theoretically pay back on
18 loans while recouping all capital expenditures and operational expenses. Simply explained,
19 the IRR calculates how much money invested in a certain business will really buy. The
20 discount rate that eliminates a sequence of cash flows' net value may alternatively be thought
21 of as the IRR. It is calculated using actual data to be equivalent to the overall costs and
22 benefits anticipated from a firm. The following formula is used to calculate IRR:

23 ∑ ( Bt −Ct ) /(1+ P)t =0
t =0

24 Accept the project if IRR > MARR (Minimum Acceptable Rate of Return) (NPV > 0).

25 If NPV = 0 and IRR = MARR: Indifferent

26 If NPV 0 and IRR MARR: Abandon the project (Mercer et al., 2015).

1 Sustainable agroforestry model for salinity control and Enhanced Carbon Sequestration

1 For cost benefit ratio the costs, benefits, and discounted rates are predefined. Then the
2 discounted benefits are divided by the discounted costs. If the ratio is higher then the project
3 is more attractive theoretically. The following formula is used to calculate the ratio:

∑ (1+i)
4 B/C=
∑ (1+ni)n

5 • If B/C > 1 (NPV > 0): accept the project

6 • If B/C = 1 (NPV = 0): indifferent

7 • If B/C < 1 (NPV < 0): reject the project (Mercer et al., 2015)













1 Sustainable agroforestry model for salinity control and Enhanced Carbon Sequestration

8 Methodology

9 Site selection:

10 For this study we selected the Research area of Department of Forestry and Range
11 Management, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan. Here the vegetation is of about 10
12 years old or more (the initial soil data is available in the department before plantation). We
13 will collect initial soil characteristics data.

14 Experimental design for soil analysis;

15 We will use CRD (complete randomized design) to collect soil samples for its analysis of
16 physical characteristics (texture/ soil aggregates, e.g., sand, silt and clay and organic matter
17 contents), water retention capacity, and chemical properties i.e., concentration of different
18 salts (salinity) such as HCO3- , Cl-1, SO4-2, including sodicity (concentration of Na+), EC, pH,
19 and concentration of other nutrients such as K+, Mg++, Ca++. We will assume that soil is
20 homogeneous in the selected plots. We will collect soil sample from soil core depths of 6'',
21 12'', 18'', 24'', with 4 replications.

22 Parameters of Study:

23 Socio economic sustainability indicators

24 1. Employment opportunities (questions containing information such as name of

25 respondent, family size, no of people employed, nature of work, working family
26 members male and female, average daily/ monthly/ annual income)

1 Sustainable agroforestry model for salinity control and Enhanced Carbon Sequestration

1 2. Any business ideas by the respondent with pros and cons (structured questions with
2 10 to 15 business ideas like retail shop, pesticide shop, driving rikshaw/ taxi, local
3 merchant (arhat), sheep or goat farming, vegetable/fruits shop)
4 3. Proposed and acceptable business model; enlist sources of income with value added
5 farm products, such as Peasantry
6 4. Farm profitability criteria;
7 5. Job satisfaction criteria;
8 6. Preferred tree species
9 7. Preferred rotation age
10 8. Tree cover on farmland (%)
11 9. Access of animals to water
12 10. Institutional support; any government funding, research organization, NGOs or local
13 government support.
14 11. Permanent access of animals to open spaces: Yes No, available area/ distance to travel
15 12. Specific agricultural training of the manager.
16 13. Total cost of the farm
17 14. Economic impact of feeding stuffs
18 15. Total sales from the farm sources (total costs of the livestock & its products,
19 agricultural produce, wood products, fruits & others)
20 16. Choice of species and crops
21 17. Stocking rate


24 Environmental Sustainability Indicators

25 Amount of Carbon sequestered

26 Emission sources (e.g. motor vehicles, engines, fuel wood, others)

27 Improvement in water quality

28 Changes in soil physical and chemical properties (Content of organic matter in the soil,
29 Proper management of the manure

30 Biodiversity survey (flora and fauna)

1 Sustainable agroforestry model for salinity control and Enhanced Carbon Sequestration

1 Soil conservation and protection practices

3 Soil Sustainability Indicators

4 Soil related like pH, SAR, ECe, potassium, calcium, organic matter etc.

5 Texture/soil aggregates (sand, silt and clay and organic matter contents).

6 Water retention capacity

7 Chemical properties i.e., concentration of different salts (salinity) such as HCO 3- , Cl-1, SO4-2,
8 including sodicity (concentration of Na+).

indicators Threshold value remarks

Sand %
Silt %
Clay %
Organic matter %

10 Economic analysis of the project:

11 For economic analysis we will use Enterprise/farm budget models to estimate the profitability
12 of a farm by deriving indicators such as net present value (NPV), benefit cost ration (BCR),

1 Sustainable agroforestry model for salinity control and Enhanced Carbon Sequestration

1 and internal rate of return (IRR). And we will use dynamic optimization models to estimate
2 optimum values (e.g., timber rotation age and tree cover) under limited, terminating time
3 periods or perpetual scenarios. Non market valuation models like hedonic and contingent
4 models, for example, estimate values for environmental goods and services such as
5 improving water quality, carbon sequestration, and to improve soil physical and chemical
6 properties. We will also implement regional economic models/aspects opportunities, it is
7 used to estimate changes in income, employment, and price levels at regional or national
8 scales, in response to a policy or programmatic change by incorporating intersectoral linkages


11 Data collection:

12 Such as, soil profile, soil aggregates, water table depth and chemical properties etc. we will
13 then sort out the vegetation characteristics. We will analyze the soil for physical (texture, soil
14 aggregates, sand, silt and clay) and chemical properties (EC, pH, K +, Mg++, Ca++, Na+, HCO3- ,
15 Cl-1, SO4-2) and compare the results before and after vegetation. Moreover, large patches of
16 abandoned uncultivated lands are lying beside the plantation area. The soil related data for
17 such sites will be helpful for comparison regarding improvement and soil properties before
18 and after planting after different time intervals.

19 With soil analysis we also will analyze water quality of bore pumps for drinking and
20 irrigation purposes. For this, we will collect water from different pump (from plantation area
21 and non-plantation area) and will carry out chemical analysis and then will compare the
22 results.

23 To know the different factors affecting on the adoption process of agroforestry by small
24 household farmers survey methodology will be used. A multistage sampling technique will
25 be used to collect data from at least 250 farmers in South Punjab. This study will apply a
26 descriptive, cross-sectional research design to identify the factors influencing farmers’
27 decisions to adopt AF technologies. A farmer adoption status will be dependent variable and
28 the independent variables will be household socioeconomic characteristics, economic
29 characteristics, farm characteristics, and institutional characteristics. We will select farmers
30 and divide them into two groups (one who is applying agroforestry and other who is not using
31 tree integration with crops). We will use two analytical designs. The first methodological

1 Sustainable agroforestry model for salinity control and Enhanced Carbon Sequestration

1 approach includes an income analysis to determine differences in farm income that applies
2 for agroforestry and non-agroforestry systems. Second, the Interpretative Structural
3 Modelling (ISM) method measured. Through this methodology we will find the best
4 agroforestry model (combination of trees with different crops) through economic analysis,
5 other factors like soil reclamation etc. we will find ecological impacts through this. Another
6 methodology we will use is a Delphi methodology in which we can find sustainability
7 indicators by presenting questionnaire to the selected experts and then the results are
8 evaluated and after evaluation new questionnaire is formed and the average results of
9 previous analysis are attached and again data will be collected. From this we can find
10 different sustainability indicators for agroforestry farms like stocking rate, farm profitability,
11 degree of job satisfaction etc.


13 Table 1: physical and chemical characteristics of study site before and after plantation

parameters Before 10 yrs. After 10 remarks

Of plantation yrs. Of
Sand %
Silt %
Clay %
Organic matter %

1 Sustainable agroforestry model for salinity control and Enhanced Carbon Sequestration

2 Table 2: Soil fertility and organic matter before and after 10 yrs. Of plantation

Soil 6 (inch) 12 (inch) 18 (inch) 24 (inch)

statu Normal Before After Normal Before After Normal Before After Normal Before After 10
s 10 yrs. 10 yrs. 10 yrs. 10 yrs. 10 yrs. 10 yrs. 10 yrs. yrs.


mg/kg Mg





g/100 g Silt



4 Table 3: Economic sustainability of agroforestry farm before and after 10 yrs. Of plantation
Economic sustainability Agroforestry Agroforestry Agroforestry Agroforestry Non Remarks
indicators of agroforestry
farm with farm with farm with farm with agroforestry
combination combination combination combination farms

Mango + Citrus + Date + Pomegranate

other +

Total net margin of the


Net margin of livestock


Efficiency of the

1 Sustainable agroforestry model for salinity control and Enhanced Carbon Sequestration

workforce (Gross

Output/Annual Work
Unit –AWU–)

Livestock sales

Total sales of the farm

Total cost of the farm

Total cost of livestock

Economic impact of
feeding stuff

Economic impact of
fossil energy
Dependence on
subsidies (%
Subsidies/Total net
Livestock or agricultural
activities carried out in
the farm (Number)
Income due exclusively
to agricultural/livestock
activities (%)
Easy access to credit
Farm profitability

Technical management
of productions
Calves born per
cow/Lambs born per
Calves sold per
cow/Lambs sold per ewe
Crop yields (kg/ha)

Impact of the use of

animal feeding stuffs
(kg of
feeding stuffs per animal
% of animal diet based
on grazing

1 Sustainable agroforestry model for salinity control and Enhanced Carbon Sequestration

2 Water quality for drinking and irrigation purposes in agroforestry and non-agroforestry

3 Table 4: chemical analysis of bore water in agroforestry and non-agroforestry farms

Water contents(mg)/L threshold In agroforestry Non-agroforestry Remarks

Drinking Irrigation Drinking Irrigation Drinking Irrigation




















5 Carbon sequestration potential under different agroforestry systems

6 Table 5: Carbon sequestration potential of different species at agroforestry farm

Agroforestry model system Carbon sequestration/annum Remarks

Mango + fodder +crop
Citrus + crops
Dates + crops

1 Sustainable agroforestry model for salinity control and Enhanced Carbon Sequestration

Coppice system

2 Expected outcomes:

3 The expected outcomes of this research are that we will know the land value before
4 vegetation and after vegetation. There will be the suitability of tree selection for sustainable
5 agroforestry system in saline soils. After this research to implement the results, target areas in
6 South Punjab are Lodhran, Muzaffargarh, Dera Ghazi Khan. Some of the expected outcomes
7 are as follows:

8 Higher income per unit land area (higher benefits: cost ratio).

9 Employment generation: Self-employment and improved lifestyle of farming community.

10 Environmental protection: salinity control, aesthetic values, enhanced carbon sequestration

11 for mitigation of climate change as international agenda.

12 Improvement in food and water quality.

13 References:

14 Anonymous. (n.d.). A Review on Efforts and Outcomes of Salinity Mitigation combined with
15 Carbon Sequestration.
16 Baig, M. B., Burgess, P. J., & Fike, J. H. (2021). Agroforestry for healthy ecosystems:
17 constraints, improvement strategies and extension in Pakistan. Agroforestry Systems,
18 95(5), 995–1013. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10457-019-00467-4
19 Bari, M. A., & Schofield, N. J. (1991). Effects of agroforestry-pasture associations on
20 groundwater level and salinity. Agroforestry Systems, 16(1), 13–31.
21 https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00053194
22 Chizmar, S., Parajuli, R., Frey, G. E., Bardon, R. E., Branan, R. A., MacFarland, K., Smith, M., &
23 Ameyaw, Lord. (2022). Challenges and opportunities for agroforestry practitioners to
24 participate in state preferential property tax programs for agriculture and forestry.
25 Trees, Forests and People, 7, 100176. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tfp.2021.100176
26 Corwin, D. L. (2021). Climate change impacts on soil salinity in agricultural areas. European
27 Journal of Soil Science, 72(2), 842–862. https://doi.org/10.1111/EJSS.13010
28 El hasini, S., Iben. Halima, O., El. Azzouzi, M., Douaik, A., Azim, K., & Zouahri, A. (2019).
29 Organic and inorganic remediation of soils affected by salinity in the Sebkha of Sed El
30 Mesjoune – Marrakech (Morocco). Soil and Tillage Research, 193, 153–160.
31 https://doi.org/10.1016/J.STILL.2019.06.003

1 Sustainable agroforestry model for salinity control and Enhanced Carbon Sequestration

1 Escribano, M., Díaz-caro, C., & Mesias, F. J. (2018). Science of the Total Environment A
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