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Allah Valley Drive, Surallah, South Cotabato

Tel No. (083) 878-1082 Email:


FS 2 Learning
4 Situation with
Probable Action

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be

sure to read through the whole episode before participating and assisting in
your FS 2 Resource Teacher’s class. Note all the information you will need and
tasks you will need to do before working on this episode.

Target Your Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:

 Analyze teaching learning problems prevailing in the classroom.
 List matching action as a probable solution to the teaching- learning

Clarify Your Task

Matching Problematic Learning Situations with Probable Action as


Identifying a problem is a tricky task. Action research begins with identifying a

problem. Oftentimes, it is one of the difficult things to begin with. When a researcher
was asked: “Have you identified a problem for your action research? “Common
answers will be: “My problem is that, I do not have a problem, “ironical, isn’t it?
Allah Valley Drive, Surallah, South Cotabato
Tel No. (083) 878-1082 Email:
If you observe and notice closely the teaching-learning environment in the
classroom, you will discover of lot of problematic situations. You must have also
observed these problematic situations when you did you FS 1 course.
But matching these problems with appropriate action is trickier.

Revisit the Infographics

Allah Valley Drive, Surallah, South Cotabato
Tel No. (083) 878-1082 Email:
Figure 2. Words that Represent Common Teaching-Learning Problems
Identified by Filipino Teachers (Felimon, Siason, Bilbao, 2021)

Each of the identified problem that you encircled has a corresponding action
or solution.


Paticipate and Assist

What five problems have you identified from the words that you have
encircled? Make a statement. Write in the space below.

The problems I identified are:

1. Classroom

2. Reading Difficulty

3. Discipline

4. Poverty

5. Distance
Allah Valley Drive, Surallah, South Cotabato
Tel No. (083) 878-1082 Email:

Excellent! Let us see how we can assist and learn at the same time.
Suppose, the problem you have spotted is: COOMPREHENSION.
How can you assist your mentor, after knowing that the learners have difficulty
in comprehension?
 To solve the problem and determine who and how many students have
comprehension issues and require help, observe, conduct evaluations, and
conduct surveys
Make a Choice for your ACTION.
A. Conduct a tutorial lesson.
B. Show video lessons to help enhance comprehension.
C. Make a learning task to develop comprehension.

Suppose you chose letter A. Conduct a Tutorial. So, you have identified the
SOLUTION that matches the PROBLEM which is Difficulty in Comprehension.

The Problem I The Action is:

Difficulty in
Conduct a Tutorial
Comprehension of

The Action is:

1. Promote language comprehension in general

2. Emphasize vocabularies
3. Teach thinking techniques
4. Encourage students to practice teaching others.
5. Specially convey comprehension abilities
Allah Valley Drive, Surallah, South Cotabato
Tel No. (083) 878-1082 Email:
Can you also choose letter B. Show video lesson as a SOLUTION for the
Explain. You may also provide them the opportunity of watching videos that discuss
reading comprehension practices and techniques.

The Problem is: The Action is:

Difficulty in
Comprehension of Show video lessons
Of ___________

What about letter C as a SOLUTION to the same PROBLEM? Why?

Because, we may monitor the student's progress in learning, determine the kinds of
words that are challenging for him or her to read, and provide the most effective
strategic intervention materials.

The Problem is: The Action is:

Difficulty in Make learning tasks

Comprehension of … to improve

The Action is:

To assist difficult kids in achieving the necessary
reading growth. To aid in their retention of what they
have learnt, develop engaging learning exercises. And
inspiration is a crucial component of their development.
 Participate in different sensory activities
 Group exercises
 Encourage and reward achievement
Allah Valley Drive, Surallah, South Cotabato
Tel No. (083) 878-1082 Email:
Interesting, isn’t it? Now, you can assist your mentor by identifying observed
problems in the class and suggest actions to be done.


What have you noticed of the problem identified above? Can there be more than
once solution to be problem? Explain. As I noticed about the problem students
frequently struggle with reading, especially in light of the pandemic. The crisis we are
currently experiencing is affecting students' ability to learn to read.
Yes, the mentioned issue has several solutions because depending on just one
would not be enough to address it. Keep in mind that every issue we face has a
variety of solutions. We only need to look into it and get these answers. In order to
come up with different solutions for the same issue, we need to be imaginative,
adaptable, and creative.

A creative and innovative teacher can find one or more than one solution or
answer to the same problem. Each solution matches with the problem. The more
solution identified to choose from, the better for an action researcher.


Let us try look into the following scenarios in the daily life of a teacher. This
scenario might also be similar to the class you have observed and noticed.
Scenario A: Miss Fely is a grade four teacher in atypical elementary school. She
has forty learners in her class. One half of them cannot classify animals
into vertebrates and invertebrates. She has been repeating the same
science lesson for two weeks, yet no progress was observed. This
situation has been bothering Miss Fely.

 Can you identify, Miss Fely’s problem?

Of course, yes. Miss Fely's problem, as I identified it, is that her students
have a poor understanding of vertebrates and invertebrates. As stated
in the preceding scenario, her students are unable to classify animals
using the aforementioned classification of animals.
 Can you find a solution to solve her problem? _____ Give your two

a. Discuss the topic while using pictures so that students will able to
figure out what animal is being tackled
Allah Valley Drive, Surallah, South Cotabato
Tel No. (083) 878-1082 Email:
b. Use a video presentation.

 What solution can solve Miss Fely’s Problem? Among the two solutions
I suggested to Miss Fely, I believe the use of video presentations with
content on the topic is the most likely to solve her problem.

By putting the solution into action. Because most of the students when
they are able to see a picture they can easily remembered and classify.

Are they matched with the problem? Yes, they are matched with the

Scenarios B: Sir Ryan teaches in a disadvantaged urban community. Most of his

learners come from families that are disrupted, either with single
parents or with their guardians who stand only as parents. They are
deprived of the necessary food, clothing and shelter.

 Can you identify the most probable teaching-learning problem/s in the class
of Sir Ryan?
a. Learners came from families who are disrupted family which
immediately reduces time and parenting inputs to their children.

b. They are deprived of basic human needs such as food, clothing, and
shelter, which has a negative impact on their interest.

 Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you have
Among the problems identified, the solution than enable to solve we must ask
for help from the co-teachers are community to donate some essential things
like clean clothes and food so that they’ll come to school full and presentable.
So, as we a teacher we encourage the students to value education and
recognize that their current situation is not permanent. You are one to
motivate that student to realize that there are many stories of people who
rose from rags to become well-known and wealthy, and that they, too, can do
so if they are motivated to study.

Allah Valley Drive, Surallah, South Cotabato
Tel No. (083) 878-1082 Email:


After reading the two scenarios given above, how would identifying
problematic situations and finding solutions to these problems help you to become a
better teacher?
Explain: As a future teacher, I must be observant in order to identify problematic
situations. Identifying problematic situations in the classroom and finding
potential solutions will help me become a better educator someday by
improving my ability to look and observe attentively. Nevertheless, Imust
help my students to cure ignorance and help them achieve their goals in
life so that they will not become poor.

A creative and innovative teacher can find one or more than one solution or
answer to the same problem. Each solution matches with the problem. The more
solution identified to choose from, the better for an action researcher.

Write Action Research Prompts

Using any one example of problems in this activity, answer the AR prompts
that follow:


What problematic situation prevails in the classroom?

The following problematic situations that can arise in the classroom include
connectivity, involvement, home, and social status, all of which can have an impact
on the teaching-learning process for both teachers and students. Additionally, based
on scenario two, Sir Ryan's students came from a disadvantaged urban community,
with the majority of his students coming from disrupted families. The possibility is
that they are unable to focus on every lesson provided by teacher Ryan, that there
are a greater number of drop-outs, that there are a greater number of absent
students, and that they are disinterested in the lessons.

Allah Valley Drive, Surallah, South Cotabato
Tel No. (083) 878-1082 Email:
What changes do you want to achieve?
I want to start by giving students a purposeful teaching-learning experience while
simultaneously engaging in social interaction with them. Second, I want them to take
part in all activities and understand that there is help and hope out there for them.
Third, I want them to know and believe that I will do everything in my power to help
them improve. I also want them to know that I will do everything in my power to help
them cooperate better and have a more fulfilling educational experience. Overall, I
want people to adopt a different perspective and have confidence in their capacity to
change for the better, for themselves.


What strategies will you use to improve the situation?

To improve the current situation, I plan to visit them at their home on a regular
basis in order to get to know them personally and establish a positive rapport with
their parents. I will schedule a meeting with the parents and form a group called the
"Parents-Teacher Association." As a teacher, I will be adaptable and sensitive. Both
parents and students should be able to express their concerns. To gain their trust, I
will position myself as a role model because I believe that cultivating a positive
attitude in the classroom begins with me. And I will reinforce and reward positive
behaviors because praising students for their positive behavior is a simple yet
powerful way to motivate them to do their best. These strategies will assist students
in meeting all of their needs and bringing them to the classroom. I know it's difficult,
but if the teacher and parents are working toward the same goal and heading in the
same direction, it will all be worthwhile in the end.


What would be the title of your Action Research should you conduct the
study? The title would be "Integrated Activity as well as Impact Regarding Social
Status of 1st grade Pupils."

Add: Solutions/Actions
As a teacher, I'll conduct this study since I'm sure it will be beneficial to parents and
students alike. I will request permission to perform this study from the principal and
get the required materials ready. I will look for an in-kind donation as part of the
research process that will enable me to address some of the requirements of the
students and parents.

Work on my Artifacts
Allah Valley Drive, Surallah, South Cotabato
Tel No. (083) 878-1082 Email:

Your artifacts will be an Abstract of a completed Action Research.


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