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19 Okt 2022 20:19

Chapter 6. Online School Registration

A. Direct and Indirect Speech

1.Direct Speech
Direct speech is the words or sentences spoken
directly by the speaker (first person).

Things that must be considered in the form of

Direct Speech, namely:
a. Reporting Verbs (which report) and Reported
Words (which are reported) are separated by a
comma (,).
b. Reported Words in direct sentences are written
in quotation marks.
c. Reporting Verb can also be called Reporting
Sentence (sentence reporting), Reported Words
can be called Reported Speech (sentence
d. The location of the Reporting Verb does not
have to be at the beginning of the sentence, but
can be at the end
2.Indirect Speech
Indirect speech is a sentence that is spoken to
convey someone's statement.

Things that must be considered in indirect

sentences, namely:
a. The Reporting Verb and Reported Words are
connected by a conjunction.
b. In indirect speech, quotation marks are not

Indirect speech can be divided into two, namely:

a. In the form of an indirect sentence whose
preface is in the Present Tense, then the direct
sentence does not change tense
b. In the form of an indirect sentence whose
preface is in the past tense, the sentence
undergoes changes, namely tense, personal
pronouns, and adverbs of place.

B. Change from Direct Speech to Indirect Speech

1. Statement
– A declarative sentence using the preface
– When the speaker reports back what the other
person said, then the noun in the sentence must
change. Direct Speech: Ana says to nana, “I am
late.” Indirect Speech: Ana says to Nana that she
is late.
– When the speaker reports himself, the personal
pronouns (I, My, Me) remain.
Direct Speech: I said, "I will leave the country."
Indirect Speech: I said I would leave the country.

2. Questions 1. The question begins with a

question word: who (who), what (what), when
(when), where (where), with the following
– Question words are still used in indirect
Example: Direct Speech (DS): Ronald said to
Aning, “What are you doing?”
Indirect Speech (IS): Ronald asked Aning what
she was doing.

C. Tenses Of Direct Indirect Speech

1.Simple Present Tense

If the direct speech form in simple present tense,
then the indirect speech will be use simple past
Example :
Direct Speech = " i work as teacher"
Indirect Speech = he said that he worked as a

2.Present Continuous
If the direct speech form in present continuous
tense, then the indirect speech will be use past
continuous tense
Example :
Direct Speech = "im cooking a dinner"
Indirect Speech = She said that she was cooking
a dinner

3.Present Perfect Tense

If the direct speech form in present perfect tense,
then the indirect speech will be use past perfect
Example :
Direct Speech = "I have founded a treasure"
Indirect Speech = Jovan said that he had
founded a treasure

4.Present Perfect Continuous Tense

If the direct speech form in perfect continuous
tense, then the indirect speech will be use past
perfect continuous tense
Example :
Direct Speech = "I have been searching the book"
Indirect Speech = Lestin said that she had been
searching the book

5.Simple Past Tense

If the direct speech form in simple past tense,
then the indirect speech will be use past perfect
Example :
Direct Speech = " I took Lestin to home"
Indirect Speech = Jovan said that he had taken
Lestin to home

6.Future Tense
If the direct speech form in future tense, then the
indirect speech will be use conditional
Example :
Direct Speech = " I will be in Jakarta soon"
Indirect Speech = Nico said that he would be in
Jakarta soon

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