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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Tinampo, Irosin, Sorsogon




Direction: Identify whether the following statements are Fallacy or Fact. Write your answer
in the space provided.

1. All fats are bad for you.

2.Skipping meals will help you lose weight.
3.Sweating is a part of the physical activity process.
4.As long as people work out, they can eat whatever they want.
5.Regular exercise and a balance diet go hand in hand.
6.Exercise can turn fat into muscles.
7.Fat is the main fuel of the body.
8.The best time of the day to exercise is one that fits one’s schedule.
9.Warm up must be done before engaging physical activity.
10.Healthy young individuals do not require physical activity.
Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter that best corresponds to your answer in a given

11. What are some thing you can do to be healthy?

a. eating innutritious foods b. performing physical inactivity c. participating midnight

activity d. doing mental exercise

12. How can you ensure that your wishes about your healthcare are known by your family
or friends?
a. by not talking about it b. by writing down my wishes c. by talking with family and
friends d. by keeping it with myself

13. Depression in can be hard to detect. However, the earlier it is detected the easier it can
be treated. Which of the following is a symptom of depression?

a. increased of energy b. increased interest in usual activities c. complained about

memory problems d. enhanced self-appreciation

14. Eating a healthy diet can help reduce the risk of developing health problems, such as:

a. stroke b. binge disorder c. aneurism d. heart disease

15. The six dimensions of wellness include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. emotional wellness b. environmental wellness c. spiritual wellness d. dietary wellness


Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if the statement is wrong.

______1. A person with HIV/AIDS is allowed to donate blood, tissues or organs.

______2. HIV testing is not compulsory and required.
______3. Pre- and Post-test counselling sessions are given to those who undergo HIV testing
in accredited testing centers.
______4. People with HIV/AIDS are not allowed to avail services provided by public hospitals
because infection might spread.
______5. AIDSWATCH monitors the incidences of HIV infection in the country and writes
reports about it.
______6. A person with HIV/AIDS is treated with utmost confidentiality by medical
______7. A patient’s case is still confidential even if there is an interference by a court.
______8. The AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998 promotes discrimination against
people with HIV/AIDS.
______9. The Philippine National AIDS Council manages HIV testing in various
accredited centers.
______10. A person with HIV/AIDS is not allowed to travel abroad.

Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers before each item.

11.These are drugs that people use initially that may eventually lead to abuse of illegal
A. gateway drugs B. illegal drugs C. regulated drugs D. alcohol
12. An act that protects people from sale, use and advertisement of hazardous tobacco.
A. RA 10354 B. RA 10175 C. RA 9211 D. Ra 9512
13. According to this act, selling of cigarette in a school premises should be in a range of
how many meters?
A. 50 meters B. 100 meters C. 200 meters D.. 500 meters
14. This act protects the citizens from the harmful effects of dangerous drugs to their
physical, mental well-being.
A. RA 9211 B. RA 10354 C. RA 9165 D. RA 10175
15. What is the language used in the printing of cigarette packs?
A. visayan B. Filipino C. Tagalog D. English

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Direction: Choose the letter only of the best answer.

1. It is more than an art that uses a camera or a device with a built-in camera to produce
images focused by a lens.
A. computer digital art B. digital photography C. mobile art D. video games

2. It is regarded as one of the most vital parts of a camera.

A. aperture B. image sensor C. Lens D. shutter release

3. What is the function of the image sensor of the camera?

A. It allows the light to enter the screen.
B. It is the area on the camera that you look through in order to compose
your shot.
C. It is the main portion of the camera.
D. It converts the optical image to an electronic signal, which is then sent
to your memory card.

4. Which part of a camera affects the image’s exposure by changing the

diameter of the lens opening?
A. aperture B. body C. image sensor D. shutter release

5. What is the function of a flash in a camera?

A. It allows manual control of the camera’s focus.
B. It can be useful to provide a bit of extra light during dim, low light
C. It controls the amount of light reaching the image sensor.
D. It is used to set the manual focus of the camera.

6. It is one of the features of camera that allows you to select different options such as
automatic, program, sports or macro.
A. body B. flash C. focus ring D. mode dial

7. The following are parts of a camera except ______________.

A. aperture B. flash C. focus ring. D. shape

8. Where can you find LCD screen on a camera?

A. back part of a camera B. front part of a camera C. side part of a camera
D. top part of a camera

9. It is one of the basic elements of photography that uses warm or cool colors to
set a mood.
A. color B. line C. shape D. texture

10. A basic element of photography that uses three-dimensional representation

of objects.
A. color B. form C. pattern D. shape

11. These are basic elements of photography that talks about the use of lighting
to bring out details of an object, making it easy to see whether a surface is
smooth or soft.
A. formB. shape C. space D. texture

12. Which describes a pattern?

A. The use of lighting to bring out details of an object.
B. The use of negative and positive space in an object.
C. The use of repetition to create an interesting photo.
D. The use of warm and cool colors to set a mood.

13. It is an element of photography either negative or positive space which can

be used to make a statement and often seen when using the rule of thirds.
A. color B. form C. line D. space

14. If you are to take photos, what are you going to consider?
A. camera B. elements of photography C. good location and the subject
D. all of the above

15. What is the main function of shutter release in a camera?

A. It is the area on the camera that you look through in order to compose
your shot.
B. It is the main portion of the camera.
C. It is simply the button on the camera that is used to snap the picture.
D. It converts the optical image to an electronic signal, which is then sent


To test your understanding of this lesson, answer this short test. Choose the letter
of the best answer. Write only your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Latin American music is influenced by ______ music.
a. indigenous b. Spanish-Portuguese c. African d. all of these

2. Which of the following is an example of an indigenous Latin American instrument?

a. maracas b. whistle c. balafon d. rasp
3. Latin American music is largely influenced by _______ music.
a. Mexican b. African c. indigenous d. Philippine
4. Which of the following music is African-Cuban in origin?
a. salsa b. rumba c. samba d. son
5. Which of the following is an influence of Jamaica to Latin American music?
a. salsa b. rumba c. reggae d. samba
6. This is the Brazilian version of the Cuban samba.
a. bossa nova b. cumbia c. son d. rumba
7. The Mariachi is a famous music of which Latin American country?
a. Cuba b. Namibia c. Mexico d. Brazil
8. Which of the following songs exemplifies reggae music?
a. Redemption Song b. Stir It Up c. One Love d. a, b, c
9. Foxtrot is a 20th century social dance that originated in ________.
a. Brazil b. Mexico c. USA d. Portugal
10. Which of the following may be said of Latin American music?
A. passionate b. strong c. lonely d. religious

11.The varied cultures that developed in _______ gave rise to different types of
wind and percussion instruments.
A. Latin America C.USA
B. Africa D. Philippines
12.The ancient civilizations of the Aztec and Maya peoples used various
instruments mainly for religious functions and these were usually played by_______.
A. Dancers C. singers
B. drummer D. Professional musicians
13.It is a flute variety from the Aztec culture made of clay with decorations of
abstract designs or image of their deities.
A. concha C. Tlapitzalli
B. Rasp D. Teponaztli
14.It is a Mexican slit drum hollowed out and carved from a piece of hardwood.
A. concha C. Tlapitzalli
B. Rasp D. Teponaztli
15.It is a wind instrument usually made from the shell of a large sea snail.
A. concha C. Tlapitzalli
B. Rasp D. Teponaztli




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