Write Directions Using Signal Words

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Write Directions

Using Signal
Direction: Use the correct adverb of manner to
complete each sentence.
1. When somebody is asleep in a room, we should
walk ________.
2. Being a good child means talking to elders
3. Even at home, we should study the lessons
Direction: Use the correct adverb of place to
complete each sentence.
1. Bats go out at night and hide ______ at
2. The ducks march ____to take a quick swim.
3. The mighty eagle built a nest _________.
4. The cows eat and rest ________
on top of the tallest tree
to the lake in caves
on the wide grassland
Use the correct adverb of time to complete each
1. I took a quick nap ____ before I review for the
exam. (in the afternoon, at midnight)
2. We are making preparations for her birthday
______. (last week, next week)
3. Mother prepared our favorite dish for dinner
________. (today, tonight)
We can learn a lot of things through
reading. It is possible to cook, dance,
make crafts, and go places by simply
getting information from a text. Let
us read and analyze the short
dialogue below.
Carla and her mother are
in the kitchen one
Carla: Mother, I feel hungry. We should
prepare something for breakfast.
Mother: Sure. Do you want to prepare a
healthful snack?
Carla: Of course, Mother! Will you help
Mother: We could prepare something that will
give you energy to last the day. An egg
First, beat the egg and add salt to taste.
Next, fry the egg in heated oil, wait till cooked.
Then, put the fried egg between two slices of
Finally, enjoy the delicious snack.
Carla: Wow, that sounds easy.
I can make enough for all of
Mother: Okay. I’ll be here
watching if you need help.
1. Who was feeling hungry?
2. What did Mother suggest for
3. What directions did Carla follow
in preparing the egg sandwich?
4. Did Carla understand the
directions given by her Mother?
5. Do you think you can also make
an egg sandwich after reading the
dialogue? Why or why not?
are used to write directions in correct order.
They aid readers on what step should be
done next. They are called SIGNAL WORDS.
Writing directions using signal words helps
the reader to clearly understand and follow
the given instruction.
. Complete the directions
below by filling out the
missing signal words. Write
the answer on your answer
1. _____, lessen the heat and let simmer until rice
is cooked.
2. _____, clean rice by removing stones, insects,
and palay.
3. ____, cover the pot and place over fire until it
4. ____, put it in a pot, wash once and add water.
A. How to Cook Sunny Side Up
1. ____, crack the egg and pour the egg
white and yolk in the pan.
2. _______, heat oil in a pan.
3. ______, wait until the egg white sets.
4. _________, add salt to taste.
B. Applying Ointment Over a Burn
1. ____, apply evenly on burnt area.
2. _____, wait for it to dry.
3. ___, shake the bottle well before use.
4. ____, get small amount of the
Identify all the signal
words inside the box.
Encircle it.
How to make Hotdog Omelet
1.____, pour battered eggs in to the pan.
2. ____, remove from the pan and set
3. ____, put salt and seasonings to taste.
4. ___, sauté garlic, onion, and hotdog in a
5. ____, stir carefully until barely set.
First, _____________________.
Next, ________________________.
Then, ____________________.
Finally, ______________________.
Directions: Write the
correct order of
making a sandwich.
•Finally, she ate it.
•Next, she spread jelly on another
slice of bread.
•After spreading the jelly, she put
the two slices of bread together.
•First, she spread peanut butter on
one slice of bread.
Write the appropriate order
of events using the signal
words to complete each
1.__, it had more leaves and
taller branches.
2.__, Bobby planted a seed.
3.__, it had fruits.
4. __, out came a tiny leaf.
Write TRUE if the
statement is correct
and FALSE if not.
1. First, next, then, after that, and lastly are called
signal words.
2. Signal words introduce the steps in process or
sequence of events.
3. We use the word FIRST in the beginning of a
4. Lastly, then, after that and next are
5. We put period ( . ) after a signal word.
6. We can use either lastly or finally at the end of
7. In writing directions, it is easy to follow if we use
signal words.
8. Signal words are also called sequence words.
9. We use signal words in giving directions on how to
do things, how to use things or objects, and how to
find places.
10. Signal words are used to make a clear directions
and easy to follow.

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