Activity (Module2)

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Module No. 2 (WEEK 2 to 3)

Subject: RIZAL’S LIFE AND WORKS Date of Submission: 2/27/2023
Name of Student: Harley Dave C. Valencia Score: ________________
Course and Year: BSIT 2nd Year
Semester and School Year: 2nd Sem. 2022-2023
Fill in the table below and identify the different landmarks in Dr. Jose Rizal Travel abroad and its contribution into his life and works. (20
Landmarks in Dr. Rizal’s Travel abroad Contribution
Madrid, Spain (1882-1885) Rizal pursued a degree in medicine at the Universidad Central de Madrid,
where he was exposed to European culture and ideas. He also witnessed the
injustices suffered by Filipinos living in Spain and developed a deep sense of
nationalism. It was during his stay in Madrid that he wrote his famous novel
"Noli Me Tangere", which exposed the abuses of the Spanish colonial
government in the Philippines.
Paris, France (1885-1886) Rizal continued his medical studies at the University of Paris, where he
also studied art, literature, and other subjects. He met many prominent
intellectuals and thinkers, including Juan Luna, Felix Hidalgo, and
Ferdinand Blumentritt. It was in Paris that he completed his second
novel, "El Filibusterismo", which further criticized Spanish colonial rule
in the Philippines.
Berlin, Germany (1886-1887) Rizal studied ophthalmology in Berlin and received his doctorate in
medicine. He also observed the German system of education, which he
believed could be adapted for use in the Philippines. He wrote articles
about his observations and experiences, which were published in
Philippine and European newspapers.

Hong Kong (1891) After his exile from the Philippines in 1892, Rizal traveled to Hong Kong,
where he continued to write and participate in the Philippine nationalist
movement. He founded the La Liga Filipina, a civic organization that
aimed to unite Filipinos and fight for their rights.

Japan (1888) Rizal visited Japan for a brief period, where he observed the Japanese
culture and society. He admired the discipline and order of the
Japanese, and believed that the Philippines could learn from their

United States (1888) Rizal visited the United States for a short period, where he observed
American society and government. He expressed admiration for the
American system of government, but also criticized the treatment of
African Americans and Native Americans.

Italy (1887) Rizal visited Italy and observed the art, culture, and architecture of the
country. He was particularly impressed by the Italian Renaissance and
its emphasis on humanism and individualism.

Switzerland (1887) Rizal visited Switzerland, where he met with a prominent Swiss scholar
named Ferdinand Blumentritt. Blumentritt became a close friend and
mentor to Rizal, and the two corresponded frequently about Philippine
culture, history, and politics.

Belgium (1890) Rizal visited Belgium and observed the Belgian system of education. He

Module for Rizal’s Life and Works - Mr. Erwil L. Agbon Page 1
was impressed by the emphasis on practical skills and the use of
technology in education, and believed that the Philippines could benefit
from adopting similar methods.

Singapore (1882) Rizal stopped briefly in Singapore on his way to Europe. He observed
the multicultural society of the city-state, which he believed could serve
as a model for unity and tolerance in the Philippines.

Brunei (1888) Rizal visited Brunei and observed the Malay culture and society. He
noted the similarities between Malay and Philippine cultures, and
believed that the two peoples could learn from each other.

Make a conclusion on His travel abroad and it’s contribution

- Dr. Jose Rizal's extensive travels abroad exposed him to different cultures, societies, and ideas, and helped to
shape his perspectives on Philippine independence, nationalism, and education. Through his travels, he became
a passionate advocate for the rights and freedoms of Filipinos and wrote literary works that exposed the abuses
of Spanish colonialism and called for social and political reform. Today, Rizal's legacy continues to inspire
Filipinos to work towards a better future for their country and their people, making his travels abroad a
significant contribution to his life and works.

Module for Rizal’s Life and Works - Mr. Erwil L. Agbon Page 2

Module No. 2 (WEEK 2 to 3)

Subject: RIZAL’S LIFE AND WORKS Date of Submission: 2/27/2023
Name of Student: Harley Dave C. Valencia Score: ________________
Course and Year: BSIT 2nd Year
Semester and School Year: 2nd Sem. 2022-2023
Creating a Infographic of Rizal’s Life
Instruction: Pick one aspect of Rizal’s life (e.g., family, early education, and travel abroad). Research further on this aspect of Rizal’s
life and create an infographic.
1. Choose any aspect in Rizal’s life and research further in the internet.
2. Print your work in a Long Bond paper minimum of 2 papers maximum of 5
3. Search in the internet about the examples of infographic for reference purpose.
4. Pass it on the next meeting, your work will be graded according to the rubric below.

Criteria 100-95 95-85 85-75

Use of time Used time well to get the Used some of the time to Did not use the time to get the
work done get the work done work done
Relevance of graphics All graphics are related to the Some of the graphics are None of the graphics are related
topic, thus making the topic related to the topic to the topic
easy to understand
Accuracy of content At least 5 accurate facts are At least 3 accurate facts are No accurate facts are displayed
displayed on the infographic displayed on the infographic on the infographic
Attractiveness The infographic is attractive The inforgraphic is attractive The infographic in incredibly
in its design, layout and but slightly messy. messy and poorly designed
colours used.
Choice of words and The choice of words is The choice of words is The choice of word is
grammar appropriate and there are no slightly appropriate and inappropriate and there are
grammatical errors. there are a few grammatical many grammatical errors.

Module for Rizal’s Life and Works - Mr. Erwil L. Agbon Page 3

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