Insulation Coordination Study Rev 01

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Section 1 Insulation Coordination Study ....................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 References ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Study Basis ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Calculations ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Results .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Section 2 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Selected Ratings of Surge Arrestor for 220 kV System .................................................................................... 6
2.2 Selected Ratings of Surge Arrestor for 220 kV Neutral Point ........................................................................... 6
2.3 Selected Ratings of Surge Arrestor for 33 kV System ...................................................................................... 6
2.4 Selected Ratings of Surge Arrestor for 33 kV Neutral Point ............................................................................. 6


Appendix 01: Insulation Coordination Study for 220 kV System.

Appendix 02: Insulation Coordination Study for 33 kV System.
Appendix 03: Overall Single Line Diagram.
Appendix 04: Surge Arrestors Supplier Technical Data.

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Section 1 Insulation Coordination Study

1.1 Purpose

The Insulation Coordination Study are performed to determine the following parameters of surge Arrestors for 220
kV side and 33 kV side including the neutral point for Lekela West Bakr 250 MW Substation, in according to
Schedule 2.4 – Employer’s Requirements – Electrical Technical Requirements, EUS specifcations, and IEC
a. Determine The maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) of surge Arrestor.
b. Determine the temporary overvoltage (TOV) Capability of surge Arrestor.
c. Determine the nominal discharge current of surge Arrestor.
d. Determine the lightning impulse protection level of surge Arrestor.
1.2 References

a. Schedule 2.4 – Employer’s Requirements – Electrical Technical Requirements.

b. EUS (Electricity Utilities Specifications).
c. Overall Single Line Diagram, Drawing No. G55071 - R1904 – S011.
d. IEC 60071-1: Insulation co-ordination –Part 1: Definitions, principles and rules.
e. IEC 60071-2: Insulation co-ordination –Part 2: Application guide.
f. IEC 60099-4: Surge Arrestors –Part 4: Metal-oxide surge Arrestors without gaps for a.c. systems.
g. IEC 60099-4: Surge Arrestors –Part 5: Selection and application recommendations.
h. IEEE Std C62.22 – 1997: IEEE Guide for the Application of Metal-Oxide Surge Arrestors for Alternating-Current

1.3 Study Basis

The insulation co-ordination study is based on the following points:

1.3.1. This study is based on the guidelines specified in IEC-60071-2, IEC-60099-5, and IEEE Std C62.22. for
determination of Surge Arrestor parameters.
1.3.2.The technical data for 220 kV sysstem are given in Schedule 2.4 – Employer’s Requirements – Electrical
Technical Requirements. For 33 kV system, the values are selected according to IEC 60071-1 as they are not
included in Employer’s Requirements and EUS specifcations. The recommended rated voltage for 220 kV surge
arrestor and 220 kV neutral point surge arrestor are 214 kV and 108 kV, respectively.

1.3.3. 220 kV system is solidly grounded and therefore, the earth fault overvoltage factor is selected to be 1.4 as per
clause 3.2.2., IEC 60099-5.
1.3.4. 33 kV system is earthed through Earthing transformer and therefore, the earth fault overvoltage factor is
selected to be 1.732 as per clause 3.2.2., IEC 60099-5.
1.3.5. The power frequency voltage versus time characteristic of the Arrestor should exceed the temporary
overvoltage amplitude versus duration of the system. As an approximation, amplitude and duration of temporary
overvoltage, the duration of which is between 0.1 sec. and 100 sec., can be converted to an equivalent amplitude,
Ueq, with a duration of 10 sec. (corresponding to the duration of the rated voltage in the operating duty test):

( )


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Ut is the amplitude of the temporary overvoltage.
Tt is the duration of temporary overvoltage in s.
Ueq is the amplitude of the equivalent 10s temporary overvoltage.
m is the exponent describing the power frequency voltage versus time characteristic of the Arrestor. For different
Arrestor designs the exponent varies 0.022 and 0.018 and an average value of 0.02 may be used.
1.3.6. The nominal discharge current is determined as per as per clause, IEC 60099-5.
1.3.7. The rated voltage of surge Arrestor of 220&33 kV neutral point is determined as per clause 5.1.2., IEC 60099-5.
1.3.8. Switching Impulse Protection Level of 220&33 kV neutral point surge Arrestor is determined as per clause
5.1.2., IEC 60099-5.
1.3.9. The acceptance criteria for parameter selection of surge Arrestor is as follow: The continuous operating voltage of surge Arrestor shall be greater than the calculated maximum continuous
operating voltage (MCOV) of system. The temporary overvoltage capability of surge Arrestor shall be greater than the calculated temporary
overvoltage of system. The percentage protection margin for lightning of surge Arrestor shall be greater than or equal 15% as per
clause 4.6, IEEE Std C62.22.
1.3.10. The numerical values necessary for determining the main parameters of surge Arrestors have been calculated
in Appendix-01 and Appendix-01 .

1.4 Calculations

1.4.1. The main parameters of surge Arrestors are calculated using the guidelines specified in IEC-60071-2, IEC-
60099-5, and IEEE Std C62.22. and as per the spreadsheet in Appendix-01 and Appendix-02.

1.5 Results

1.5.1. Surge Arrestor for 220 kV Side

The table below summarizes the results for main parameters of surge Arrestors calculated in Appendix-01.
Required Surge
Surge Arrestor for 220 kV system
Data Arrestor Data
Maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) Uc ≥ 141.45 kV 171 kV

Power Frequency Temporary Overvoltage (TOV) for 1 sec. Ut ≥ 198.03 kV 256.8 kV

Equivalent Power Frequency Temporary Overvoltage

(TOV) for 10 sec.
Ueq ≥ 189.12 kV 239.6 kV

Nominal Discharge Current Idis 10 or 20 kA 20 kA

Percentage Protection Margin (Lightning) %PML ≥ 15% 83.9%

1.5.2. Surge Arrestor for 220 kV Neutral Point Side

The table below summarizes the results for main parameters of surge Arrestors calculated in Appendix-01.

Surge Arrestor for 220 kV neutral point Required Data Surge Arrestor Data

Rated Voltage of Surge Arrestor UR ≥ 84.87 kV 108 kV

Nominal Discharge Current Idis 5 or 10 kA 20 kA

Lightning Impulse Protection Level of Arrestor %PML,N ≥ 15% 90.97%

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1.5.3. Surge Arrestor for 33 kV Side

The table below summarizes the results for main parameters of surge Arrestors calculated in Appendix-02.

Required Surge
Surge Arrestor for 33 kV Side
Data Arrestor Data

Maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) Uc ≥ 20.78 kV 26.4 kV

Power Frequency Temporary Overvoltage (TOV) for 1 sec. Ut ≥ 36 kV 37.95 kV

Equivalent Power Frequency Temporary Overvoltage (TOV) for 10

Ueq ≥ 34.38 kV 35.9 kV

Nominal Discharge Current Idis 5 or 10 kA 10 kA

Lightning Impulse Protection Level of Arrestor %PML ≥ 15% 94.29%

1.5.4. Surge Arrestor for 33 kV Neutral Point Side

The table below summarizes the results for main parameters of surge Arrestors calculated in Appendix-02.

Surge Arrestor for 220 kV neutral point Required Data Surge Arrestor Data

Rated Voltage of Surge Arrestor UR ≥ 12.47 kV 24 kV

Nominal Discharge Current Idis 5 or 10 kA 10 kA

Lightning Impulse Protection Level of Arrestor %PML,N ≥ 15% 48.9%

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Section 2 Conclusion

Based on above calculations, the following selected rating for surge Arrestors are accepted for manufacturers:

2.1 Selected Ratings of Surge Arrestor for 220 kV System

Surge Arrestor for 220 kV system Value unit

Maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) Uc 171 kV
Power Frequency Temporary Overvoltage (TOV) for 1 sec. Ut 256.8 kV
Equivalent Power Frequency Temporary Overvoltage (TOV) for 10
Ueq 239.6 kV

Nominal Discharge Current Idis 20 kA

Maximum residual voltages Lightning impulse wave 8/20 µs 20 kA UPL 571 kV

2.2 Selected Ratings of Surge Arrestor for 220 kV Neutral Point

Surge Arrestor for 220 kV neutral point Value unit

Rated Voltage of Surge Arrestor UR 108 kV
Nominal Discharge Current Idis 20 kA
Maximum residual voltages Lightning impulse wave 8/20 µs 20 kA UPL 288 kV

2.3 Selected Ratings of Surge Arrestor for 33 kV System

Surge Arrestor for 33 kV system Value unit

Maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) Uc 26.4 kV
Power Frequency Temporary Overvoltage (TOV) for 1 sec. Ut 37.95 kV
Equivalent Power Frequency Temporary Overvoltage (TOV) for 10
Ueq 35.9 kV

Nominal Discharge Current Idis 10 kA

Maximum residual voltages Lightning impulse wave 8/20 µs 10 kA UPL 87.5 kV

2.4 Selected Ratings of Surge Arrestor for 33 kV Neutral Point

Surge Arrestor for 33 kV neutral point Value unit

Rated Voltage of Surge Arrestor UR 24 kV
Nominal Discharge Current Idis 10 kA
Maximum residual voltages Lightning impulse wave 8/20 µs 10 kA UPL 63.8 kV

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