Columbu Et Al 2014 Marbles HC

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Journal of Archaeological Science 49 (2014) 332e342

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Provenance of marbles used in the Heliocaminus Baths of Hadrian's

Villa (Tivoli, Italy)
Stefano Columbu a, *, Fabrizio Antonelli b, Marco Lezzerini c, Domenico Miriello d,
Benedetta Adembri e, Alessandro Blanco f
Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche, Universita  degli Studi di Cagliari, Via Trentino 51, 09127 Cagliari, Italy
Laboratorio di Analisi dei Materiali Antichi, DACC, Universita  Iuav di Venezia, San Polo 2468, 30125 Venezia, Italy
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universita di Pisa, Via S. Maria 53, 56126 Pisa, Italy
Dipartimento di Biologia, Ecologia e Scienze della Terra, Universita  della Calabria, Rende, 87036, Italy
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio, Ministero dei Beni e delle Attivita  Culturali e del Turismo, Via Pompeo Magno 2, 00192 Roma, Italy
Dipartimento di Scienze Antiche, Universita “La Sapienza” di Roma, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Roma, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper aims to ascertain the provenance of white and greyish marbles used for decorating the
Received 27 January 2014 Heliocaminus Baths, one of the most ancient thermal complexes inside the Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli (Italy).
Received in revised form Fifteen marble samples have been macroscopically described and investigated by means of mineral-
15 May 2014
ogical and petrographic observations of thin sections, XRF chemical analyses of major and some trace
Accepted 19 May 2014
Available online 9 June 2014
elements, and stable isotope ratio analysis of carbon and oxygen.
The collected data show that the majority of the marbles analysed come mainly from the Apuan Alps
basin (Carrara) and subordinately from several Greek (Mt. Penteli and Thasos Islands) and Turkish (Afyon
Hadrian's Villa
and probably Ephesus districts) quarrying areas.
Heliocaminus Baths © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
White marbles
Petrographic features
Isotopic analysis

1. Hadrian's Villa: previous work and aims emperors starting from Tiberio (27 AD) and the Hadrian's Villa
follows this tradition in its specific way, being not only an imperial
Since the 2nd century AD, the villa of the Emperor Hadrian at residence, but also a place for arts and architectonical
Tivoli, about 25 km from Rome, was a luxurious residence. Over experimentations.
time it became a laboratory for architectural and artistic creativity, Observing the ruins and the finds coming from the villa, it is
where technological and architectonical innovations were experi- beyond doubt that the villa echoes many different architectural
mented with to create a living environment characterized by orders, mostly Greek and Egyptian (MacDonald and Pinto, 2006).
advanced urban and technical solutions (MacDonald and Pinto, The villa construction continued for twenty years until Hadrian's
2006). death in 138 AD and, although not fully completed, was used by
The construction of the villa began in 118 AD after the procla- Hadrian's successors. During the decline of the Roman Empire the
mation of the Emperor Hadrian. The custom of owning marvellous villa fell into disuse and was left to its own fate and after many
residences outside of Rome had become typical for the Roman years of decay was reduced to ruins with the surrounding area. The
remains of the monument were discovered again during the Re-
naissance, but its decay continued because of the abandon and
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ39 070 6757766, þ39 335 5633255 (mobile); most of all because of heavy robbery of the statues, sculptures,
fax: þ39 070 282236. mosaics, stones, architectural elements and even pipes and bricks.
E-mail addresses:, (S. Columbu),
According to the contemporary state of knowledge, the Hadrian's (F. Antonelli), (M. Lezzerini), miriello@ (D. Miriello), (B. Adembri), villa is a wide complex of over 30 buildings (including palaces, (A. Blanco). several thermae, temples, libraries, rooms and quarters for
0305-4403/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Columbu et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 49 (2014) 332e342 333

courtiers, praetorians and slaves), covering an area of at least 1 of Carrara marble (67% of the analysed samples), with subordinated
square kilometre (about 247 acres) of which much is still unexca- amounts of Pentelic (26%), Proconnesian (8%) and Thasian (2%)
vated (Giuliani, 1988). lithotypes. These same occurrences, with additional significant
The archaeological and archaeometric study of decorative, presence of the Parian, Docimian and Go €ktepe marbles used for
sculptural and architectural materials from the Hadrian's Villa is an carvings, were substantially confirmed by the results achieved by
important, intricate and wide research line which has involved Pensabene et al. (2012), Lapuente et al. (2012), and Attanasio et al.
many researchers and different methodological approaches in the (2013a) on the provenance of the lithotypes used for both the
last decades (Olevano et al., 1989; Pensabene et al., 2012; Salvatori Canopus statuary and sculptures stored in the reserves of the Villa.
et al., 1988; Sapelli, 2010). This research project is particularly The present study, carried out under the direction and tutelage
important for the insights it should provide about the overall or- of the “Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio”, discusses
ganization and the frequenters of one of the few well-preserved the results obtained with different analytical techniques in order to
Imperial complexes of Roman antiquity. Focusing on the use of determine the quarrying areas of the white marbles used for
white marbles, the recent study conducted by Attanasio et al. architectural purposes in the Heliocaminus Baths of the Hadrian's
(2009a) on a large number of architectural elements coming from Villa. In fact, many works have definitively shown that the deter-
three buildings (Piazza d’Oro; building of the Three Exedras; mination of the provenance of ancient white marble achieve suc-
building with Peristyle and Basin) has emphasized the prevalence cess when multi-analytical approach is envisaged (Antonelli and

Fig. 1. a, b. Overview of the Heliocaminus room of the Hadrian's baths, with a part of vault (a, view from the south) and heated swimming pool with steps (b, view from north).
334 S. Columbu et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 49 (2014) 332e342

Lazzarini, 2013a, 2013b; Antonelli et al., 2009a,b, 2013, 2014; The perimeter of the area occupied by the baths is irregular, with
Attanasio et al., 2009a, 2013a; Germann et al., 1988; Gorgoni a stepped arrangement, to ensure a better insulation to the heated
et al., 2002; Lazzarini et al., 1980; Lezzerini et al., 2012; Miriello rooms; this planimetric solution is unusual and the construction of
et al., 2010, 2012; Moens et al., 1988). straight fronts was generally preferred (as in western fronts of the
Small and Large Baths), but it was still used in the Forum Baths in
2. The Heliocaminus Baths Ostia (although flipped; Verduchi, 1975) and then in the Baths of
Maxentius on the Palatine in Rome (Nielsen, 1990).
The building takes its name from the circular space (Fig. 1) This bath belongs to that large group of balnea in which archi-
identified first with a solar stove (Paribeni, 1922), then with a tects introduced countless variations on a basic theme, consisting of
Sudatio (Verduchi, 1975) and today as a heated swimming pool entrance hall, dressing room, toilet, pools and water at different
(Manderscheid, 1998). temperatures, and some other spaces designed for specific needs.
The positioning of the structure has been appropriately The still well preserved and slightly irregular octagonal plan and
designed so that the outer surface could be exposed to the sun in its vaults, together with the dome above the circular room, give us
the afternoon (Fig. 2), time in which Romans usually went to the an idea of the complexity and variety of the covers used in the
baths. The south side of the hall is formed by large windows, surely baths, with asymmetric design characterized by volumes rather
equipped with glass, while on the opposite side, near the entrances discordant (MacDonald and Pinto, 2006).
to the hall, there were steps allowing for a comfortable entry into This complex is very different from the 'Large Baths' of Hadrian's
the water. In the map of Fig. 2, the windows are identified by five Villa. The latter, in order to allow bathing for a large number of
openings located to the south. The diameter of the room is about people, was built to accommodate many more people than the
10 m over an area of 115 square meters. The largest room of the Heliocaminus Baths, but its architecture was characterized by less
complex, the Frigidarium (room 14, Fig. 2; Fig. 3) has an outdoor interesting solutions, taking a cue from similar previous experi-
pool (room 4b, Fig. 2) that occupies an area of 450 square meters ences in the thermae of Rome (Nielsen, 1990; Gros, 2001).
(Natatio). The pool, carved almost in the centre of the room, was For building up the Heliocaminus Baths different raw materials
made smaller in a following phase: the original access was possible (e.g., various Roman bricks, worked stones, marbles, etc.) were used
through five flights of stairs of which four were shaped as a clove with various textures (opus testaceum, opus reticulatum, opus cae-
with angle of 90 arranged on the sides of its perimeter. The fifth meticium), using different kind of bedding mortars and concretes
ramp runs in the middle of the east side of the pool, which is (Columbu and Verdiani, 2011).
located centrally with respect to a peristyle of columns made of Today the slabs of coloured marbles originally coating walls,
granite. seats, bathtubs and floors are lost for the most part. However, the

Fig. 2. Map of the current state of the Heliocaminus Baths, showing the distribution of rooms and the sampling location. Legend of room numbers (from Guidobaldi, 1994): 1 ¼ porch;
3-3a ¼ corridor; 4a ¼ tri-porch; 4b ¼ Natatio; 5-6-7 ¼ Apodyteria (?); 9 ¼ Sudatio; 10, 11 ¼ Tepidarium; 13 ¼ Latrina; 14 ¼ Frigidarium; 15 ¼ Tepidarium; 16 ¼ heated swimming pool
of Heliocaminus room; 19 ¼ Tepidarium; 20 ¼ Calidarium; 21 ¼ boiler room; 23 ¼ Calidarium; 1a, 2, 8, 8b, 12, 17, 18, 22 ¼ rooms or spaces not identifiable. In cyan the water of the
pools. Geometric-structural relief. Verduchi's survey (1975): rooms 1-3-4-9-10-14-16-17; Blanco's survey (2011): rooms 1a, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8b, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.
S. Columbu et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 49 (2014) 332e342 335

Fig. 3. Overview (from the north) of the Frigidarium room, with outdoor pool (Natatio).

skirting boards provide an example of a variety of cipollino marino (PLM) useful for determining the petrographic features (fabric;
(Guidobaldi, 2010). grain boundary shape: GBS; maximum grain size of the bigger
calcite/dolomite crystal: MGS) and to evaluate the presence and the
3. Materials and methods abundance of the accessory minerals.
Qualitative mineralogical composition of the marble samples
Marble sampling was carried out in September 2010. A total of was investigated by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) using a
15 marble items were sampled (Table 1 and Fig. 2): four samples PANalytical Empyrean diffractometer (instrumental conditions: Ni-
(ADTH 57÷60; Fig. 4) belong to the slabs of wall and pool coverings filtered CuKa radiation obtained at 40 kV and 40 mA, 5e60  2q
of the Heliocaminus room; one sample (ADTH 61; Fig. 5) is from the investigated range, 0.02 step, 2s counting time per step).
Corinthian capital, today located in the Heliocaminus room but Carbon and oxygen stable isotopes were measured by mass
originally belonging to one of the columns of the tri-porch of the spectrometry (McCrea, 1950). Carbonate powders were reacted
Apodyterium room; ten samples (ADTH 70÷79) are fragments found with 100% phosphoric acid at 70  C using a Gasbench II connected
during the excavation campaign 1984e1985 (De Franceschini, to a ThermoFinnigan Five-Plus mass spectrometer. All values are
1991) and now put on the Apodyterium room (room 5, Fig. 2) reported in per mil relative to V-PDB by assigning a 13C value
belonging to the artefacts of the Heliocaminus Baths. of þ1.95 and an 18O value of 2.20 to the reference material NBS
A representative portion of each sample was used to prepare a 19, TS-Limestone (Coplen et al., 2006; Friedman et al., 1982).
thin section for the study under the polarized light microscopy Reproducibility was checked by replicate analysis of laboratory

Table 1
Data of samples taken from Heliocaminus Baths. Note a: the Corinthian capital today is in the Heliocaminus room, but it belongs to one of the columns of the tri-porch near the
Frigidarium room and Natatio (see Fig. 2). Note b: these items, found during the excavation made in the baths in the 80's, were staked in the Apodyterium room. Abbreviations:
n.d. ¼ not determined.

Sample Decorative element type Slab Matrix colour Baths room Room number Sampling point
thickness (mm) (map of Fig. 2)

ADTH 57 Horizontal marble slab coating 23.5 White Heliocaminus 16 2nd rung of circular
ADTH 58 Vertical marble slab coating 31 White 1th rung of circular
ADTH 59 Horizontal marble slab coating 24 White Floor
ADTH 60 Vertical marble slab coating 14.2 White with ocher and brownish veins Wall
ADTH 61 Corinthian capital e White Heliocaminus 16 (originally 4a) Phytomorphic
decorum of the 2nd crown
ADTH 70 Marble slab coating n.d. White Apodyterium 5 Fragment
ADTH 71 Marble slab coating 21 White
ADTH 72 Marble slab coating 33 White/whitish with nuanced grey veins
ADTH 73 Marble slab coating n.d. White (with the grey-black outer edge)
ADTH 74 Marble slab coating 23 White-greyish with fine grey veins
ADTH 75 Marble slab coating 22 Grey stripped
ADTH 76 Marble slab coating with 34 White with greyish veins
frame worked
ADTH 77 Marble slab coating 26 Light grey
ADTH 78 Marble slab coating 15 Light grey to grey
ADTH 79 Marble slab coating 9 White, with purplish veins
336 S. Columbu et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 49 (2014) 332e342

Fig. 4. Some of the samples analysed still in situ in the Heliocaminus Baths (ADTH 57, 58, 59, 60). Note a: the arrow indicates the north. Note b: the total length of the bar is 20 cm.

standards. Oxygen isotope values of dolomite and siderite were quarries in the Mediterranean area (L.A.M.A.’s collection at Uni-
corrected using the phosphoric acid fractionation factors given by versity IUAV of Venice).
Kim et al. (2007) and Rosenbaum and Sheppard (1986). The results X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry on 6 g of pressed powder
of mineralogical-petrographic and isotopic analyses were pellets with boric acid as support was used to determine the
compared with the most up-to-date databases for both the white chemical composition of major components (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3,
and streaked, veined or banded grey-and-white Mediterranean Fe2O3, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5) and of some trace ele-
ancient marbles (Antonelli et al., 2009a,b, 2010; Attanasio et al., ments (Sr, Zr, Ni, Ba). Chemical analyses (listed in Table 3) were
2006, 2009b, 2012; Cantisani et al., 2005; Capedri and obtained by PANanalytical Magi X-Pro (PW2440) X-ray fluores-
Venturelli, 2004; Ebert et al., 2010; Franzini et al., 2010; cence spectrometer (XRF). Within the range of the measured con-
Germann et al., 1988; Gorgoni et al., 2002; Herrmann et al., centrations, the analytical accuracy determined on 54 standard
2012; Lazzarini and Antonelli, 2003; Matthews et al., 1992; materials ranges from 19% (Na2O) to <1% (CaO), with a mean value
Moens et al., 1988; Molli et al., 2000; Yavuz et al., 2011). The of 10% for the other major elements; with regard to reported trace
main petrographic characteristics were also compared with those elements the mean value of the accuracy is 7 ppm, ranging from
showed by reference samples taken from several dozen ancient 9 ppm for Zr to 4 ppm for Sr.
graphic features (i.e., lineated or brecciated fabric, strained calcite
thetical isotopic uncertainty is easily resolved by means of petro-
2009b). In the case of samples ADTH 60 and ADTH 79 this hypo-
(Carrara) and Go
mainly into the overlapping fields of Docimium (Iscehisar), Lunense
Fig. 7a, fine-grained marbles have an isotopic composition falling
medium-coarse marbles (MGS > 2 mm; Fig. 7b). As shown in
grain size, MGS < 2 mm; Fig. 7a) and a second one with reference to
displays data with regard to fine grained marbles (with maximum
(2003), Attanasio et al. (2009b) and Franzini et al. (2010): one
(2002), with supplementary data from Lazzarini and Antonelli
distinct diagrams (Fig. 7a and b) based on those of Gorgoni et al.

sampled artefacts (last column of Table 2).

were useful in determining the probable provenance for all the
(Fig. 6) combined by both accessory minerals and CeO isotopic data
data. With regard to pure white marbles, the petrographic features
summary of the chemical, mineralogical and petrographic collected

4. Results and discussion

Science and Applied Mathematics in the University of Girona
software (version 2.01.14), developed at Department of Computer
chemical element were calculated by means of CoDaPack free
centered log ratio (clr) transformations; clr coefficients for each
model of the Compositional Data Analysis, in order to calculate

of the tri-porch near to the Frigidarium room and Natatio (see Fig. 2).
Fig. 5. Corinthian capital (sample ADTH 61) originally belonging to one of the columns
Concerning isotopic signature, data were plotted into two

Table 2 shows a list of the examined marble artefacts and a

XRF data were processed according to the Aitchison (1986)

€ ktepe quarries (districts 3 and 4; Attanasio et al.,

S. Columbu et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 49 (2014) 332e342

Table 2
Mineralogical and petrographic features of the archaeological marbles by polarized light microscopy characterization and XRD analysis. Cal: calcite; Dol: dolomite; Qtz: quartz; Ms: muscovite; Gr: grafite; Pl: plagioclase; Chl:
MgeFe chlorite; Ap: apatite; Op: opaque minerals; Fe-Ox: Iron oxides and hydroxides; Fe-su: Iron sulphide. MGS: maximum grain size. GBS: grain boundary shape; E: embayed; Su: sutured, C: curved; S: straight. Fabric: He:
heteroblastic; Ho: homeoblastic; M: mosaic; L: lineated; P: polygonal; Tp: triple points; SC: strained crystals; wL: weakly lineated. Sub: subordinate; FgSg: with fine grained subgrains; FgCp: fine grained with coarser patches;
(xxx) very abundant; (xx) abundant; (x) present; (tr): traces. In the ADTH 79 a little area of the sample shows a partially brecciated texture in transition to the general features of the pure white marble areas. It shows the typical
purple/wine-red cement with hematite.

Sample Mineralogical assemblage Microstructure Isotopic signature Provenance

Carbonate phases Accessory minerals MGS (mm) GBS Fabric d18O d13C
Cal Dol Qtz Ms Gr Pl Chl Ap Op (PDB)

ADTH 57 Only x (x) (x) x: Fe-ox, Fe-su 0.8 C, S He/Ho M, rare Tp, wL 2.08 2.31 Carrara (Italy)
ADTH 58 Only (x) (x) (x) 0.75 C±S±E He M, rare Tp, wL 2.17 2.38 Carrara (Italy)
ADTH 59 Only (x) (x) (x) (x): Fe-ox 0.7 C±S Ho/He M, rare Tp 2.16 2.2 Carrara (Italy)
ADTH 60 Only (x) x x: Fe-ox, Fe-su, Ti-ox 0.7 E, C Ho/He, SC M, wL 2.88 2.8 Iscehisar (Afyon, Turkey)
ADTH 61 Only xxx xxx x (x) (x) 0.9 E, C He M, wL 5.04 2.77 Mt. Penteli (Athens, Greece)
ADTH 70 Only (x) (x) xx x: Fe-ox, Fe-su 0.75 S, C Ho/He M 1.59 2.18 Carrara (Italy)
ADTH 71 Only (x) (x) x (x) (x) (x): Fe-ox 0.8 S, C Ho M 1.83 2.23 Carrara (Italy)
ADTH 72 Only x x (x) (x) (x): Fe-ox, Fe-su 0.8 C±S Ho M, rare Tp, wL 2.12 2.34 Carrara (Italy)
ADTH 73 Sub main (x) 2.1 C ± Su He M 4.25 3.1 Thasos (Vathy, Greece)
ADTH 74 Only (x) x xx (x) (x): Fe-su 0.7 E±C He/Ho L 3.15 2.47 Carrara (Italy)
ADTH 76 Only xxx (x): Fe-su 0.25 S Ho/He M, Tp 1.88 2.1 Carrara (Italy)
ADTH 77 Only (x) xx (x) x 1.35 C±S He M, rare Tp 1.17 2 Carrara (Italy)
ADTH 79 Only xx xxx (x) xxx: Fe-ox 0.5 E±C strained fabric passing to brecciated 3.46 2.62 Iscehisar (Afyon, Turkey)
ADTH 75 Main main xxx x/xx xx (x) xx: Fe-ox 2.35 C±E He M, FgSg 3.4 2.25 Hasançavuşlar?
(Ephesos, Turkey)
ADTH 78 Only x xxx (x) (x): Fe-ox 1.9 S, E He, SC M, FgCp 11.12 2.47 Unknown

338 S. Columbu et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 49 (2014) 332e342

Table 3
XRF chemical analyses of major and trace elements performed on marbles coming from Heliocaminus Baths. Abbreviations: d.l. ¼ detection limit.

Sample SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 L.O.I. Sum Sr Zn Ni Ba

wt % ppm

ADTH 57 0.13 <d.l. 0.05 0.01 <d.l. 0.63 54.67 0.06 0.02 <d.l. 43.07 98.64 156 <d.l. 2 39
ADTH 58 0.01 <d.l. 0.04 0.01 <d.l. 0.55 55.25 0.06 0.01 <d.l. 43.14 99.07 119 <d.l. 2 46
ADTH 59 0.08 <d.l. 0.02 <d.l. <d.l. 0.55 54.37 0.05 0.01 <d.l. 43.09 98.17 126 1 2 42
ADTH 60 0.71 0.02 0.43 0.14 0.03 0.49 53.63 0.08 0.10 0.02 43.03 98.68 100 3 5 46
ADTH 61 0.92 0.01 0.29 0.11 0.03 0.65 53.84 0.04 0.09 0.01 43.01 99.00 150 7 3 52
ADTH 70 0.20 <d.l. 0.07 0.02 <d.l. 0.60 54.60 0.04 0.04 <d.l. 43.16 98.73 108 2 2 39
ADTH 71 0.25 0.01 0.09 0.02 <d.l. 0.62 54.67 0.04 0.05 <d.l. 43.22 98.97 105 <d.l. 2 39
ADTH 72 0.08 <d.l. 0.03 <d.l. <d.l. 0.67 54.73 0.04 0.01 <d.l. 43.05 98.61 136 7 3 42
ADTH 73 0.01 <d.l. 0.01 0.04 0.01 18.29 35.20 <d.l. <d.l. <d.l. 46.38 99.94 120 1 1 <d.l.
ADTH 74 0.06 <d.l. 0.03 0.01 <d.l. 0.94 53.06 0.04 0.01 <d.l. 43.45 97.60 220 <d.l. 2 45
ADTH 75 1.04 0.02 0.03 0.31 0.07 5.69 48.42 0.05 0.11 0.03 43.75 99.52 76 24 20 63
ADTH 76 0.10 <d.l. 0.03 0.01 <d.l. 0.52 55.26 0.04 0.02 <d.l. 43.23 99.21 142 <d.l. 2 34
ADTH 77 0.14 <d.l. 0.05 0.01 <d.l. 0.57 54.49 0.05 0.02 <d.l. 43.00 98.33 187 1 2 41
ADTH 78 0.49 0.01 0.07 0.07 0.04 0.06 53.93 0.03 0.02 0.02 42.78 97.52 6579 1 6 34
ADTH 79 1.21 0.03 0.65 0.21 0.04 0.55 52.52 0.07 0.12 0.07 42.65 98.12 98 4 8 62

crystals, GBS; Table 2 and Fig. 6c) clearly pointing to a Microasiatic forming triple points, MGS values and straight to curved GBS;
origin from Iscehisar (Afyon, Turkey) (Table 2). To solve the possible Table 2 and Fig. 6a) which are totally compatible with those known
isotopic ambiguity between the Carrara and Go €ktepe marbles is for the marble Lunense, a source from Apuan quarries of Carrara
more intricate because the quarries of the latter were discovered seems unequivocal. By contrast, the case of samples ADTH 59, 71
recently (Attanasio et al., 2009b) and a very limited petrographic and 74, felt as from the Apuan Alps because of their general aspects,
database (eight samples) of this marble, actually not totally MGS values and accessory minerals (plagioclase), is a little more
adequate as for the description of its fabrics/textures and grain uncertain due to a less strict agreement of their microscopic fea-
boundary shapes, was published only during the reviewing of the tures with those of the classical Carrara marbles (Table 2) and an
current research (Attanasio et al., (in press)). Nevertheless, in the origin from the Go €ktepe districts cannot be confidently excluded
cases of the samples ADTH 57, 58, 70, 72, 76 and 77, on the basis using the standard provenance approach based on the combination
of their general petrographic characteristics (i.e., prevailing of mineralogical, petrographic and isotopic analyses. To avoid po-
homeoblastic fabrics made up of mosaics of crystals sometimes tential misclassification of the samples, the strontium (Sr) contents

Fig. 6. a, b, c, d. Microphotographs of thin sections of some of the white marbles investigated; (a): homeoblastic mosaic texture made up of calcite crystals having prevailing straight
boundary shapes and somewhere forming triple points (Carrara marble, sample ADTH 72); (b) heteroblastic texture, slightly lineated and with some mica trains, made up of calcite
crystals with boundary shapes mainly embayed and curved (Pentelic marble, sample ADTH 61); (c) heteroblastic lineated texture with strained calcite crystals having embayed
boundary shapes (Docimian marble, sample ADTH 60); (d) heteroblastic mosaic texture with dolomite crystals having sutured to curved boundary shapes (Thasian marble, sample
ADTH 73). Crossed polarized light. The long side of the pictures is 2.55 mm.
S. Columbu et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 49 (2014) 332e342 339

Fig. 7. a, b. Comparison of the isotopic signatures of the white marbles used for the artefacts here analysed (stars) with the data proposed by Gorgoni et al. (2002) with sup-
plementary data after Antonelli and Lazzarini, 2003, Attanasio et al., 2009b and Franzini et al., 2010. The global comparative diagram for the main Mediterranean marbles used in
antiquity is split into the graphs referring to fine-grained (a) and medium- to coarse-grained (b) marble varieties, respectively. Legend of abbreviations: C ¼ Carrara; Ca-1 ¼
Campiglia; D ¼ Dokimeion; Pa1 ¼ Paros, Stefani; Pe1-2 ¼ Mount Pentelikon. (b) Aph ¼ Aphrodisias; Gk ¼ Go € ktepe; N ¼ Naxos; Pa2 ¼ Paros, Lakkoi; Pa3 ¼ Paros, Karavos; Pr1-
2 ¼ Proconnesos; T1(2) ¼ Thasos Aliki; T3 ¼ Thasos, Cape Vathy; Ts ¼ Tinos.

of all the investigated items were evaluated (Table 3). In fact, as On the contrary, the study of the grey stripped (ADTH 75) and
referred by Attanasio et al. (2013a, in press) the very fine-grained light grey-to-grey (ADTH 78) marbles did not provide definitive
marbles quarried in the southern districts of Go € ktepe (core group results. In particular, sample ADTH 75 shares macroscopic pattern,
samples of the districts 3 and 4) exhibit an average Sr concentration MGS and isotopic composition with a greco scritto-like marble
of 647 ppm throughout the ancient quarrying sites, which is at least quarried at Hasançavuşlar (Attanasio et al., 2012; Herrmann et al.,
3 times higher than measured for any other fine-grained Mediter- 2012), near Ephesos (Turkey). Nevertheless, to date, also the
ranean marble used in antiquity (even if low-strontium marble may detailed petrographic characterization of this source remains still
exist within still undiscovered quarries; Attanasio et al., (in press)). unpublished, limiting strongly the comparative studies; for this
On the basis of this consideration combined with microscopic data, reason a different provenance cannot be totally excluded.
and taking into account that as yet the Go €ktepe lithotype has been As to sample ADTH 78 an unconformity of petrographic and
identified only as sculptural marble, we can indicate the Carrara isotopic data has been observed and its origin is still unidentified. In
provenance as very likely if not certain. fact, on the one hand, it shows an isotopic signature (Table 2 and
A further definitive non problematic determination of the Fig. 8) comparable with that defined for the veined grey marbles
source area was possible for the sample ADTH 73, the only from the Cap de Garde quarry, near Annaba (Algeria; Antonelli
medium-grained marble (Fig. 7b), whose isotopic signature and et al., 2009b); and the other hand it clearly does not fit the petro-
petrographic characteristics (heteroblastic texture made of dolo- graphic features of this Algerian lithotype (e.g., smaller MGS as well
mite crystals with embayed ± sutured grain boundary shapes; as different overall grain-size, microstructure and accessory min-
Fig. 6d) are in total agreement only with those recognized for the erals) neither of other classical Mediterranean marbles exhibiting
dolomitic Thasian marbles from the Vathy or Saliara districts also greyish facies (e.g., Proconnesian, Thasian from Aliki, Bardiglio
(Greece). Finally, it was possible to identify nine of these samples as from Carrara, Filfila marble from Algeria, etc.).
Lunense, two as Docimium and one each as Pentelic and Thasian According with the groupings previously discussed, biplot
marbles (Table 2; Figs. 6 and 8). No Go €ktepe marble has been found. chemical diagrams based on XRF analysis of major and trace
340 S. Columbu et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 49 (2014) 332e342

Fig. 8. The isotopic signatures of the light grey and grey stripped archaeological marbles (stars) compared with the topical database for the Cap de Garde, Filfila and Hasançavuşlar
marbles. The Cap de Garde and Filfila fields are drawn by merging the isotopic data reported in Antonelli et al., 2009b; Attanasio et al., 2012, and Antonelli et al., 2010; Herrmann
et al., 2012, respectively. The Hasançavuşlar field (dotted line) is as reported in Attanasio et al., 2012 (without plotted data inside).

elements were obtained (Fig. 9). The compositional differences, results also confirmed that the sample from the wall of Helio-
highlighted by mineralogical-petrographic and isotopic data, are caminus room (outside the swimming pool) comes from the
also supported by the chemical dissimilarities; indeed, samples quarries of Iscehisar (Afyon, Turkey) where the famous marmor
ATDH 73 and ADTH 75, which are made of dolomitic and partially Phrygium was extracted. Its use in the Hadrian's Villa is known,
dolomitic marbles, respectively, show very high and high contents being one of the most widely used marbles in the wall socles
of MgO in a consistent way. As a matter of fact the clr(CaO) vs (Salvatori et al., 1988).
clr(MgO) and clr(Ba) vs clr(Sr) diagrams of Fig. 9a and b , respec- The use of Greek marbles is represented here by two cases. The
tively, allow to discriminate quite clearly between the different first, a fragment found in the Apodyterium room near the Sudatio,
marbles and to separate the Carrara group from the Iscehisar, is the Thasian (Thasos, Vathy), a marble already thought to be
Penteli, Thasos and possible Hasançavuşlar marbles. Moreover, present in the floor covers of the Villa (i.e., in the 'Small Baths';
even if the provenance of the marble of the item ADTH 78 remains Guidobaldi, 1994), but only through macroscopic observations, and
uncertain, it is possible to attest that its chemical features differ never by means of analysis. The second case is the capital now
clearly from those of the other samples (in particular because of its exhibited in the Heliocaminus room, but originally placed on a
very high content of Sr). column of the tri-porch near the Frigidarium room and Natatio.
This is a special type of capital called “Greek goblet-shaped capital”
(Bo€ rker, 1965) representing a typical product of Greek workshops
5. Conclusions
which is well known in eastern Greece; it is made of Pentelic
The Heliocaminus Baths of Hadrian's Villa, being a building marble (Mt. Penteli, Athens), confirming the abundant use of this
reserved for the emperor and his court, at least in its original Attic lithotype only for sculptures and architectonical decorations.
planning, was certainly luxuriously decorated. Previous Authors Pentelic marble, in fact, was worked to produce the Caryatids and
(Salvatori et al., 1988), using only “visual identification”, pointed Sileni of Canopus (Pensabene et al., 2012) and, on the other hand, its
the large use in the baths of white and coloured marbles in the wall presence in sectilia pavimenta has not been attested by previous
and floor coverings (pavonazzetto, cipollino, portasanta, greco studies (Salvatori et al., 1988).
scritto), with modifications and additions in late antiquity As regards sample ADTH 75, made up of a grey stripped marble,
(Guidobaldi, 1994). The need to perform archaeometric analyzes to it is probably to be referred to the Hasançavuşlar quarries (Ephesos,
identify their origins, especially in the case of white marbles e as Turkey): the greco scritto, although not widespread inside the Villa,
we made in this study e has already been expressed in previous was used in the socle of the octagonal Sudatio (Guidobaldi, 1994).
studies (Salvatori et al., 1988).
Except for a sample (ADTH 78) characterized by colour from Acknowledgements
light grey to grey and for which the provenance still remains un-
identified, the study made it possible to detect the origin of the This work was made possible by the Soprintendenza per i Beni
marble of all the analysed samples. Archeologici del Lazio, which has granted the structures surveys and
The white marbles used in the Heliocaminus Baths come mainly sampling of marbles used in the Heliocaminus Baths.
from Carrara quarries (Italy), as shown by the analysis of most of The work was partially carried out with the equipment acquired
the samples from the steps of the heated swimming pool. The within “IUAV_Lab”, a project of the IUAV University of Venice
S. Columbu et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 49 (2014) 332e342 341

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