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Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

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Thermal issues about Li-ion batteries and recent progress in battery thermal MARK
management systems: A review

Huaqiang Liua, Zhongbao Weib, Weidong Hec, Jiyun Zhaoa,
Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Energy Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 637459, Singapore
School of Energy Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan 611731, PR China


Keywords: Electrical vehicles have the capability to lessen the severe threats of energy crisis and environment pollution. The
Li-ion battery Lithium ion battery as a promising solution for the energy storage in vehicular applications is briefly introduced
Temperature effects in this paper. The adverse effects of improper temperature, including performance degradation, potential
Battery modeling thermal runaway, temperature non-uniformity and low temperature performance are described afterwards. The
Thermal management system
thermal model, electrochemical model, equivalent circuit model and electrochemical/electrical-thermal cou-
Phase change
pling methods are also elaborated for the accurate battery modeling. More importantly, this review detailedly
summarizes the progress on battery thermal management systems (BTMSs) including the air, liquid, boiling, heat
pipe and solid-liquid phase change based strategies during recent years. Influence factors and development focus
of different BTMSs are stated elaborately. Passive cooling systems utilizing the latent heat during the phase
change process are more attractive options compared to the conventional single phase forced air and liquid
cooling methods. However, there still exist some challenges to be addressed before commercializing. In addition,
different methods could be combined to meet the requirements of various applications. The improvement of
these existing BTMSs is supposed to be paid more attention to enhance Li-the performance and safety of Li-ion

1. Introduction energy storage system which can support high driving mileage and fast
acceleration. Various power batteries have been proposed, such as lead-
Nowadays, people all over the world are being posed to the threat of acid (Pb-acid), nickel based, sodium based and lithium-ion (Li-ion)
energy crisis and severe environment pollution. However, driven by the batteries [9]. Some key indicators for evaluating these battery systems
growing improvements in economic levels, the global demands for are listed in Table 1. Among all these electrochemical systems, Li-ion
energy resources, especially for the fossil fuels (e.g. oil), are still rising batteries are the most promising choices for EVs and HEVs due to their
rapidly. According to the statistics from BP Statistical Review of World superior characteristics of high specific energy and power, long cycling
Energy 2016 [1] and BP Energy Outlook 2016 [2], the global oil con- life, and low self-discharge rates, as indicated in Table 1. Therefore, Li-
sumption grew by 1.9 million barrels per day, nearly two-thirds of ion batteries have been widely employed in our daily lives, including
which was attributed to the transportation sector. To reduce the wrist watches, smart phones, laptops and many other portable elec-
emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases, increasing attentions tronics [10].
have been paid to the development of clean energy vehicles, including However, in spite of its attractive prospect, Li-ion battery based EVs
pure electric vehicles (EV), hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) and plug-in have not been widely adopted by consumers. The major hindrances in
hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), which are more energy-efficient and regard with the battery system include the high cost, limited calendar
environment friendly than the traditional internal combustion engine life, safety concerns, and the temperature-caused degradation [11].
systems [3]. Anderson et al. [4] indicated that the employment of EVs Currently, extensive efforts have been made to find better electrode
could bring about a remarkable reduction of greenhouse gas emissions materials to enhance the specific energy, specific power and lifetime.
by almost 40% if the electric power resources are renewable (e.g. solar, However, the research in the thermal issues of Li-ion batteries under
wind, etc.). various conditions and the development of battery thermal manage-
The key task of developing clean energy vehicles is to find a suitable ment systems (BTMSs) have not been adequately addressed although

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Zhao).
Received 30 May 2017; Received in revised form 1 August 2017; Accepted 5 August 2017
0196-8904/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

Nomenclature velocity of solvent

T temperature, K
as specific interfacial area of solid phase, m2 m−3 UL load voltage, V
A surface area of active material, m2 UOC open-circuit potential, V
As cell surface area exposed to the convection coolant, m2 URC voltage across the RC network, V
Bi Biot number V cell operating voltage, V
ce concentration of lithium ions in electrolyte phase,
mol m−3 Greek symbols
cs concentration of lithium ions in solid phase, mol m−3
C0 battery capacity, A h αa transfer coefficient of anode
Cp battery specific heat capacity, J kg−1 K−1 αc transfer coefficient of cathode
Ds mass diffusion coefficient of lithium in solid phase, m2 s−1 σ Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 5.67 × 10−8 W m−2 K−4
Ea activation energy, J σ eff effective electronic conductivity of the solid phase, S m−1
f± molecular salt activity coefficient ρ battery density, kg m−3
F faraday constant, 96,485 C mol−1 λ thermal conductivity, W m−1 K−1
h heat transfer coefficient, W m−2 K−1 ε emissivity of the cell surface
hs cell heat transfer coefficient, W m−2 K−1 εe volume fraction/porosity of electrolyte
i current per unit volume A m−3 φ angle in cylindrical-coordinate system, rad
ie current density in electrolyte phase, A m−2 ∅s potential in the solid phase, V
in transfer current density, A m−2 ∅e potential in the electrolyte phase, V
io exchange current density, A m−2 ηs surface overpotential, V
is current density in solid phase, A m−2 Ψ transport and kinetic parameters
I applied current density, A
IL current in the load circuit, A Subscripts
jn pore-wall flux across interface, mol m−2 s−1
ka anodic reaction rate constant, m3 s−1 ref with respect to a reference state
kc cathodic reaction rate constant, m3 s−1 amb ambient environment or coolant
k eff effective ionic conductivity, S m−1 avg with respect to average temperature
L total thickness of the cell, m rad equivalent radiative coefficient
Ln thickness of negative electrode, m t equivalent coefficient which consists of the convection
Lsep thickness of separator, m and radiation
n number of electrons participating in the reaction σ with respect to temperature difference
Pfluid fluid pressure drop, Pa x x coordinate
q̇ rate of internal heat generation per unit volume W m−3 y y coordinate
Q̇ heat generation rate of the battery, W z z coordinate
r distance in radial direction, m r radial coordinate
R1 equivalent resistance in the load circuit, Ω
Rg universal gas constant, 8.3145 J mol−1 K−1 Superscripts
Ri internal equivalent resistance of unit volume, Ω m−2
Rs radius of solid active material particle, m max the maximum value in the particle of electrode
ΔS entropy change, J mol−1 K−1 surf the value on the surface of the particle of electrode
t time, s avg the average value in the particle of electrode
t+0 transference number of the lithium ions with respect to the

they have a large impact on the performance, lifespan and security of temperature range between 15 °C and 35 °C is recommended by Pesaran
battery. The acceptable operating temperature range for Li-ion batteries et al. [13]. Temperatures outside the desired range will result in sig-
is −20 to 60 °C [12] and to maintain its optimal performance, a narrow nificant capacity loss. Motloch et al. indicated that every degree’s

Table 1
Some properties of different electric vehicle batteries.
adapted from [5–8]

Type Specific energy (W h kg−1) Specific power (kW kg−1) Nominal cell voltage (V) Life cycles1 Charge time (h) Self-discharge rate2 (%)

Lead-acid 25–40 150–250 2 200–700 8 5

Nickel-cadmium 45–80 200 1.2 500–2000 1 20
Nickel-metal hydride 60–120 200 1.2 500–1000 1 30
Nickel-iron 50 100 1.2 2000 / 20–40
Nickel-zinc 70 150 1.7 300 / 20
Sodium-sulphur 100 150–200 2 ∼10003 8 Quite low
Sodium metal chloride 100 150 2 > 10004 8 /
Li-ion 110–180 300 3.6 > 1000 2–3 10
Li-polymer 100–130 300 3.6 300–500 2–4 10

Up to 80% capacity.
Loss per month.
∼1000 means no more than 1000.
> 1000 means no less than 1000.

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

increment of working temperature in the temperature range of 30–40 °C great efforts to develop better materials to improve the batteries’ per-
decreases the calendar life of the battery by almost two months [14]. It formance. For example, silicon is viewed as an attractive option to re-
is worth noting that when the cell temperature exceeds the threshold place the graphite carbons [23].
thermal runaway will be triggered which may in turn lead to a terrible Electrolytes of Li-ion batteries are non-aqueous solutions of lithium-
catastrophe [15]. In addition, the maximum temperature difference containing salts (e.g. LiPF6) dissolved in solvent of organic liquid
among cells and modules in the battery pack is desired to be less than mixtures, such as ethylene carbonate (EC), propylene carbonate (PC),
5 °C [16]. Safety is the top priority that should be ensured when de- diethyl carbonate (DEC) or ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC) [26]. The
signing electric vehicles. Therefore, an effective BTMS is required for separator is used to separate the positive and the negative electrodes in
the Li-ion based EVs, HEVs and PHEVs to rapidly dissipate the heat case of internal short circuit [27]. Although the Li ions can pass through
generated inside the battery pack. Under the low temperature scenario, it without any obstruction, the separator is electrical insulator which
preheating the battery is also needed to ensure a desired driving per- means that the electrons are blocked and not allowed to cross over
formance. under normal circumstances. Moreover, when the temperature inside
the cell is excessive the separator will shut the cell down, which serves
2. Lithium ion battery as a fuse to prevent the occurrence of thermal runaway [28]. The
function of current collector is to collect the currents generated by
In this section, typical structures and operating mechanisms of Li- batteries. They are generally made of cuprum in the negative side and
ion batteries are briefly introduced. Then the battery thermal issues are aluminum in the positive side, respectively. The cell case is a seal
discussed to highlight the effects of working temperature on the battery container which props up the whole cell and the raw material is usually
performance. What follows is an elaboration about different categories steel or aluminum to achieve satisfactory mechanical and thermo-
of battery models including the thermal model, electrochemical model, physical properties.
equivalent circuit model and multi-physics coupled model. Finally and Two normal configurations of Li-ion cells in electrical vehicles by
more importantly, the state-of-the-art developments about various winding and stacking up the anode-separator-cathode sandwich layer
BTMSs for battery cooling and heating in recent years are summarized. are: the cylindrical shape and the prismatic shape. Their typical struc-
tures are shown in Fig. 1. The prismatic design improves the space
utilization and increases the flexibility while the cylindrical cells are
2.1. Battery framework
more economical and easy to produce due to the manufacturing ma-
turity even though at the expense of low space efficiency [31].
A lithium ion cell is typically comprised of positive electrode, ne-
Automotive manufacturers will choose different battery shapes ac-
gative electrode, electrolyte, separator, current collector and a case.
cording to their specific demands. What’s more, in practical applica-
Electrodes are the key components inside Li-ion batteries which de-
tions, a single cell is obviously not adequate to provide enough energy
termine the capacity and energy density of the battery. A variety of
and power for the vehicle usage. Therefore, numerous cells are con-
positive electrode materials have been developed and these materials
nected in series and/or in parallel to construct the battery modules and
can be generally divided into three types according to their structures:
then quantities of modules are linked with electric wires to constitute a
the layered structure, the spinel structure and the olivine structure [17].
battery pack. For instance, Tesla model S employs 7104 cylindrical
The first type materials refer to those lithium transition metal oxides
18,650 (18 means that the diameter is 18 mm; 65 indicates that the
with layered structure, such as LiCoO2 (LCO) and LiNiO2 (LNO). The
height is 65 mm; 0 is the code for cylindrical cell) NCA-based Li-ion
term spinel normally refers to LiMn2O4 (LMO) and the third is the group
cells in 16 modules to form its battery pack with an energy capacity up
of transition metal phosphates containing lithium (e.g. LiFePO4 (LFP)
to 85 kW h [32]. Each module contains 6 groups of 74 cells wired in
and LiMnPO4 (LMP)). The characteristics of different positive electrode
parallel and the 6 groups are then wired in series within the module
materials are summarized in Table 2. Among these materials, LiCoO2
[33]. Pictures of batteries inside Tesla model S at module and pack level
has been the most common choice since the first Li-ion battery was
are shown in Fig. 1(c) and (d).
marketed [18]. Utilizing LiCoO2 as the positive electrode material has
the merits of high capacity and mature preparation process. However, it
has the limitations of toxicity and high material cost as well as poor 2.2. Working principles
thermal stability [19]. For the reason of safety, LiFePO4 which is more
resistant to thermal abuse [20] is regarded as a promising substitute The schematic representation of the mechanisms of a LiCoO2/gra-
although its effective capacity is barely satisfactory yet [21]. Unlike the phite Li-ion battery is shown in Fig. 2. As can be seen, the charge/
positive electrodes, the negative electrodes are usually made of carbo- discharge process is characterized by the transport of lithium ions and
naceous compounds including coke, graphite and Mesocarbon Mi- electrons. During charge, lithium ions are extracted from the positive
crobeads (MCMB), among which the most commercially popular one is electrode particles and flow through the electrolyte and the separator to
graphite based carbon [22]. Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) has also been put in the negative side. To keep the electric equilibrium, the same amount of
practice as the negative electrode material but it faces the problem of electrons are released simultaneously at the surface of positive elec-
potential side reaction with the electrolyte. Researchers are making trode particles. These electrons are then collected by the positive

Table 2
Characteristics of different positive electrode materials.
adapted from [19,24,25]

Positive Electrode LiCoO2 LiNiO2 Li(Ni0.8Co0.15Al0.05)O2 Li(Ni1-x-yMnxCoy)O2 LiMn2O4 LiFePO4


Cell voltage (V) 3.7–3.9 3.6 3.65 3.8–4.0 4.0 3.3
Specific energy III III IV IV II II

Excellent: IV; Good: III; Moderate: II; Bad: I.

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

Fig. 1. Schematics and pictures of different battery configurations: (a) cylindrical cell; (b) prismatic cell; (c) module level; (d) pack level [29,30].

3. Adverse effects of temperature

There are two main temperature concerns about Li-ion batteries: (1)
the operating temperature goes beyond the acceptable scope; (2) the
low temperature uniformity leads to a localized degradation which
shortens the battery duration life. To obtain the optimum performance
the operating temperature of Li-ion battery needs to be kept within a
narrow range (15–35 °C). Working in temperatures out of this scale, Li-
ion batteries’ performance, lifespan and safety will all be deteriorated.
However, dreadful ambient environments (i.e. elevated or extremely
cold temperatures) are unavoidable in practical applications. Under
these adverse conditions, the battery will see its performance worsen
significantly due to the improper operating or storage temperature.
Thermal runaway of the battery may even be triggered under some
extreme conditions. In this section, the adverse impacts of improper
temperatures on Li-ion batteries are outlined briefly to elucidate the
significance of the BTMSs. The unexpected thermal behaviors including
the high temperature-caused performance degradation, thermal run-
Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of lithium ion battery [34].
away, temperature maldistribution, and low temperature behavior. As
the mechanisms are beyond the scope of this review, readers may
current collector and travel via the external circuit to the negative consult relevant papers for more details [35–41].
electrode to form the charge current. The lithium ions react with the
electrons and are intercalated into the positive electrode materials ul-
timately. During discharge, the electrochemical process is inverse to 3.1. Performance degradation
what happens during charge. An equal amount of lithium ions and
electrons escape from the negative electrode at the same time and mi- The performance degradation of Li-ion batteries herein refers to the
grate back to the positive electrode through the internal and the ex- capacity fade and power loss under high temperatures. The effects of
ternal passage respectively. low temperature will be discussed as an individual part in Section 3.4.
By using the LiFePO4/graphite as the positive/negative electrode USABC (The United States Advanced Battery Consortium) suggests that
materials, the electrochemical reactions occurring inside the Li-ion a calendar life for at least 10 years is expected for EVs [42]. However,
battery during charge and discharge processes can be expressed as the battery performance degrades rapidly with the increase of tem-
follows. perature and thus few EVs can meet the expectation. Considering the
massive combinations of diverse electrode materials and electrolyte
charge composites, it’s impractical to cover the performance degradation me-
Positive electrode: LiFePO4 ⇄ x Li+ + x e− + Li (1 − x ) FePO4
discharge (1) chanisms of all these electrochemical batteries. Generally speaking,
however, the capacity fade is attributed to the lithium loss and active
material reduction [38] inside the battery while the origin of power
Negative electrode: 6 C+ x Li+ + x e− ⇄ Lix C6 abatement is the increasing cell internal resistance [43] due to the
discharge (2) elevated temperature.
The battery performance degradation can also be classified into the
cycle performance loss and calendar performance loss based on whether

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

the battery is being operated [44]. Cycle performance loss occurs when found that if the thermal runaway took place, the internal temperature
the battery is cycled (i.e. charged/discharged). Ramadass et al. [45] of the 25-A h battery would reach as high as 870 °C. As a consequence,
experimentally tested the capacity drop of Sony 18650 cells with fire and explosion of the battery will be triggered with the generation of
LiCoO2 positive electrode and carbon negative electrode by using the large amount of heat and deleterious gas if no actions is taken. In order
cell voltage range of 2.0–4.2 V. Experiments were conducted under to figure out the thermal stability and abuse tolerance of Li-ion cells, a
different temperatures, including the room temperature, 45 °C, 50 °C variety of abuse tests have been developed including the oven exposure
and 55 °C. The cells cycled at room temperature and 45 °C showed a [52], short-circuit [53], overcharge [54], nail penetration [55] and
capacity reduction of 22.5% and 26.46% respectively after 500 cycles, crush [56] tests.
while this value reached as high as 70.56% at 55 °C. In the study of The undergoing reactions inside the Li-ion battery (taking LiCoO2 as
Shim et al. [35], the cycling performance of LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2/gra- positive electrode material, carbon as negative electrode material and
phite lithium-ion pouch cells at 100% DOD (depth of discharge) under LiPF6/solvent composites as electrolyte) and the relevant possible
the temperature of 25 °C and 60 °C were experimentally compared. equations are summarized in Table 3. Note that these reactions don’t
Results also indicated that the capacity loss increased significantly due take place in a given sequence. The occurrence of these reactions varies
to the elevated temperature (4% at 25 °C compared to 65% at 60 °C with the battery design, the battery chemistry and the state of charge
after 140 cycles). (SOC) as well as the abuse condition.
The capacity/power fade when the Li-ion batteries are stored A typical path of thermal runaway is given in Ref. [58]. The first
without use is called the calendar performance loss. Wu et al. [46] step is the decomposition of the SEI (solid electrolyte interface) layer.
reported that the capacity of a Li-ion battery, which was 650 mA h after The passivating SEI layer is a thin film covering on the negative elec-
being soaked at room temperature, dropped to 20 mA h after 60 °C trode which prevents the reaction between the lithiated carbon and the
storage for 60 days. Jiang and Zhang [47] listed the requirements for organic solvent in electrolyte. It contains stable components (e.g.
the storage of lithium-ion batteries: Li2CO3) and metastable substances (e.g. (CH2OCO2Li)2) [59], the latter
of which exothermically decompose as illustrated by Eq. (3) in Table 3
(a) The storing environment should be dry and clean with a good when the battery temperature rises to about 90 °C. Without the SEI’s
ventilation and desired ambient temperature protection, the negative electrode will react with the electrolyte at
(b) The direct exposure to sunlight should be avoided 100 °C. This is a highly exothermic reaction which generates a large
(c) The distance from the battery to any heat source should be at least amount of heat to further raise the temperature. And then the polymer
2m separator melts down at the temperature around 130 °C which causes a
(d) Being placed upside sown or any mechanical stress is not allowed. potential short-circuit between the electrodes. If the temperature grows
to more than 200 °C, a chain of reactions may occur. Firstly, the lithium
Although the coating positive electrode materials [48] and adopting metal oxide electrode decomposes and gives off oxygen. Then the sol-
proper electrolyte composites [49] can improve the battery perfor- vent in the electrolyte may react with the oxygen (Eq. (6a–c)) or di-
mance under the elevated temperature, the adverse effects cannot be rectly react with the positive electrode materials (Eq. (8a–b)). Due to
totally eliminated. Therefore, a BTMS that can well control the battery the presence of lithium salt (e.g. LiPF6), the electrolyte is likely to
temperature is of great significance. disassemble into the low molecular weight compounds, such as LiF,
C2H4, C2H5F, making the reactions more complicated. All these afore-
3.2. Thermal runaway mentioned processes generate gaseous products leads to the swelling-up
of batteries during the thermal runaway. These processes also increase
Thermal runaway is the an undesirable condition when the elevated the internal pressure of the battery thus enlarges the possibility of ex-
battery temperature induces a series of exothermic reactions which in plosion and catastrophe. Besides, the lithiated carbon is possible to
turn raises the temperature further until irreparable incidents happen react with the fluorinated binder. However, this process seldom occurs
[50]. In Ref. [51], Feng et al. experimentally investigated the thermal because the reaction between the negative electrode and electrolyte is
runaway behavior of a large format prismatic Li-ion battery. They more prone to take place and runs out the available lithium.

Table 3
Reactions and relevant equations of Li-ion battery during thermal runaway [57].

Reactions Possible chemical equations Temperature range (°C)

SEI decomposition (CH2OCO2Li)2 → Li2CO3 + C2H4 + CO2 +

O2 90–120 (3)

Negative electrode/electrolyte 2Li + C3H4O3 (EC) → Li2CO3 + C2H4 > 100 (4a)
2Li + C4H6O3 (PC) → Li2CO3 + C3H6 (4b)
2Li + C3H6O3 (DMC) → Li2CO3 + C2H6 (4c)

Separator meltdown / Around 130

Positive electrode decomposition 1 1

LixCoO2 → xLiCoO2 + (1 − x)Co3O4 + (1 − x)O2 196–230 (5a)
3 3
Co3O4 → 3CoO + 0.5O2 CoO → Co + 0.5O2 (5b)

Solvent/O2 2.5O2 + C3H4O3 (EC) → 3CO2 + 2H2O (6a)

4O2 + C4H6O3 (PC) → 4CO2 + 3H2O (6b)
3O2 + C3H6O3 (DMC) → 3CO2 + 3H2O (6c)

Electrolyte decomposition LiPF6 → LiF+PF5 200–300 (7a)

C2H5OCOOC2H5 + PF5 → C2H5OCOOPF4 + HF + C2H4 (7b)
C2H4 + HF → C2H5F (7c)
C2H5OCOOPF4 → PF3O + CO2 + C2H4+HF (7d)

Positive electrode/electrolyte 2Li + 2EC → Li–O–(CH2)4–O–Li + 2CO2 200–240 (8a)

Li–O–(CH2)4–O–Li + PF5 → Li–O–(CH2)4–F + 2LiF + POF3 (8b)

Negative electrode/binder –CH2–CF2 + Li → LiF + –CH=CF– + 0.5H2 > 260 (9)

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

To lessen the potential hazards of thermal runaway, a diversity of low temperature is still under debate and need to be studied thor-
safety mechanisms are utilized in Li-ion batteries such as safety vents, oughly. The slower ionic conductivity of the electrolyte at low tem-
thermal fuses, self-resetting devices, shutdown separators, chemical peratures was ever thought to be the main cause that worsens the
shuttles, coatings and thermal retardant electrolytes and electrodes performance of Li-ion cells [72]. Hence, numerous studies were dedi-
[60]. The development of an effective BTMS is also a critical task that cated to the development of electrolyte mixtures with low freezing
should be focused on. points and high ionic conductivities [73]. The electrolyte mixtures in-
deed improved the low temperature performance at some circum-
3.3. Temperature maldistribution stances. However, Zhang et al. [74] found that the increased charge
transfer resistance between the graphite and electrolyte becomes the
The expectations of adequate driving mileage and fast acceleration dominant factor if the temperature decreases to below −10 °C. In ad-
of the battery-based vehicles requires the development of large-scale dition, it is indicated that charging a fully discharged cell is much more
battery packs. However, during the charge/discharge process, heat is difficult than discharging a fully charged one [75]. It means that the
produced as a result of the electrochemical reactions and internal re- charge performance degrades more quickly than discharge performance
sistances. The enlargement of battery systems inevitably brings about under cold conditions.
much more heat generation inside the pack especially during the fast The thermal runaway due to successive exothermal reactions caused
charging/discharging scenario. The heat will accumulate inside the by elevated temperature is not likely to occur at a low temperature.
pack if not dissipated effectively. Besides, the convection coefficient is However, the formation of the lithium plating may arise [76]. The li-
higher at the surfaces of the outer batteries thus provides better dis- thium dendrites grow on the negative electrode surface and decrease
sipation conditions than inner cells in the pack. Therefore, there is a the charge capacity of the cell as some of the cyclable lithium inter-
great temperature discrepancy between the batteries at the center and calated in the graphite is lost. Furthermore, it may penetrate the se-
those near the edges. As we have talked about, the performance of an parator thus results in internal short-circuits. In Ref. [76], the authors
individual cell is a strong function of its temperature which means that pointed out that the production of lithium plating can be explained by
there will be a huge capacity variation from cell to cell. Furthermore, the negative polarization of the electrode with respect to Li/Li+ in the
Li-ion cells show low tolerance to the overcharge. Even a slight over- low temperature range.
charge will cause capacity fade [61] and the lithium plating due to high It is obviously impractical to avoid the adoption of Li-ion batteries
overcharge may give rise to the occurrence of thermal runaway [62]. under the lower temperature in light of the demands of consumers
Thus, the overall charge capacity of the battery pack is limited by the living in the cold environments (e.g. high latitude regions). To alleviate
cell with the poorest performance [63]. the impacts of low temperature, batteries could be preheated to achieve
Apart from the uneven temperature distribution among cells, the an acceptable performance [77]. Nevertheless, it consumes the addi-
temperature imbalance within a cell is an important concern as well. tional energy which declines the overall efficiency of the battery pack.
The heat generation rate is not the identical at different locations inside
a Li-ion cell as the majority of electrochemical reactions occur at the 4. Battery modeling
electrodes. It is reported that a LiCoO2 positive electrode generates four
times as much heat as the overall whole battery [64]. Hence, the Since the performance and safety issues of Li-ion batteries are
temperature rises are not uniform inside the cell. This will cause the strongly linked to the temperature, it is of great significance to analyze
local deterioration which has an adverse effect on the performance of the battery thermal behavior (e.g. temperature profile) at cell and pack
the whole cell and may result in the battery failure. level. Despite the existence of other choices, experiments and numerical
In summary, the temperature non-uniformity both from cell to cell thermal simulations are the most prevalent methods. However, the
and within cells will pose negative effects on the overall performance of experimental approach has its own limitations. For instance, one ex-
the battery pack. Therefore, severe temperature maldistribution should periment is only for a specific condition making it time-consuming and
be avoided and the maximum temperature deviation inside the battery laborious to investigate the battery behaviors under different ambient
pack is usually expected to be below 5 °C [65]. The electrode mod- environments and/or discharge rates. Additionally, the surface tem-
ification can improve the intra-cell temperature uniformity [66] while a perature cannot accurately indicate the maximum temperature of the
well-designed BTMS can alleviate the inter-cell temperature in- battery due to the difference between the surface and the core. As the
homogeneity more effectively [67]. Mohammadian et al. [68] studied battery case is a sealed container, it is almost impossible to acquire the
the feasibility of using an internal cooling method which uses the temperature data inside the battery using existent thermal detectors
electrolyte as the coolant to cut down the temperature inhomogeneity such as thermocouples. Comparatively, numerical simulations can be
inside the Li-ion cell. Results showed that the cell temperature uni- easily fitted to different conditions by altering the model parameters.
formity was improved significantly. Moreover, the thermal behavior of any portion in the battery model can
be displayed. Therefore, numerical method is widely adopted by re-
3.4. Low temperature performance searchers regardless of the slight discrepancy with practical situation
sometimes. It is also frequently used for the cell configuration optimi-
In Section 3.1, it has been indicated that the high temperature leads zation and the thermal management system design.
to the performance degradation of Li-ion batteries. Many studies have The first step of numerical simulations is the establishment of bat-
implied that the cell performance is also poor under a low temperature. tery thermal models which will be discussed below in the first subsec-
The goal set by FreedomCAR that at least 5 or 7 kW (depending on tion. This section also reviews the literature about the commonly uti-
mode) of battery power is available in HEV at −30 °C [69] is beyond lized electrochemical and equivalent circuit models for thermal
the capability of almost all the HEVs in the automotive market. When analysis. The electrochemical and equivalent circuit models are always
the temperature is low, especially below −20 °C, both the energy and coupled with thermal models to gain a more accurate representation of
power of the battery are markedly reduced [41,70]. For instance, Na- the heat generation inside the battery.
gasubramanian [71] compared the characteristics of 18,650 Li-ion cells
at different temperatures from 25 °C to −40 °C. Results showed that the 4.1. Thermal model
power and energy densities of the Panasonic cells at −40 °C fell to
1.25% and 5% of those at 25 °C (10 W L−1 and 5 W h L−1 vs. During the charge/discharge process, heat is generated within the
800 W L−1 and 100 W h L−1). battery. Majority of the heat will be conducted from the internal portion
The exact mechanisms related to the poor performance under the to the surface and then dissipated by ambient air or other coolant if an

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

effective thermal management system is attached. The remaining en- and irreversible heat according to the production origins [81,82]. The
ergy is stored inside the battery. Thus, the building of battery thermal reversible heat originates from the entropy change associated with
models is mainly about the selection of expressions including the en- electrochemical reactions. Thus, it is also known as reaction heat or
ergy balance equation, heat generation equation and boundary condi- entropic heat. The irreversible heat is comprised by active polarization
tion equation. heat and ohmic heat [83,84]. The polarization is the deviation between
the cell open-circuit potential and the operating potential. At the solid-
4.1.1. Energy balance electrolyte interface, there is a resistance to hinder the charge transfer
The energy balance equation is based on the energy conservation process. The energy that needed to overcome the barrier during the
law and can be expressed as Eq. (1) which gives the temperature dis- lithium intercalation and de-intercalation process is referred to as the
tribution within the battery [78]. active polarization heat [85]. The ohmic heat or joule heat is the energy
loss caused by the transport resistance in solid and electrolyte phases.
∂T ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞
ρCp = λx + λy + ⎜ λz ⎟+ Q̇ Various equations have been introduced so far because of the in-
∂t ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂y ⎝ ∂y ⎠ ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠ (1) tricacy of heat generation process inside batteries. Several most com-
The term on the left hand side represents the energy accumulated monly used expressions are reviewed here. A localized heat generation
inside the battery while the right side terms are the three dimensional equation is shown by Eq. (7) which is derived from electrochemical
heat conduction and heat generation rate expressions respectively. analysis. The first term in the right side refers to the polarization heat
For cylindrical batteries, the equation can be reformed in the cy- and the second is the reaction heat. The third term is the joule heat
lindrical coordinates as below: because of resistance to the electronic conduction in the solid phase
while the fourth and fifth terms are the ohmic losses due to the im-
∂T 1 ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ 1 ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ pedance to the ionic transport in the electrolyte phase.
ρCp = λr r + 2 ⎜λ φ ⎟ + λz + Q̇
∂t r ∂r ⎝ ∂r ⎠ r ∂φ ⎝ ∂φ ⎠ ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠ (2)
∂U ⎞
Q̇ = as in (∅s −∅e −UOC ) + as in ⎛T + σ eff (∇∅s )2 + κ eff (∇∅e )2
To note, the overall effective battery thermal capacity ρCp is cal- ⎝ ∂T ⎠
culated based on the volume of each part of the cell given by [79]: 2Rg Tκ eff 0 d lnf ± ⎞
+ (t+−1) ⎜⎛1 + ⎟ ∇lnce · ∇∅e
∑i ρi Cp,i Vi F ⎝ d lnce ⎠ (7)
ρCp =
∑i Vi (3) This equation gives a sophisticated and precise description of the
where Vi denotes the volume of each component. In addition, a battery heat generated inside the battery while its deficiency is that the con-
cell is coined or stacked by multiple components with different thermal taining excessive electrochemical parameters increase the computation
properties. Thus, the thermal conductivity of the battery is anisotropic. cost. Therefore, a simplified form [86] of the formula proposed by
In the in-plane (prismatic) or axial (cylindrical) direction, the thermal Bernardi et al. [87] from thermodynamic perspective is widely used in
conductivity can be calculated by the literature:
λ dUOC
∑i ti Q̇ = I (UOC−V )−I (T )
λ|| = dT (8)
∑i (4)
The energy loss due to the charge transfer over-potential at the
In the through-plane (prismatic) or radial (cylindrical) direction, the solid-electrolyte interface, ohmic heat and mass transfer limitations
thermal conductivity is given by constitute the first term on the right side. The latter term shows the
t reversible entropy heat. To note, this equation is only applicable in the
λ⊥ = ti
case of no phase change or mixing heat release term, no concentration
∑ λi (5) gradients in the electrolyte, no open-circuit potential variation and only
one reaction heat source being considered.
It is also worth emphasizing that the abovementioned energy bal- More recently, Karimi and Li [88] rewrote Eq. (8) into the following
ance equation is under some assumptions for the simplification [78]. format:
For example, the battery thermos-physical properties are regarded as
independent of the temperature which is rational if being operated ΔS
q ̇ = Ri i 2−iT
nF (9)
within a narrow temperature range. Besides, the convective heat
transfer inside the battery is omitted as the flow velocity of electrolytes Based on experimental data, the internal resistance Ri and entropy
is greatly confined. change ΔS of a cylindrical SONY-US18650G3 battery [89] can be es-
The detailed three dimensional simulation occupies massive com- timated using empirical correlations as below:
puting resources especially under the intensive computation conditions.
−6 −0.3952 T = 20 °C
To reduce the complexity and simulation time, the temperature gra- ⎧ 2.258 × 10 SOC
Ri = 1.857 × 10−6SOC −0.2787 T = 30 °C
dients in one or two directions may be ignored without compromise of ⎨ −6 −0.1692 T = 40 °C
simulation accuracy. Beyond that, lumped capacitance thermal models ⎩1.659 × 10 SOC (10)
with confinement of three dimensions are commonly employed as well.
By assuming a uniform temperature distribution in all directions, Eq. ⎧ 99.88SOC −76.67 0 ⩽ SOC ⩽ 0.77
ΔS = 30 0.77 < SOC ⩽ 0.87
(1) can be expressed in the form as follow: ⎨
⎩− 20 70.87 < SOC ⩽ 1 (11)
d (ρCp T )
= hs As (T −Tamb) + Q̇ The SOC is defined as
dt (6)
The precondition of adopting the lumped model is that the Biot SOC = 1−
C0 (12)
number is much lower than 0.1 (i.e. Bi = hL/ λ ≪ 0.1) [80]. That is to
say, the requirement that either λ is much higher than the heat transfer The equations reviewed above are the most commonly used ex-
coefficient h or the cell thickness is sufficiently small should be fulfilled. pressions to calculate heat generation rate. The selection of the ap-
propriate calculating methods depends on the practical situations. For
4.1.2. Heat generation instance, if the accurate heat distribution of the cell is of consideration
The heat generation of Li-ion batteries includes the reversible heat and an electrochemical model is linked to the thermal model, the local

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

heat generation equation is the optimal choice. The thermodynamic positive electrode and carbon negative electrode afterwards. A good
equation may be used when knowing the operating over-potential and agreement was observed which verifies the effectiveness of the P2D
entropic heat coefficients. In contrast, the empirical formulas are ap- model.
plicable under the condition when the internal resistance can be ob- However, as can be observed from Table 4, there are quantities of
tained. non-linear partial differential equations (PDEs) which makes the si-
mulation occupy too much computational resources. In order to cut
4.1.3. Boundary conditions down the computational duration and the simulation complexity, var-
Heat can be transported by conduction, convection and radiation ious mathematical and physical simplification methods have been
[90] all of which are involved in the heat dissipation process within the proposed. One idea is to integrate a polynomial approximation into the
cell. Heat is firstly conducted through the cell to the outer boundary porous electrode model (PP model). In the PP model, the concentration
surface. Then it is released to the ambient environment or the cooling in the solid phase is approximated by a parabolic profile while the re-
media normally by convection and radiation. maining expressions retain the same as the P2D model [94]. As a
For thermal management systems relying on the direct contact be- consequence, the PDE represented by Eq. (17) is substituted by an or-
tween battery and the fluids coolant (i.e. air or liquid coolant), no dinary differential equation (ODE) represented by Eq. (24) and an al-
matter passive or active cooling, the heat transfer between the cell gebraic equation represented by Eq. (25), the derivation process of
boundary surface and the coolant is mainly by the convective and ra- which is elaborated in Refs. [95,96].
diative process as the conduction generally plays a poor role during ∂csavg
normal operations. The boundary condition can be expressed by the = −3as jn
∂t (24)
following correlation:
as jn Rs
∂T 4 csavg−cssurf =
−λ = hs (T −Tamb) + εσ (T 4−Tamb ) 5Ds (25)
∂n (13)
Another method is referred to the single particle (SP) model. This
where the term on the left-hand side denotes the conductive heat from
model rejects the porous electrode theory and considers each electrode
the cell and n is the direction perpendicular to the boundary surface.
as a single bulk particle whose surface area is equal to the active area of
The right-hand side terms refer to the convective and radiative heat
the solid porous electrode [97]. Besides, the diffusion (i.e. the con-
transfer rates respectively.
centration deviation) of Li species in the electrolyte phase is neglected
To simplify the calculation, the radiation heat dissipation rate is
[98]. As a result, Li+concentrations and the solid phase potential are
usually adapted into the form of Newton’s law of cooling which is si-
only functions of the time t and remain constant along the electrode
milar to the convective equation. The radiative heat transfer coefficient
thickness direction. A schematic representation of the SP model is
can be defined as:
shown in Fig. 3(b).
εσ (T 4−Tamb ) Santhanagopalan et al. [99] discussed the simulation accuracy and
hrad = ≈ 4εσTamb when T is slightly higher than Tamb
T −Tamb
As a consequence, Eq. (13) can be rewritten into:
−λ = hs (T −Tamb) + hrad (T −Tamb) = ht (T −Tamb)
∂n (15)
For cooling conditions in which batteries are attached to solid ob-
jects (e.g. heat sink or solid phase change materials), heat is transferred
by the conduction between the cell and the cooling agents. The corre-
sponding relation is given by:
∂T ∂T
−λ = −λ amb
∂x ∂x (16)

4.2. Electrochemical model

The electrochemical model accurately predicts the behavior of Li-

ion batteries and is firstly presented by the pioneering work of
Newman’s group [91]. They developed the commonly-used electro-
chemistry based model, namely Pseudo Two-dimensional (P2D) model,
which employs the concentrated solution theory and the porous elec-
trode theory [91,92]. In the model, only one-dimensional transport
from the negative electrode through the separator to the positive
electrode is considered and it is assumed that the active solid phase
material consists of mono-sized spherical particles. A schematic of the
P2D model is displayed in Fig. 3(a). The governing equations of the P2D
model are listed in Table 4 including the mass conversation of lithium
species in solid/electrolyte phases, the charge conversation in solid/
electrolyte phases, the corresponding boundary conditions and the
electrochemical kinetic equations. Lithium conservation equation in
solid phase is solved in the particle r-dimension—the pseudo second
dimension, which is the reason why it is named as P2D model. Doyle
and Newman [93] compared the simulation results of the P2D model Fig. 3. Schematic representation of electrochemical models: (a) the P2D model; (b) the SP
model [101].
and experimental data for a Li-ion cell assembled by manganese oxide

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

Table 4 showed a higher accuracy than the SP model at the expense of higher
Governing equations of the P2D model [91,92]. complexity. In 2009, Cai and White [105] proposed a reduced-order
model based on the proper orthogonal decomposition method. The si-
Physical Expressions Eq.
mechanism mulation time was reduced and the results fit well with the P2D model.
The drawback is that the incorporation of empirical data or higher-
Mass conservation of Li+species order simulation results is needed. More recently, Luo et al. [106] ex-
Solid phase (17)
∂cs 1 ∂
− 2
r ∂r (
r 2Ds s = 0
∂r ) tended the SP model by considering the non-uniformity of potential/
Boundary ∂c ∂c (17a) concentration distribution in the electrolyte phase. The simulation error
Ds s = 0; −Ds s = jn
conditions ∂r r = 0 ∂r r = Rs was maintained below 0.55% at charge/discharge rates below 4 C.
Electrolyte ∂
εe ce−∇·(Deeff ∇ce )−
i e·∇t+
+ as jn (1−t+0) = 0 (18) In general, the P2D model is by far the most representative elec-
phase ∂t F
trochemical model. However, its complexity restricts its application in
Boundary ∂ce ∂ce (18a)
= =0 most cases. Due to the significant reduction of computing cost, the SP
conditions ∂x x = 0 ∂x x = L
model is the most prevalent simplification method yet among various
Charge conservation
Solid phase (19) simplifying models introduced in this section. The polynomial approx-
is = −σ eff ∇∅s
Boundary ∂∅ ∂ ∅s I (19a) imation technique is usually employed as well to further accelerate the
−σ eff s = −σ eff = ;
conditions ∂x x = 0 ∂x x = L A computation speed. It is expected that a precise and computationally
∂ ∅s ∂ ∅s
= =0 efficient electrochemical model could be developed.
∂x x = Ln ∂x x = Ln + Lsep

Electrolyte 2Rg Tκ eff ∂lnf ± (20)

i e + κ eff ∇∅e − ⎛1 + ⎞ (1−t+0) ∇lnce = 0
phase F ⎝ ∂lnce ⎠ 4.3. Equivalent circuit model
Boundary ∂ ∅e ∂ ∅e (20a)
= =0
conditions ∂x x = 0 ∂x x = L
Different from using the complex partial differential equations to
Butler-Volmer kinetics equation describe the electrochemical mechanisms inside the battery, equivalent
jn = io ⎡exp

a s
RT (
−exp −
α Fη
c s

⎦ ) ( α Fη
) circuit models provide an insight to the cell’s behaviors by means of
α c αa max α α
io = Fka kc (cs −cs ) c ce a (22) equivalent circuits which are constructed with simple electrical com-
ηs = ∅s −∅e −UOC (23) ponents such as voltage sources, resistors, and capacitors [107]. On the
other hand, quantities of parameters and assumptions are required for
the electrochemical models while only a few parameters are needed for
the computation cost of these three models for cycling performance. It the equivalent circuit models [108]. Hence, equivalent circuit models
was shown that due to the employment of simple ODEs instead of PDEs, are also widely adopted.
the calculation speed of the SP model is thousands of times faster than Most of the commonly used equivalent circuit models can be cate-
that of the P2D model to solve the model equations for over 800 cycles. gorized into the Thévenin based and the impedance based [109]. Im-
However, significant discrepancies between the SP model and the P2D/ pedance models usually incorporate a constant phase element (nor-
PP model occurred when the charge/discharge rate was higher than mally Warburg element) whose value is characterized by
1 C, although the simulation results were matched quite well at lower electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) [110]. Thévenin models
charge/discharge rates. Therefore, the SP model is a better choice than are consisted of a voltage source, a series resistor and resistor-capacitor
the others concerning the calculation speed and accuracy if the charge/ (RC) pairs based on Thévenin’s theorem [111]. Andre et al. [112] tested
discharge rate is less than 1 C. And compared to the P2D model, the PP and compared the Thévenin model and the impedance model. Results
model saves large amount of time without compromising the accuracy. showed that both models gave precise prediction of the battery per-
In addition, the SP model can be further simplified if the solid phase formance while at least a doubled computation speed is achieved by the
diffusion is approximated by a parabolic polynomial which is similar to Thévenin model. Therefore, the Thévenin model is more appropriate
the PP model [100]. and popular in the application of battery performance prediction and
In light of the complexity of the P2D/PP model and the limitations battery management system design. This subsection focuses mainly on
of the SP model, efforts have been made to develop novel simplification the utilization of Thévenin models.
models to predict the battery performance. For instance, a simplified The internal resistance model shown in Fig. 4(a) is the simplest
approach of the P2D model is introduced by Di Domenico et al. [102] in equivalent circuit model. It is comprised by an ideal voltage source UOC
year 2008, which is called the average model (AM) or average electrode connected with a resistor R1 which represents the battery internal
(AE) model. In the AM, the solid concentration distribution and the equivalent resistance [113]. The battery terminal voltage can be ex-
current density inhomogeneity are ignored. Instead, the average values pressed by Eq. (24) where IL > 0 for discharging and IL < 0 for char-
of the concentration and the current density across the solid phase are ging. This model can be integrated into any BMS as its structure is
adopted [103]. The AM is similar to the SP model but the key difference simple. However, the simulation accuracy is usually not adequate.
is that the AM deals with PDEs rather than first order ODEs in the SP
model. The simulation results of the AM, SP model and P2D model were UL = UOC−IL·R1 (24)
compared by Lin and Tang [104]. They demonstrated that the AM One method that can increase the exactitude is integrating the RC

Fig. 4. Schematic of the internal resistance model and the first order
RC equivalent circuit model.

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

branches into the model to simulate the transient battery responses 4.4. Electrochemical/electrical-thermal coupled model
[109,114]. The number of the RC networks determines the fidelity of
the model. Typically, more RC networks lead to a higher simulation Electrochemical models can be linked with thermal models by the
accuracy while raises the model complexity simultaneously. Therefore, Arrhenius law (Eq. (26)) which gives the relation between transport
a trade-off between the accuracy and the complexity should be man- and kinetic parameters Ψ and temperature T . For example, the solid
aged. The schematic of the first order RC equivalent circuit model is phase diffusion coefficient Ds follows the correlation of Eq. (27). Song
shown in Fig. 4(b). According to Kirchoff’s voltage law, the model and Evans [120] developed a model for the thermal management of
equation can be expressed by Eq. (25). lithium polymer batteries by coupling a two-dimensional thermal
model with a one-dimensional electrochemical model. The calculation
UL = UOC−IL·R1−URC (25) framework of the proposed electrochemical-thermal coupled model is
shown in Fig. 5(a). As can be seen from the diagram, the electro-
Rahimian et al. [115] compared the electrochemical SP model with chemical and physical reactions determine the heat generation rate
the first order equivalent circuit model by using them to predict the cell term while the temperature derived from the thermal model in turn
voltage. Data indicated that the SP model is superior to the first order influences the electrochemical parameters.
RC model in terms of accuracy while the simulation time is in the same
order. However, this is the case for first order model. Integrating more ⎡ E (Ψ) ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ ⎤
RC branches can correspondingly improve the fidelity. Lam et al. [116] Ψ = Ψref ·exp ⎢ a ⎜ − ⎟
R ⎝ Tref T ⎠ ⎥ (26)
proposed a second order equivalent circuit model which uses two RC ⎣ ⎦
pairs to represent the activation and concentration polarization re-
spectively. No significant error between the simulation results and the ⎡ E (D ) 1 1 ⎞ ⎤
Ds = Ds,ref ·exp ⎢ a s ⎜⎛ − ⎟
experimental data was observed. On the other hand, the accuracy can R ⎝ Tref T ⎠ ⎥ (27)
⎣ ⎦
be further improved by considering the dependence of UOC and R on the
SOC and temperature [117,118]. Apart from that, the effect of hyster- In fact, in spite of the aforementioned simplification methods, the
esis is sometimes taken into account, especially for LiFeO4 based li- electrochemical model is still complex for numerical simulations.
thium ion batteries [111,119]. Hu et al. [119] demonstrated their Therefore, electrochemical models are always coupled with the simple
evaluation of twelve equivalent circuit models used for LiNMC and lumped thermal model. The P2D model was coupled with a lumped
LiFePO4 batteries. Their results showed that the first order RC model thermal model by Smith and Wang [121] for the power and thermal
achieves sufficient accuracy with relatively low complexity for LiNMC behavior analysis of Li-ion battery pack. Guo et al. [97] constructed a
batteries. However, the effect of hysteresis is recommended to be added model that combines the SP model and a lumped thermal model in
for LiFePO4 batteries. which the spatial temperature distribution is ignored. More recently,
In conclusion, the equivalent circuit model is commonly adopted for Prada et al. [122] coupled the average model with a lumped energy
the battery modeling for the simplicity and adequate accuracy. Various balance to predict the temperature response of LiFeO4/graphite bat-
models have been proposed and verified, among which the Thévenin teries under fast charging conditions. However, the lumped model ne-
model elaborated above is more appropriate in the application of bat- glects the cell internal temperature gradient which may play an im-
tery thermal management design. portant role in the design of thermal management system. In recent
years, the higher dimensional thermal models becomes the mainstream

Fig. 5. Schematics of coupled electrochemical-thermal and electro-chemical models framework in [120,125].

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

trend due to the improvement in computation tools. Greco and Jiang deviation decreased for more than 5 times at pumping power of
[123] coupled the AM and a two-dimensional thermal model while they 0.024 W). However, the internal cooling is rarely studied and one of the
extended the AM by considering the solid and solution phase diffusion causes attributes to the closure of batteries making the method difficult
using the nodal network method. Their results showed that the model to implement.
could predict the thermal behavior accurately. Basu et al. [124] pro- In terms of cooling medium, thermal management methods can be
posed a three-dimensional electrochemical-thermal model to validate classified into the air cooling, liquid cooling, phase change (liquid to
the effectiveness of their novel BTMS. gas) cooling, phase change (solid to liquid) cooling and the combination
Lin et al. [125] built an electro-thermal model for the cylindrical of them. All these types of BTMSs are introduced elaborately in this
LiFePO4/graphite battery consisted of an RC-based equivalent circuit section. However, it is unrealistic to review all the relevant BTMS
sub-model and a thermal sub-model. The coupling approach is outlined techniques considering the numerous works in this field. As a result, the
in Fig. 5(b). The parameters of the equivalent circuit are dependent on following parts will focus on the progress in BTMSs during the past five
the temperature obtained from the thermal model. At the same time, years.
the calculation of the heat generation rate is based on the electrical
parameters. The authors validated the model at wide-range SOC and 5.1.1. Air cooling
temperature and a high accuracy was achieved. In Ref. [126], a third As the most traditional approach, air cooling has been studied in-
order RC equivalent circuit model is coupled with a one dimensional tensively and is widely adopted in commercial applications. For ex-
thermal model to predict the Li-ion cell’s behavior under different ample, the Honda Insight and Toyota Prius HEVs directly blows the
conditions. A favorable agreement between the modeling and experi- conditioned cabin air into the battery pack to cool the batteries [129].
mental results was achieved. Both the natural convection (i.e. passive) and forced convection (i.e.
active) can be utilized as air cooling strategies. Generally, the con-
5. Battery thermal management system vective heat transfer coefficient of the natural air cooling is much lower
than that of the forced air cooling. Thus, the natural convection cooling
As have been discussed in Section 3, improper temperature would is only effective for low energy density batteries [130]. It is scarcely
bring about the unexpected performance degradation and may even studied now despite its distinct advantages of simplicity, lightweight
lead to the thermal runaway of Li-ion batteries. Therefore, a BTMS is and low cost [6]. By comparison, due to the installation of fans/blowers
required when the battery pack is assembled. The primary aim of a the heat transfer coefficient of forced air flow is greatly enhanced which
BTMS is to maintain the batteries at the optimum operating tempera- is essential for heat dissipation requirements. In the past few years, the
ture range with even temperature distribution inside the cell and the improvement of active air cooling is primarily focused on three aspects:
pack. Apart from that, some factors have to be considered for practical geometric structure, parametric optimization and thermal model de-
vehicle applications such as compactness, weight, cost, complexity and velopment.
reliability of the system [77]. Park [131] compared the effects of geometric configurations with
different types of forced air flow inlet and outlet ducts (shown in Fig. 6)
5.1. Battery cooling by simulations using a thermal resistance model. He found that the
maximum temperature was much lower by adopting a tapered manifold
A BTMS for cooling could be either passive (only the ambient en- (Fig. 6(e)) than the other air flow shapes. The introduction of a pressure
vironment is used) or active (the cooling media is forced by built-in relief ventilation in the outlet air duct can further decrease the max-
devices). According to the heat removal position, BTMSs are categor- imum temperature and improve the temperature uniformity. In addi-
ized into internal or external systems. Currently, most thermal man- tion, it can be useful when the battery gives out hazardous gases. The
agement strategies are external which means that heat is taken away at conclusion is validated by Sun and Dixon’s work in Ref. [132]. In this
the battery surface. However, in almost all cases, the maximum tem- paper, the authors developed a transient three-dimensional thermal
perature locates at the internal portion of the cell because of the model which was used to simulate the thermal performance of a “Z-
thermal resistance between the battery core and the cooling medium. type” battery pack. Results showed that the tapered flow ducts with
Raising the convection velocity may further increase the temperature orifices at the outlet ducts and corrugation between cooling plates
difference within the cell [78]. The internal cooling technique which could significantly reduce the cell temperature and improve the uni-
directly removes heat from inside is a promising option to improve the formity. Mohammadian and Zhang [133] proposed a special design of
temperature uniformity [127]. Mohammadian et al. [68] embedded air-cooled thermal management strategy for prismatic Li-ion cells by
microchannels into the electrode area of Li-ion cells. The liquid elec- inserting pin fins into the air flow channels. A lower and more uniform
trolyte which flows in the channels is employed as the coolant to re- temperature field was achieved. Afterwards, they embedded an alu-
move the heat generated inside the battery. As the heat generation rate minum porous metal foam into the flow channels to further improve the
near the electrodes is higher than the other areas [128], it is proved that Li-ion batteries’ thermal performance [134,135]. The effects of different
the proposed internal cooling method observably promotes the tem- parameters including different design cases, pin fin arrangements, dis-
perature uniformity compared to the external cooling (the standard charge rates, inlet air velocity and temperature, porous insert length as

Fig. 6. Different designs of inlet and outlet ducts compared in [131].

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

well as permeability and porosity of the metal foam are also in- maximum temperature. Yang et al. [140] compared the aligned and
vestigated in their studies. Yu et al. [136] developed an original BTMS staggered cell structures of cylindrical battery pack. The parametric
which sucks the two directional air flow with independent air channels optimization of longitudinal and transverse intervals as well as the
and fans. In their design as shown in Fig. 7, the air flow from the bottom cooling air inlet width was investigated. Tong et al. [141] developed a
air duct rises up along the height direction, leading to a more uniform thermo-electrochemical model to explore the thermal performance of
distribution of the cell temperature. The maximum temperature forced air cooling under different cooling conditions. Factors including
(33.1 °C vs. 42.3 °C) and the temperature difference (5 °C vs. 10 °C) the air inlet velocity, cell arrangement, inter-cell spacing and reversal
were remarkably decreased compared to the regular design. Wang et al. frequency were taken into account. A parametric study of axial flow air-
[137] studied the influences of different cell structures and fan loca- cooled cylindrical battery pack was carried out by Yang et al. [142]. It
tions on the battery module thermal performance by numerical simu- was found that raising the radial spacing increased the average tem-
lations. Results indicated that among the investigated structures the perature but decreased the temperature difference and power con-
5 × 5 cubic arrangement is the most desired one as a trade-off between sumption at the expense of space utilization. Moreover, a higher air
the thermal performance and cost while the 19 cells hexagonal array is flow rate led to lower maximum temperature and a better temperature
the optimal structure with respect to the space efficiency. Besides, they uniformity.
found that the best cooling effect was achieved with the fan placed on The model developed in Ref. [132] is composed of a three-dimen-
the top. Fathabadi [138] proposed a battery pack design by using the sional battery pack flow sub-model indicating the flow parameters in
distributed thin air ducts for cooling. An excellent thermal performance the cooling channels, a one-dimensional battery pack network sub-
of the battery pack was obtained. model demonstrating the electrical relations and a three-dimensional
Fan et al. [139] analyzed the impacts of gap spacing and air flow battery cell/module thermal sub-model showing the temperature dis-
rate on the cooling performance of a forced air cooling thermal man- tribution inside the battery pack. Saw et al. [143] numerically studied
agement system. Different cooling strategies including the one-side vs. the thermal behavior of the air-cooled battery pack using the CFD
two-side cooling, even vs. uneven gap spacing were also compared. It method and derived the exponential expression between Nu number
was discovered that the two-side cooling with even gap spacing of 3 and Re number. The relation can be used to predict the cooling per-
mm and air flux of 40.8 m3 h−1 was an excellent choice for cooling the formance of BTMS. The authors in Ref. [144] built a electrochemical-
investigated battery module. Employing the uneven gap design im- thermal model for battery pack using the air cooling approach based on
proved the temperature uniformity but had limited effects on the the porous electrode theory and the concentrated solution theory. An

Fig. 7. Structure of two-directional air flow

channels in [136].

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

optimum fan power to balance the cost and compactness was re- aluminum flat tubes twining around the prismatic cells. Each tube
commended. Wang et al. [145] introduced an empirical heat source contained a number of minichannels for water flow to pass through so
based three-dimensional model to investigate the thermal behaviors of that the heat transfer efficiency was improved. Results indicated that
the 5 × 5 cubic cell module shown in Ref. [137] under different con- both the maximum temperature and the temperature difference were
ditions. The heat generation rate in the thermal model was measured well controlled with only few parasitic power consumption. In addition
experimentally under the adiabatic condition. It is found that the forced to employing minichannels, Zhang et al. [148] wrapped the aluminum
air cooling was not necessary if the discharge rate is lower than 3 C with tube around the prismatic cells with staggered arrangement. More im-
the ambient temperature no more than 20 °C. For the investigated cell portantly, they inserted a sheet of flexible graphite with high thermal
module, the upper limit of ambient temperature for forced air cooling conductivity between the cell wall and the tubes. Adding the flexible
was 35 °C. If the ambient temperature was above 35 °C, it made no graphite makes the heat from the cell surface conducted away quickly
sense to cool down the battery pack by air convection because the even at the locations with poor contact to the flat tubes. As a result, the
power required to decrease the cell temperature to below 40 °C was too temperature uniformity is significantly improved (the maximum tem-
high. perature difference decreased from 7 °C to 2 °C by using the flexible
Although the air cooling method has advantages in many aspects graphite).
such as the cost, complexity, maintenance and weight, the poor thermal Another frequently adopted idea is to sandwich the Li-ion cells by
conductivity of air makes it improper for applications in abuse condi- cold plates in which the liquid coolant such as water is circulated inside
tions (e.g. high ambient temperature and/or high discharge rate). In the containing minichannels. A water cooling based BTMS for the
this case, more effective cooling strategies such as the liquid cooling are prismatic bipolar Li-ion battery pack was investigated numerically by
necessary to be implemented. Tong et al. [149]. Between two cold plates lies a battery module which
contains a series of stacks. By increasing the coolant flow rate or the
5.1.2. Liquid cooling plate wall thickness, the average temperature and the temperature
Compared to the natural or forced air cooling, the liquid coolant has uniformity are ameliorated at the expense of a higher pumping power.
a higher thermal conductivity which make it a more attractive option as Elevating the number of stacks inside the cold plates will result in worse
the cooling medium. Liquid BTMSs can be classified into the direct thermal performance. It is worth noting that the geometry of the
cooling and indirect cooling. The direct liquid cooling is to submerge coolant flow path has a great impact on the cooling effects of liquid cold
the battery module into the circulated dielectric coolant (e.g. oil) while plate BTMSs. Therefore, the optimization of the minichannel structure
the indirect cooling is realized by the fluid flowing through discrete has been focused on in recent years. Huo et al. [150] analyzed an
tubing/jacket around the module or cold plate where the modules are aluminum cold plate based BTMS with straight minichannels. Para-
placed on [77]. Because the heat must pass through the surface of metric analysis about the number of coolant channels, flow direction,
tubes/plates before being taken away by the coolant, the thermal re- inlet liquid water velocity and ambient temperature at 5 C discharging
sistance of indirect cooling is inevitably increased. In contrast, the heat rate were carried out. The optimal flow direction for the given BTMS is
transfer process in direct liquid cooling is more efficient due to the to flow from the electrode side to another side. Besides, the higher the
direct contact between coolant and batteries. However, the high visc- number of channels and the flow rate were, the lower the temperature
osity of dielectric fluids such as mineral oil leads to heavy power con- rise was. The inlet flow rate had a critical value (5 × 10−4 kg s−1 for
sumption when high forced flow rate is needed. Things are different the studied system in the reference) that showed the best cooling effect.
with the indirect cooling which can employ low-viscosity liquids like After that, Qian et al. [151] improved the straight design by employing
water. Chen et al. [146] compared the thermal performance of four only one liquid inlet port. Water flows into the entrance and is then
cooling strategies, namely, forced air cooling, fin cooling, indirect li- divided into several branches which enters into different minichannels.
quid cooling and direct liquid cooling. It was reported that the air It is obvious that the flow rate of the water streams in the central
cooling method required the highest parasitic power cost, more accu- channels is higher than that of the flows in the outer channels. It helps
rately, 2–3 times higher than the others. Additionally, the indirect li- to diminish the temperature divergence as a large amount of heat is
quid cooling was found to be a better choice than the direct cooling in generated near the electrode area. The proposed system could control
vehicle applications. Therefore, the direct liquid cooling is seldom the maximum temperature below 40 °C for most of the discharge time
studied since the indirect liquid cooling is more practical. even if only two minichannels were used. Jin et al. [152] presented a
Lan et al. [147] introduced a novel design of BTMS with discrete novel U-shape cold plate design by adding oblique cuts across the

Fig. 8. Structure of the cold plate with segmented minichannels in Ref. [152].

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

regular straight channel walls to disturb the boundary layer thus to conditions. Zhao and Zhang et al. [158,159] proposed a hydrogel based
promote the heat transfer coefficient. The structure schematic of the BTMS for the Li-ion batteries. Both experimental and simulation results
cold plate with segmented minichannels is shown in Fig. 8. Experi- manifested its effectiveness in dissipating the battery heat generation
mental results showed that the cooling performance of the proposed under abnormal conditions.
segmented minichannel structure was notably enhanced compared to The example of a liquid BTMS in market employed by Tesla is
the conventional straight minichannel cold plate. Jarrett and Kim [153] shown in Fig. 10. The cooling tube made of aluminum coated with
discussed the geometry optimization of a serpentine-channel cold plate dielectric material is bent into a predetermined specific shape to wrap
design by adjusting the channel width and location using a mathema- the 18650 form cylindrical cells within each sheet. Liquid coolant of
tical algorithm. The effects of different boundary conditions on the water-glycol mixtures flows into the four channels of the cooling tube.
optimization were analyzed afterwards [154]. The optimized config- The addition of glycol is to lower the freezing point of water in case of
urations in terms of pressure drop, mean temperature and temperature coolant freezing under cold environment. It should be noted that a
uniformity are shown in Fig. 9. As can be seen, the Pfluid and Tave op- counter flow design is utilized within the cooling tube to achieve a
timized geometries are similar while the optimized structure based on uniform temperature distribution between batteries (Fig. 10(d)).
the temperature uniformity has a shape of confined inlet and wider In conclusion, the liquid cooling is more effective for battery
outlet. In addition, both the heat generation distribution and the fluid thermal management although it may add more weight and increase
flow rate have impacts on the Tσ optimization. The average temperature the structure complexity compared to the air cooling. Besides, the po-
is only sensitive to the variation of heat flux field and the investigated tential problem of coolant leakage should be considered. Therefore, the
operating conditions do not affect the structure for Pfluid optimization. liquid cooling is promising in light of the increasing demands for fast
It is noteworthy that the liquid cooling BTMSs either through dis- charging and the utilization of lithium ion batteries in abuse conditions.
crete tubes or by minichannel cold plates are developed for prismatic
Li-ion cells. Indeed, the indirect liquid cooling is more suitable for 5.1.3. Phase change (liquid to gas) cooling
battery cells with the prismatic geometry due to the poor contact be- Active air and liquid thermal management methods transfer the
tween the cylindrical surface and the flat tube/plate walls. Only a few generated heat in a convective manner. The circulation of coolants
liquid based BTMSs designed for cylindrical cells are raised. For in- requires the installation of ducts, valves, fans or pumps which causes
stance, based on the idea of liquid cold plate, Zhao et al. [155] proposed extra weight and space consumption. It also increases the parasitic
a liquid cold cylinder design. Similar to the cold plate, each cylinder power costs so that the cooling efficiency is decreased. Therefore,
which embraces a battery cell contains a number of minichannels. passive cooling methods utilizing latent heat during the phase change
Results illustrated that the maximum temperature was maintained at no process of substances are massively investigated during the past years.
more than 40 °C with 4 minichannels in each cold cylinder and with a It is well known that matters exist in three phases: solid, liquid and
flow rate of 1 × 10−3 kg s−1. In Ref. [124] Basu et al. implemented gas. When a substance is transformed from solid state to liquid state or
conduction elements made of the highly conductive metal to envelop from liquid state to gas state, a large amount of energy will be absorbed
the cylindrical cells. The heat flux is conducted from the cell surface to and vice versa. This phenomenon can be used to enhance the heat
the conduction elements and then to the coolant flow channel which is dissipation capacity to remove the heat inside the battery. This section
attached to the conduction elements. The novel design can effectively concentrates on the passive BTMSs using the latent heat of liquid-vapor
control the temperature rise and temperature distribution. However, phase change process, including the boiling systems and heat pipes.
the contact resistance still has a great impact on the thermal perfor- In fact, the boiling thermal management can be viewed as a type of
mance of BTMSs. passive liquid cooling method. However, the phase change is involved
Other than the advancement of coolant path geometry and battery during the heat transfer process. Therefore, it is categorized into the
pack structure, the promotion of liquid medium thermal property has phase change (liquid to gas) cooling in this paper. In 2013, Bandhauer
also been investigated. Al2O3 nanoparticles were added into the water and Garimella [127] creatively proposed an internal BTMS by using the
to be utilized as the coolant by Huo and Zhao [156]. Simulation results phase-change fluid in the microchannels. The generated heat is trans-
demonstrated that the nanofluid based BTMS with nanoparticle volume ported to the microchannel evaporators which are integrated inside the
fraction of 0.04 decreased the battery mean temperature by 7% com- current collectors to transform the working fluid R134a into vapor
pared to the pure water based BTMS but the standard deviation may be phase. The vaporized fluid flows up to the condenser due to the energy
increased. Yang et al. [157] studied the feasibility of using the liquid density difference and is then condensed there. Subsequently, van Gils
metal for battery thermal management. The coolant flow is driven by an et al. [161] introduced their research on BTMS for Li-ion cells using
electromagnetic pump instead of the conventional mechanical pump. It boiling process. The battery is immersed into the dielectric fluid,
was found that the liquid metal coolant achieved a better cooling per- Novec7000 whose dielectric property and cooling ability were experi-
formance than water with less parasitic power cost, making it a pro- mentally tested in their study. The authors also investigated the impact
mising alternative for the battery thermal management under abuse of pressure regulation in the boiling container on the intensity of

Fig. 9. Optimization design of flow channels inside the cold plate [153] (The channels are in black color).

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

Fig. 10. Schematic of Liquid BTMS used in Tesla: (a) the cooling tube inter-engaged with a sheet of cells; (b) the cooling tube setup; (c) the cooling tube; (d) the side view and end view of
the inlet and outlet [160].

boiling process which in turn affects the performance of thermal releases the latent heat owing to the pressure difference in the pipe. The
management. Hirano et al. [162] developed a direct boiling cooling vapor is then transformed into the liquid state again which moves back
system for prismatic lithium ion batteries. In their experiments, Li-ion to the evaporator section through the wick structure under the effect of
cells are sandwiched by porous materials, micro fibers or plastics, for capillary force. The advantages of heat pipe cooling systems, including
hydrofluoroether liquid and vapor fluid to flow through. Results im- the lightweight, low cost, no need for maintenance, flexibility and
plied that the maximum temperature can be maintained at approxi- especially high thermal conductivity, appeal to extensive application
mately 35 °C which is within the desired operating range even with a interests for them. Heat pipes have been widely used in electronics
charged/discharged rate of 20 C. Instead of using porous materials, An [165], spacecraft [166], solar energy collectors [167] and nuclear
et al. [163] recently took advantage of the flow boiling process in power plants [168]. However, the heat pipe based thermal management
minichannels to cool a battery module. They also chose the hydro- system has not been fully investigated. Rao et al. [169] experimentally
fluoroether whose boiling temperature is 34 °C as the phase change studied the feasibility of using heat pipe for the battery thermal man-
fluid. The battery temperature was kept around 40 °C with temperature agement in electric vehicle. Four copper heat pipes are placed between
difference below 4 °C due to the heat transport enhancement brought two battery-sized prismatic heaters and the condenser section is cooled
by the fluid boiling process. by a water bath. It is found that the battery temperature can be
As can be seen in Fig. 11(a), a typical capillary heat pipe consists of maintained below 50 °C for the given system if the input thermal power
two components, i.e., working fluid and a container with wick structure is no more than 50 W. To keep the temperature difference lower than
on the inner surface. The wick structures adopted in heat pipes could be 5 °C, the maximum heat generation rate is 30 W.
sintered metal powder, screen, grooved or mesh design [164]. A heat The oscillating (also named as pulsating) heat pipe (OHP or PHP),
pipe also can be divided into three regions: evaporator section, adia- appearing as a new type of heat pipe, also attracts many attentions on
batic section and condenser section. The working principle is as follows. its application in the thermal management. Different from conventional
The heat flux is firstly transported from the container into the eva- heat pipes, OHP is easier to produce as the wick structure is not needed
porator to vaporize the working fluid into the vapor phase. Then the but its working principle is more complex and it is sensitive to gravity
vapor spontaneously travels to condenser where it is cooled and [170]. According to the layouts, OHPs are classified into three types,

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

Fig. 11. Working structures of (a) capillary heat pipe

and different PHPs: (b) looped; (c) looped with check
valve; (d) unlooped [164,170].

including looped, looped with check valve and unlooped, as shown in or high ambient temperature). Besides, R134a is found to be improper
Fig. 11(b) –(d). Burban et al. [171] investigated the performance of an for the OHP operation.
unlooped PHP for the hybrid vehicle application. More recently, Rao The cooling method of the condenser end is another important
et al. [172] proposed a looped PHP based BTMS for prismatic power factor that affects the performance of heat pipe BTMSs. Zhao et al.
batteries. The influences of different operating conditions such as [174] introduced a wet cooling method for a flat heat pipe BTMS by
working fluids and orientations on the thermal performance were tested adding water spray at the condenser sections. The authors experimen-
in these two papers. tally compared the water spray method with the forced air and ther-
As one of the key components, the option of working fluid has a mostat cooling and results proved the superiority of the proposed wet
great impact on the cooling effect of heat pipes. Different working cooling idea over the other strategies. Ye et al. [175] developed a delay
fluids, i.e. distilled water, alcohol and acetone, were utilized and quench method in which there exists a short delay between the moment
compared experimentally by Putra et al. [173] for a BTMS using the flat when the coolant quenches the battery with higher temperature and the
plate loop heat pipe. Results showed that employing the acetone as time when the battery starts charging. Besides, cooling fins were fitted
working fluid achieved better thermal performance than the other and soldered to the cooling end to further enhance the heat transfer
choices when the input heat load is 1.61 W cm−2. Burban et al. [171] coefficient. The battery temperature was kept within the optimum
tested the performance of acetone, methanol, water and n-pentane range of 25–40 °C. It is also found that water and methanol are ap-
under different input heat powers (25–550 W). The acetone and n- propriate working fluids for heat pipe BTMSs while ethanol is not.
pentane are recommended for low heat generation rate and low am- Apart from working fluids and cooling methods, the influence of the
bient temperature while the water and methanol are better choices heat pipe inclined positions has been taken into consideration. Tran
under abuse conditions (in other words, high thermal power load and/ et al. [176] placed the flat capillary heat pipe into different orientations

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

and found that the effect of inclination angle on the thermal perfor- practical which make them more attractive in vehicular applications.
mance is negligible. Similar conclusion was drawn in their another Therefore, the PCM cooling has received extensive attentions during the
study [177]. However, Burban [171] discovered that a better perfor- past few years.
mance for OHP based BTMS was achieved at the situation where the Obviously, the first step of building a PCM system is to select a
condenser was placed above the evaporator. The main reason may be phase change substance. Rao and Wang listed six requirements for
that the key acting force of wick-structured heat pipes is the capillary choosing an appropriate PCM for the thermal management as follows
force while OHPs rely on the gravity. In addition, heat pipes should stay [181]:
in good contact with the cell surface to remove the heat of battery cells
effectively. For tubular heat pipes, however, a large contact area with (a) The melting point within the desirable temperature scope;
the battery is difficult to be ensured. Therefore, evaporator sections of (b) High latent heat, specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity;
tubular heat pipes are generally flattened and then soldered or attached (c) Low volume dilatation after phase change process;
to a rectangular plate to enhance the contact [171,175,177,178]. The (d) Negligible sub-cooling effect when freezing;
thermal grease is always utilized to further reduce the contact re- (e) Properties including stable, nontoxic, nonflammable and non-
sistance. explosive;
As the mechanism of heat transfer and two phase flow process in (f) Commercially economical.
heat pipes are complicated and difficult to model, studies of heat pipe
BTMSs are primarily experiment based. An effective method to nu- Before the phase change point, heat is transported by the solid PCM
merically analyze BTMSs using the heat pipe is needed so that the in a conduction manner. Once the temperature reaches the transition
system design can be optimized more conveniently. Greco et al. [179] point, the PCM melts and absorbs the heat flux from the battery.
introduced a thermal circuit model for the capillary heat pipe by re- Therefore, the phase change temperature is one of the key factors. Yan
placing the heat pipe using an analytical thermal network with thermal et al. [182] numerically investigated a composite board based BTMS
resistances but it lacked the validation from the experimental data. Ye which is comprised of the PCM, a heat conducting plate and an in-
et al. [180] simplified the heat pipe structure by assuming that the wick sulation panel. It is reported that the desired phase transition tem-
was saturated within the liquid and neglecting the boiling process so perature range for Li-ion battery thermal management is 30–50 °C. And
that only the thermal conduction through the three sections was con- results also implied that the proposed BTMS had good thermal perfor-
sidered. A good agreement was achieved between the experimental mance and the ability to prevent thermal runaway propagation under
data and transient simulation results. abuse conditions. Paraffin wax is the most widely used PCM for battery
To summarize, the development of phase change (liquid to gas) thermal management due to its properties of no corrosion effect, low
cooling based BTMS is worth investigating. Due to the effect of latent cost and availability in large quantities. Besides, it has a broad melting
heat, the liquid-vapor cooling can obtain higher heat dissipation coef- range with different length of alkane chains (shown in Table 5) making
ficients compared to the single phase liquid convection cooling. The it proper for various cooling conditions. It is reported that a broader
boiling heat transfer method is a promising alternative but its practi- phase change temperature range and a higher latent heat of fusion can
cality has to be further improved. As for heat pipe based BTMSs, the be obtained by mixing different paraffin [183]. Thus, paraffin mixtures
development directions could be to further improve the heat transfer have been widely used in BTMSs as well [184–186].
efficiency (e.g. adding nanoparticles into the working fluid) and extend Despite the advantages mentioned above, one of the biggest chal-
its application into real battery packs. Furthermore, the development of lenges for PCMs is their poor thermal conductivities (normally less than
an effective and simple numerical model is of great importance as well. 0.4 W m−1 K−1) which determine the thermal transport efficiency. It
limits the PCMs’ applicability in conditions where the fast response to
thermal surge is required. To address this problem, numerous methods
5.1.4. Phase change (solid to liquid) cooling have been implemented to enhance the overall thermal conductivity in
Apart from the liquid-vapor cooling system, the phase change pro- recent years. These techniques can be divided into three aspects: (1)
cess from solid state to liquid state has also been adopted as a thermal suspending thermally conductive fillers, such as carbon fibers
management strategy. Since the boiling and heat pipe cooling are [185,186], graphene [188], nanoparticles [184] and carbon nanotubes
classified into the passive liquid thermal management by many re- (CNT) [189] into PCMs; (2) embedding PCMs into porous media, in-
searchers, we refer to solid-liquid BTMSs normally when we talk about cluding polyurethane foam [190], metal foams [191–195] and ex-
the phase change material (PCM) cooling method. For convenience, panded graphite (EG) matrix [123,196–199]; (3) attaching metal me-
PCM is used to represent the materials that are transformed into liquid shes [200,201], graphite sheet [202] or cooling fins [123,199].
phase from solid phase in the following parts. The thermal conductivity enhancement brought by adding carbon
As a passive cooling method, PCM thermal management systems fibers into paraffin mixtures and its improvement on the thermal per-
possess many merits including simplicity, lightness, high efficiency and formance over the air and pure PCM cooling were studied by Samimi
no need for extra components such as blowers. Compared to liquid- et al. [185]. Results indicated that the thermal conductivity was greatly
vapor systems, solid-liquid phase change systems are more compact and

Table 5
Characteristics of selected paraffin waxes with proper melting temperature.
adapted from [187]

Material Melting point (°C) Latent heat Thermal conductivity Density (solid) Density (liquid) Specific heat (kJ kg−1 K−1)
(kJ kg−1) (W m−1 K−1) (kg m−3) (kg m−3)

Hexadecane 18 236 0.21 770 2.2

Heptadecane 22 213 0.21 778 2.2
Octadecane 28 244 0.21 814 774 1.90
Nonadecane 32 222 0.21 782 1.91
Eicosane 37 246 0.21 778 1.92
Docosane 44 249 0.21 791 1.93
Tricosane 48 232 0.21 764 1.93
Tetracosane 51 255 0.21 796 1.93

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

enhanced by carbon fibers (105% average enhancement). Babapoor systems [191,192]. Results proved the enhancement of PCM on the heat
et al. [186] also investigated the thermal performance of PCM-carbon storage properties and thermal conductivity by adding aluminum
fiber composited based BTMS and experimentally tested the effect of foams. The thermal conductivity of the PCM increased from
mass fraction and length of the carbon fiber. It is found that the addi- 0.29 W m−1 K−1 to 46.12 W m−1 K−1 after using the aluminum foam-
tion of 0.46 wt% carbon fibers with length of 2 mm achieved the best paraffin composite. Hussain et al. [195] conducted an experimental
thermal performance. The thermal conductivities of carbon materials study to investigate the thermal performance of a BTMS by in-
including graphene and CNT could reach as high as over 3000 W m−1 corporating the PCM into nickel foam. Reductions of 31% and 24%
K−1 [203] which is ten thousands higher than that of paraffin waxes. were observed in the battery surface temperature after employing the
Taking graphene and CNTs as additives is expected to improve the nickel foam-paraffin composite compared to the natural air and pure
thermal conductivity. Goli et al. [188] suspended graphene fillers into PCM cooling systems.
IGI-1260 paraffin wax by magnetic stirring and the highest thermal Apart from enhancing the thermal conductivity, another benefit of
conductivity of the PCM composite at 20 wt% loading was found to be utilizing EG is that the capillary forces inside can prevent the PCM
about 200 times the value of pure paraffin (45 vs. 0.25 W m−1 K−1). composites from leaking after the paraffin melts, which makes it by far
Nanoparticle is another kind of commonly used additive to enhance the the most attractive alternative for BTMS application. Jiang et al. [196]
thermal conductivity. Ag, Cu and Fe3O4 nanoparticles as well as the incorporated the RT44HC paraffin into the EG to enhance the thermal
metal matrix were dispersed into a PCM respectively by Karimi et al. management of Li-ion batteries and studied the influence of EG mass
[184] to work as BTMSs for cylindrical batteries. SEM images of hybrid fraction. An EG loading fraction of 30 wt% is found to raise the PCM
PCM composites with the addition of different metal nanoparticles are thermal conductivity to 13.85 W m−1 K−1 which is 69 times higher
shown in Fig. 12. Experimental results demonstrated that all the in- than that of the pure PCM. At the same time, the leakage ratio was
vestigated nanoparticles could improve the thermal conductivity com- significantly decreased to 0.38 wt%. Ling et al. [197] introduced a
pared to the pure paraffin system while Ag nanoparticles realized the BTMS based on the paraffin/EG for cylindrical batteries and in-
lowest battery bulk temperature among the three used nanoscale ma- vestigated the effects of different thermos-properties on the thermal
terials. performance. The composite with phase transition point between 40 °C
In addition to adding fillers, saturating PCMs into porous media has and 45 °C was revealed to show the best performance for the tested
been paid more attention during the past few years. It is a more pro- system. Additionally, the growth of composite density led to a higher
mising way as metal foams and EGs not only increase the thermal thermal conductivity and latent heat simultaneously. Yan et al. [198]
conductivity but also enhance the mechanical and thermos-physical tested the paraffin/EG composite BTMS in dynamic cycling conditions
properties by acting as skeletons. Qu’s group compared the cooling and recommended 45 °C as the optimal melting point for battery system
effect of copper foam-paraffin composite BTMS with that of air cooling usage. Lv et al. [199] integrated the low-density polyethylene into the
and pure PCM systems [193]. They developed a two dimensional usual EG/PA composite PCM. The LDPE/EG/PA showed better me-
transient model for the analysis of battery thermal management [194]. chanical characteristics in terms of bending strength, impact strength
It was reported that an acceptable battery temperature with uniform and Shore hardness.
distribution was obtained by this foam-paraffin system. Besides, it was In addition to the aforementioned techniques, the metal mesh en-
found that the surface temperature grew if the porosity and/or pore hanced PCM composites have also been studied by some groups. The
density were raised. Aluminum foams also can be added into PCM copper mesh was sandwiched using two PA/EG plates by Wu et al.

Fig. 12. SEM images of (a) pure paraffin and PCM composites with different metal nanoparticles: (b) Fe3O4; (c) Ag; (d) Cu [184].

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

[200] to constitute the copper mesh-enhanced PCM composite (shown to restore the latent heat of PCM. A hybrid BTMS that integrates the
in Fig. 13) for the prismatic battery thermal management. The novel PCM system with a forced liquid cooling system was proposed by
copper mesh enhanced system performed better in cooling effects than Hémery et al. [206]. The Li-ion cells and PCM are placed into aluminum
the conventional paraffin/EG composites as the maximum cell tem- cans which are in contact with the liquid cooling plates with circulated
perature was reduced by 4 °C. Azizi and Sadrameli [201] discussed the coolants inside to solidify the PCM. Afterwards, Rao et al. [207] cou-
utilization of aluminum mesh plates for the PCM based LiFePO4 battery pled the PCM with minichannels for the thermal management of pris-
BTMS at high temperature levels (50–55 °C). It is indicated that six matic batteries and investigated the performance of the as-proposed
hours’ desired working condition could be maintained by the as-de- system numerically. A maximum temperature of 320.6 K was predicted
veloped composite BTMS. Graphite sheets with pretty high in-plane for the PCM/minichannel coupled BTMS, while the maximum tem-
thermal conductivities and the EG were employed by Lin et al. [202] to perature was 335.4 K for the pure PCM system. The liquid mass flow
decrease the cell temperature difference. A temperature variation below rate and channel numbers both had impacts on the cooling effects.
5 °C was attained even at the discharge rate of 2 C. Greco and Jiang Additionally, the feasibility of coupling PCM systems with heat pipes
[123] introduced an electrochemical coupled thermal model to char- including heat pipe with fins [208] and oscillating heat pipes [209,210]
acterize the thermal performance of the novel PCM/EG composite has been studied experimentally and numerically. In [208], the tem-
BTMS with twelve fins. The addition of fins remarkably lowered the perature difference of PCM/heat pipe BTMS was 28.9% lower than that
maximum battery temperature (67.55 °C vs. 75.57 °C at 8 C discharge of pure PCM system. The duration of keeping the system less than 50 °C
rate). was longer due to the integration of heat pipe with circular fins. More
Another potential problem that should be taken into account is the recently, Wu et al. [204] also analyzed the thermal performance of the
consequence after the PCMs completely melt. As mentioned above, PCM when it was coupled with the heat pipe for the battery pack. Heat
phase change cooling methods take advantage of the latent heat during pipes were flattened and sandwiched by PCM plates which were then
the phase change process to absorb heat. If the heat loads of Li-ion inserted between Li-ion cells as shown in Fig. 14. The cell temperature
batteries are too high for the PCM to dissipate the absorbed heat timely, could be maintained below 50 °C even at the 5 C discharge rate. With
energy will accumulate in the PCMs. When all the solid PCMs transform regard to the OCP assisted PCM systems, the response time of the PCM
into the liquid state, a higher thermal resistance may occur between to heat flux was significantly declined [210]. It was also found that the
cells and the ambient environment. In this case, the cooling perfor- start-up point of OHP should be lower than the phase change tem-
mance will become even worse than the direct air cooling. Therefore, perature of PCM to improve uniformity of the battery temperature
other cooling techniques such as the forced air cooling and liquid distribution [209].
cooling are always incorporated to the PCM systems to solidify PCMs To summarize, the advancement of PCM based BTMSs has been
and recover its latent heat. Ling et al. [205] introduced the forced air brought into focus and extensive related studies have been conducted
method to improve the cooling effect of a PCM thermal management during the past several years. The largest challenge is to enhance its
system for the Li-ion battery pack. It was reported that the natural air thermal conductivity while the problem of latent heat recovery should
convection was not sufficient to remove the heat accumulated in the also be considered. In addition, the integration of PCM system in-
PCM while the forced air cooling strengthened the safety and reliability evitably adds the space requirement, weight and cost. Recent years’
of the PCM system. Besides, experimental results showed that the al- researches on the development of the PCM based BTMSs are summar-
teration of air velocity had negligible effect on the battery temperature ized in Table 6.
distribution which means that the function of the forced air flow is only

Fig. 13. Schematic of copper mesh-enhanced

PCM: (a) fabrication scheme; (b) real photo [200].

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

Fig. 14. Schematic of the PCM-heat pipe combined thermal management system in [204].

5.2. Battery heating warm the battery in convective way as Fig. 15(b). The mutual pulse
heating divided the battery pack into two groups with same capacity.
Despite that battery cooling has attracted much attention during the One group is discharged to provide power for charging the other group.
past years, seldom literature about battery heating methods can be The charge-discharge cycles are conducted alternately in the two bat-
found. The reason may be that a catastrophic thermal runaway is tery groups. In this case, shorter heating time and higher energy effi-
overwhelmingly probable to be caused by high temperature at extreme ciency than self-internal heating as well as more uniform temperature
conditions while sub-zero temperature can only lead to performance and higher reliability than internal convective heating are achieved.
degradation at most of the time. However, as indicated in Section 3.4, However, special control system and circuit are required which increase
the Li-ion battery performance is significantly reduced under sub-zero the system complexity and cost.
temperature. With the popularization of battery based vehicles espe- If the heating power is available from external resources, the con-
cially pure EVs, the capability of vehicles is more dependent on the sumption of the battery power can be avoided thus extending the
performance of power batteries. Thus, the problem of poor battery driving range. The external convective heating only substitute the en-
performance in cold environment is required to be addressed. In other ergy origin into external supply compared to the convective heating
words, the batteries must be heated in an efficient way before being using battery power as represented in Fig. 15(d). Stuart and Hande
cycled. The main criteria for selection of appropriated heating system [213] pioneered the method to heat the batteries utilizing alternating
are listed below: current (AC) shown in Fig. 15(e) and studied its feasibility for lead acid
and nickel metal hydride batteries in 2004. They found that the heating
(a) The heating time; speed increase with the growth of the amplitude of the currents. It was
(b) The power consumption for heating; reported by Jin and Wang [212] that raising the signal frequency can
(c) The overall cost including the cost for system, energy expense and also decline the heating time. Recently, Zhu et al. [214] found that
maintenance; apart from the current amplitude and frequency, the waveform affects
(d) The complexity addition, such as the extra devices, weight and the heating efficiency as well. For instance, the current with sinusoidal
space needed due to the integration of heating system. waveform warms up the battery from -24 °C to 7.79 °C while it is heated
from -24 °C to 25.6 °C for the rectangular pulse waveform in the same
Vlahinos and Pesaran [211] compared the heating effect and the condition in their investigation.
input power of several battery heating methods including core heating, Wang et al. [215,216] designed an ‘all climate Li-ion battery’
electric heating at the module and cell level as well as air heating to structure that can self-heat at cold environments which is demonstrated
find the most energy efficient battery heating approach. The core in Fig. 16. A nickel foil with two tabs was inserted in the cell in addition
heating method is to directly warm up the battery core by electric to conventional electrodes and electrolyte. One tab is electrically con-
heating while air heating takes advantage of warm air flowing in the nected to the anode terminal while the other one forms the activation
gaps between adjacent battery cells to transfer heat energy. The electric terminal. When the battery temperature is low, the switch between the
heating at the module and cell level is to place electric heaters around activation terminal and negative terminal is open. In that case, current
the module or each cells respectively. It was found that core heating is is produced in the metal foil which will generate heat inside the cell due
the most efficient technique. to ohmic loss to warm up internally. Once the heating process is
Ji and Wang [212] distinguished different battery heating techni- achieved or in normal conditions, the switch is kept closed.
ques according to their energy origins as shown in Fig. 15. Battery In addition, phase change materials are promising to perform well
heating approaches using internal battery power include self-internal in the environment where the ambient temperature experiences a
heating, convective heating and mutual pulse heating. Methods taking sudden drop due to its benefits of heat storage ability [217]. The stored
advantage of external power supply are external convective heating and energy in PCM can be transferred to batteries if the temperature is
AC heating. As we have stated in Section 3.4, the battery internal re- below the PCM melting point. Huo and Rao [218] found that a lower
sistance is greatly increased at low temperatures. Therefore, the cor- thermal conductivity, greater latent heat of PCMs and higher ambient
responding heat generation becomes higher which is the only heating temperature contribute to keeping the battery temperature. However, it
source of the self-internal heating. Convective heating by battery power was also found that increasing the latent heat of PCM reduces the
supplies the power from the battery itself to the electric heater and the battery temperature uniformity, which decreases the cycle life of bat-
fan. Air is blew in by the fan and then heated by the electric heater to tery.

H. Liu et al.

Table 6
Summarization of developments on PCM based BTMSs in recent years.

Authors Material Cooling system Mass ratio of fillers Thermal conductivity Latent heat Melting point (°C) Solid density Specific heat capacity Research method
(wt.%) (W m−1 K−1) (kJ kg−1) (kg m−3) (kJ kg−1 K−1)

Pure PCM Composite Pure PCM Composite

Yan [182] PCM/heat conducting 0.358 225 30 814 2.15 Simulation

shell/insulation panel
Karimi [184] Paraffin mixture PCM/nanoparticles 2 0.22 239 39–45 911 Experiment
Samimi [185] Paraffin mixture PCM/carbon fibers 32–69 0.21 0.39–0.54 242 42–49 912 Simulation
Babapoor Paraffin mixture PCM/carbon fibers 32–69 0.21 242 42–49 912 Experiment
Goli [187] Paraffin wax (IGI- PCM/graphene 0.5–20 0.25 14–45 2 2–5.5 Experiment/
1260) Simulation
Shirazi [188] Paraffin PCM/CNTs 1–5* 0.25 0.8–2.4 900 2.5 Simulation
Javani [189] n-Octadecane PCM/polyurethane foam 0.358 814 2.15 Simulation
Wang [190] Paraffin PCM/Al foam 0.29 46.12 46–52 Experiment
Alipanah Octadecane PCM/Al foam 0.358 6.56–25.15 770 1.91 1.69–1.76 Simulation
[191] (kJ m−3 K−1)
Li [192] Paraffin (RT44HC) PCM/copper foam 0.2 0.8–11.33 270.7 42.76–49.24 810 2.25 Experiment
Qu [193] Paraffin PCM/copper foam 0.3 866 1.77 Simulation
Hussain [194] Paraffin PCM/Nickle foam 0.2 11.6 38–41 880 2 Experiment
Jiang [195] Paraffin (RT44HC) PCM/EG 3–30 0.25 275/266.8–192.5^ 41–46 2.000 0.963–1.631 Experiment/

Ling [196] RT36/RT44/RT52 PCM/EG 75,85 5.3–11.2 50.3–73.4 36–52 700–1040 2.5,2.9 Experiment/
Yan [197] RT36/RT45/RT58 PCM/EG 0.16–0.37 21.4–163.3 36–58 Experiment
Greco [123] n-Heptadecane PCM/EG/fins 214 21.9 775 2226.25 Simulation
Lv [198] Paraffin PCM/EG/LDPE/fins 7(EG), 30(LDPE) 0.16 1.38 182/87.4^ 44.0–50.2 910/856^ 2.68 2.48 Experiment
Wu [199] Paraffin PCM/EG/copper mesh PA:EG = 4:1 0.26 7.65 186.4/141.6^ 42 Experiment
Azizi [200] PEG1000 PCM/aluminum mesh 0.23 35–40 1092.7 2.142 Experiment/
Lin [201] Paraffin PCM/EG/graphite sheet 24 0.16 3.95 174.4/132.6 23.9–27.1/ 910–842 2.39(with melted Experiment/
21.6–25.5^ paraffin) Simulation
Ling [203] Paraffin (RT44HC) PCM/EG/active air 20 7.85 181 714^ 2.5 Simulation
Hémery [204] Paraffin (RT28HC) PCM/EG/active liquid 245 28 Experiment
Rao [205] PCM/liquid minichannel 0.2–1.2 190 35–50 910 2.1 Simulation
Zhao [206] Paraffin PCM/EG/heat pipe/ 16 0.283 3.41 170.59^ 40 Experiment
circular fins
Wang [207] Paraffin PCM/OHP 0.21 195 40–42 822 1.77 Experiment
Zhao [208] Paraffin PCM/EG/OHP 7 0.37 2.21 161.54/142.67^ 62–66 Experiment
Wu [209] Paraffin PCM/EG/HP/forced air 0.268 7.654 186.4/141.7^ 42.02 Experiment

* Volume fraction.
Value of composite.
Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330
H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

Fig. 16. Schematic of the self-heating battery structure in [215].

Table 7
Comparisons of different battery cooling methods.

Advantages Disadvantages

Forced air • Low cost • Poor thermal

cooling • Simplicity of appliance performance

Fig. 15. Battery heating methods using battery power: (a) self-internal heating (b) con-
• Easy
accessibility for cooling • Low temperature
vective heating (c) mutual pulse heating and external power: (d) external convective • Applicability for different • Large space need
heating and (e) AC heating [212]. cell types • Noise problem
• High lifespan • Low efficiency
6. Conclusions
• Can be used for battery
• Highly commercialized
The Li-ion battery has been proved to be a promising alternative for Liquid cooling • Large temperature drop • Potential leakage
electric vehicles. Although extensive efforts have been made on the • High temperature • High cost
selections of electrodes and electrolyte materials as well as the se- uniformity • Extra weight
• High efficiency • Increased complexity
parator development to increase the battery capacity and specific
power, the advancement of BTMSs is overlooked in a manner. However, • Can be used for battery
• Maintenance difficulty
the performance, lifespan and safety of Li-ion battery are strongly as- • Applicability
cell types
for different
sociated with their operating temperature. Improper temperature will
lead to the power/capacity degradation, shorten the cycle life and may • Highly commercialized
even cause the thermal runaway thus results in fatal disasters. Large Heat pipe • High compactness • Relatively high cost
cooling • High efficiency • Contact resistance
• Relatively • More
temperature imbalance among cells or within each cell may also cause
high thermal suitable for prismatic
the failure of battery. Therefore, it is suggested that Li-ion batteries performance cells
should be maintained in a temperature range of 20–60 °C with the
• High lifespan • Not commercialized
temperature difference no more than 5 °C. To this end, an effective
PCM cooling • Low cost • Poor thermal
thermal management system is critical to control the batteries within a
• High compactness conductivity
desired temperature range and address the corresponding problems. • Large temperature drop • Flowability
To have a better understanding of the battery thermal behaviors and • Relatively uniform
temperature distribution
• Potential liquid leakage
after melting
• High • Volume
give insights to the thermal effects of BTMSs, it is essential to develop
lifespan high efficiency expansion
an accurate thermal model for Li-ion batteries to conduct numerical
• Energy storage ability • Extra weight
simulations. The key task of establishing a battery thermal model is to
formulate the expressions of energy conservation, heat generation and
• Not commercialized
boundary conditions which have been reviewed in this paper. However,
a thermal model alone is normally not precise enough to predict the

H. Liu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 150 (2017) 304–330

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