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Name: Sumayang, Angelbert A. Date Submitted: Feb.

16, 2023
Section: SBAC - 1B Assignment no. 2



a. How does history help in writing an individual's life?

- History is vital to writing an individual's safe. It provides perspective and helps to clarify the
purpose of each step. It also helps to ensure that you have included all the relevant history, so that
you can make a solid case for the outcome of each step. History is especially important in writing an
individual's safe because it allows you to examine the past in order to make a prediction about what
will happen in the future. By looking at what has happened historically, we can determine whether or
not our predictions are accurate and whether or not we need to change course as we continue our
investigation into the problem at hand.

b. Why do you study history?

- The study of history helps me to understand the past and it is the best way to learn how to
live in the present. History is an important part of who I am as a person, and it helps me make sense
of my own life. It is a human activity. It involves people who have lived through events and
experienced them first hand. This makes history very different from most other sciences like physics
or chemistry, which depend on experiments and measurements rather than direct observation.
History also gives us a better understanding of our own world than any other subject does. We can
learn about the past by studying what happened to real people, rather than abstractions like atoms or
molecules. This makes history useful for both academics and ordinary people like me who want to
know more about ourselves and our world.

c. How does this subject help in your chosen career?

- I think that this subject helps a lot in my career. It's not just about the science but also the art
of writing and research. I've learned to be critical, think independently and analyze things from
different perspectives. It's not just about finding out what makes something tick. It's also about how to
present it so that someone can understand it. I have learned how to effectively communicate my
ideas and research findings with others through writing and presentation skills.

d. What are the sources of history?

- History is a field of study that uses primary sources to describe and explain the past. Sources
include books, websites, letters, documents and the memories of people who lived in the past. History
differs from other fields of study like science and social sciences because it does not use experiments
or lab tests to test hypotheses.
History can be divided into three categories:
Primary sources are original documents or works created at the time of an event or occurrence.
Examples include letters or diaries written by people during their lifetime, newspapers and magazines
published during that same period of time, or speeches made by political leaders.
Secondary sources are works written about events that have already occurred. Examples include
biographies written about historical figures after they have died (primary sources), histories written by
historians based on primary source materials (secondary sources) and books written about events
that happened hundreds of years ago (tertiary sources).
Tertiary sources are books, websites and other forms of media that provide background information
on a topic but do not offer any new insights into history itself.

e. How do they help in writing history?

- I think it is very important to be able to write about the past. It helps us understand the people
and events that have taken place in our own lifetime. We can learn things about them and how they
lived, what their lives were like, what happened to them and how they changed over time. I think it is
also important because it gives us a better understanding of our own society. It helps us see how
other societies have been similar or different from our own and why they are different or similar. We
can also learn about other cultures, traditions, beliefs and religions that may be different from our own
but which have similarities to ours as well.

f. Give different kinds of primary and secondary sources

Primary sources are the original documents, or other objects that were created at the time of an
event or period
•Letters •Autobiographies •Diaries •Speeches •Poems/Songs •Business records
•Original •Maps/calendars •Photographs

Secondary sources are written documents that have been published after a primary source was
•Most websites •Biographies •Articles & Paintings done after the event occurred
•Textbooks •Encyclopedias

g. Give your expectation in your subject RIPH and to your subject teacher.

- I hope that this topic will examine various historical occurrences related to the Philippines and
will clarify some issues regarding our national heroes. My expectation to my subject teacher is to
make the lesson enjoyable and help us learn a lot from lesson or topic that will he will be discuss.

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