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woman working pallet wood business

Arranged to fulfill the task

Courses: English

Dosen pengampuh: Edward, S.S. M.HUM

Arranged by :

1. Melati Alprili Yani(2262201071)

2. Mona melhilda (2262201062)



Praise be to the presence of the almighty God who has given grace and guidance
so that we can complete the assignment of a paper entitled the pallet wood
business on time.

By making this paper, we hope to be able to get to know more about how to use
wood in the form of business. As a student who is still in the learning process,
there are still many shortcomings in writing this paper. Therefore, we expect
positive criticism and suggestions. So that in the future in writing papers to be
even better.

Finally, we would like to thank all those who have played a role in the preparation
of this paper. May the almighty God be with all our endeavors.



TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................2
1.1 Background...........................................................4
1.2 Formulation of the problem...................................5
1.3 Research purposes................................................6
2.1 DISCUSSION..........................................................8
2.2 RESEARCH DOCUMENTATION........................................9

2.3 Conclusion.............................................................9

1.1 Background

Business is a form of activity carried out by individuals or groups that aims to

gain profit, make money & can improve a person's standard of living to be better
and get satisfaction. A business that we live in can generate the maximum
possible profit if we are diligent and creative and innovative in running the
business. Many businesses can be done in various ways, such as running a
business in the form of a retail system or a business by producing the products
you want to sell yourself. Business activities by producing their own
products/producing new goods will have more advantages than other systems or
business activities. In addition to the products being sold to attract interest, of
course this method is easier to interpret or target profits with the total products
to be sold to consumers. Then we will understand more about these products so
that we are freer to innovate and sell more value from these products. From the
background explanation above, I am interested in carrying out business activities
by producing my own products that I will offer in the form of developing products
made from pallet wood.

1.2. Formulation of the problem

how to minimize the problem of defective products

1.3. Research purposes

This study aims to find out how to minimize the occurrence of defective products


2.1 Discussion

Wooden pallets are wooden packaging made from several kinds of raw materials,
both pure wood which is often known as hardwood, triplex or multiplex and MDF
(melamine) materials. Wooden pallets are one of the options used by exporters,
transportation companies, logistics and various other industries as commodity
carrier media for export, transit, shipping or warehousing purposes. For export
purposes, wooden pallets must be heat treated and or fumigated according to
ISPM regulation No.15 and AQIS Fumigation. The purpose of this treatment is to
prevent the spread of pests or insecticides, especially for trading countries that
have implemented this treatment. The research here is the performance of
employees in the wood pallet production section. Even though the production
process has been carried out properly, in fact there are still often discrepancies
between the products produced and those expected, where the quality of the
products produced is not up to standard or in other words the product is
damaged. This is due to deviations from various factors, both originating from raw
materials, machine facilities, labor and the methods used in the production

The pallet business at Muara Fajar is a business engaged in the wood processing
sector. The product produced is wooden pallets. In this study the product that is
the focus of discussion is the product of wooden pallets because these products
are the most damaged. The problem with wood pallet products that often occurs
is the quality of the product that is not in accordance with the wishes of
consumers because of the product

experienced a defect so that some of the products that had been

ordered were returned. This will cause losses and customer trust will
decrease, therefore improvements need to be made. The following is
data on the number of requests for wooden pallets for three years and
the number of products with defects.

The number of damaged pallet products in 2015 was 35.5% of the total
pallet production, types of damage which included pallet sizes not
conforming, cracked/broken pallets, wood type not as requested, black
wood due to mold, embossed nails, and loose pallet assembly.

The problems that occur are caused by several factors, including labor
factors, undisciplined employees, lack of conscientiousness, low
employee skills, and laziness, often skipping classes which results in the
production process slowing down due to the absence of employees on
duty. There is no supervision on the purchase of raw materials,
resulting in bad raw materials included in the order.

Quality plays a very important role so that quality is a top priority that
must be considered in all business fields, both services and
manufacturing. In maintaining product quality, companies need to carry
out supervision and control so that the products produced can be in
accordance with expectations, so that companies can achieve customer
satisfaction. Consumers will be loyal to these products and purchases
will be sustainable which will result in increased revenue for the
company so that the company can compete and develop.

Various research journals related to product quality control

as research from both of us states the importance of product quality

control so that the resulting product does not experience defects.
However, if the product produced is defective, the company needs to
carry out an analysis so that the problem of product defects can be
resolved. There are many tools and methods that can be applied to
overcome product defects, one of which is the six sigma, DMAIC, and
TQM methods with check sheets, histograms, scatter charts, pareto
charts, flowcharts, fishbone diagrams Our research uses the DMAIC
method with pareto charts and fishbone diagrams. The application of
these methods and tools is proven to be able to reduce problems that
occur in companies and increase the sigma value of the production
process, the higher the sigma value of a production process indicates
the better the production process is taking place, this shows that
quality improvements are going well so that losses suffered by the
company can be decreased because the number of defective products
decreased, as well as production costs that were more economical.

In subsequent studies conducted, the method used was six sigma and
fishbone diagram quality control tools at the analyze stage. After
analyzing using the two quality control tools, the process cycle
efficiency increased by 2.5%, the sigma level achieved by the company
also increased and the company succeeded in classifying value-added
activity processes and reducing non-value-added activities, this shows
that quality control activities are running well.

Subsequent research, which was carried out in this effort aimed at

minimizing defects, was carried out using a statistical quality control
(PKS) approach. PKS uses the seven tool method which functions to
identify sources and root causes of quality problems, then researchers
also use histograms, P control charts, NP control charts, and fisbone
diagrams. The results of the research show that it is good enough that
the researchers can propose efficient improvements to the company.

employee work areas, namely as follows:

1. Cross cut operators, namely employees who are responsible for the
size and material as well as the shape of the wood purchased, the
number of cross cut operators is three people.

2. Cut the beam, namely the employee in charge of cutting or shaping

the logs into the shape of the beam, there are two employees cutting
the beam.

3. Plank trimmers, namely employees in charge of cutting or shaping

logs into planks, four plank cutlery employees.

4. Assembling leaves or shops, namely employees in charge of

assembling wood that has been cut to form pallet raw materials, eleven
leaf assembly employees.

5. Assembling pallets, namely employees in charge of assembling raw

materials into pallets, pallet assembly employees totaling four people.
6. Open pallets, namely employees who are responsible for reducing
the moisture content in pallet wood, open employees totaling four

7. Loading and unloading, namely employees in charge of removing and

loading wood into transport or operating cars. Loading and unloading
employees totaled six people.

The data above shows that every employee plays an important role in
pallet products, therefore employees need skills or abilities and good
concentration to complete work in their respective fields.

2.2 Research documentation

2.3. Conclusion

From the results of our research above, we can conclude that hard
work is an activity that is carried out in earnest without getting tired or
stopping before the work target is achieved, and always prioritizing or
paying attention to the satisfaction of results in every activity carried
out. outside the home is not a form of cultural adjustment. Becoming a
“housewife” is not an activity that demeans or protects women's
dignity because they are considered to have committed a nightly

Many housewives work to meet the economic needs of their families

which are not sufficient, because their husbands' income is mediocre.
Not a few also experience divorce because of high economic needs, so
to avoid problems like that many women look for jobs out there to
meet the economic needs of their families.

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