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Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express my interest and high motivation to study Master’s program at University of
Tartu, Information Technical Law. I believe that my prior education, working experience and future goals
fit in well with this program. Estonia is a leading country in IT industry, and I’m really enthusiastic to
learn a managing innovation and new technologies. After completing the master’s degree, I will be able
to manage and support contemporary Information Technical Law, to analize and understand Cyber
Security and at the same time I will have profound knowledge and abilities of technical details. It will
give me a chance to contribute my country on the way to its development , because Georgia, as well as
Estonia, has recently made a sharp focus on informational technologies and this field needs better
professionals, entrepreneur and more innovative ideas.
After successfully finishing school, I got a scholarship at the university and I was really grateful realizing
the value of the grants from the state. While at the university I was lucky to learn Personal Information
Law and its variety and difficulty seemed a real challange to me.
During my studies I gained a great deal of theoretical knowledge about what personal information is,
how to data process it. I got very interested in how much responsible my country is for the privacy of
public figures. I have an experience in making a project “Defence” which covered the information
about official figures working in the local council of my native town. I was able to easily get information
about their names, surnames, photos, ID numbers, bank obligations and possessions. Since
Informational Technology Law is a real chalange for my country , dealing with new things like this may
cause a lot of problems. Besides , I continually developed my skills through some online tutorials and
After graduating from the university I served in the Georgian Intelligence Service ,where I had an access
to the lectures about cyber safety and I could see how easily available the information about peoples
personal life was . I understood that, unfortunately, people have no abilities to defend themselves from
cyber bulling.
After all that I have done in my country ,I suppose I need to get new experience and TARTU university
is the best place to fulfill my goals . I hope getting Master’s degree in Information Technical Law will
make a fundamental change in my professional growth.
Unfortunately, in Georgia, it is impossible to get knowledge in this field because of absence of
professionals and lack of Juristic Doctrines. According to European Union Association Agreement, our
country faces important challenges, one of significant is Informational Technology Law , where the most
important issue is refining Laws. Accordingly, having qualified professionals is vital to the Euro
integration and the above mentioned program is adequate to the challanges we face.
After getting the masters degree, I will definetly get involved in encouraging to put into effect the
agreement of Georgian and European Union. My knowledge and experience are the guarantee to help
Euro integration process and make it affective and support my country in taking responsibilities to
develop perfectly. I will also work in the academic field; creating Masters Degree program, offering new
disciplines to the university which will contribute to overcome current obstacles in the country.

University of Tartu is among top 2 percent of universities in the world. Good reputation of high quality
education standards, fantastic profiles and feedback of graduated students, among which are some of my
close friends, an extremely distinguished faculty staff and research facilities are the factors which have
motivated me to choose the University of Tartu for my M.Sc. studies. I’d like to choose Informational
Technology Law. My prior experience, Informational Technology Law courses that I’ve graduated in IIia State
University will guide me to complete the study programme successfully and advance my career. I will be
happy to provide any further information or documents if required. I look forward to your positive response.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Telma korkotadze

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