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communication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals

through a common system of symbols, sign, and behaviour

Topic Outline

A schannon weaver model

B schramm's model
C transactional model
D Intermediary/gatekeeper model

what are the different models of comunication

how do they differfrom one another


- what is schannon weaver model?

linear model
(basahon sa tong description nga naa sa ppt)
listening to radio, watching tv, and reading newspaper
you cannot give direct feedback to the sender
is a one way process
(then show them our example)
which the sender transmit the message to the receiver through a channel in which
the receiver has no way to respond to the given message
an example for this model is the shanon-weaver model in 1949 it is also called as
the mother of all communication models

interactive m
what is schramm's model?

(basahon ang naa sa ppt)

is a two way process, unlike the linear model feedback is given by the receiver to
the sender
an example of this model is the schramm model in 1954
in a schramm model there is an exchange thoughts and idea from the sender and the
all 5 basic elements of communication are existing
the process of encoding and decoding is key point of this model
the receiver must give the sender a feedback in order to complete the process,
otherwise the communication transaction will fail.
(then show them our example)

transactional model of communication

what is transactional model of communication?

(basahon ang ppt)

there are many senders and receiver and noise can be heard everywhere
lets take alook in the transactional model communication it is a circular process
of communication among people
these people actively participate in communication situation and they are actively
exchanging messages among to each other
as seen in the model the communicator or the sender encodes the message and
transmit it to the channel
the message transmitted maybe affected by the noise which is the barrier, then the
receiver then decodes procecess and filters the message for understanding and its
now ready to give its own feedback
( our example is a great example of the transactional model)

what is intermediary/gatekeeper model?

(basahon ang nasa ppt)

russel 2019
Gatekeeping is the process through which information is filtered for dissemination,
whether for publication, broadcasting, the Internet, or some other mode of
the control of information as it passes through a gate
is the process of selecting, and then filtering, items of media to be represented
to na audience
not a censorship instead it is about maintaining the content and its relevance
this means that gatekeeping falls into role of surveilliance and monitoring data
for example(show them our example)
as you can see, we use spg as a warning, beep as a filtering

as a quick recap

linear is a one way pocess which the sender transmit the message to the receiver
through a channel in which the receiver has no way to respond to the given message
interactive is a two way process, unlike the linear model feedback is given by the
receiver to the sender
transactional is a circular process of communication, there are many senders and
receiver and noise can be heard everywhere
gatekeeper is the process of selecting, and then filtering, items of media to be
represented to na audience

now it is time to do an activity

(then naay mo appear nga mga questions)

all right, that was it for today

thank you for cooperating and listening to our report

terima kasih!!!!!

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