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Hello everyone,

Today I wanted to ask a question about technology : is it useful to own a 4K TV ?

We all know 4K and even 8K to be the best quality we ever had. And the technology trend
has always been able to offer a better quality on screens. But what’s 4K exactly ? It’s a
measure of the size of the picture that means your screen is four thousand pixel large. It’s
four times more than the Full HD.
So when you’re at the Fnac shop to buy a new TV, the seller tells you that 4K brings
more sharpness or more contrast. But it’s fake because 4K just means the pixel are smaller
than another TV. But what’s the purpose to have smallest pixel ? It is useless. As a matter of
fact, when you’re in front of your laptop screen you cannot see pixel. Then why reduce their
size when we cannot see them already ? Imagine you’re looking at the sunset and someone
is coming to tell you he could kill the mosquito a hundred meters in front of you because it’s
ruining the view. It is totally absurd because you can’t even see it.
Steve Yedlin, one of the photographer and DOP of Star Wars tells us that the usefulness of
4K is a matter of screen size and distance between the screen and the onlooker. According to
him, 4K is useful only for big cinema or laptop screens. A 4K TV is useless because you are
too far from it to see the difference between 4K and FHD.
But in the Fnac shop, the TVs are placed in a way that your eyes will always be at one meter
or less from the screens. It’s a distance from wich you’ll be able to see the difference
between 4K and FHD. But once in your living room, the TV is much more far from your sofa
and then there is no more benefit for 4K.
Finally, we could say that 4K is a kind of a selling argument based on fake facts. Companies
have created our need of this product even though it is useless. But 4K remains a very good
progress for cinematographic industry, now able to make better and better special effects.

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