Reaction Paper of Ethical Issues in The Philippines

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Covid 19 vaccination reaction

Side effects
From the start of the covid-19 pandemic, all we wanted was for a vaccine to
be invented. Now that there is a vaccine that is invented by different countries all
around the globe. However, according to the latest news in the media, many people
in our country are hesitant or not likely to take the covid 19 vaccine injected into
their bodies because of the reason that it may have side effects or it can only harm
their health. With these issues, for me, this Pandemic may be difficult to stop or it
may take a long time before this end because it can affect herd immunity. I am
very worried that this pandemic will take too long because I have a baby who is
considered a vulnerable person in our community. I hope that there is an
information dissemination effort by the government to convince our countrymen to
take the vaccine.

Me, I will not hesitate to take the covid 19 vaccine because, in my opinion, it
is the only way that we cannot be infected by COVID-19. All the COVID-19
vaccines were invented by experts and scientists then for me there is no reason
why I should not take the said vaccine. Besides, I trust our government because I
think the only goal of our government is the welfare of its citizens.

Vaccine prices
Nowadays, our economy has slower economic growth due to the pandemic
that we are experiencing. That only means that most people can not afford to buy a
covid 19 vaccine. However, I am very thankful that our government has the plan to
give the said vaccine for free to its people. I also think that it is a very good idea
that our government plans to prioritize the poorest of the poor and the frontliners.
Quarantine Protocols

Based on my opinion, quarantine protocols are a very effective way to

prevent the spread of the covid 19 virus to our community. It is like one of our
heavy shields against the virus because it separates the people who have been in
close contact with someone who has COVID-19. With this, the close contact
person can not blend in with the community. However, being quarantined for more
than a week is not easy because it can affect a person's mental health. Just imagine
being quarantined with fear and worrying about your health and the health of your
loved ones and losing your financial situation or job. After you finished your
quarantine there comes discrimination by the community. Stress and anxiety are
not easy to handle, so I hope that there is a stress debriefing program by the
government for those who have been quarantined. I am encouraging everyone to
stop the discrimination against those who have been quarantined, in close contact,
and positive for the COVID-19 virus because they did not want to be in that
position so let us not add a burden to them. Instead, let us give them every support
that we have.
Gregorio Murder Case

When I saw the video about the killing of Mrs. Sonya Gregorio and her son
Mr. Frank Anthonny Ggregorio by the cop make me angry. From any angle of
view, the policeman was very wrong. He did not have a maximum tolerance which
is very important to police officers. I wonder how did Sergeant Jonel Nuezca enter
the Philippine National Police if he has that kind of anger management issues.
Also, why is that Seargent Nuezca still in the service before the killing of the
mother and son wherein he has a previous case of homicide? Those things make
me wonder. However, I am not pointing out nor saying that all the police officers
in the Philippine National Police are like Nuezca. I believe in myself that there are
still many more trustworthy police officers in their organization than the likes of
Seargent Nuezca. I know a lot of good police officers that are dedicated to their
work. I just want to let people know that do not blame the whole Philippine
National Police organization, blame sergeant Nuezca, not the institution.

To the Philippine National Police organization, I hope they can improve

their internal cleansing program to restore public trust. For the mother and son, I
hope that they will get the right justice for them. Also, I admire Mrs. Sonya
Gregorio because she dares to protect her son even in life and death situations. For
me that the real meaning of being a mother is “a never-ending love for her
Cristine Dacera Murder Case
In my opinion, I do not know if Ms. Cristine Dacera was murdered after
watching the spreading of CCTV footage from her hotel room before she died. It
is unclear to me, even the prosecutor released the suspected persons because of the
unripe pieces of evidence.

There is only one thing that I am wondering about. I want justice for Ms.
Dacera if she was raped and murdered, but why this case is viral or trending right
now on our social media? There are many cases here in our country that is the
same case as Ms. Dacera’s and sometimes even worst. Why other cases that are
worst than Ms. Dacera did not go viral on social media? The only difference
between Ms. Dacera is that she is a rich person. What I am trying to say is that
sometimes justice is for the rich not for the poor. Sometimes the media is not
interested or they did not pay more attention to those cases much worst than Ms.
Dacera that indeed needs the right justice. All I can say is that the media nowadays
is very powerful.

For me, there is much important news that should go trending or viral on our
social media, like for example the orphan kids in the streets, the homeless, and any
other person that is in a pitiful situation that needs urgent help.
Online Classes

Online Classes, the new normal now a struggle, challenging and, depressing
sometimes, especially when you need to reach the deadlines, but due to this,
pandemic we’ll have to face it.

Some issues in online classes

 Networking opportunities are limited, most of us were facing

internet issues and this is probably because at these times
everyone is using internet connections.

 No school activities to participate in the campus, you will be

independent in doing activities on your own.

 In a classroom with Professors, students, and friends there would

be an atmosphere where you feel like you are studying. But
sitting alone in front of a computer or smartphone or even in
modular learning, you won't feel the urge to study especially in
elementary grades.
 Students of primary classes their parents have to sit by
neglecting their work and sometimes some parents answering the
modules of their children to make it quick.

Some benefits of online classes

 Take a class at any time you want, no need to show up at a

specific time all you need is time management.

 I don’t have to worry about being late in class like before I am

disappointed because I am already late in my first subject then
the classroom is already closed.

 I have enough time to take good care of my daughter.

 Ease and convenience of learning from anywhere and anytime as

long as you have your smartphone or laptop or even modular

 Revisiting courses or modules that need revision or deeper

understanding if you are not satisfied with your answer you
always have enough time to revisit it.

 The learners can take classes or learn at their own pace.

Lastly, offline classes were better than online ones. But I am
also fine with online ones for some reason.

Hoping for this pandemic will end soon.

Stay at home and stay healthy always.

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