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don’t exist we’ll see jobs like body-paE

DA: future?
I think
maker, robot and space tourist guide.
But I could be
nd 2, wrong!
5.3 Listening
ur 2.39 Exercises 7 and 8,
person. In fact, I A =pageAngie 71 M = Mark P = Presenter J =
. I’d like to staE work G =
P: Welcome back to our programme
= Interviewee I2 = Geo_rey
the future of work. We asked four
ou haven’t had any thoughts on their careers and where
in the their
future. Our Nrst speaker is
aJulie saw
are very good them
ink we should J: Alawyer.
career Robinson,
in law is stable because laws
don’t tend change fast. It’s challenging and
ob you potentially
However, I well- believe paid if youbeen
there’s get aa high-
e I have to answer the powered
graduates job in a
recently top law
because Nrm. it’s so
Law at inuniversity
law for six years.
are o_ering toapprenticeships
study so that
staE law Nrms and earn a salary while
Technology canhas had an e_ect on our
some training.
of the– jobs that lawyers used to do
nd 3, profession
can now online.
be FoEunately, these tend to
mme we’re taking a tasks
be that
tedious nobody liked doing. On the
a lawyer can be an extremely rewarding
ork. With us in the whole, being
ture trends in the career.
andsecond lucrative
P: Our speaker is Geo_rey
kins, what do you G: My dental practice is always busy, and
k like ten years Smith, achanging
dentist. in the
I can’t see future. As far as
y won’t look the concerned, I’ve noticed a marked
w enables us to work clients
patients arewho want to keep their
a steady rise in people increase inTechnology
rp drop in the condition.
teeth in probably
good has changed the
and will continue to make my
ple way
There I work
have been great advances in the
kes over tasks that job
we easier.
use to manage pain, so my patients
of skills will be useful medication
more. I know people hate coming to see
can relax a bitbut
e to focus on the blame
me! them,
I don’t I don’t think they’d be
ne by a machine or a if I was replaced by a
P: Ouranythirdhappier speaker is Angie Walters, a
nd management jobs A: Therobot. supermarket where I work is always
shop hard assistant.
to believe my job is going to
k that dentists and busy, some, it’speople want to see what
eir jobs ask
disappear. If expeEs
ot. The need for jobs in I do! Butbuying the say that there will
decline in –
supermarket sales, and so
ofessions will remain be a gradual
secure. I’d hate to lose my job because
al jobs will still be my
got job
great isn’tinterpersonal skills and I’m
om Iatthink I’ve diUcult customers.
r now and
- we’ll always
so on. And quite handling
good Some
ive industries: we’ll my
people job’s monotonous,
think but I Nnd this
human the customers
contact very fulNlling. If we
nd actors. I also think Iclose
worry that some of my elderly
ase in jobs connected go outdown,
customers and willseenever
anyone. That’s not
P: Finally, our is it? speaker is Mark
would progress,
solar panel Pomroy, a wind
M: I’m working in the alternative energy
industry. with wind turbines, you need to
Toin Applied
hich jobs do you think course Sciences and this
do abasic
e will be a gradual the
will teach technology.
you The skills you
assistants aren’t required good
need with
are to in your hands,
bemechanics. and it helps to
experience In my free
ng. Any oUce jobs have
taking somecar engines apaE and pucing
done by computers and time
together, I enjoy so that helps. Ader studying
them back
an apprenticeship with a
company and learnt

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