Excellencia Prefinal-1

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Sec: Jr. ALL IPE PREFINAL-1 -ENGLISH Date:08-02-2023

Time:3Hours Max. Marks:100
1. Annotate ANY TWO of the following in about 150 words. 2×4= 8

a) Education is not what a person is able to hold in his head, so much as it is what a person is
able to find.

b) Though the trees grown by her are worth several crores of rupees today, her life has no
respite from poverty.

c) But in your Departmental store, do you apply Pythagoras Theorem or Newton’s Law of

2. Annotate ANY TWO of the following in about 150 words. 2×4= 8

a) And I will Luve thee still, my

dear, Till a’ the seas gang dry:

b) Have you sighted anyone

with shadows in his dusky eyes?

c) A lily of a day

Is fairer far in May,

3. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100 words. 2×4= 8

a) One might think that growing trees is not a big deal, but one would know the reality of it
only when they do it on their own.
b) How do the two types of persons react to an overcast morning?
c) Box and Cox is regarded as the best farce of the nineteenth century. Support the
statement with illustrations from the play.

4. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100 words. 2×4= 8

a) Keep Going is a classic inspirational poem, claim many critics. Substantiate.

b) “Dr Ammangi Venugopal’s creativity is rooted deeply in the complexities and contradiction
of modern life,” say observers.

c) ‘An easy-to-read poem, Keep going is rich both in its content and form.’ Explain the
above statement with examples

5. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100 words. 2×4= 8
a) Is this title, Sanghala Panthulu apt to the story? Explain
b) Every time the youth chooses a gift, the fairy expresses her dissatisfaction with her
c) Is the title, Sanghala Panthulu, apt for the story? Explain.

6. Read the following passage carefully and answer ANY FOUR questions given after it in a
word or a sentence each. 4 x 1 =4
“The tablet has a flowery border.” The second brother went away very pleased with himself.
Hardly had he gone when the third brother arrived there. He too enquired about the
inscription and on being told what it was, asked if there was any other writing on it.”
“Only the donor’s name, Want Lee, at the bottom,” said the monk.

i. What did the table have for its decoration?

ii Who answered the question about its decoration?
iii Who was very happy to know about the decoration?
iv. When did the third brother reach the monastery?
v. What did the youngest brother want to know particularly?
vi. Where was the donor’s name mentioned?

7. Read the following passage carefully and answer ANY FOUR questions given after it in a
word or a sentence each. 4x1=4

Comprehension is a very comprehensive concept. It covers many aspects. Knowing the

mere meaning of the text is but a small part of comprehension. Comprehension includes (a)
decoding the meaning, (b) relating it to what one knows, (c) thinking about it appropriately,
(d) responding positively, (e) applying it to real life and (f) remembering it and retrieving it
when needed. In that inclusive sense, comprehension forms the very base of learning –
languages, humanities science and most importantly, life’s lessons. Treating comprehension
as an examination-linked task is to limit our own progress. Enlightenment, enrichment and
enjoyment go hand in hand as one steadily progresses in acquiring comprehension skills!

i. Why is comprehension considered comprehensive?

ii. What is meant by comprehension?
iii. Write down two important aspects of true comprehension.
iv. What is at the base of any learning?
v. According to the passage, what is the most important subject to learn?
vi. What is comprehension in the opinion some persons that hampers one’s progress in

[NOTE: Answers of this Section must be written at one place in the same Serial Order.]

8. Match ANY EIGHT of the following words in Column-A with their meanings
in Column -B. 8x½=4

Column A Column B
i tremendously a. speed
ii propel b. observable
iii pace c. goal
iv. barely d. forcefully
v. perceptible e. disappearance, loss, death
vi. penetrate f. great, extremely
vii. ambition g. tire
viii. exhaust h. enter or pass through
ix. extinction i. move, push forward
x. compellingly j. to a very limited extent

9. Identify the parts of speech of ANY EIGHT of the following underlined Words. 8 x ½ =4
Although (1) Thimmkka did not receive (2) formal (3) education, her (4) work (5) has been
honoured (6) with (7) the National (8) Citizen’s Award (9) of (10) India.

10. Fill in ANY EIGHT of the following blanks with a, an or the. 8 x ½ =4

i. Failure is as exciting to watch as success, provided (1) effort is absolutely genuine
and complete. But (2) spectators fail to understand – and how can they know
(3) mental agony through which (4) athlete must pass before he can give
his maximum effort.
ii. You know just like that boy, Vinu, in that award winning film. He prattles on (5)
hibiscus is red ________6) hundred times, but in his book, he colours it yellow. Are we
missing out on______(7) essence of life?
iii. I bought (8) pair of new shoes.
iv. Peter is (9) Italian.
v. I was moved by _____(10) kindness that he showed.

11. Fill in ANY EIGHT of the following blanks with suitable prepositions. 8x ½ = 4
i. Everything that comes (1) their mouths is unpleasant, (2) this thing and
that thing, and they make the whole atmosphere (3) them unpleasant ____(4)
themselves and (5) everybody (6) whom they come___(7) contact.
ii. My first rank is _ (8) stake, you see.
iii. She is familiar (9) computer hardware.
iv. He jumped (10) the well.

12. Fill in ANY FOUR of the following blanks with suitable forms of the verbs given in
brackets. 4 x 1 =4
i A good teacher (1)(say) frankly and clearly, “I (2)(not, know). I (3)
(not answer) that question.”
iii. Listen! Somebody (4)(scream).
iv. Don’t get off the train till it (5)(stop).
v. People (6)(speak) Telugu in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

13. Rewrite ANY FOUR of the following sentences as directed. 4x1=4

i. Thimmakka protected the environment.
(Change the sentence into passive voice.)

ii. Grandfather said, “We enjoyed a carefree and beautiful

(Change the sentence into indirect speech.)

iii. Rahul said to his father, “Do you know where I lost that quarter mark?”
(Change the sentence into indirect speech.)

iv. Failure is as exciting to watch as success if the effort is genuine.

(Change the sentence into comparative degree.)

v. He can’t run as fast as I.

(Change the sentence into positive degree)

vi. Roger was not aware of his pace

.(Add a question tag.)

14. Rewrite ANY FOUR of the following sentences correcting the underlined errors.
4 x1 = 4
i Athletics are given more importance now-a-days.
ii. The first inning is over.
iii. Sheela and Nancy like one another
iv. He and me are brothers.
v. His both sons are lawyers.
vi. The gold is a precious metal.

15. Supply the missing letters to ANY EIGHT of the following words. 8x½=4

i.. ha _ _ en ii. flu _ _ er iii. gramm _ _ iv. co _ _ apse v. wh _ _ e

vi. mo _ _oon vii. ex _ _ ode vii. ro _ _ ine ix. tea _ _ er x. mo _ _ er


16. Identify the silent consonant letters in ANY EIGHT of the following words. 8 x ½ =4

i. lamb ii. night iii. palm iv. honest v. listen

vi. lodge vii. chalk vii. knead ix. muscle x. sword

17. Write ANY FOUR of the following transcriptions using ordinary English spelling.
i. /’pɛnʃn/ ii. /ˈrɛkəɡnʌɪz/ iii. /lʌl/
iv. /plɑːnt/ v. /ˈmɪzərəbl/ vi. /brʌɪt/

18. Circle ANY FOUR of the words that sound different from the other words in that set with
regard to the sounds of the bold letters. 4 x 1 =4

i. meant measure meal

ii. dark danger day
iii. hope rope rod
iv. shake take talk
v. know knife kite
vi. arm aloud about

19. Mention the number of syllables in ANY FOUR of the following words. 4x1=4

1. person 4. flashlight
2. bewildered 5. adamant
3. information. 6. dodge

20. Present the information provided in the following tree diagram in a paragraph. 1x 4 = 4

Read the following paragraph and convert the information into a pie chart.

There are seven continents in the world. Asia is the largest continent with an area of 30% followed by
Antarctica with 28%. North America occupies 17% of the land on the earth. South America stands
fourth in the list with 12% of land. Africa and Australia are the fifth and sixth largest ones with their
respective shares of 6% and 5%. Europe is the last in the list which occupies 2% of the land only.

****** MY BEST WISHES******

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