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ETHICS: LIFE AS IT OUGHT TO BE Oo Lesson 8 5 The Filipino Character Intended Learning Outcomes: + Analyze crucial qualities of the Filipino moral identity + Evaluate elements of the Fili i : ; INTRODUCTION ‘After having learned that culture influences the human person as a moral agent of and after having understood the meaning of culture relativism let us now examine the Filipino character to determine which one does not help him/her grow in moral character. ik ACTIVITY 1, Group yourselves by 5. Identify at least 3 strengths of the Filipino character. c= [_ @|)ANALYSIS ] These strengths sometimes also become weaknesses. Do you agree? Explain your answer and illustrate with an example, @ ABSTRACTION ‘The Filipino Character: Strengths and Weaknesses Below is an excerpt of the Report “A Moral Recovery Program’ Building a People, Building a Nation” submitted on April 27, 1988 by tH Task Force to President Corazon Aquino, the Senate and the members of the press by then Senator Leticia Shahani, the moving spirit behind the program. ‘Chapter: Understanding Morality and Moral Standards ae Filipino character as cited in the Report are as - Lack of discipline - A casual attitude Extreme family centeredness - f; cessive c¢ for family means xcessi i ; ja soncern 7 using one’s office and power t ee 0 Jactionalism patronage, political society, toward time and space, manifested in lack of precision and compulsiveness, in poor time management and procrastination. Aversion to following procedures strictly results in lack of standardization and quality control. Impatience results in short cuts, palusot, ningas cogon. Lack of discipline often results in inefficient work systems, the violation of rules and a casual work ethic lacking follow through. |. Passivity and lack of initiative - Waiting to be told what to do, reliance on others (leaders and government), complacence, lack of a sense of urgency. There is high tolerance for inefficiency, poor service, and even violations of one’ basic rights. Too patient and matitsin, 100 easily resigned to his fate, the Filipino is easily oppressed and exploited. . Colonial mentality - Lack of patriotism, or of an active awareness, appreciation and love of the Philippines and an actual preference for things foreign sae Kanya-kanya syndrome, talangka mentality - Done by tsismis,inriga, unconstructive criticism ... It is evident in the personal ambition that is completely insensitive to the common good, eg, the lack of a sense of service among people in the government bureaucracy. This results in the dampening of cooperative and community spirit and in the trampling upon other's rights. it o elf enatee and self-reflection - The tendency - be superficial and somewhat flighty. In the face of serious pa a social problems, there is lack of analysis gee ‘ahd instea satisfaction with superficial explanations and solutions. Be Be Emphasis on porma rather than substance - .. This lack of analysis md whats ‘on form is reinforced by an educational system that is and en The Filipino character has weaknesses: 1) extreme emily. ‘centeredness, 2) extreme personelism, 3 lack of discipline 4) passivity and lack of initiative, 9) colonial ‘mentality, 6) anye-kanya syndrome, talangka mentality, T) lack of self-analysis and sel reflection and 8) emphasis on porma rather than substance, ETHICS: LIFE AS IT OUGHT TO BE 48 ‘more form than substance... These weaknesses are rooted in many factors: home, social and ‘economic environment; culture and language; history; religion; educational system; mass media; leadership and role models. Change is possible, however, and the following goals are pret iA develop in the Filipino: (1) a sense of patriotism and national pride; (2) a rnestenote sense of the common good; (3) a sense of integrity and accountability, oe (A) the values and habits of discipline and hard work; (5) the value 1) pakikipag- and habits of self-reflection and analysis; the internalization of apwe-te0, spiritual values and the emphasis on essence rather than on form. 2) family (Shahani, Leticia. (1988). A Moral Recovery Program: Building a orientation, 3) People, Building a Nation.) joy and humor, In the same report in 1988, Senator Leticia Shahani said, The 4) flexibity, strengths of the Filipino character are: 1) pakikipagkapwa-tao, 2) adaptability family orientation, 3) joy and humor, 4) flexibility, adaptability and and creativity, creativity, 5) hard work and industry, 6) faith and religiosity and 7) 5) hard work ability to survive sina ‘There is s0 much good in the Filipino but so much needs to be raligosily and changed, too. Many of our strengths as a people are also sources of 7) abit 0 ‘our weaknesses. Shahani’s report explains that “family orientation ‘eave becomes in-group orientation that prevents us from reaching out ‘beyond the family to the large community and the nation.” For the Filipino, charity begins at home and at the same time ends there. Values Education in Schools Senator Shahani’s Report was given in 1988. But its findings as reported may still be true today. If the Department of Education has to be true to its vision to help develop ... “Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose values and competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the nation” and to its core values - maka-Diyos, maka-tao, makakalikasan and makabansa ~ it is an uphill battle for Philippine schools t realize these considering the weaknesses of the Filipino character: I) extreme family centeredness, 2) extreme personalism, 3) lack of discipline, 4) passivity and lack of initiative, 5) colonial mentality 6) kanya-kanya syndrome, talangka mentality, 7) lack of self-analysis and self reflection and 8) emphasis on porma rather than substance. So that it will not be “more form than substance” as described in Senator Shahani’s Report, Philippine schools have to intensify values education in the curriculum which in essence is moral education. It Chapter |: Understanding Morality and Moral Standards Lesson 8: The Filpino Character fact, in response to this Report, Values Education now Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao in the K to 12 Curriculum was introduced as a separate subject in the basic education curriculum under the Values Education Framework program of Dr, Lourdes Quisumbing, then Department of Education, Culture and Sports Secretary in 1988-1990, The Values Education Framework was conceptualized in 1987. In 2002, the Basic Education Curriculum (Grade 1-6, and First-Fourth Year High School) integrated values in the major learning areas or subjects. Beginning with the K to 12 Curriculum in 2013, Values Education was renamed Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP) for Grades 1-10. In the Senior High Curriculum (Grades 11-12), there is no course with the title, Values Education or Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao but core courses such as Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person and Personal Development, are in essence Values Education subjects and Moral Education subjects themselves. To help every Filipino child grow morally and ethically, he/she must be helped acquire the strengths of the Filipino character at the same time, he/she must be made to realize that his/her strengths also become his/her source of weaknesses. Other Studies on There had been studies of the Filipino moral life, the more popular of which were those Fr. Jaime Bulatao, Fr. Leonardo Mercado, Fr. Francis Senden, and Fr. Vitaliano Gorospe. Fr. Bulatao’s research identified the “kami” mentality of Filipinos. In “kami” (a Filipino term which means “ys”) he says, “I identify with my family and relatives..We are opposed to all who are not kami.” Fr. Vitaliano Gorospe, SJ referred to this way of thinking as “group-centeredness” or “group thinking” characterized as follows: One norm of morality in the Philippines is based on “group- centeredness” or “group-thinking.” One's in-group determines for the individual what is right or wrong. The individual who has not yet attained moral independence and maturity will ask: “What will my family, or my relatives and friends, or my barkada think or say?” “What will others say” usually determines Filipino ‘moral behavior; it is “conscience from the outside. “For instance, parents tell their daughter who is being courted: “Tha, please entertain your boyfriend at home, Do not go outside. What will the neighbors say? Nakakahiya naman. “Shame or hiya makes the parents and the gifl conform to the social expectations of the neighbors lest they become the object of ésismis or gossip. 49 To help every Ftp chi grow morally land ethically hefshe must be helped acquire the strengths of the Filipino character. At the same time, he/she must be made to realize his? her strengths which also become his’ her source of Weaknesses. The nom of morality should be intemalized so thatthe mature individual should form his ‘own moral “conscience from the inside,” ETHICS: LIFE AS IT OUGHT TO BE Here again there is a conflict between the individual and social morality, between internal and external morality. The norm of morality should be intemalized so that the mature individual should form his own moral “conscience from the inside.” (Gorospe, 1977) The “group thinking” cited by Fr. Gorospe is called “sakop mentality” by others like Fr. Leonardo Mercado. (1977) The sakop may refer to “person’s relatives, peers, classmates, townmates, officemates, etc.” This thinking or mentality explains the “pakikisama” in both positive and negative sense; it explains the barkada attitude, euphemism, the laughter of affirmation of gutter language; it explains subservience to an illegal or immoral order. Hence, Dr. Brenda B. Corpuz (1986) observed in her article published in the St, Louis University Research Journal: One can estimate the consequences of this sakop mentality ‘by imagining how it works in decision making. Since sakop welfare is the ultimate value, then a lot of principles may be sacrificed for the sake of it. One can kill and hide the body of the crime by reason of being part of the sakop. One can tell a lot of lies for the sake of the sakop. One can pick some vegetable from his neighbor's backyard and is... not bothered by a sense of ‘guilt because one does not steal from a member of the sakop. The sakop determines for the individual what is right or wrong. Impact of Culture on Morality Speaking of the significant impact of culture on the morality of people, let us think of the Japanese “shame culture.” “Guilt cultures emphasize punishment and forgiveness as ways of restoring the moral order; shame cultures stress self-denial and humility as ways of restoring the social order.” What keeps Japanese from acting contrary to moral standards is the fear of being put to shame, At most they would do when put to shame is hara-kiri, (suicide). Contrast this to the “guilt culture” in the Philippines. When a Filipino commits an immoral act, he would of course feel guilty, but after confessing his sin, he may feel as if he is back to the normal thing and can sin agai Can it be said that a society that easily resorts to mob rule, mob ‘mentality, where only a few have the guts to stand up and insist on what conscience dictates, is in need of moral development? Filipino homes and schools have to do something, to teach the moral development they want or hope to see. (Chapter: Understanding Moralty and Moral Standards Lesson 8: The Flpino Character APPLICATION 1, According to the report, one weakness of the Filipino character is lack of oon and emphasis on form (porma). The report states that this lack of analysis and emphasis on form is reinforced by an educational system that is more form than substance. + What is meant by an educational system that is more form than substance? + Do you agree that the Philippine educational system is more form than substance? If yes, why? if not, why not? 2. Teacher observes that when students submit report, the more ornate and artistic the folder is, the less substantial the report. Which weakness in the Filipino character is pointed to? If'you were the teacher how do you counteract such? 3. In line with the government's austerity program, DepEd Order # 2, s. 2019, reiterates the following policies: 4a. Graduation rites should be simple but meaningful to encourage civil rights, a sense of community, and personal responsibility. While these rites mark a milestone in the life of the learners, these should be conducted without excessive spending, extravagant attire or extraordinary venue. b, Moving Up or Completion Ceremonies should be simple, involving only the learners, their parents and the school. ‘Which of the weaknesses of the Filipino does this DepEd Order wish to help eliminate? Explain. 4, Group A reported in class first while the other groups listened. The other groups were asked to raise questions and comments. Group B gave 0 fot of not-so-good comments and many points for improvement. Group ‘A concluded Group B is biased against their group. Which Filipino weakness is revealed? What should be done? 5, Cite instances where 1) extreme family centeredness, 2) lack of discipline, 3) passivity and lack of initiative, 4) colonial mentality, 5) kanya-kanya syndrome, talangka mentality, 6) lack of self-analysis and self-reflection are manifested in Philippine society. When can we say that Filipino has developed an integrated personality? 6. What is meant by integrated personality? Or what is integrity? In mathematics, an integer is a whole number. Does this help in understanding the meaning of integrity? When can we say ‘st principle states: “What I think must be the same as what I say : mediwhad ‘must be the same as what I do.” What does this principle mean? 51 ETHICS: LIFE AS IT OUGHT TO BE KEY TAKEAWAYS . has a number of strengths. Histher strengths when they The Filipino has ¢ ower, also become his/her weaknesses. + Hishher strengths help hinvher become ethical and moral but his/her Weaknesses obstruct his/her moral and ethical growth. + Culture has @ significant impact on morality. «The Filipino group-centeredness and “kami”- mentality make it difficult for the Filipino to stand up against the group when that is the moral thing to do. + There is much need for home, school and society as a whole to help every Filipino grow into the strong moral person everyone is called to become, + For the Filipino to become the moral and ethical person, helshe should capitalize on hisiher strengths and eliminate his/her weaknesses. ( 9 CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING] ‘Accomplish this Table Filipino trait What is positive |Whatisnegative | What should be done about it about it to make it a positive trait 1 fe 3. 4. 8. Among the weaknesses of the Filipino character which applies to you? What have you done to counteract such to become the moral person you ate called to be?

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