Annotated Electron Configuration Notes

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Electron Configurations Notes 1. the Qqueotan Machete Model ofthe stom / Pyrfilli) Nedl/E~ dead nivel 1 1926, Austrian physicist Erwit Schrodinger developed an equation that treated electrons in atoms as waves “Together with the Heisenberg uncetinty principle the Schrédinger wave equation laid the foundation for modem «quantum theory. Quanta theory deserbes mathematically the wave properties of electrons an othe very small panicles. Electrons donot travel ound the nucleus in neat orbits, s Bohr had postulated instead, they exist in avian epons called orbitals. Ar exbial isa thee-imensionl region around the nuceus that ‘an be determined by the following thre rules. Aufbau's principle ses the sequence in whch the orbitals are filled. The Paul exclusion rule states that only two electrons can ‘occupy each orbital. Hund’srulcexplains how electons pair up. These rules must all be taken into consideration ‘when writing eletron configuration, fan 009% @0000" aao0000% te aoe iauss assed eles ever er vitals of 1 099" cogade lowest enevgy fist _sedingcum y ‘+ Orbits within a sublevel oF principle energy level have equal energy ‘Within each principe energy level, the lowest energy sublevel is led fist ‘+ For example: Isis le firs, flowed by 2s then 2p (se the chat above) ‘+ Some principle energy levels overlap ~the 4s orbital has lawer energy than the 3d orbital so electrons will enter the Asorbital frst jon = ovr Pastcchslennriachie Oxilusive dub * only > wazle Ufomic orbitals cam net held move than 2. -elechvous Ceo une bawee, 4 A3s enemy sblevel an ld upto 2 electrons 5 {Ap enemy subevel can ol po 2 elesrosn each oft the otal fora maximum of 6 less 3 Toccciny he same oa elects must have opposite sins Hanwarug: SOLS Ov & bus : (of % eve} one aba electrons emter orvrtaAs (of Soxne Sub! iB] te bere Falnity ap 44 No-lectron pirng takes place until each orbital of a given set contains I electron ‘© For example: inthe 2p sublevel, he first three of four elesrons would enter a8 2p 27 2p and then the fourth elation wold prop wiki Electron Configa sachror KO ke th i Lt a is 2s" ee | ‘tag ero cnr co Bam aie Ge is? 997 ap ; om oo. (be |s? 25” 2pBS* Sp ee Palo at mtn hore) #26 IS? 26? 246 962 3pb,s* 3® Cir) 457 3d Example 4 HE#72 (use noble as corefabbrevistedicondensed version her) Bd? FeuRPT pacha bl yoo ed bs? Ye" 5d ieee ee, es ; ie es X we the period fable, to deferrmine- order Subleutls wit Clery, vhnu fblal,

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