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Name: Ernesto E. Dela Cruz Jr.

Subject: SIA 2
Course & Year: BSIT 3 BLOCK 1 Schedule:


ELECIT4/4L (System Integration and Architecture 2)

Choose at least one title from your capstone project proposal and then select one project life cycle model
that fits on your selection. Explain your answer why did you choose the project life cycle model (w/ picture).

Agile Model

The requirements for Information Management System is gathering data to the barangay officials and
knowing the flow of process. Client consent is also needed for the chosen title in order to start the project,
because barangay has their own privacy and they have a right to decline our request to gather information
about their present system.
To ensure the Barangay Information System caters to users' needs, responds to changing requirements, and
delivers results efficiently, an agile approach should be designed. To start, comprehend the users' demands
and requirements, such as barangay officials, residents, and businesses. Involving them in the design
process through user research, feedback, and usability testing is essential. Agile software development
emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction through an iterative and incremental
approach. When designing a Barangay Information System, an agile approach can guarantee that the system
Name: Ernesto E. Dela Cruz Jr. Subject: SIA 2
Course & Year: BSIT 3 BLOCK 1 Schedule:

accommodates users' needs and adapts to changing requirements and conditions. Additionally, the team
would generate a preliminary design for the BIS, including the user interface, data architecture, and system
Implementing an agile approach can aid the team in promptly addressing changing requirements and
prioritizing features that provide the most value to the stakeholders. Additionally, it can decrease
development time and enhance the final product's quality. Agile Model emphasizes collaboration, frequent
communication, and delivering working software that satisfies user needs. This approach permits flexibility
and adaptability, which is vital in a project like a Barangay Information System that may necessitate
changes and updates based on evolving community needs and requirements. During the sprint, the team
develops chosen features and conducts testing to ensure they comply with the requirements. The team
would start coding and constructing the BIS, using an iterative and incremental approach. This process
entails breaking down development work into small, manageable units (known as "sprints") that can be
finished in one to four weeks.
When project is being on progress testing is a step to observe the system and to visualize other things inside
the system also it helps the developers to see the other problems before releasing the system.
Deploying a system is the final phase of troubleshooting and observing the system which in this phase the
system is ready to use. After finishing the development work, the team intends to make the BIS available
to end-users. They might initiate a soft launch for a limited group of users to conduct additional testing and
gather feedback before proceeding with a full release for all users.
The objective is to guarantee that the barangay information system consistently progresses and satisfies the
requirements of its users. The development team can achieve this by periodically assessing the system's
performance and modifying it as necessary to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness. This
involves keeping track of the advancement of individual development tasks and utilizing that data to make
modifications to the project schedule or priorities when required. The team also keeps an eye on system
performance metrics such as uptime, response time, and error rates, utilizing this information to pinpoint
areas for enhancement.

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