Inter Species Marriage

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I now pronounce you man and JAP (A feral, nasty, mean, spoiled, calico, ring tailed Alpha lady

cat - that truly believes she is a genuine Jewish American Princess). After Santana Meyowed her vows, she went off and sharpened her claws to show who is to be the boss; within her inherited domain. This is how our relationship started! Things became a lot more peaceful amongst the other 8 cats she dominated when she was removed and took over my house; instead of her daddys, my stepson. You see she was an abandoned baby kitten left on the doorstep of the pet shop, that my stepson's girlfriend worked for, and he took the helpless little critter, nourishing it, while protecting it from the ravages of the menagerie of his girlfriends other cats. Once she gained about 4 lbs, she enjoyed the task of dominance; keeping the herd in control. De-claw and neutering may have taken the edge of wickedness off, but she would growl, snarl, and bite to get her way, regardless. Upon moving into my humble domain she stepped out of her transport cage, did a couple of stretches and then developed the John Wayne swagger moving to the coffee table in the living room to rub her cheek against it to deposit scent. I could hear her brain whirling away this is mine, all mine, as she moved to every piece of furniture in the house. Finally she came to me and rubbed against my leg, only to snarl when I tried to pet her, furniture should not be animated, so keep off me. Or, why cats are smarter then people. My cat Satana wakes up in the morning and starts singing her favorite songME ME ME Im in love with me. Hey, what a beautiful day, and its all mine. Look at my trees weaving in the wind, and all my flowers begging to be sniffed. Good grief, theres a leaf tumbling in the breeze, and for some reason I have to go chase it. Us cats pride ourselves on gymnastics and exercise, so we stay strong for any emergency. Birds? I want one to tear to pieces to sate my protein needs. Boy, I just love to play with my food. Darn, all that is wishful thinking because I am unable to leave the house I guard. To make sure of no identity theft, I constantly remark all my property, including my animated furniture (human servants). I am required to chase strangers off be they snakes, lizards, spiders or other humans that I will not tolerate in my domain. Right next to my bed, Alvin is my favorite (animated) furniture. All he seems to communicate with is love. It took years to teach him that I like to sit in his lap, and that he should turn the tap on when I am needing fresh water - out of a spigot. Of course that makes him quite useless (and retarded). Cats are somewhat underdeveloped in the scheme of evolution. Gestation period is only 9 weeks for a litter, so they fit the scheme of survival well, with their claws teeth and tripolar mentality. [Tripolar: Love, anger, and isolationism. Fear triggers anger - and that is what makes them strong on survival.] They have speed, an autistic brain when it comes to calculus to use just enough energy to accomplish a leap with precision. And when it comes to strength, they appear to have almost 9 times that of humans (by the pound).

Thoughts of a pussy!

Animals seem to have a subliminal communication, and I believe that it is through body aura, as an imprinting on Ether the details of a life form, as observed in Kirlian photography. With animals, as soon as confidence is realized that danger does not exist, there is a desire to pack up together and let communism prevail. All the natural feelings of love surface, like I become my cats kitten, and momma Satana proudly watches over me. I call Satana wife #2 because when I go to bed, she cuddles up to me so that I place my hand on her, my blood pressure lowers and I become calmer, and it is easier to fall asleep. I do believe this is a form of communication that is very ancient; and is a basic part of the life force. It is almost a form of networking that ties creatures and parasites together, like sharks and pilot fish, and pack animals that can simulate a strange creature like man, by hive mind tactics. Christs concept of universal love is truly exhibited by all living creatures; whereas fear and hate spawns anger and aggression. Satana has taught me that genius is a waste, and that it impedes survival. Life is to be enjoyed, and not overloaded with extreme mental gymnastics. The more we know and the less we do physically, actually lowers IQ. How can you detail the joy of soaring a sailplane, that you are skilled at, to a genius that read detailed scientific journals about it instead of actually flying in one! And because he believes he is smarter, will argue in support of stupid attributes that are theoretical (and dangerous); as an example. In my view, death-defying stunts are done by high IQ individuals - with failure natures way of culling them out! Lady GaGas intelligence demonstrates the proper way a high IQ should operate within a human environment.

I have learned to be obedient to Satanas demands. When I am reading, and she becomes jealous and wants attention, I put the book down and give her huggy bears, while enjoying her kisses and love bites. All in all I am totally content with the marriage bonding.

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