Gynae Block 03

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End block Exam gravida at 30 weeks of gestation went into sudden n duty started chest compressions. What is nal amenorrhea of 30 weeks suddenly immediately,but there was no return of din labour room em dilated with End block Exam gravida at 30 weeks of gestation went into sudden n duty started chest compressions. What is nal amenorrhea of 30 weeks suddenly immediately,but there was no return of din labour room em dilated with G. IPLS e. TVS 12. A young Couple presented to Th he you with inability t . ey are living together and have normal BMI ea ea for 4 yrs. ; Investigated and semen analysi YSIS report showed sperm count ill : Ee of 5 it Progressive motility of 40% and sperm morphology oe ee ‘. diagnosis on these parameters What is your a. Asthenospermia b. Azoospermia :¢. Oligospermia d. Oligoasthenospermia e. Teratospermia 13. A 27 yrs old woman presented to you for inability to conceive for 6yrs.Her BMI was 30/m?. She gave history of oligomenorrhoea. Her FSH was 5 miu and LH was 9 miu/I. On TVS she has multiple peripherally arranged follicles in both ovaries. Her semen analysis report was normal .How will you treat her | a. Weight reduction and spontaneous conception “b. Weight reduction and ovulation induction ¢. In utero insemination d. Invitrofertilization e. Intracytoplasmic sperm insemination 14. A couple presented in family planning clinic for contraceptive advice. She is 30 ears old, para 2 and wants 2-3 years spacing. ‘After counselling they decided to opt i it reversible contraceptive method. Which of the following method is most effective for her? a. Combined contraceptive injection b. Cu-Intrauterine device ¢, LNG-intrauterine aye d, Progesteron only saicebon. +e. Progesterone only implant Id female, P2 presented A eine for long acting reve! ig clinic for contrace} in family plannin; r : Bo ion but want immedi sible contracept fertility for last + iW fossa On abdominal jonfirms a left adnexal peratively cyst showed A micturition. “usor 32.A 13 Yrs old female Presented in Gynae Opp with c of menstrual ican an a ‘Omplaint of failure of onset Cyclical lower al lominal pain with difficulty in micturition, Her Secondary Sexual characteristics Were normal. On examination there was abdominal mass Of 14 Weeks and tense bluish bulging What is the Most likely diagnosis? . Constitutional delay °b. Imperforate hymen membrane at the introitus, 33. A 19 years old female presented in Gynae OPD with complaint of primary amenorrhea. She was of normal height and Secondary sexual characteristics. On ultrasound there was absent uterus, normal ovaries and right pelvic kidney. Her Karyotyping shows 46XX, What is the most likely diagnosis? a. Constitutional delay b. Gonadal agenesis “c. Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser as done twice in private clinic. She nination her BMI is 21kg/m2 her orrhea in this patient? Bisse OPD for the ly stable, on

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