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Bjorna Ice-Bear :

[12:51] Hmmm I am doing
fine, got jumped by the
Setites but Calisto came by
and hepled me out, I decided
to have enough adventures
for today and returned to
Inn... would you two like
something to drink? I can see
that Selim went to nap.
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [12:52] *Busty blonde smiles stretching her limbs
and beaming tall Chultean a smile*

Andre: [12:52] *He'd nod to Bjorna's words agreeing* Yes, I'll take

any of the specials
Seilara: [12:52] The drowess was absolutely sinfully proportioned:
her bust was easily larger than her head, and her muscular legs lead
up to a set of wide, round hips complete with a gigantic butt.  "I
wouldn't mind something to drink.  Surprise me."
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [12:53] Hmmm ale for you two? I am not bar
wench so don't expect any fancy drinks.

Seilara: [12:54] "That works!"

Andre: [12:54] *It would be pretty obvious that the impossibly

chiseled man were inspecting the unfamiliar sinful figure of the
drowess throughly, as his dark eyes scanned through before turning
his eyes to Bjorna* Hm.. an ale will suffice for now..
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [12:54] *Bjorna was very tall, tanned, toned and
also with heavy H sized boobs and boobly round butt*

Bjorna Ice-Bear : [12:55] *Blonde Girl smirks and leans to pour all

three the ale and in turn glances at Chultean and Drowess*
Seilara: [12:55] The drow jiggled up to the bar beside him.  If she
noticed his scrutinizing gaze, then she didn't make any mention of it.
She turned a bit, subtly, allowing him to enjoy a better side-profile
view of her gorgeous, sinful physique.
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [12:56] *blonde pouts mugs onto tray and walks to
fellow patron swaying the shamuta wide hips*

Bjorna Ice-Bear : [12:57] I am Bjorna, the guest of the Donkey Tail

Inn, your ale Miss.

Seilara: [12:58] "I'm Seilara.  Nice to meet you, Bjorna.  I think you

have the natural talents necessary to make a successful career here."
Seilara: [12:58] She said with a smirk as she took her ale.

Andre: [12:58] *His eyes clearly appreciated the better view,

drinking from it before turning his gaze again to Bjorna, taking the
offered mug with a thankful gesture, drinking from it in a loud
fashion, his stoic expression showed nothing yet it was clear the
view were pleasing to the, the massive bulge underneath all those
metallic belts seemed obscenely profound as his muscles showed off
in the light, unnaturally well sculpted* I am Andre, a pleasure to
meet you both
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:0] *Then moves to serve the Tall Chult leaning
and making those big tanned boobs bounce under the beach outfit
thin top*Hmm  thanks Seila I will think If I am going to accept the
job Ruinarr offered me... for now I am on... Vacations, do enjoy the
beer Sahib Andre.
Seilara: [13:0] The drow's gaze was naturally compelled downward
to admire that obscene bulge at Andre's crotch.  She grinned into her
mug of ale as she stared at it, taking a couple long slow sips before
nodding to Bjorna.  "Mmh?  It's a lot to consider, from what I
understand Ruinarr tends to, ahn, work his employees pretty hard."
Andre: [13:1] *The ale would be finished in a matter of seconds,
leaving the empty mug in the bar instead of the tray as he catches
sight of Seilara's gaze on his crotch, he would'nt bother to hide the
fact of its pulsing energy as it slightly moves under her visage as he
nods in agreement* Ruinnar works them hard, but it is hard to find a
better employer for this sort of place around
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:2] Ohmmm? I did heard only good things
about it from Red, Selim and Grizz Miss.... *blonde pouts a bit but
then shrugs the arms and moves to put the empty tray away, rubbing
against tall Chult body*
Andre: [13:3] You'd get to be accostumed to this things *He'd show
her as she rubs her body against him by giving her pushed out
bottom a rub followed by a slap, his meaty large fingers giving a
tight squeeze, while his eyes stare at Seilara's face*
Seilara: [13:3] "Oh, it's definitely a good thing.  Keeps things, uh,
entertaining."  She answered after a few moments, her gaze still
transfixed at Andre's midriff.  She blinked a few times as she realized
how long she'd been staring and sipped her drink again..  Only to
have her gaze fall right back down, like she was hypnotized.
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:4] Ahmm! *the part time Icenfarian waitress
gaps and blushes when slapped on the swimsuit panties covered
tanned and jigggly butt*
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:6] Hmm anyways I don't think we should talk
about man... or dwarf behind his back MIss... would you like to order
anything Else?
Andre: [13:6] *He seemed satisfied with her lack of outrageous
reaction* You'll do fine here *He then looks at Seilara, watching her
stare at his bare midriff, those abs would be slightly shiny with a
healthy ammount of moisture that shines under the lights of the
place* And what brings you here? *he'd direct the question to
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:8] Hmmm well I did worked in Howling Wind
in Icenfar Andre... if was outraged every time man touched me....
well.... *blonde bimbo giggles and shakes her arms covered by
golden and platinum bracelets sipping her ale*
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:8] Hmmm then Lady Waipin would fire my ass
after a day or two.
Seilara: [13:9] "Huh?"  The question caused her to blink and look up
at Andre with a blank sort've expression, ".. Oh, uh, I was bored and
Sinifer was empty.  This place usually has some interesting sorts, and
so I decided to drop by.  And I'm doing well, dear.  I drink slowly!"
She raised her half-full glass and took another sip.

Andre: [13:9] //brb quick!

Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:10] *Nordling beuty giggles softly enjoying

the ale, company and ditzy feel the spiced joint provided*

Andre: [13:11] //back

Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:12] //wb

Seilara: [13:12] ((wb

Andre: [13:13] If its entertainment you seek you've come to the right
place, it comes in many forms.. but I think you got yours concrete in
mind *He'd nod to her as he gestures at himself then would give
another deep squeeze at Bjorna's behind as she regales them with her
tale* Good, so you've learn enough to work in here then..
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:15] Hmmm thanks ahmmm Andre... *blonde
gasps soflty and smiles  when Andre big black hand continues to
massage the Giantess firm and tanned ass cheek* but mmm as I said
I came here to Saban for vacation from work... there is no way I
could catch a tan in Icenfar after all...
Seilara: [13:15] "Mn, I rarely go anywhere with an objective.  Too
much time in these lands has lead me to be pretty good at reacting to
whatever comes my way, though."  She explained with a bashful
little grin, slipping a bit closer to the pair and offering him similar
access to her giant butt that he had to Bjorna's.
Andre: [13:17] *He would not be one to diddly dale in such an offer,
as one gigantic hand joined that appropiately giant ass for a deep
squeeze through that dress, giving himself two handfuls of excellent
behinds, giving even his stoic visage the hint of amusement through
it, wich would be quite the constract with how his bulge reacted,
pressing hard against its fabric with a raging energy that felt like a
caged monster were ttrying to slip free*
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:17] *Blonde would smirk seing Seilire gesture
and also moves o Andre has easier access to blonde bimberian curvy
Seilara: [13:19] Seilara arched her back and moaned as his hand
landed on that gigantic butt, squeezing with enough force to pull the
fabric back and reveal the utter lack of additional coverings or
protections for that tight purple slit, allowing it to leak her
excitement down the inside of both thighs.  She gave a coy little grin
to the other bimbo as she rolled her hips in delight.
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:19] *Then giggles and glances back at this
raging buldge in hidden under Andre loincloth, finishing the Ale and
pouting mug on bar*
Andre: [13:20] Without objetive, hm? *he'd tease as he glances at the
moisture running through Seilara's thighs, moving his hand under the
cloth to grasp at bare butt, doing the exact same with Bjorna as those
greedy fingers toyed with both with an increasing greediness, a slight
groan as lust fills up his body visible, eyes turning to the two*
Seilara: [13:23] "Mmh, well..~  The objective became 'seduce the hot
guy' once I saw you..  It's rare to see hot guys around here."  She
explained as she eagerly tugged at a couple of buttons, allowing that
skimpy black garment to fall away entirely.
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:23] Hmmm Hey Mmm I always have
objectice.... mmm and not its to catch some, meet some fun people
and party before returning to my snow covered island Anfre.... hmm
would you like to show me this place and mayhaps be also my
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:24] *Bjorna wiggles the boobly butt when
gropped again and caress the loincloth beaming a smile to Chult and
winkig at sluty drowess*
Jester: [13:25] *waking from her trance she looks around, still a bit
disoriented* Oh hello.
Andre: [13:26] *To answer both in turns, that if the seduction worked
and if he wanted to be a friend he decided that the best answer was to
plant a deep kiss in each lips, pulling them against his massive frame
in turns leaning down to capture their lips with his plump, juicy ones
giving each passionate, sloppy ones that both ends with a growling
husk of hunger, his warm breath washing over as that loincloth being
caress would outline the massiveness underneath, pumping hotly
against his tense pants*
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:26] Hmmm HI Missy and welcome to the
Donkey Tail.

Jester: [13:27] Greetings.

Jester: [13:27] I uh
Jester: [13:27] I have things to do.

Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:27] *Bjorna would greet Jester before grabbed

by Andre strong powerul black arms and deeply kissed by Handsome
Chultean amn*
Seilara: [13:27] She grinned and puckered up as she was kissed, one
of her hands joining Bjorna's on that fat bulge to gently grope and
fondle it.  She grinned and licked her lips as their kiss concluded.
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:27] [Whisper] Hmmmmmm Ohmmmm
Andre: [13:28] Hm *he'd lick his lips and grabbed both by the
hands* Come, lets go downstair and make sure we are not
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:29] *Blonde gasps and after moment of
heistation kisses Andre lips back allowing the nimble pink tongue
pierced with golden ring with black pearl on it to move and dance
with Andre digit in lucusu dance*
Seilara: [13:29] "Mmh?  Okay, sure."  She agreed with an
enthusiastic grin, losing her top as she fell eagerly in behind Andre.

Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:29] Hmmmm Ohmm Sahib... if you wish to

not be interupted.... you bette go Up stairs *

Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:29] Hmmm this way... Ohhh..

Andre: [13:30] Downstair is where the cameras are

Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:30] [Tell] // we have new floor with lockable

rooms here lol

Andre: [13:30] [Tell] //I don't mind someone entering

Seilara: [13:30] ".. Cameras?"

Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:31] Hmmm ohh the studio but  its hardly

private Andre...

Andre: [13:31] *She would lead them both to the center of the room,
freeing her hands to start the equiptment as he presses some buttons*

Andre: [13:32] I have a feeling it won't matter, and we won't be

Seilara: [13:32] The dumb drowess looked around
uncomprehendingly at all the technology, ".. What is this stuff?"  She
asked as he started it all up.
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:32] *Bjorna then shrugs and when led to movie
studio removes the top and then pushes back the swimsuit panties
and then steps in naked and with radiant smile on lips*
Seilara: [13:33] The drow watched Bjorna strip with a grin, standing
beside her.  "You're really pretty, miss."

Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:34] Hmmm thanks Mmmm I am Bjorna,

eighteen years old and like to drink party and play with black Cocks!
Andre: [13:34] Do not worry about it, it wil be no concern for you
*He assures Seilara, in his mind, telling the truth as he finally lets
himself free from the confinement of his zipper, pulling his pants
down freeing the caged monster, a massive, bloated hard black cock
would obscenely bounce out of its prison with a lewd movement and
a thick scent that quickly fill up the ambiance with its musky
masculine odor, he'd groan as he feels the relief of having the
pulsing, raging erection free and exposed*
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:34] *Blonde would giggle saying her
intruduction to camera*
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:35] *And then winks at Drowess and moves to
caress Andre black prick with blonde golden bracelets covered
tattoed arms*

Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:36] Hmmmm geee its soo huge....

Seilara: [13:36] The camera's first introduction to Seilara would be

her eyes widening as Andre slowly revealed his fat dick, a little gasp
escaping her lips as they formed an adorable little 'O'.  The smell of
his virile masculinity caused her cunt to throb, and she takes a few
steps forward and collapsed right on her knees in front of him, to
shower that enormous dick in kisses.  "It's perfect..!"  She moaned
from beneath it.
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:37] Hmmmmm its biggest cock mmm I seen...
and I seen mmm them a lot Ja...
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:38] *Borna smirks to Camera caress Anre arm
and then kneels to aslo worship the Chultean male black and veiny
smelling of sex prick*
Andre: [13:38] *He would groan pleased as that massive, sensitive
cockhead gets showered in purple kisses as he looks down with a
satisfied nod, then would run his hand against Bjorna's body, running
from back to ass to give it a meaty, loud spank that prints his hand in
red as his lust leaves himself with less and less self control, his torso
swelling as he takes a deep breath, those chiseled muscles standing
proudly in the light of the slutty room*
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:39] Ugmmmmm *bimbo gasps and when
swatted kneels to be able to lick nd caress the black pole and those
heavy swaying ballsacks*
Andre: [13:41] *That meaty, massive black member would regale
their tastebuds with the masculine hard taste of it, filling her minds
and nostrils with the print of his cock as he groans with his veiny
shaft pumping hard, that fat shaft throbbing intensely with those
bloated balls swinging as he moves his hips slightly, massive orbs
that seemingly contained quite the gift for the two in the future+

Andre: [13:41] *

Seilara: [13:42] Seilara giggled and sucked, her lips working

enthusiastically on his big black cock.  She kissed all the way down
to those virile, delicious-smelling balls and then licked and sucked at
them before pulling back to drool all over that cock.  She also made
efforts to kiss Bjorna around that shaft, so he could feel their lips
sliding along him together.  Seilara's cunt throbbed as the taste and
smell of that delicious dark dick burned into her memory.
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:42] Hmmmmm it hmmm smeels mmm alluring
mmmm and tastes also very mmm fine Ja...
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:43] *Bjorna comments on the taste and aromas
of this veiny pric and back throbbing balls and then opens those
pouty lips wide and begins to chew onto those black sacks showing
how talented shamuta the blonde giantess was*
Andre: [13:45] *Groans of pleasure would emanate from the giant
man as both expert cocksuckers were going to town with both his
sensitive prick and his bloated balls, making the sack slick with
saliva and tingly, both feeling the inhuman ammounts stored within
as the obscenely sloosh in their mouth as he stares down watching
them press their lips together against the giant manhood, feeling in
his nose the scent of both soapy cunts getting more than ready for his
meat, he would make sure that the cameras got a good view from
every possible angle of this*
Seilara: [13:47] Seilara took some depraved initiative and wrapped
her lips around the crown of that fat black dick, spreading her soft,
beestung purple lips wide around it.  She began to noisily suck as she
bobbed her head, feeding herself progressively more of that big dick
before abruptly shoving herself forward and burying several inches
of Andre's colossal endowment right down her throat!  The camera
would get a beautiful view of that slutty, ditzy drow's slender neck
obscenely bulged with all that dick.
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:47] *Blonde would indeed moans and chew
onto those morsels and then glaces at her right, caressing the drow
slut heavy black boob and moving to the Andre left to allow cameras
to catch the bimbo vououptus and sensual body in better angle*
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:48] [Whisper] Hmmm what a Mmmmm Cock
mmm Grizz mmm cant mmm compare mmmmm Ja...
Andre: [13:50] *He would throw his head in delight as he feels his
cock greatly stretching that throat, moving his hands to capture
Seilara's head as she bobs and fills herself with more, with a deep
grunt he would push more, in slow motion getting it capture as he
impales that bimbo drow face with more and more of that manmeat
that obscenely extend the size of her neck to ridiculous proportions,
he would look at Bjorna and instruct her to lick the bulge for a
perfect shot, as Seilara is rewarded by both the intense throbs of
pleasure that runs through the shaft and a rogue rope of precum that
shoots directly into her stomach*
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:52] *Bjorna would groan and nods, and to
show what good bimbo friend she was to Andre begins to lick those
throbbing brown sperm bags and with the pierced tongue reaches to
lick the undershaft following the Andres veins*
Seilara: [13:53] Luckily for the unwitting drow pornstarlet, her throat
was more than enchanted enough to be stretched around Andre's dick
like a sentient condom.  She squirmed and wiggled as she was
secured into his hips, causing that deliciously tight throatpussy to
squeeze and grip around his cock like a vice: urgently milking the
enormous black stud as she retched, gagged, choked, and made lots
of slutty pathetic noises at having Andre's entire fat dick buried
inside her.
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:53] [Whisper] Hmmmmm wow mmm soo
huge.... mmmm you sure mmm can take mmm it alll Seila?
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:55] *Blonde bimbette would whisper with one
hand caressing and playing with Drowes hot and wet pussy,
preparing the shamuta to take such Cock*
Andre: [13:55] *Unacostumed to have lesser whores able to fit that
massiveness inside her mouth he would take full advantage of her
face abusing it to the point of pressing it all the way down to the
point that her nose touches his chiseled pelvis, having her eyes now
stare deep at where she was looking before while building up desire,
he'd nod to Bjorna as she entices and toyes with his balls again
forcing more precum to be spilled in excess inside Seilara's body, he
would groan hard, holding her in place looking down until she
reaches any kind of limit*
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:58] *Bjorna would reaise the cute painted face
and smiles at Andre the returns to squise, massage and stimulate
those balls further a bit relieved she did not had use risk jaw injury
sucking such blac foot and half long python like Cock*
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [13:59] *And with one hand would tease and
massage the Silara pussy pressing the pearl and fingering the dark
skinned whore heated wetness*
Seilara: [13:59] Those big red eyes returned his gaze: a sort of
adoring docile light shining up at him as he holds her there against
his crotch.  She tensed up almost immediately, fitting that too-small
throat around his gigantic black pipe with absolute skill and focus:
milking him for all the pleasure she possibly could.  She gently
rolled her head against his crotch, shifting and stirring that gigantic
dick around inside of herself for a good little while, the pleasure of
having Bjorna toying with her pussy keeping her from holding still.
After what must have been five minutes, Seilara consciously jerked
her head back into his hand - it felt more forceful than the retching
gags of her throat trying and failing to reject the fat endowment.  If
he were slow at this point, she'd tap his thigh a couple times, gently.

Bjorna Ice-Bear : [14:0] // afk phone

Andre: [14:3] *Seilara would be suddenly freed from the bloated

cock she's been milking throughly, making it swell even bigger, or
seemingly so as it is so packed with lust it would feel like it, he'd
groan hard as the absolutely drenched member came to the liight and
rested between their faces, smearing Seilara's sloppyiness over them,
and if the drowess were to look up she'd find a very pleased
expression in what usually its devoid of any emotion on Andre's
visage, his hands freeing her head to give a caress at her hair,
nodding in full approvement, as the massive slab gave a happy
twitch, leaking in its large cockslit*
Seilara: [14:6] The sucky bimbo gasped and panted as her mouth was
suddenly liberated of all that dick: he'd be amused to note that her
lips kept the cute "O" shape that they'd held like they were gaped
from having all that cock tunneling in and out of her.  She preened
and puffed up like a proud little sucker as he looked down at her
proudly, rewarding herself by allowing that long purple tongue to
snake out and capture Andre's masculine essence, swallowing it with
an audible: "gulp!"  She asked as she caught her breath: "More oral
worship, mister, or do you want to one of my holes next?"  She asked
as she looked up at him, her lips reflexively offering little kisses to
that leaky cockhead.
Andre: [14:9] *That mere act of asking like that mixed with that O
face would be enough to suscint another reaction as he visibly bites
his bottom lip barely containing himself, his stoic nature being
challenged as he grasped the cock by the base unable to resist giving
himself a stroke as he gestures down* Go on all fours.. you both,
Bjorna has prepared your hole for me.. *He gestures at her juicy cunt
that the blonde was toying with while Seilara ventured into fully
throatfucking that massive member as he stands with barely
containing movements, his mind forgetting all about the cameras for
now, wich keep recording*
Seilara: [14:11] Seilara wasted no time whatsoever, but she didn't
quite comply with his demand: instead she propped herself face
down, ass up, with her hands gripping at her hips to proudly
showcase her tiny, twitchy little pucker and the dripping, excessively
eager, puffy purple mound below.  One hand eagerly splayed those
tight pussylips a half-inch or so apart, rolling her hips back and forth.
"Mmh, yess..  Please, I want to feel you bottom out in me.  Don't be
gentle."  She pleaded as she snapped her hips upward, causing that
gorgeous oversized ass to smack off itself loudly.

Bjorna Ice-Bear : [14:13] // back

Seilara: [14:13] ((wb
Andre: [14:14] *If that defied his order it would be something that
the lust crazed mind of Andre would not be able to process right
now, being offered so sluttily he inmediatly followed her to the
ground, rubbing his thick bulbous tip agianst Bjorna's lips and
pulling her luscious body close to them before he grabs hold of
Seilara's hip by one hand and guided the monster member against
that tight, exposed offered cunt readily to take it, as she ask not to be
gentle the giant its more than happy to obligue, as he starts pushing
his cock inside greatly stretching her tiny mound to be able to fit
such girthy beast, but instead of a slow pace that lets her addapt, a
heavy spank would fall against her ass marking the darker skin with
the five fingers as he pushes with all his might*

Andre: [14:14] //Wb

Bjorna Ice-Bear : [14:15] *Bjorna smacks Seilara butt when Drow

shamuta obeys the Andre and then goes onto the fours hersel shaking
the boobly tanned butt, teasing the tall and powerfull Chult. *
Seilara: [14:17] To say that little pussy took a huge black cock like a
pro would be, well, accurate given that the penetration was being
captured in exacting detail by a camera positioned within a meter of
that dumb drowess's big fat ass.  "Oooh~  Yess...  It feels better than I
thought it would.."  She moaned as her hands fell away, rolling her
hips up into his initial thrust so that he bottomed out inside of her
much faster than he may have been expecting: that obscenely huge
bubble-butt smacking up into Andre's toned, muscular body.
Seilara's wanton, depraved gasps of pleasure and delight definitely fit
with a slut getting stretched.
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [14:18] *Bonde bimbo would then glance at right
and smile seeing the Seilara being grabbed by the poweful black
hands and lifted up, preparing the drow shamuta to recieve this thick
and throbbing pole*
Andre: [14:20] *Feeling her taking the lenght with such relative ease,
and screaming in pleasure quickly, he would groan out giving it his
all as suddenly the sound of his pelvis clapping her ass would be
what most could hear even if they were upstair having a drink,
watching as Bjorna presents her own ass delivering such a mighty
spank at her that seeks to redden as he presses a hand against her
cunt, toying with it while his hips thrusts with loud claps, that
massive girthy member would "ruin" her enchanted tunnels to
expand and fit, going at her deepest seeking to invade every bit of it,
and hilting itself as deep as she would take him, balls slapping
against her figure as a bulge of obscene proportions would run in an
out of her tummy, making it swell as he groans hard*
Message not sent: '//Might wanna move up a few, to avoid rug
clipping'. There's no player named Where's Your Godmode Now.
Seilara: [14:23] "Nnh..  I don't, ughn..  I don't know if I was
supposed to stretch /this/ much..  Fffuck..  Yesss.."  That dumb slut
moaned as her pussy was utterly resized, pushing her hips back up
into each of his thrusts with enough force that it caused her ass to
wobble and jiggle hypnotically against him even as he pressed down
into her forcefully: that gorgeous black booty turning progressively
darker and darker where his hips kept smashing into it.  Her legs
kicked and twitched as she moaned and cried out in blissful delight,
her slutty moaning adding to the vicious "CLAP CLAP CLAP" of
that tiny drow pussy getting blacked.
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [14:24] Hmmmm Aammmhmmm! *Bjorna would
gasp even lauder when Andre delivers the hefty slap, painting a red
hand print onto those jiggly boobly tanned butt cheeks, the tourist
shamuta opening her legs wider then and moaning when Chult would
massage, rub and stretch the bimberian elastic and wet pussy with
powerful horny man thick like lesser man cocks fingers* Ummmm
Ammmmm Andreee Ammmm...
Andre: [14:26] *His fingers would get roughter with Bjorna, slighly
lubed by her cunt juice they would seek to penetrate and stretch her
asshole, running a digit that was larger than some men's cocks inside
as he presses against the start and thrusts, unable to go at any
reasonable pace as he were far too busy with his hips moving in
impossibly speed against her, stretching her far more than anyone
would expect when doing the enchanment and pushing that
monstrous black cock in depths the drowess might haven't feel
before, grabbing her arms with one sole hand and pulling her up, her
face still on the floor so her body bends in a manner that as he hilts
fully he's able to press even further, balls giving a sweet stroke as
they collapse against her before he redoubles with a bestial, savage
Seilara: [14:29] She groaned as she was contorted into optimal cock-
pleasing position, wiggling and rolling her hips comfortably as she
settled into her new arched-back, face-down position.  "Yesss..  Just
like that, mmh..  Fuck, I'm gonna.."  Abruptly, a deluge of juices rush
out of Seilara's cunt and all over that enormous black dick.  The
speed at which he was thrusting meant that her juices were flung
absolutely everywhere, and she seemed to relax as she rode out her
orgasm.  Her legs twitched and her body gave a little jitter of pure
delight as she gasped and squeaked in delight.
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [14:31] Ummm ammm Anreee Ammm Ammmm
Pleaaeee ammmm....
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [14:32] *Bjorna moans lauder the deeper the Andre
Cock fingers would stretch, rub and massage the pink, velvetly and
soaced wet folds of this big titted nordling shamuta*
Andre: [14:33] *That orgasm milking that shaft, combined by their
skillfull work with their mouths would be too much to handle already
as the man reached his own peak, screaming in wide pleasure
looking down at that clapping ass, wich would receive an onslaught
of hforceful thrusts that would bruise and darken her bountiful
butcheeks, as they would his own pelvis, those balls sack giving her
enough hits to hint about the incoming potent climax that suddenly,
as Andre hilts himself so fully she'd feel her take it deeper than ever,
he'd shoot his orgasm all over her insides, as the cock explodes in a
burst of thick seed that overflows her insides and would have her
stretch to fit every bit, mixed with the potent bitchbreaker alreadyt
lodged in it, the ammounts seemingly were endless as he groaned
and panted in hard orgasm, closing his hand inside bjorna's ass
grabbing her tighly and pressing her in unentended reflexe against
their bodies*
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [14:34] *Bjorna would glance at right between
those sluty moans, reaching with hand to caress the Sielera head
patting the dumb slut like she was a bitch*
Seilara: [14:36] Seilara groaned and quivered as she was patted by
her fellow bimbo pornstar slut, while the stud finished inside of her.
She moaned and giggled as her belly began to bloat.  "Mmh..  Pull it
out, please, I want you to cum on my face and tits too!"  She begged
depravedly, trying to wiggle herself off that cock once she'd been
filled so thoroughly that the excess cum was slowly leaking out
around his colossal sluthammer.
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [14:36] *Amused and amazed how the voluptus
shamuta was able to take hole length of Chult Giant brown 20 inches
long throbbing Cock, the share sight of drow whore dick stretched
belly making the blonde tourista pussy and asshole to tingle*
Andre: [14:38] *His onslaught of seed were so much that he had
enough time to pull out, freeing the hole leaving it fully gaped and
sore after that pounding, and putting the member in front of them,
grabbing Seilara's body to turn her around and face the cock as it
gives them both a literal cumshower, spraying seed all over their tits
and face and giving more than a mouthful as it slowly subsided,
staining their bodies with the warm overflow of his baby batter,
leaving him panting as he recovers*
Seilara: [14:40] The drow grinned and spread her legs to allow the
camera to catch the way that his cock had utterly stretched her pussy
to the point where anything less than equine wouldn't be able to
achieve any satisfaction from her whatsoever.  She stuck her tongue
out and moaned as Andre's thick, salty, masculine cum splashed
down over her face and tits.  She found herself scooping the excess
from between her legs, eating it while he sprayed her down.  "Mmh..
Mmhmm..  Yess..."  She moaned.
Bjorna Ice-Bear : [14:40] Hmmmm ammm Anree ammm... *The
blonde shamuta gasps when Andre yanks his fingers from the Bjorna
quivering and juicy cunt and assholes and giggles happily when the
Chult sprays his cumm onto Nordling slut boobly tanned butt and
tattooed back* Ohmmmmm I love it  ammm Andre..
Andre: [14:43] *Watching them getting sprayed with his seed, and
Seilara eating from her own pussy would mantain the hard-on on his
massive erection, as he strokes it a few times until the last strands of
seed died out, grabbing hold of Bjornas hips as he seeks to handle
her body and plant her right above Seilara, so she lays on top as he
spreads her buttcheeks, slapping his giaint cock, that seemed ready
as ever between her buttcheeks, the large man would fill up his lungs
as his chest expands, covered in sweat glistening in such a way it
seemed almost on purpose, like he were oiled to showcasse his
adonis like figure*

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