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Glaiza: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. To formally start our program, we request everyone to
please stand for the invocation by the SCAns of Holy Infant Academy.

Allysa: And please remain standing for the singing of hymns.

Allysa: Good evening Glai!

Glaiza: Good evening Lai! You look dashing tonight.

Allysa: Thank you, you look gorgeous as well.

Glaiza: We all do. And to make this place shimmer, let us welcome everyone.

Emcees: Good evening Baang! Good evening Holy Infant Academy!

Allysa: After being idle for years, we’re back with a BANG! Now that the pandemic is paving the way for
us, leading us gradually back to normal.

Glaiza: Let us altogether witness a showcase of beauty, talent, and wit in the HIA INTRAMURALS 2022
with a theme: “HIA: Moving Forward in Synodality through Sports and Academics.” live here tonight at
Don Benjamin Borromeo Community Stage, Baang, Catigbian, Bohol.

Emcees: Welcome to the Holy Infant Academy – Mister and Miss Intramurals 2022.

Allysa: At this moment, let us hear the words of welcome by our HIA Acting School Principal, Ma’am
Sonia A. Lagunda-on, LPT, MACDDS. Let us welcome her with a round of applause, please!

Glaiza: Thank you so much for that warm welcome, Ma’am.

Allysa: HIA Mister and Miss INTRAMURALS 2022 is in collaboration with the English Month Celebration
and with this, the four teams are named after the four chosen popular mythology.

Glaiza: Firstly, from the ancient mortal race that lived in Middle-earth, also known as halflings. They are
special precisely, we have the Hobbits.

Allysa: Next, is a fantasy world created by C.S Lewis wherein some animals talk, mythical beasts abound,
and magic is common. Ladies and gentlemen, we have the Narnians.

Glaiza: Then, in Nordic mythology, the dwelling place of the gods, comparable to the Greek Mount
Olympus. Legend divided into 12 or more realms. The gods of Asgard, we have the Asgardians!

Allysa: Lastly, in Greek Mythology, the Greek gods that ruled the world before the Olympians. They were
the children of the original god, Uranus and Gaia. Cronus was the leader and the god of time. We have,
the Titans!

Glaiza: And now, brace yourselves for we are about to witness...

Emcees: The Parade of Mythology Costumes by the Candidates.

Allysa: Again, let us give them a round of applause for their very mythic and extravagant costumes.
Thank you, candidates.

Glaiza: At this juncture, for the introduction of judges, a warm welcome of applause for Ms. Geraldine B.
Jumamoy, LPT.

Allysa: Thank you so much, ma’am Gee! Now, allow me to read the criteria for judging (insert reading of

Glaiza: Also, all the scores for production number, talent, interview, and audience impact will be
combined and that will be the bases for the Top 5. And after picking the top 5, all the scores will be back
to zero.

Allysa: At this very moment, settle yourselves and let us witness,

Emcees: The Production Number and Introduction of Candidates.

Glaiza: Thank you so much, candidates.

Allysa: Since we’re done with our ALM contests, we are proud to showcase the talents and skills of the
students of our very own Holy Infant Academy. Ladies and gentlemen, let us witness the modern dance
winner from the ________________.

Glaiza: To followed by the vocal solo winner, a Grade 11 – ABM student, Team 3 – Asgardians, Ms. Jean
Marian Tupas. A hand please.

Allysa: Thank you so much, truly we can see artists aspiring for the future.

Glaiza: And at this point, sit back, relax, and witness the candidates in their School Uniform.

Allysa: Thank you candidates. Now, moving forward, another winners from the ALM competition. Firstly,
we have from the field of music, the vocal duet winners, from team 2 – Narnians. Ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome Ms. Julie Cabudbud and Ms. Dina Daguing.

Allysa: Next, from the field of literary, the declamation winner, BACS Meet declamation participant,
from team 2 – Narnians, let us give a hand for Ms. Glaiza L. Baloncio.

Allysa: Thank you performers for your spectacular performance. Moving on, the candidates being
confident in their body and being healthy. In this portion, ladies and gentlemen, the candidates in their

Glaiza: Right now, in the field of dance sports, let us witness the Latin American Dance Winners, from
team __________________, Mr. and Ms. _____________ for their presentation. Let us give them a
round of applause, please.
Allysa: To give us an inspirational message, may we call on our school director, Rev. Fr. Proceso G.
Apolinar. Let us welcome him with a round of applause, please.

Allysa: Thank you, father for that very inspiring message.

Glaiza: Beauty, brain, and talent are the ingredients in a pageant. It takes a real artist to perform with a
large audience.

Allysa: At this time, don’t miss the chance for the talent showcase of the candidates. First, we have the
candidates from Team 1 – Hobbits. Ladies and gentlemen, candidates number 1.

Glaiza: And now, a round of applause to candidates number two. (So on, until last talent performers)

Allysa: At this juncture, in the literary field, let us witness the Tula champion of the ALM competition,
from team 4 – Titans, a grade 10 student. A round applause for Ms. Megan Gale Digaum.

Glaiza: Thank you so much, our Maria Clara, Ms. Megan. Next, the vocal solo second place, please
welcome, Ms. Jshaira Ingig, a grade 7 student from team 4 – Titans, a hand, please.

Allysa: Moving beyond, the clothing hugging their body and showing their creative styles and elegance.

Glaiza: The greatly awaited portion of the pageant.

Emcees: Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the candidates in their Long Gown and Formal Attire. The
best clap of applause!

Allysa: Candidates, please remain in the floor. As we listen to the harana from our vocal solo second
place from team 1 – Hobbits. Let us welcome, Mr. Christian Niño Andoy.

Glaiza: Thank you so much, Mr. Andoy. And now, candidates relax. For now, we are in the nerve-
wracking portion;

Emcees: The Preliminary Interview

Glaiza: For the preliminary interview, there will be eight questions for girls and eight questions for the
boys. The candidates will be the one to pick their question.

Allysa: After picking, the questions will be read twice and the candidates will be given 60 secondS to
answer the question.

Glaiza: So candidates, when you hear the sound “ting”, it means your time is up. Candidates, are you

Allysa: Ready or not, here we come.


Allysa: Stay put candidates. Right now, may we call on Ms. Lovely Jane Mahunyag to give the certificate
of participation to our candidates.

Glaiza: Awarding of Minor Awards.

Glaiza: Music has been something we can hold on in every season of our lives. Do you agree? The most
popular instrument we have; the guitar. And now, let us all witness the guitar solo champion, from team
4 – Titans. Please welcome, our very own Mr. Teddy Aaron Arpafo.

Allysa: Moving further, from the field of literary, let us witness, the Balak champion during the ALM
competition, from team 2 - Narnians. A big round of applause for Ms. Glaiza L. Baloncio.

Allysa: Thank you, Ms. Glaiza. Now, we have the results in our hands; we have the top 5.

Glaiza: Are you ready to know? I think you really are. Ladies and gentlemen, who’s your bet? Cheer for
your candidate!

Allysa: When we call you names, please step forward.


Glaiza: At this juncture, we’re moving forward to the top 5 Q & A portion.

Allysa: The candidates will answer the same question, to prevent them from hearing the question, they
will stay inside Father Ondoy’s car with blasting music.

Glaiza: The question will be read twice and the candidates will be given 60 seconds to answer the
question and when we hear the sound “ting”, it means 60 seconds is over.


Allysa: Thank you candidates, you may now take your exit.

Glaiza: Fresh from the competition, just this afternoon, let us witness the Modern Standard Champion,
from the team ___________. Altogether, let us give them a round of applause, please.

Allysa: In this very moment, from the BACS Tagbilaran Superintendent, let us hear an inspirational
message. Let us welcome, Rev. Fr. Linuel C. Cañizares.

Glaiza: Thank you so much, Fr. Cañizares. This time, from one of our judges for tonight’s pageant. Ladies
and gentlemen, stay in your position and don’t miss a special presentation from Ms. Reigelle Eva M.
Maglajos. Let us welcome her with a big hand of applause.

Allysa: Thank you, Ms. Reigelle. Before we announce the winners, this time, let us give the certificate of
appreciation to our judges.

Glaiza: (Reading of certificates)

Allysa: And now, finally, we arrived in this moment.

Glaiza: We have in our hands; the result!

Allysa: Third Runners Up

Glaiza: Who could they be?

(So on and so forth)

Glaiza: Before we announce the new Mister and Miss Intramurals 2022, three years ago before the
pandemic, we held the last Mister and Miss Intramurals 2019. And tonight, we have with us the reigning
Mister and Miss Intramurals 2019.

Emcees: Ms. Jianna Althea Llorente and Mr. James Dinorog. A big round of applause!

Emcees: And now, our Mister and Miss Intramurals 2022.

Allysa: For the female category, our new Miss Intramurals 2022... Please step forward, candidate
number... from team...

Glaiza: And for the male category, our new crowned Mister Intramurals 2022... Please step forward,
candidate number... from team...

Allysa: Sashes will be given by the judges. We request Mrs. Geraldine Felisan and Ms. Reigelle Eva
Maglajos to please give the sashes.

Glaiza: To give the certificates, we request the team advisers....

Allysa: To give the bouquets, we ask the hand of our SSG adviser, Mr. Robert L. Agad, LPT.

Glaiza: And to pass the crown, may we request the reigning Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2019, Mr. James
Dinorog and Ms. Jianna Althea Llorente.

Emcees: Congratulations, Kudos to all of you!

Glaiza: In every start, there is an ending. And tonight, we finally arrived to our destination.

Allysa: Thank you so much for joining us in this event. We would like to thank everyone for your efforts
and support.
Glaiza: This has been your hosts, Glaiza Baloncio

Allysa: And Allysa Mae Tuasoc

Emcees: Saying thank you and good evening. Have a good night everyone!

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