The Project For Supporting Disaster Riesilience 20150514

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Project Proposal

The Project for Supporting Disaster Resilience

Due to its geographical location, Haiti is highly exposed to natural hazards, including cyclones, floods,
landslides and earthquakes. Since 1963, about 240,000 people were killed and more than 9,000,000 1
people have been affected by natural disasters.
The January 12, 2010 earthquake was a sharp reminder of the country’s extreme vulnerability to seismic
risk. Moreover, in recent years Haiti has experienced rampant urbanization, at a rate of approximately
3.9% per year since 20012. Haitian urban development has been characterized by numerous factors that
have increased risk including: anarchic occupation of high-risk areas; and lack of application of building
codes. The result is increased exposure of vulnerable populations to disaster risk.
Since the creation in 2001 of the National System for Disaster Risk Management (SNGRD), Haiti has
made important progress in its capacity to prepare for and manage disasters – but challenges still remain.
Millions of Haitians are still at risk and significant efforts are required to strengthen national capacities to
prepare for and recover from disasters, whilst reducing exposure to disaster risk of Haitians and their
infrastructures. In such a highly disaster prone country, preparedness and risk reduction are critical
components of human security.
UNDP is one of the leading actors in disaster risk management and disaster risk reduction in Haiti. In line
with its mandate to conduct operational activities for disaster mitigation, prevention and preparednessi,
UNDP has worked side by side with the Haitian government for over 14 years. It has engaged in the
support to the National System for Disaster Risk Management (SNGRD), including support for the
Direction of Civil Protection (DPC) at both national and departmental levels. UNDP's main targets in
supporting the National system are institutional capacity development of government in the areas of
coordination, disaster preparedness and management, risk identification and evaluation, public
information/awareness raising, training on information technology and integration of disaster risk
reduction into recovery.
In addition, UNDP is an important partner in the area of urban risk reduction and is currently supporting
the development of a national methodology to integrate disaster risk reduction into urban planning and
development. UNDP is also supporting practical actions to reduce disaster risk – including the
implementation of a major program of seismic risk reduction in the North of Haiti.
Through past experiences and in consultation with the major stakeholders, it has been assessed that the
country needs to strengthen its capacities in relation to risk monitoring and assessment, preparedness
and response, pursue efforts to reduce and mitigate risk, whilst engaging the public through education
and awareness initiatives on the dimensions of disaster risk. An adequate response to these identified
needs will improve the resilience of the individuals that are most exposed and vulnerable to disaster

EM Dat 1963-2013
Index Mundi – estimation 2010-2015

risks and will empower them to absorb the shocks and look forward towards a sustainable development
that leads to human security.
The suggested goal and objectives outlined in this proposal are in line with Japan’s cooperation approach
in Haiti which is aimed to reinforce human security and guarantee the resilience of the most vulnerable
populations to disasters. The project will have a clear benefit towards the populations who are
recurrently affected by natural disasters, with a specific focus towards women and youth.
Moreover, the proposed project includes training components of national technical experts in order to
guarantee the sustainability of the implemented initiatives. These components will also include those
professionals that have benefitted from specific trainings organized by the Government of Japan, such
as the ones on “Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management”, “Disaster prevention of buildings”,
“Strategy for the post-seismic reconstruction of Haiti”.
This aspect is perfectly in line with the strategy of the Government of Japan which identifies the
engagement and valorization of Haitian experts as an essential element to ensure an adequate
development process in Haiti.
The intended partnership between UNDP and Japan derives from the great interest that Japan has
manifested in supporting disaster risk management throughout the wider region of the Caribbean. On
occasion of the celebration of the Japan-CARICOM Friendship Year 2014, the Government of Japan
declared its will to extend its cooperation towards reducing
disaster risk, overcoming the effects of climate change and
environmental degradation utilizing Japanese technologies and
expertise nurtured through its similar experience in the domain3.


Haiti is administratively divided into 10 ‘departments’. Based on
consultations with the Japanese mission in Port au Prince, the
proposed project will have elements that address issues at a
national level, while including initiatives that specifically address
the departments of the North and the Northeast of Haiti.
The departments of the North and Northeast of Haiti are among the most vulnerable to natural disasters
including floods, cyclones and landslides. Their exposure to earthquake risk is elevated due to their
proximity to the "Septentrionale" fault. More than 73% of the municipalities are at risk of flooding, 36%
at risk of landslides, and 21% at risk of tsunami. These natural threats, coupled with important
vulnerabilities caused by environmental degradation and weak governance are a major cause of
insecurities for the population of these departments4.
Moreover, population density has increased significantly in the past years, and most of the buildings that
were not conceived to resist to earthquakes, have been further weakened by the addition of several
floors, which increases their vulnerability to seismic shocks. The absence of a risk-sensitive urbanization
plan is an environmental factor that has led to the creation of urban areas that have no access to basic
infrastructure and public services, increasing the health insecurity of individuals5.

Press release 254/2014 – Ministerial Joint Statement between Japan and CARICOM, 19 November 2014.
4 Technical Departmental Mission North and Northeast- Political Champions of Resilience Haiti 2014.
Technical Departmental Mission North and Northeast - Political Champions of Resilience Haiti 2014.

The high vulnerability of the target area to disaster risks was proven during the 2014 floods that affected
more than 22,700 families.
In 2013 Haiti was selected as a priority country of the Political Champions for Disaster Resilience, a global
imitative in which both UNDP and Japan are partners. The departments of the North and Northeast are
two of the three focus areas of this initiative and therefore, a priority for the Government and
international community.
In 2014, the Government and its partners (including UN agencies, NGOs and scientific community)
participated in technical missions in the three focus departments (North, Northeast and Grand’Anse).
These missions developed specific programmatic frameworks which are meant to be a document of
reference for strategic planning for disaster resilience that can appropriately address the assessed needs.
The proposed project initiatives are perfectly in line with the programmatic frameworks developed by
the Political Champions of Resilience which identify “knowledge of risks and vulnerabilities of the
department“ and “training, education, awareness raising of populations“ as priority axes of intervention.
The exact number of direct beneficiaries will be determined on the basis of envisaged disaster risk
prevention plans.
However, through the training components of the proposed project, the direct beneficiaries are
expected to be 4,806 people. For some activities, especially for those concerning the preparation and
response elements, some beneficiaries are expected to participate in multiple activities. With regards to
the small scale mitigation initiatives, although the exact number of direct beneficiaries will depend on
the findings of the disaster risk prevention plans, it is expected to directly address a total of 85,000
vulnerable individuals.
On the basis of these projections, the direct beneficiaries of the proposed project will be 89,806 people.
However it is safe to say that the entirety of the population of Haiti, and more particularly of the North
and the Northeast department’s will indirectly benefit from the implementation of the envisaged
initiatives, especially from those related to the disaster preparedness and response component.
To be more precise, the indirect beneficiaries of the proposed project will include:
- Population North department: 1,018,411 inhabitants (375,638 urban population) - (IHSI 2012)
- Population commune of Cap Haitian: 261,864 inhabitants - (IHSI 2012)
- Population Northeast department: 375,966 inhabitants (158,051 urban populations) - (IHSI
- Population commune of Fort Liberté: 32,861 inhabitants - (IHSI 2012)
- Population commune of Ouanaminthe : 101,280inhabitants - (IHSI 2012)
- Total Population Haiti: 10,413,211 inhabitants (IHSI 2012)


The global objective of the proposed project is to promote effective disaster risk reduction and improve
the resilience of vulnerable populations in Haiti, with a focus on the departments of the North and
Northeast of Haiti.
The project is expected to achieve four main results:

Outcome 1.
Vulnerable populations and the governmental and non-governmental actors that support them have
access to detailed knowledge on risks and vulnerabilities of the main cities of the departments of the
North and Northeast of Haiti.
Outcome 2.
The vulnerability of communities is reduced and targeted groups gain the necessary technical
competencies to design and implement measures to mitigate disaster risk in the North and Northeast of
Outcome 3.
National and departmental disaster preparedness and response capacities are reinforced, including in
the departments of the North and Northeast of Haiti.
Outcome 4.
The general public is sensitized on major disaster risks, including specific groups in the targeted

The implementation of the proposed project will be led under a direct partnership with the Ministry of
Interior and of Local Governments (MICT) and the Directorate of Civil Protection (DPC). The project will
also be implemented in close partnership with other relevant government ministries and agencies6.
The project will build on existing work and partnerships that are ongoing in Haiti and especially in the
departments of the North and Northeast. In particular, for the implementation of the components of the
proposed project that focus directly on the targeted communities, UNDP proposes to partner with
OXFAM, an International NGO that has been involved for more than a decade in community disaster risk
reduction in the North and Northeast departments of Haiti. OXFAM works closely at local and
community levels with Community Based Organizations, local NGOs and local authorities to empower
them to actively participate in the decision making processes and implement targeted actions that take
into account specific vulnerabilities of the most fragile populations.
UNDP will coordinate closely with other existing programs working on disaster risk management and
working in the North and North East of Haiti, including those supported by the World Bank and other
humanitarian and development partners such as the American Red Cross and the Haitian Red Cross.
The proposed proposal will achieve its intended outcomes through the following approach:
Outcome 1. Vulnerable populations and the governmental and non-governmental actors that support
them have access to detailed knowledge on risks and vulnerabilities of the main cities of the
departments of the North and Northeast of Haiti.
Output 1.1. Disaster risk prevention plans for the cities of Cap Haitian and Ouanaminthe are
developed with the participation of major stakeholders, including civil society and vulnerable

Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation (MPCE), Home and Public Building Constriction Unit (UCLBP), Inter-Ministry
Committee for Territory Planning (CIAT), Ministry of Public Works, Transportation and Communication (MTPTC), National
Laboratory for Buildings and Public Works (LNBTP) and the Office of Mines and Electricity (BME), University of Haiti (UEH)/FDS
and National Center for Geo-Spatial Information (CNIGS).

Activity 1.1.1. Disaster risk prevention plans are developed for Cap Haitian and Ouanaminthe.
Haitian departments have access to limited analytic data concerning their exposure and vulnerability to
disaster risks. Understanding the interaction of local hazards, exposure and vulnerability is crucial to
securing human security and determine what measures should be taken to reduce disaster risk.
Since 2011, UNDP has been involved in the production of risk analyses in the Northern region of Haiti,
including the creation of micro-zoning7 maps and the development of detailed departmental multi risk
assessments for the North and Northeast of Haiti. These efforts are a first step to the provision of
analysis and information on risk factors associated with disasters.
However, past experience shows that a risk assessment, while providing crucial information, is not
sufficient to thoroughly comprehend the characteristics of a specific area and provide appropriate
decision making support to policy makers, the local population and other key stakeholders. Therefore, a
detailed evaluation of the urban risks for the cities of Cap Haitian and Ouanaminthe will be carried out
to help provide policy makers with key recommendations on how to manage disaster risks in their cities.
The envisaged disaster risk prevention plans will be developed using a methodology already tested
during the reconstruction process in Port au Prince – in which UNDP was an important stakeholder. As a
result, the most vulnerable populations will be identified and tailored recommendations to address the
root causes of their extreme exposure to disaster risks will be formulated.
The disaster risk prevention plans will be prepared in consultation with the local authorities while
guaranteeing the direct participation of the chronically affected communities that will provide detailed
and disaggregated data to allow the assessments to reflect the specific insecurities that prevail in the
target area.
This participative process is vital to ensure local ownership which will guarantee that the provided
recommendations will be translated into practical actions to address disaster risk.
Activity 1.1.2. Organization of workshops with departmental stakeholders for the validation of the
disaster risk prevention plans.
The development of the disaster risk prevention plans will be followed by validation and dissemination
workshops which will include all relevant stakeholders, such as departmental and local authorities,
governmental partners, civil society, private sector, community leaders and scientific experts.
These workshops will be carried out in a participative manner and will also focus on the identification of
the most adequate risk mitigation measures.
Output 1.2. Disseminate, communicate and raise awareness on the findings and recommendations of
the integrated disaster risk prevention plans, at the local, municipal and departmental level
Activity 1.2.1. Organization of launch and presentation of the findings and recommendations of the
developed disaster risk prevention plans
Through the proposed project, a joint event will be organized to present the findings and
recommendations of the disaster risk prevention plans.
This event will bring together national and international stakeholders that are involved in urban risk
reduction in the departments of the North and Northeast of Haiti.

Micro-zoning is a branch of seismic engineering whose objective is to determine precisely the degree of earthquake danger in
selected regions.

The objective of this component is to ensure that all actors working in the cities of Cap Haitian and
Ouanaminthe are fully aware of the disaster risks and have sufficient information to integrate corrective
and preventive measures in their programs and investments.
Moreover, this event will be an occasion to present the innovative methodology that was carried out in
partnership with the Government of Japan to relevant stakeholders to promote their interest,
engagement and cooperation in the implemented activities and related findings and recommendations.
The participants will include national, departmental and local authorities, UN agencies, NGOs,
universities, scientific experts, private sector, civil society and donors that are engaged in the
departments of the North and Northeast of Haiti.
Activity 1.2.2. Organization of trainings of the departmental stakeholders on the use and implementation
methods of the disaster risk prevention plans
In order for the disaster risk prevention plans to be fully owned at the local level, and therefore
effectively influence urban planning strategies, it is of vital importance that local government has
sufficient capacity to absorb findings and appropriately implement the recommendations of such
For this reason UNDP will support the strengthening of the capacity of local government officials (at the
departmental and municipal levels) through a tailored training in each of the targeted departments to
instruct on the implemented process, on the details to be considered, and on the overall methodology.
The participants to the training will be the key actors that will ensure the sustainability of the elaborated
disaster knowledge tool.
Activity 1.2.3. Public Education and Awareness Raising around the findings and recommendations of the
disaster risk prevention plans
As the population is a major stakeholder in the process of both risk reduction and management, the
proposed project envisages the realization of education, awareness raising and advocacy activities
around the findings and recommendations of the disaster risk prevention plan. This is vital so that local
populations are able to be active participants in the process of disaster risk reduction.
The implemented initiatives will include materials and events targeting youth and women as they are
considered not only as the most vulnerable part of the population, but they are also important actors of
information, knowledge and change within a community.
Outcome 2. The vulnerability of communities is reduced and targeted groups gain the necessary
technical competencies to design and implement measures to mitigate disaster risks.
Output 2.1. Targeted groups are empowered to collectively design and implement measures to
mitigate risks posed by natural hazards.
Activity 2.1.1. Organization of trainings of construction professionals in the departments of the North
and Northeast of Haiti from the public and private sector on anti-seismic measures
The quality of construction is a critical element in determining the level of risk of a population. This is
particularly the case in seismic prone countries and a challenging issue in countries like Haiti where the
quality of training and regulation around the built environment is limited.
In order to ensure that the recommendations of the disaster risk prevention plans are implemented,
about 100 professionals of the construction industry - public and private - will receive training on how to

evaluate the vulnerabilities of buildings towards disaster risks and carry out risk resistant practices to
reduce the vulnerability of the buildings and their inhabitants.
UNDP is already in the process of supporting the training of building professionals in the North and the
Northeast of Haiti in collaboration with the National Institute of Professional Trainings. The past
experiences have proven to be successful and the proposed project aims to continue these formative
initiatives to ensure the implementation of appropriate risk mitigation practices.
Moreover, this component envisages the participation of the Haitian professionals that have attended
the trainings carried out by the Japanese Government – particularly on “Development of Tools for Anti-
seismic construction” and “Disaster Prevention of Buildings”. These Haitian experts can ensure a transfer
of knowledge to other Haitian professionals engaged in construction and guarantee the sustainability of
the initiatives carried out by the Government of Japan.
Activity 2.1.2 Provision of technical expertise and resources to community-based organizations in the
departments of the North and Northeast of Haiti for the design and implementation of small-scale
disaster risk mitigation projects
The proposed project aims to directly improve the resilience to disasters of the most fragile populations
of the North and Northeast of Haiti through small-scale disaster risk mitigation initiatives that are
collectively designed and implemented by the direct beneficiaries.
The targeted communities will be identified on the basis of the findings of the disaster risk prevention
plans that will determine the areas that are most affected by disasters and that present significant socio-
economic difficulties.
This component of the project includes training elements that will allow the targeted individuals - with a
particular focus on women and youth - to acquire the necessary capacities to identify their
vulnerabilities and design adapted mitigation solutions. In particular, these trainings will focus on the
development and implementation of Community Action Plans, through a participatory methodology.
Through the developed Community Action Plans, the communities will define what risks need to be
addressed, what mitigation activities need to be implemented and what resources are needed to be
successful. The mitigation activities could include reinforcing community infrastructure, building of
containment walls, retrofitting of existing drains, or improvement of local waste management.
This proposed element will be carried out in partnership with OXFAM G.B. an international NGO that has
been involved for more than a decade in community disaster risk reduction in the North and Northeast
departments of Haiti. OXFAM G.B. will be responsible for carrying out the trainings to reinforce the
technical capacities of the beneficiaries, for the distribution of the small grants to the communities and
for the monitoring and evaluation of the implemented initiatives.
Output 2.2. A City evacuation plan is developed for the cities of Cap Haitian and Ouanaminthe in a
participative approach and on the basis of the disaster risk prevention plans
Activity 2.2.1. Development and diffusion of the city evacuation plans
Emergency evacuation plans are a necessary tool to ensure a safe and efficient evacuation process of all
residents of a structure, city, or region.
Following the findings of the disaster risk prevention plan, the proposed project envisages the creation
of an emergency evacuation plan for the cities of Cap Haitian and Ouanaminthe that will be designed
and validated with all major stakeholders, including civil society and targeted vulnerable groups – with a
particular focus on women, elders and handicapped.

The envisaged participative approach for the design and implementation of the evacuation plan will
allow taking into account particular vulnerabilities that may affect the ability of some residents to
Output 2.3. Haitian urban risk reduction stakeholders benefit from knowledge exchange with
international experts.
Activity 2.3.1. International exchanges are organized in support of strengthened knowledge on urban risk
In order to reinforce the capacities of the Haitian stakeholders of urban risk reduction, the proposed
project foresees the sharing of knowledge between Haitian professionals and international experts.
This component promotes the possibility for international engineers, architects or decision makers to
meet their Haitian counterparts and provide valuable information and advice on how to tackle
vulnerabilities and strengthen the resilience to disasters of urban populations.
The initiative will be carried out in cooperation with JICA in order to promote an educational exchange
of the beneficiaries with Japanese professionals, and possibly fellow Haitians who have previously
benefitted from trainings that were carried out by the Government of Japan.

Outcome 3. National and departmental disaster preparedness and response capacities are reinforced,
with a specific focus on the departments of the North and Northeast of Haiti.
Output 3.1. Government capacities to prepare and respond to disasters are reinforced.
Activity 3.1.1. Technical assistance is provided to the Direction of Civil Protection for the coordination of
preparedness and response initiatives.
In order to ensure effective disaster preparedness and response at a national level, UNDP has been
supporting the Direction of Civil Protection since 2001. Although the Government of Haiti has obtained
important results, it still requires technical support.
For this reason UNDP will strengthen the capacity of the Direction of the Civil Protection at national level
through the recruitment of an international and a national expert in disaster preparedness and response.
The international expert will support the DPC for six months – the intention being to ensure knowledge
transfer to the national staff member.
The technical experts will participate in the implementation of the foreseen initiatives related to disaster
preparedness and response and the national preparedness and response expert will be the key actor in
ensuring the sustainability of the elaborated mechanisms and tools
Activity 3.1.2. An annual revision of the national Emergency Contingency Plan is supported.
The revision of the national Emergency Contingency Plan has to be a priority in order for the National
System of Disaster Risk Management (SNGRD) and its partners to be prepared for the worst case -
scenarios and their possible implications. Through the proposed project, UNDP will engage in supporting
the SNGRD to carry out the annual revision of the national Contingency Plan related to hydro-
meteorological hazards.
This component will be implemented through an annual consultative process – including the
organization of a yearly workshop - which will bring together all the major national emergency response
stakeholders in order to define the capacities available and the possible needs of reinforcement.

Activity 3.1.3. Organization of lessons learned exercises at national level
Through post SIMEX and post disaster lessons learned exercises, it is possible to identify what was a
success and what problems occurred during the disaster management procedures– and thus in a very
practical way, allow to identify areas where further improvement and investment are required. Timely
lessons learnt exercises seek to ensure that the DPC, local authorities and partners are in the condition
to identify and address any urgent problems or gaps in government capacity as they occur.
This initiative will reinforce coordination among stakeholders and contribute to the assessment of
current vulnerabilities and capacities while improving the correct comprehension of the risks that have
to be addressed. Lessons learned exercises after each cyclone season will be organized to facilitate the
sharing of information and its analysis.
These events will be facilitated by Haitian professionals who have benefitted from specific trainings on
Disaster Risk Management that were organized and carried out by the Government of Japan.
Output 3.2. Departmental capacities to prepare and respond to disasters is reinforced, including in the
departments of the North and Northeast of Haiti
Activity 3.2.1. Organization of yearly workshops to revise the Emergency Contingency Plans of all
departments in Haiti
Adequate Emergency Contingency Plans at departmental level have to be a priority in order for the
departmental stakeholders to be prepared for the worst case scenarios and their possible implications.
All the 10 departments in Haiti are already provided with Emergency Contingency Plans related to hydro-
meteorological risks and the three departments of the North (North, Northeast and North-West)
finalized the development of Emergency Contingency Plans related to seismic risk in 2014.
Through the implementation of its current projects, UNDP is the primary governmental partner in the
development of the seismic Emergency Contingency Plans in the North and the Northeast of Haiti and in
the yearly update of the departmental Emergency Contingency Plans related to hydro-meteorological
Through the funding of the proposed project, UNDP will engage in supporting the update of the
Emergency Contingency Plans related to hydro-meteorological hazards in all of the departments and the
ones related to seismic risk in the departments of the North, Northeast and Northwest of Haiti. This will
ensure that the critical emergency response capacities are adapted to the worst-case scenarios and that
the coordination mechanisms are operational to adequately respond to the needs of the population.
This component will be implemented through the organization of workshops that will bring together all
the major departmental emergency response stakeholders in order to define the response capacities
available and the possible needs of reinforcement.
Activity 3.2.2. Organization of simulation exercises (SIMEX) at departmental level to train DRR actors on
emergency procedures
Once the departmental Emergency Contingency Plans have been updated, a yearly SIMEX in the
departments of the North and Northeast of Haiti will allow to test the preparedness and response
capacity of all partners involved in disaster management at the departmental and municipal levels.
These exercises aim to strengthen the capacity of members of the DPC (at all levels) and the SNGRD
while strengthening the coordination between the National System for Disaster and Risk Management
(SNGRD), the UN agencies, the UN Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) and the NGOs supporting response
operations on the ground.

Activity 3.2.3. Organization of departmental workshops on lessons learned post disaster in all
departments of Haiti
Through the lessons learned exercises, the feedback loop in the event of an extreme event will be
strengthened to ensure that the DPC, local authorities and partners are in the condition to identify and
address any urgent problems or gaps in government capacity as they occur.
This initiative will reinforce coordination among stakeholders and contribute to the assessment of
current vulnerabilities and capacities while improving the correct comprehension of the risks that have
to be addressed. Lessons learned exercises after each cyclone season will be organized to facilitate the
sharing of information and its analysis.
Output 3.3. The volunteer teams of the Direction of Civil Protection in the departments of the North
and Northeast of Haiti have access to dedicated facilities and appropriate emergency equipment
Activity 3.3.1 Construction and equipment of centres for the volunteers of disaster management in the
cities of Cap Haitian and Fort Liberté
In line with the efforts to strengthen the disaster preparedness and response capacities at the
departmental level, the central role of the volunteers cannot be neglected. Because they are located at
the communal level, the volunteer teams of the Direction of Civil Protection are able to provide
emergency response support to the affected populations in the immediate aftermath of a crisis.
However, they often do not have the necessary resources to perfect their knowledge, train and operate
efficiently in case of an emergency.
Through a needs assessment with the Direction of the Civil Protection, it was determined that the
volunteers are in need of a dedicated space where they can meet, practice and train systematically. In
line with this consideration, the proposed project aims to build two ‘volunteer homes’ in the cities of
Cap Haitian and Fort Liberté8.
The two buildings will be built next to or near the Departmental Emergency Operation Centre and will be
equipped with training supplies (projectors, flip charts, boards, first aid mannequins, etc...) and beds for
the volunteers (in case of a training that lasts more days and in case of an emergency). The centres will
be used not only in emergency contexts but also as a meeting place and location for training in non-
disaster times. This is of great importance to maintain a dynamic and capable volunteers’ network.
Activity 3.3.2. Equipment of volunteer teams of the Direction of Civil Protection in the departments of the
North and Northeast
Along with the need to provide a dedicated physical space for the volunteers, it is necessary to reinforce
the technical equipment that is needed to operate efficiently. For this reason, the proposed project
foresees the purchase of operational equipment for the volunteer teams of the Direction of Civil
Protection – with a particular focus to those of the North and Northeast of Haiti. Such equipment may
include uniforms, gloves, helmets, gurneys, portable lamps, blankets, etc.
This outcome is complementary to the efforts that are currently being carried out by the SNGRD, UNDP,
the French Red Cross and the Haitian Red Cross with the support of the European Union that aim to

The provision of the “volunteer homes” was underlined as a priority by former Minister of Interior M. Reginald Delva on
December 2014 during the launch of the project “Project for the Decentralized Reinforcement of the National System of
Disaster Risk Management” that is currently being implemented by UNDP, the French Red Cross and the Haitian Red Cross.

ensure that the teams of volunteers of the SNGRD at departmental, communal and local level have
access to the technical information and tools required to respond to emergencies9.
Outcome 4. The general public is sensitized on major disaster risks, including specific groups in the
targeted departments.

Output 4.1. The technical capacities of the Thematic Commission of Public Education and Awareness
Raising are reinforced
Activity 4.1.1. Support to national communication and public education expert
The Public Education and Sensitization Committee (CTESP) is a working group of the Permanent
Secretary of Disaster Risk Management (SPGRD)10. This committee brings together about 25 actors of the
Government, NGOs and UN Agencies that work in the area of Disaster Risk Management at a national
level. Since 2010, the CTESP contributed to the education and awareness rising of more than 200,000
people through a wide range of activities including, Vendredis de la Protection Civile11 and Observation
In order to ensure the correct implementation of education and public awareness national strategies
through the CTESP, the funding of this project will guarantee the systematic coordination of the group
through the support of a national professional that has benefitted from the specific training on
“Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management” organized by the Government of Japan in 2013.
This professional will ensure the implementation of the activities of the project related to education and
awareness rising and will provide coordination with the departmental levels to carry out initiatives that
are adapted to the specific departmental needs.
Output 4.2. Departmental education, public awareness and communication strategies are defined and
implemented in the focused department
Activity 4.2.1. Development of communication tools and products to showcase lessons learned and good
practices for DRR/DRM in the focused departments
Through the funding of the proposed project, UNDP will support the local government of the targeted
departments to develop appropriate education and public awareness strategies in order to ensure the
development of a ‘culture of risk’ among the population.
The aim is to promote the population’s awareness of their exposure to risk, of the efforts implemented
by the national and local authorities, while also educating on the population’s central role in the
reduction of disaster risks and preparedness and response mechanisms.
In cooperation with the CTESP, the proposed project will ensure the creation of communication tools
such as reports, posters, maps and education support tools that will be adapted to different audiences in
order to guarantee that the main messages on DRR are appropriately perceived and comprehended by
the public.

9 These efforts are being carreid out through the “Project for the Decentralized Reinforcement of the National System of
Disaster Risk Management”
The SPGRD is composed of representatives of the public institutions that are involved in Disaster Risk Management. This
entity becomes the National Operation Center for Emergencies (COUN) in case of disaster.
Activity that is generally addressed to students in which volunteers of the Direction of Civil Protection teach the
fundamental actions of first aid and disaster response (ex. transportation of wounded, extinction of fire, tying of knots, ex…)
Activity in which students are invited to map disaster risks within their communities, suggest solutions, and develop
recommendations to the responsible stakeholders.

The communication strategy will also make specific use of local media, such as radios, television spots
and newspaper articles in order to enhance the outreach of the population and diffuse the messages
related to the implemented project.
These tools will also guarantee visibility of the support of the Japanese Government towards the
implemented initiatives.
Output 4.3. Local media is reinforced and is trained on early warning methods
Activity 4.3.1. Provision of trainings of journalists and local radios in the departments of the North and
Northeast of Haiti on their key role throughout the phases of disaster preparedness and response
In order to guarantee an appropriate engagement of the media and ensure a proper outreach towards
the general public, journalists and community radio stations of the targeted departments will receive
specific training on their key role throughout the phases of disaster preparedness and response.
UNDP Haiti has successfully carried out numerous initiatives of this kind and since 2010, and 300
journalists have received training throughout the country.
Activity 4.3.2. Reinforcement of capacities of the community radio stations in the most vulnerable
municipalities of the targeted departments
In a mountainous country like Haiti, the levels of illiteracy are very high and the majority of the
population does not have access to television. For this reason, community radio plays a very important
role in the outreach to vulnerable communities. This includes communication around risk reduction
messages, as well as vital information related to preparedness and response.
Community radio stations often do not have sufficient resources to purchase the necessary equipment
to work efficiently and communicate important information to the general public. The funding of this
project will allow the purchase of critical technical equipment of at least five focal radio stations in the
most vulnerable municipalities of the targeted departments.
Activity 4.3.3. Organization of national event for knowledge exchange on the role of community radios in
emergency preparedness and response
The proposed project foresees the organization of a national event that will bring together national and
international professionals working in local media. This event will focus on the media’s role in emergency
preparedness and ensure the sharing of knowledge and expertise to reflect upon adapted
communication strategies that ensure a wide outreach to the most vulnerable populations before,
during and after a disaster.
UNDP acknowledges the extensive expertise of the Government of Japan in matters related to Disaster
Risk Reduction and Disaster management and its continuous support to the region of the Caribbean, and
particularly Haiti.
In the region, the Government of Japan has been a main partner to the Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) since 1993, especially in the field of culture, economic growth and tourism. On occasion of
the celebration of the Japan-CARICOM Friendship Year 2014, the Government of Japan declared its will
to extend its cooperation towards reducing disaster risk, overcoming the effects of climate change and

environmental degradation utilizing Japanese technologies and expertise nurtured through its similar
experience in the domain13.
Since 2010, the Government of Japan has been a constant partner of Haiti for the implementation of
targeted disaster mitigation initiatives (ex. construction of flood-control walls), and institutional
reinforcement through specific trainings on subjects such as Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management,
Disaster Prevention of Buildings, and Development of Tools for Anti-seismic construction.
The proposed project aims to build on past results and ensure the sustainability of the initiatives carried
out by the government of Japan, in particular its current “Program for the development of crucial
infrastructures for the reconstruction of Haiti” which includes (i) support to the reinforcement of national
capacities, (ii) reinforcement of infrastructures for disaster prevention, (iii) professional trainings in
disaster prevention14.
As mentioned above, through the proposed project the Government of Japan will ensure the
implementation of risk prevention and mitigation measures and reinforce the technical capacities of
departmental and national professionals to adequately prepare and respond to a disaster. All the
foreseen training components will include Haitian professionals that have already benefitted from the
activities carried out by the government of Japan such as the trainings on Comprehensive Disaster Risk
Management and Disaster Prevention of Buildings.
Moreover, Japanese professionals in the field of engineering and architecture that are engaged in the
implementation of programs for the Government of Japan in Haiti will be invited to participate in the
foreseen trainings. All activity related to exchange of knowledge will see a great value added by the
participation of Japanese professionals.
UNDP will coordinate closely with the Government of Japan throughout all phases of project
implementation and ensure a link with the past and ongoing projects that have been carried out by
Japan in Haiti and internationally that are relevant to matters related to Disaster Risk Reduction and
Disaster Risk Management.
Systematic meetings and reporting procedures with the Government of Japan in Haiti will be periodically
organized throughout the implementation of the project in order to present the achieved results, the
future aims, as well as the encountered difficulties.

A visibility strategy for the project will be developed jointly with the Governments of Haiti and Japan at
the start of project implementation.
Throughout all the phases of project implementation UNDP will take appropriate measures to publicize
and make visible the partnership and funding from the Government of Japan. Information given to the
press and beneficiaries, all related publicity material, official notices, reports and publications shall
acknowledge the Government of Japan and shall display in an appropriate way the logo of the
development partner.

Press release 254/2014 – Ministerial Joint Statement between Japan and CARICOM, 19 November 2014.

14 Plan of Action in Haiti, Government of Japan 2014

Moreover, in occasion of the envisaged conferences and workshops, the Government of Japan will be
invited as a participant and as an implementing partner.
The proposed project foresees targeted media outreach (such as radio, television, and newspaper
articles) that will promote the engagement of the Government of Japan in Haiti, in particular through the
implementation of DRR related initiatives.
UNDP Haiti is involved in the implementation of projects and initiatives that are conceived through direct
consultations with the national governmental stakeholders and contribute to the development strategy
of the Government of Haiti. The projects address various fields of interest such as: Poverty reduction,
democratic governance, Disaster risk reduction, fight against HIV/AIDS, protection of environment and
capacity reinforcement.
UNDP Haiti - in partnership with the Government of Haiti and in collaboration with major development
partners - has worked to support the integration of risk reduction in urban planning and development
since 2010. This has included efforts: to integrate risk reduction into reconstruction and return programs
following the 2010 earthquake; to help standardize approaches/ and build capacity for urban risk
reduction across national efforts; and government departments.
In 2010, UNDP became a primary partner of the governmental initiative 16/6. This initiative aimed to
close 6 displaced camps and rehabilitate 16 neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince that had been heavily
affected by the 2010 earthquake. In view of adequately assessing the disaster risks of the targeted
neighborhoods and present practical recommendations, UNDP provided support to develop the Risk
Prevention Plans for 8 heavily affected neighborhoods.
As the Risk Prevention Plans (RPP) were perceived with great enthusiasm, the UNDP DRR Unit engaged
in the national systemization of the methodology through the ongoing Urban Risk Reduction Program.
a. Projects
UNDP Haiti DRR Unit is currently involved with the following projects:
 The Program of support to the National System of Disaster Risk Reduction (PASNGRD) –
(national and departmental level) - Duration: 2010-2015.
Through the implementation of this program, UNDP has been able to provide institutional capacity
reinforcement at all levels, strengthen the emergency preparedness and response capacities, improve
coordination of all national and departmental DRR actors, develop and update national and
departmental contingency plans, whilst implementing public education and awareness raising initiatives
towards the public. The strong professional ties with the governmental institutions that were developed
through this program are the fundamental basis of all the UNDP DRR projects.
 Plan for Seismic Risk Reduction in the Great North of Haiti (departments of North, Northeast
and North-West) - Duration: 2011-2014
The general objective of this project is to reduce the vulnerability of the departments of the Great North
of Haiti (North, Northeast and North-West) to seismic risk. The project foresees to reinforce the
resilience of infrastructures and populations through risk mitigation initiatives, micro-zoning of the main
departmental urban centres and development of the first departmental seismic contingency plans in
order to minimize human and economic losses in case of a natural disaster.
 Program for Decentralized Reinforcement of the National System of Disaster Risk Reduction (PRD-
SNGRD) – (national, departmental and communal level) - Duration: 2014-2016

In 2010, the Government of Haiti and the European Union launched the European Program for the
Support to the SNGRD (PER-SNGRD) in order to strengthen response capacities and address the needs of
the most at risk population.
In 2013, it was decided to build on these efforts, so the Government of Haiti and the European Union –
in partnership with UNDP, the French Red Cross and the Haitian Red Cross – engaged in the Project for
the Decentralized Reinforcement of the National System of Disaster Risk Management (PRD-SNGRD).
The project specifically aims to (1) provide the SNGRD with the capacity to coordinate a network
of certified volunteers for disaster preparedness and response and ensure that there is an adequate legal
and administrative framework to support them, (2) ensure that the teams and volunteers of the SNGRD
at departmental, communal and local level have access to the technical information and tools required
to respond to emergencies.
 Program for Urban Risk Reduction (national level) - Duration: 2013-2015
This project focuses on the development of a national strategy of Urban Risk Reduction and the
strengthening of the institutions that are engaged in this sector. The initiatives are focused on the
systematisation of the Risk Prevention Plan Methodology. This project allowed the creation of the
Technical Unit of Seismology of the Bureau des Mines et de l’Energie (BME) which guarantees the
monitoring of seismic risk. The objective of the Risk Prevention Plans is to include natural disaster risks
in the urban planning strategies that were defined by the project.
b. Coordination
UNDP’s past experiences have allowed it to create the basis for solid partnerships with relevant
governmental and international stakeholders of Disaster Risk Reduction/Disaster Risk Management and
adequately assess the needs at a more departmental and local level.
UNDP is an active member of various coordination structures in Haiti that bring together numerous
governmental and international partners that work in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction. In particular, UNDP
has exposed the objectives that it aims to reach through this project with the members of the Permanent
Secretary of Disaster Risk Reduction (SPGRD), the Informal Donor Working Group of Disaster Risk Reduction
and Disaster Resilience, the Technical Group of the Political Champions of Resilience and the NGO Forum of
Disaster Risk Reduction (FGRD).
Moreover, UNDP is a primary stakeholder in the Political Champions of Resilience initiative, which led the
organization of technical missions in the three pilot departments (North, Northeast, and Grand-Anse) to
assess the main vulnerabilities and strategize along with the main stakeholders on the most appropriate
ways to address the identified needs.
UNDP has continued to support both national and departmental-level authorities on coordinating the
initiative and has been extensively involved in preparing briefings on the Political Champions in Haiti to the
global level (i.e. briefings for the technical and high level meetings).


1 June 2015 – 31 December 2017

Impact: Promote effective disaster risk reduction and improve the resilience of vulnerable populations in Haiti, with a focus on the departments of the North
and Northeast of Haiti
% of assessed and targeted communities - with a 2015: 20% of assessed and targeted communities - 2018: 40% of assessed and targeted communities
special focus on women, children and youth - with a special focus on women, children and youth - - with a special focus on women, children and
that are resilient towards natural disasters are resilient towards natural disasters youth - are resilient towards natural disasters

Outcome 1. Vulnerable populations and the governmental and non-governmental actors that support them have access to detailed knowledge on risks and
vulnerabilities of the main cities of the departments of the North and Northeast of Haiti.
# of comprehensive disaster risk knowledge 2015: 0 Integrated disaster risk prevention plans exist 2018: 2 Integrated disaster risk prevention plans
tools that are developed and available to the in the departments of the North and Northeast of exist in the departments of the North and
vulnerable populations and the governmental Haiti. Northeast of Haiti.
and non-governmental actors that support them
% of targeted stakeholders that are aware of the 2015: 40% of targeted stakeholders are aware of the 2018: 80% of targeted stakeholders are aware of
extent of their vulnerability to disaster risks extent of their vulnerability to disaster risks the extent of their vulnerability to disaster risks
% the most vulnerable population of the 2015: 5% of the most vulnerable population of the 2018: 60% of the most vulnerable population of
targeted communes is aware of the extent of its targeted communes is aware of the extent of its the targeted communes is aware of the extent of
vulnerability to disaster risks vulnerability to disaster risks its vulnerability to disaster risks
Output 1.1. Disaster risk prevention plans for the cities of Cap Haitian and Ouanaminthe are developed with the participation of major stakeholders, including
civil society and vulnerable communities.
# of Disaster risk prevention plans developed for 2015: 0 Disaster risk prevention plans exist for the 2018: 2 Disaster risk prevention plans for the
the cities of Cap Haitian and Ouanaminthe cities of Cap Haitian and Ouanaminthe cities of Cap Haitian and Ouanaminthe

% of targeted departmental and communal 2015: 10% of targeted departmental and communal 2018: 80% of targeted departmental and
stakeholders that actively participated in the stakeholders actively participated in the development communal stakeholders actively participated in
development and validation of the disaster risk and validation of the disaster risk prevention plan for the development of a comprehensive disaster risk
prevention plan for the cities of Cap Haitian and the cities of Cap Haitian and Ouanaminthe prevention plan for the cities of Cap Haitian and
Ouanaminthe Ouanaminthe

Output 1.2. Disseminate, communicate and raise awareness on the findings and recommendations of the integrated disaster risk prevention plans, at the
local, municipal and departmental level
% of targeted stakeholders at local, municipal 2015: 10% of targeted stakeholders at local, 2018: 60% of targeted stakeholders at local,
and departmental level who are aware of the municipal and departmental level who are aware of municipal and departmental level who are aware
findings and recommendations of the disaster the findings and recommendations of the disaster of the findings and recommendations of the
risk prevention plans. risk prevention plans. disaster risk prevention plans.

% of targeted population that is aware of the 2015: 5% of targeted population is aware of the 2018: 40% of targeted population that is aware of
findings and recommendations of the disaster findings and recommendations of the disaster risk the findings and recommendations of the disaster
risk prevention plans. prevention plans. risk prevention plans.

Outcome 2. The vulnerability of communities is reduced and targeted groups gain the necessary technical competencies to design and implement measures
to mitigate disaster risks.
% of targeted groups that have designed and 2015: 5% of targeted groups have designed and 2018: 75% of targeted groups have designed and
implemented disaster risk mitigation measures implemented disaster risk mitigation measures implemented disaster risk mitigation measures

Output 2.1. Targeted groups are empowered to collectively design and implement measures to mitigate risks posed by natural hazards.

# of targeted construction professionals in the 2015: 200 targeted construction professionals in the 2018: 400 targeted construction professionals in
North and Northeast of Haiti that have the North and Northeast of Haiti have the knowledge and the North and Northeast of Haiti have the
knowledge and capacities to implement disaster capacities to implement disaster prevention knowledge and capacities to implement disaster
prevention measures. measures. prevention measures.
% of targeted community based organizations 2015: 10% of targeted community based 2018: 80% of targeted community based
that have the knowledge and capacities to organizations have the knowledge and capacities to organizations have the knowledge and capacities
design and implement of small scale disaster risk design and implement of small scale disaster risk to design and implement small scale disaster risk
mitigation projects mitigation projects mitigation projects

Output 2.2. A City evacuation plan is developed for the cities of Cap Haitian and Ouanaminthe in a participative approach and on the basis of the disaster risk
prevention plans
# of city evacuation plans developed and 2015: 0 city evacuation plans for Cap Haitian and 2018: 2 city evacuation plans ( 1 for Cap Haitian
implemented (Cap Haitian and Ouanaminthe) Ouanaminthe and 1 for Ouanaminthe)
% of targeted stakeholders that are aware of the 2015: 10% of targeted stakeholders are aware of the 2018: 75% of targeted stakeholders are aware of
guidelines of the city evacuation plan for Cap guidelines of the city evacuation plan for Cap Haitian the guidelines of the city evacuation plan for Cap
Haitian and Ouanaminthe and Ouanaminthe Haitian and Ouanaminthe
% of targeted population that is aware of the 2015: 5% of the targeted population is aware of the 2018: 50% of the targeted population is aware of
guidelines of the city evacuation plan for Cap guidelines of the city evacuation plan for Cap Haitian the guidelines of the city evacuation plan for Cap
Haitian and Ouanaminthe and Ouanaminthe Haitian and Ouanaminthe
Output 2.3. Haitian urban risk reduction stakeholders benefit from knowledge exchange with international experts.

# of knowledge exchange events between 2015: 4 knowledge exchange events between 2018 : 8 knowledge exchange events between
Haitian professionals and international experts Japanese experts and Haitian professionals international experts and Haitian professionals
on disaster risk reduction (Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management, Disaster (international forum and group trainings on
Prevention of Buildings, Training of human resources specific disaster risk reduction measures)
and development of tools for para-seismic
construction, Capacity building of the MTPTC for the
implementation of the Strategy for Debris
Management, proper utilization and maintenance of
heavy equipment and training of operators)
# of targeted Haitian professionals that have 2015: 35 Haitian professional have benefitted from 2018: 200 Haitian professionals have benefitted
participated in the knowledge exchange events knowledge exchange with international experts in from knowledge exchange with international
with international experts on disaster risk disaster risk reduction experts in disaster risk reduction
Outcome 3. National and departmental disaster preparedness and response capacities are reinforced, with a specific focus on the departments of the North
and Northeast of Haiti.
% of Government stakeholders that have the 2015: 60% of Government stakeholders have the 2018: 85% of Government stakeholders have the
necessary technical capacities to efficiently necessary technical capacities to efficiently prepare necessary technical capacities to efficiently
prepare and respond to disasters and respond to disasters prepare and respond to disasters

% of departmental stakeholders that have the 2015: 60 % of departmental stakeholders have the 2018: 85% of departmental stakeholders have the
necessary technical capacities to efficiently necessary technical capacities to efficiently prepare necessary technical capacities to efficiently
prepare and respond to disasters and respond to disasters prepare and respond to disasters
Output 3.1. Government capacities to prepare and respond to disasters are reinforced.

# of national emergency contingency plans 2015: 1 national emergency contingency plan is 2018: 1 national emergency contingency plan is
updated and tested on a yearly basis updated and tested on a yearly basis updated and tested on a yearly basis
# of national post disaster lessons learned 2015: 1/year national post disaster lessons learned 2018: 1/year national post disaster lessons
exercises exercise learned exercise
Output 3.2.Departmental capacities to prepare and respond to disasters is reinforced, including in the departments of the North and Northeast of Haiti

# of departmental emergency contingency plans 2015: 10 departmental emergency contingency 2018: 13 departmental emergency contingency
that are updated and tested on a yearly basis plans are updated and tested on a yearly basis plans are updated and tested on a yearly basis

# of departmental workshops on lessons learned 2015: 10 departmental workshops/year on lessons 2018: 13 departmental workshops/year on lessons
post disaster learned post disaster are carried out learned post disaster are carried out
Output 3.3. The volunteer teams of the Direction of Civil Protection in the departments of the North and Northeast of Haiti have access to dedicated facilities
and appropriate emergency equipment.
# of equipped centers for the volunteers of 2015: 0 equipped centers for the volunteers of 2018: 2 equipped centers for the volunteers of
disaster management in the cities of Cap Haitian disaster management in the cities of Cap Haitian disaster management in the cities of Cap Haitian
and Fort Liberté and Fort Liberté and Fort Liberté
% of volunteer teams of the Direction of Civil 2015: 50% of volunteer teams of the Direction of 2015: 85% of volunteer teams of the Direction of
Protection in the departments of the North and Civil Protection in the departments of the North Civil Protection in the departments of the North
Northeast of Haiti that are appropriately and Northeast are appropriately equipped to and Northeast are appropriately equipped to
equipped to prepare and respond to disasters prepare and respond to disasters prepare and respond to disasters
Outcome 4. The general public is sensitized on major disaster risks, including specific groups in the targeted departments.

% of targeted population that is educated and 2015: 40% of the targeted population is educated 2018: 75% of the targeted population is educated
aware about the main disaster risks and best and aware about the main disaster risks and best and aware about the main disaster risks and best
practices practices practices

% of targeted local media that correctly engage in 2015: 40% of targeted local media correctly 201: 85% of targeted local media correctly engage
early warning methods engage in early warning methods in early warning methods
Output 4.1. The technical capacities of the Thematic Commission of Public Education and Awareness Raising are reinforced

% of CTESP members that declare to have the 2015: 60% of CTESP members declare to have the 2018: 90% of CTESP members declare to have the
adequate capacities to efficiently implement adequate capacities to efficiently implement adequate capacities to efficiently implement
education and awareness raising programs education and awareness raising programs education and awareness raising programs
throughout Haiti throughout Haiti throughout Haiti
Output 4.2. Departmental education, public awareness and communication strategies are defined and implemented in the focused department

% of targeted departmental stakeholders that 2015: 40% of targeted departmental stakeholders 2018: 75% of targeted departmental stakeholders
have benefitted from education, public have benefitted from education, public awareness have benefitted from education, public awareness
awareness and communication strategies around and communication strategies around disaster risk and communication strategies around disaster risk
disaster risk reduction reduction reduction
% of targeted population that has benefitted from 2015: 40% of targeted population that has 2018: 75% of targeted population that has
education, public awareness and communication benefitted from education, public awareness and benefitted from education, public awareness and
strategies around disaster risk reduction communication strategies around disaster risk communication strategies around disaster risk
reduction reduction
Output 4.3. Local media is reinforced and is trained on early warning methods

# of journalists in the departments of the North 2015: 50 journalists and local radios in the 2018: 100 journalists and local radios in the
and Northeast of Haiti that are trained on their departments of the North and Northeast of Haiti departments of the North and Northeast of Haiti
key role throughout the phases of disaster are trained on their key role throughout the are trained on their key role throughout the
preparedness and response phases of disaster preparedness and response phases of disaster preparedness and response
# of targeted community radio stations that have 2015: 0 targeted community radio stations that 2018: 5 targeted community radio stations that
reinforced capacities to carry out their key role have reinforced capacities to carry out their key have reinforced capacities to carry out their key
throughout the phases of disaster preparedness role throughout the phases of disaster role throughout the phases of disaster
and response preparedness and response preparedness and response
# national events for knowledge exchange on the 2015: 0 national event for knowledge exchange on 2018: 1 national event for knowledge exchange on
role of community radios in emergency the role of community radios in emergency the role of community radios in emergency

preparedness and response preparedness and response preparedness and response


Supporting Disaster Resilience in Haiti, with a focus on the highly Vulnerable Departments of the North and Northeast of Haiti
Objective: Promote effective disaster risk reduction and improve the resilience of vulnerable populations in Haiti, with a focus on the departments of the
North and Northeast of Haiti
Outcome Output Activity Details Total USD
Output 1.1. Disaster risk
Activity 1.1.1. Disaster risk
prevention plans for the cities of
prevention plans are developed 2 disaster risk prevention
Cap Haitian and Ouanaminthe are $360,000
for Cap Haitian and plans
developed with the participation
of major stakeholders, including
civil society and vulnerable Activity 1.1.2. Organization of
communities. workshops with departmental
2 workshops (150 px /
stakeholders for the validation $30,000
Outcome 1. Vulnerable of the disaster risk prevention
populations and the plans.
governmental and non- Activity 1.2.1. Organization of
governmental actors that launch and presentation of the
support them have access to findings and recommendations 1 launch cermony (150 px) $10,000
detailed knowledge on risks and of the developed disaster risk
vulnerabilities of the main cities Output 1.2.Disseminate, prevention plans
of the departments of the North communicate and raise awareness Activity 1.2.2. Organization of
and North-east of Haiti. on the findings and trainings of the departmental
1 training/department (30
recommendations of the stakeholders on the use and $40,000
integrated disaster risk implementation methods of the
prevention plans, at the local, disaster risk prevention plans
municipal and departmental level Activity 1.2.3. Public Education development of
and Awareness Raising around communication tools an
the findings and dissemination $20,000
recommendations of the
disaster risk prevention plans

Total Outcome 1. $460,000

Activity 2.1.1. Organization of

trainings of construction
professionals in the
4 trainings
departments of the North and $100,000
Northeast of Haiti from the
public and private sector on
Output 2.1. Targeted groups are
anti-seismic measures
empowered to collectively design
Activity 2.1.2. Provision of
and implement measures to
technical expertise and
mitigate risks posed by natural
resources to community-based # of small scale mitigation
Outcome 2. The vulnerability of organizations in the projects designed and
communities is reduced and departments of the North and implemented by $605,000
targeted groups gain the North-east of Haiti for the community based
necessary technical design and implementation of organizations
competencies to design and small-scale disaster risk
implement measures to mitigation projects
mitigate disaster risks Output 2.2. A City evacuation plan
is developed for the cities of Cap
Activity 2.2.1. Development and
Haitian and Ouanaminthe in a
diffusion of the city evacuation 2 City evacuation plans $100,000
participative approach and on the
basis of the disaster risk
prevention plans
Activity 2.3.1. International
Output 2.3. Haitian urban risk
exchanges are organized in
reduction stakeholders benefit
support of strengthened international travel $30,000
from knowledge exchange with
knowledge on urban risk
international experts.
Total Outcome 2. $835,000

International Emergency $56,645
Activity 3.1.1. Technical Preparedness and
assistance is provided to the Response Expert P2 (3
Direction of Civil Protection for months)
the coordination of National Emergency $54,864
preparedness and response Preparedness and
Output 3.1. Government initiatives Response Expert SB4-1
capacities to prepare and respond (24 months)
to disasters are reinforced. Activity 3.1.2. An annual 1 workshops * 3 year (50 $30,000
revision of the national px/workshop)
Emergency Contingency Plan is
supported (50px) /an
Activity 3.1.3. Organization of 1 exercise * 3 year (50 $5,000
Outcome 3. National and lessons learned exercises at px/exercise)
departmental disaster national level
preparedness and response Activity 3.2.1. Organization of 13 workshops * 3 year (35 $95,000
capacities are reinforced, with a yearly workshops to revise px/workshop)
specific focus on the Emergency Contingency Plans of
departments of the North and all departments in Haiti
Northeast of Haiti. Output 3.2.Departmental
Activity 3.2.2. Organization of 13 Simex de table * 3 year $50,000
capacities to prepare and respond
simulation exercises (SIMEX) at (35 px/ exercise)
to disasters is reinforced, including
departmental level to train DRR
in the departments of the North
actors on emergency procedures
and Northeast of Haiti
Activity 3.2.3. Organization of 13 workshops * 3 year (25 $50,000
departmental workshops on px/exercise)
lessons learned post disaster in
all departments of Haiti
Output 3.3. The volunteer teams Activity 3.3.1. Construction and 2 volunteer centers $300,000
of the Direction of Civil Protection equipment of centers for the
in the departments of the North volunteers of disaster
and Northeast of Haiti have access management in the cities of Cap
to dedicated facilities and Haitian and Fort Liberté

appropriate emergency Activity 3.3.2. Equipment of # equipment kits (ex. $70,000
equipment. volunteer teams of the Direction Uniforms, helmets,
of Civil Protection in the gurneys..)
departments of the North and
Total Outcome 3. $711,509

Output 4.1. The technical Activity 4.1.1. Support to National education and $96,900
capacities of the Thematic national communication and communication expert
Commission of Public Education public education expert SB4-3 (30 months)
and Awareness Raising are
Output 4.2. Departmental Activity 4.2.1. Development of # of developed $70,000
education, public awareness and communication tools and communication tools
communication strategies are products to showcase lessons
defined and implemented in the learned and good practices for
focused department DRR/DRM in the focused
Outcome 4. The general public
is sensitized on major disaster
Activity 4.3.1. Provision of 2 training ( 40 px/training) $30,000
risks, including specific groups in
trainings of journalists and local
the targeted departments.
radios in the departments of the
North and Northeast of Haiti on
their key role throughout the
Output 4.3. Local media is
phases of disaster preparedness
reinforced and is trained on early
and response
warning methods
Activity 4.3.2. Reinforcement of Purchase of equipment to $30,000
capacities of the community 5 community radio
radio stations in the most stations
vulnerable municipalities of the
targeted departments

Activity 4.3.3. Organization of 1 event (200 px) $50,000
national event for knowledge
exchange on the role of
community radios in emergency
preparedness and response
Total Outcome 4 $276,900
Total Outcome 1+2+3+4 $2,283,409

International Project Coordinator (P3) (2 years) $516,677

2 Departmental technical coordinators (North and Northeast) $105,203

(2 years)
HR National Administrative and Financial Assistant (3 years) $67,800

International United Nations Volunteer (2 years) $136,408

2 driver (SB2-2) (30 months) $60,180

Total HR $886,268

Office Space and maintenance $70,000

Purchase and maintenance of 2 vehicles $140,000

Office Costs
Staff Security $36,031
Petrol $150,770
Office Supplies $70,000
Total Office Costs $466,801
Total Outcome 1+2+3+4+HR+Office Costs $3,636,478
GMS (8%) $290,918
TOTAL $3,927,396


(UNDP, Gov of Japan, MICT/Direction of
Civil Protection)

(funded by proposed project)
UNDP HEAD OF DRR UNIT (funded by proposed project) 2 DRIVERS
UNV (Japan) – Monitoring and

(funded by the proposed project)
 International Urban Risk (funded by the proposed project)
Reduction expert (funded  International Disaster
Preparedness & Response expert
through other sources)  National Education /
 National Urban Risk Reduction  National Disaster Preparedness
Communication expert
expert (funded through other and Response expert
sources)  2 Departmental technical


Partners Partners
JICA Trainees
OXFAM G.B., JICA trainees Agencies, NGOs, Haitian Red Cross


CARICOM- Caribbean Community and Common Market

CIAT - Inter-Ministry Committee for Territory Planning
CNIGS - National Center for Geo-Spatial Information
CTESP – Public Education and Sensitization Committee
DPC – Direction of Civil Protection
DRR – Disaster Risk Reduction
FGRD – Forum of Disaster Risk Reduction
JICA – Japan International Cooperation Agency
LNBTP - National Laboratory for Buildings and Public Works Office of Mines and Electricity (BME)
MENFP – Ministry of National Education and Professional Training
MICT – Ministry of interior and of Local Governments
MINUSTAH – United Nations Mission in Haiti
MPCE - Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation
MTPTC - Ministry of Public Works, Transportation and Communication
NGO – Non Governmental Organization
OXFAM G.B – OXFAM Great Britain
SIMEX – Simulation Exercise
SNGRD - National System for Disaster Risk Management
SPGRD – Permanent Secretary of Disaster Risk Management
UCLBP - Home and Public Building Constriction Unit

UEH - University of Haiti
UNDP – United Nations Development Program


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