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How many of you have already been faced with this scenario in real life?

Not being able to speak for others, I have personally been faced with a similar situation to this
but slightly different.

Possible outcomes of this situation include:

● You do all the work yourself, which takes up a lot of your time and may impact your
grades in other classes or cause you to become burnt out.
● You confront your friend about their lack of participation, which could lead to them either
stepping up and contributing more or becoming defensive and causing tension in your
● You talk to the teacher about your struggles on the project, which could result in them
intervening or giving you suggestions for how to manage the situation.
● Possible positive consequences of confronting your friend and demanding their help
● Your friend may step up and become more engaged in the project, making the workload
more manageable and the final result better.
● You may strengthen your communication and problem-solving skills by learning how to
confront a friend in a constructive way.
● Your friend may gain a greater understanding of the importance of group work and the
impact their lack of participation can have.

Possible negative consequences of confronting your friend and demanding their help

● Your friend may become defensive or upset, causing tension in your friendship.
● Confrontation may lead to an irreparable breakdown in your friendship.
● Your friend may still not contribute despite your efforts to get them involved, leaving you
to do all the work anyway.

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