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FAS/Chemistry (043)/XI/Annual Examination/2022-23
Time:3hrs.] M.M.: 70
General Instructions:
Read the following
instructions carefully.
(1) There are 35
questions in this question paper with internal choice.
(2) SECTION A consists of 18
multiple-choice questions carrying I mark
(3) SECTION B consists of 7
very short answer questions carrying 2 marks
4) SECTION C consists of 5 short answer questions carrying 3 marks

(5) SECTION D consists of 2 case- based questions carrying 4 marks

(6) SECTION E consists of 3 long answer questions carrying 5 marks
(7) All questions are compulsory
(8) Use of log tables and calculators is not allowed
The following questions are multiple-choice questions with one correct
answer. Each question carries 1 mark. There is no intemal choice in this
. If 500 mL of a 5M solution is diluted to 1500 mL, what will be the
molarity of the solution obtained?
(a) 1.5 M (b) 1.66M
(c) 0.017M (d) 1.59 M


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Type o
2. The polarizing power ofthe following anions N,O and F, follow
the order.
(a) N<F<0 (b) O <N<F
(c) 0<F<N (d) N>0>F
3. The number ofradial nodes for 3p orbital is
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 2 (d) 1
4. Two atoms are said to be isobars if.
(a) they have same atomic number but different mass number.
(b) they have same number of electrons but different number of 1
(c) they have same number of neutrons but different number of
(d) sum of the number of protons and neutrons is same but the number
of protons is different.
A thermodynamic state function is a
(a) used to determine heat changes
(b) whose value is independent of path
(c) used to determine pressure volume work
(d) whose value depends on temperature only.
6. 2NO,(g) N,O, (g)+60.0 kJ, the increase in temperature
(a) favour the formation of N,O,
(b) favour the decomposition of N,0
(c) does not affect the equilibrium
(d) stops the process

Forthereaction H, (g)+ I, (e)42H1 (8), the standard free energy is

AG0.The equilibrium constant (K) would be... 1
(a) K=0 (b) K>1
(c) K<1 (d) K=1

O 0 wih your
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(3) Chemistry/xI/300
The oxidation state of Cr in CrO, is 1
(a) +10 (b)+5
Which of the
following is not an example of redox reaction?
Fe,0, +3CO2Fe +3C0,
(c) 2K+F,>2KF
(d) Bacl,+HSO,->BaSO, +2HCi
0. ldentify the correct statement(s) in relation to the following reaction:1
(a) Zinc is
acting as an oxidant
(b) Chlorine is acting as a reductant
(c) Hydrogen ion is acting as reductant
(d) Zinc is acting as a reductant
The IUPAC name
of the molecule is:

CH-- -C-OH

(a) 4-oxo-2,3-dimethyl pent-2-en-1-oic acid
(b) 2,3-Dimethyl-4-oxo-pent-2-en-1-oic acid
(c) 2-carboxy-3-methyl pent-2-en -3-one
(d) 4-carboxy-3-methyl pent-3-en-2-one
. Nucleophile is a species that should have
(a) a pair of electrons to donate
(6) positive charge and electron deficient species
(c) negative charge
(d) Both A and C

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13. Electromeric effect is a
(a) temporary effect (6) permanent effect

effect (d) inductive effect
of the following will not show geometrical isomerism?
D (b) C=c

(c) HCCC
In the following
question (15 to 18) a of assertion followed
by a statement of reason is given. Choose the correct answer out
of the
following choices.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true, and reason is the correct explanation
of the assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct
explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is not true but reason is true.
(d) -Bothassertion and reaso ane fatser A is tuo buu
(e) Assertion is false but reason is true.
15. Assertion (A): The empirical mass of ethane is half of its molecular

Reason (R): The empirical fomula represents the simplest whole number
ratio of various atoms present in compound 1
16. Assertion (A): In the given reaction
permanganate ions acts as reducing
Reason (R): Oxidation state of manganese changes from +2 and +1
duringthe reaction.
(5) molecules
17. Assertion(A): Though the central atom of both NH,
are sp3 hybridised, yet H-N-H bond angle
is greater than that ofH-0-H.
one lone pair and oxygen
Reason (R): This is because nitrogen atom has
atom has two lone pairs.

18 Asertion(A): The gas phase reaction PCl,(g)+ CL{8) 7 PCI,(g) shifts
to the right on increasing pressure.
Reason (R): When pressure increase, equilibrium shifts towards
number of moles.
This section contains 7 questions with internal choice in two questions.
2 marks
The following questions are very short answer type and carry
19. Out of F and Cl, which has higher negative electron gain enthalpy and
Arrange the following elements in increasing order of metallic character:
B, AL, Mg and K. Justify your answer 2
20. Explain why PCI, is trigonal bipyramidal whereas IFS is square
Which out of NH, and NF, has higher dipole moment and why? 2

21. Write the molecular orbital configurations of O. Calculate its bond

order. 2
22. In a process, 601 Jof heat is absorbed by a system and 494 J ofwork is
done by the system. What is the change in internal energy for the
L3. Despite their - I effect, halogens are o-and p-directing in haloarenes.

Explain. 2
( 6)
acidic medium)
24. Balance the following equation:(in
MnO, +S0, -> Mn2* HSO,

(acidic medium)
25. Write the cell reaction and find the electrode potential of the
Zn Zn*(IM) || Cu>*(1M) | Cu
E zn/Zn=-0.76V E"cu/Cu = +0.34V
This section contains 5 questions with internal choice in two questions.
marks each.
Thefollowing questions are short answer type and carry 3
26. Account for the following:
(i) lonization enthalpy of nitrogen is more than that of oxygen.

(ii) A cation is always smaller than its parent atom.

(ii) Noble gases have large positive electron gain enthalpies.
27. (a) Arrange the following according to bond dissociation energy giving

H-F,HCI, H-Br, H-I

(b) Arrange the given bonds in increasing order of polarity: 3
28. (a) Write one chemical equation each to illustrate the following reactions:
(i) Friedel-Crafts alkylation
(ii) Decartboxylation
(b) 2 moles of Propanal are the ozonolysis products of an alkene. What is
the structural formula of the alkene.
(a) Explain the reason for extra ordinary stability of benzene in spite of
presence of three double bonds in it.
(b) State the rule to explain the formation of 2-chloropropane by addition
of HCl to propene. 3
29. How will you convert
(a) Ethyne to benzene
(b) Benzene to p-nitrotoluene
(c) Methyl bromide to ethane 3
30. (a) (CH),C" is more stable than (CH),®CH. Explain why.?
(b) Mention the type of hybridisation of each carbon in the compound
(c) Define Inductive effect. 3

The following questions are case-based questions. Each question has
an internal choice and carries 4 (1+1+2) marks each. Read the passage
carefully and answer the questions that follow Or option is provided in
part C only.
31 Stoichiometry is a section of chemistry that involves a calculation based
on chemical equations. Chemical equations are governed by laws of
chemical combination. The mass of reactants is equal to the mass of
products. The compound obtained from different methods contains the
same elements in the fixed ratio by A mole is
mass. a counting unit,
equal to 6.022 x 103 particles. One mole is also equal to molar mass

expressed in grams. One mole of every gas at STP has a volume equal
to 22.4 L. The reacting species which are consumed in the reaction
completely is called limiting reagent which decides the amount of
products fornmed. The concentration of the solution is expressed in
terms of molarity, morality, and mole fraction.
(a) Calculate number of electrons in 18 g of HO.
[Atomic number of H=1,0=8]
((b) In aqueous solution of glucose X glucose= 0.1, what is XH,O=? 2 0+ 6

2 2
formed by the reaction of
(c) Calculate the number of moles of NH,
2 moles of N, and 2 moles of H,

(c) 7.45gofpotassium chloride (KCI) was dissolved in 100 g ofwater. Calculate
the molality of the solution. [Atomic mass K = 39, Cl=35.5] 2
Orbitals are regions or spaces where there is a maximum probability of
finding electrons. Qualitatively, these orbitals can be distinguished by
their size, shape, and orientation. An orbital of small size means there is
more chance of finding the electron near the nucleus. Shape and
orientation mean the direction in which the probability of finding the
electron is maximum. Atomic orbitals can be distinguished by quantum
numbers. Each orbital is designated by three quantum numbers n, 1, and
ml (magnetic quantum number) which define energy, shape, and
orientation but these are not sufficient to explain spectra of multi-
electrons atoms. Spin quantum number (m,) determines the spin of
electrons. Spin angular momentum ofthe electron has two orientations
relative to the chosen axis which are distinguished by spin quantum
numbers m, which can take values +1/2 and -1/2.
(a) What is the range ofAzimuthal Quantum Number, 1?
(b) Describe the orbitals represented by (i) n =2,1= 1 (i) n = 4,1=0. 1

(c) Describe the properties of an electron associated with each of the

following four quantum numbers: n, 1, m, and m 2

(c) (1) How many orbitals are associated with n =4?

i) Which element does the following electron configuration
correspond to? 1s3 2s 2p 3s* 3p 4s2 3d0

The following questions are long answer type and carry 5 marks each.
Two questions have an internal choice.
33. (a) In reversible reaction, the two substances are in
equilibrium. If the
concentration of each one is reduced to half, then what is the effect on
the equilibrium constant?
(b)) The value of Kc for the reaction, 2AB +C is 2.0 x 10>.Ata given
time, the composition ofreaction mixture is [A] = [B] = [C]=3 x 10
M. What is the direction to which reaction would
(() Hb(s) + O,(g) Hb0,)
Predict the direction in which equilibrium gets shifted
if partial pressure
of O, (g) is lowered. Give reason.

(a) Solubility of AgCl in water is 1.06 x 105 mol/litre at 298 K. calculate
(b) Discuss Common ion Effect with suitable example.
(c) Write the Conjugate Acid of RNH2 and conjugate base of HPO,. 5
34. (a) Arrange the following in increasing order of acidic strength. Justify
your answer.
2+2+ 1
b) Classify the following into electrophiles and nucleophiles
H, NH, AICI, NO, , CN,H,0, ROH, RNH, Carbocation
(c) What type of attacking reagents are produced by
heterolytic cleavage of
covalent bond?
(a) Which is more acidic phenol or phenoxide ion. Explain with the
help of
resonating structure
(b) Differentiate between mesomeric effect and inductive effect. 2+2+1
(c) What is the relationship between the members of following pairs off
structures? Are they Positional, geometrical or resonance contributors?

(i) H-COH H- -QH
35.(i) Derive the equation for first law ofthermodynamics.
(i) Calculate the entropy change in suroundings when 1.00 mol ofH,O()
is formed under standard conditions. AH°+-286 kJ mol!. 5
(ii) For a gaseous reaction
2A,(g)+5B,(g)->2A,B,(g) at 27°C, the heat change at constant pressure
is found to be -50700J. Calculate the value
of internal energy change
(AU). Given: R=8.314JK' mol-t
(a) Calculate AH° of HCl
if bond energy ofH-H bond is 437 kJ mol-,
Cl-Cl bond is 244 kJ mol-' and H--Clis 433 kJ
(b) Enthalpy of combustion of carbon to CO, is-393.5 kJ mol'. Calculate
the heat released in the formation of 35.2 g of
CO, from carbon and
dioxygen gas.
()State third law of thermodynamics.

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