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LESSON 4 Strategies for Promoting Literacy and Numeracy

A. For each given domain, write down the literacy strategies used by the cooperating

teacher during your class observation.

1. Oral Language Brainstorming and Discussion
2. Phonological Awareness Music, Rhythm, Rhyme, and Rap
3. Book and Print Knowledge Drawing and Artwork
4. Alphabet Knowledge Visuals
5. Phonics and Word Recognation Phonics and Word Recognition
6. Fluency Decoding
7. Spelling Chunking and Rhyming
8. Writing and Composition Writing and Journals
9. Grammar Awareness and Structure Visuals, Playful and Creative
10. Vocabulary Development Brainstorming and Discussion
11. Reading Comprehension Visual
12. Listening Comprehension Storytelling

B. Write down the numeracy strategies used by the cooperating teacher during your

class observation in the following subjects.

Subjects Strategies
1. Language (English/Filipino/mother Understanding and Decoding
2. Mathematics Fluency and Problem Solving
3. Science Understanding and Reasoning
4. History/Araling Panlipunan/Social Understanding and Reasoning
5. Values Education/Conduct Education Problem Solving and Reasoning
6. Computer/ICT Fluency and Reasoning
7. Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Problem Solving and Reasoning
Health (MAPEH)
8. Technology and Livelihood Education Understanding and Reasoning
9. Others: Problem Solving


Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have observed in


1. How can literacy affect one’s life?

A persons life is significally impacted by literacy since it shields them from being

manipulated by those with ulterior motives. In addition, it will serve as a spring board for

him or her to achieve other life objectives, including loading the job of dreams and

starting a successful career. Reading and writing skills have a big impact on peoples

ability to see them selves starting from scratch and achieving their goals.

2. How important is numeracy in our daily life?

Mathematics is a crucial subject since how we utilize numbers impacts of our

everyday lives. Math is used to enhance your shopping experience in a variety of ways,

including calculating discounts, measuring items, and calculating pricing per unit. It’s a

good idea to commit these guides to memory if you have no idea what you’re doing

when it comes to grocery shopping. In addition, we need to calculate how much trip to a

fast restaurant will cost.

3. How can literacy and numeracy improve the learner’s academic performance?

A student academic performance may be improved by literacy and numeracy in

a number of ways, including by enabling him or her to perform will in the classroom or
to articulate or explain in class what he or she has learned because they know they

have good speaking abilities. Additionally, the students will be embarrassed to discuss

issues raised by their teacher in front of the class. Students who are more literate and

numerate participate more actively in class.

4. In the absence of digital technologies and printed materials, what do you think are the

strategies you can use to promote literacy and numeracy?

In the absence of digital technology and textual information, teachers may count

number using local resources such as stones and stick. Aside from that instructors may

be able to obtain permission from the owner of a local pond to allow their pupils to

spend time in the pond learning about. Teachers just materials in order to lesson to

continue as usual.


Complete the following:

1. I realized that

In order to communicate with people and understand and another, literacy and

numeracy are crucial in our every day lives. We also used numeracy to help us

understand how to manage our finances and conduct business. We become people

who cannot be defeated by others since these two help develop educated and talented


2. I believe that
People with strong reading and numeracy skills well be able to better their lives

by looking for well-paying jobs. Literacy and numeracy skills put them ahead of the

competition and increase their chances of being employed or selected for a position. It

has a significant impact on the lives of many individuals.

3. I feel that

Every primary school student should begin improving their reading and

numeracy abilities in the first grade so that when they progress to secondary and higher

education, they are not relevant or find it difficult to communicate and solve

mathematical problems individual students performance will improve if such an event

occurs , in contrast today.

4. When I become a teacher, I will

To properly teach your subject matter and execute other teacher-related

responsibilities, you must first group how to read, write, and perform elementary

mathematical calculations. Because you well be a role model for pupils, you should be

prepared to support that role with good reading and math abilities. Students usually

mimic their professors’ actions. Teachers must have all of the devided traits and talents

that students may benefit from.

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