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How would you describe the effects of globalization in the Philippines in terms
of the ideological. political. economic and social dimensions

Philippines is a third world country that have __ the effects of globalization

We are argrabyado since we are being used by the other countries since we are
not that strong

In terms of ideological, the Philippines—since Ideologiece drives the social

change, in the Ideological view, t

Politically speaking, I think that globalization has an indirect effect to the

Philippine government to its legislation and such. Since for the an example of this
is the RA 10533 or basically the K-12 program. This was implemented because we
need to catch up with the education of other countries.

In the economic side, the Philippines there are evidences that suggest that
globalization has positive effects on the economy’s growth and employment.
Since there is trade openness and foreign portfolio flows have contributed to
higher per capita GDP growth in the Philippines. But still because of the increase
of globalization, there is an impact on poverty alleviation and income inequality.
industries that are less able to compete and workers whose skills have become less relevant may be
adversely affected and will have difficulty in adjusting due to globalization. Ex are farmers. Chuchu
And the effects of social dimensions are. Migration increased. global events that
enhanced the international migration opportunities of Filipinos, particularly in extending their workplace
to a global scale

Moreover, as I have noticed, many filipinos are not that fluent in tagalog, or do not know are ___ very
well. We seek validation from other countries chuchu

2.What have you learned in this course and how would you apply it in your life?

In this contemporary world, globalization is indeed happening today. I have

learned a lot from this course as I have learned the different aspects and
dimension of globalization as well as its positive and negative effects in our
world. At first, I thought that globalization, is about uniting of everyone around
the world and that it will bring positive effects for everybody, but I was wrong. As
the weeks passed by, I have learned that globalization is a lot broader that I think
I was because it covers everything around us and that I also bring negative

As I become more aware about the world we live in, I can apply what I have
learned in my life by doing small things that may help the environment to be
better and not destroy not abuse it. Moreover, by respecting other people’s
culture, religion, and opinions. To be able to help preserve our world, I am
following the sustainable goals the best that I can, helping others and
volunteering so that the future generations will not suffer.

Moreover, I will live my life without forgetting where I came from and preserve
our culture. Also, being more aware about social media and technology, so that I
am updated to the current happenings in locally and internationally.
I think that the world will be a better place if we try to understand each other, we
are equal. Indeed, Globalization has its positive and negative effects. And as
citizens of the world, we need to understand the problem and make a solution
for it.

The Philippines is a Third World country that has suffered from globalization's harmful repercussions.
That is why, despite all of its wonderful outcomes, we cannot ignore the negative consequences. We
become victims of globalization because rich countries use us to meet their own needs, and we have no
option because we are inferior to them.

In our country, one of our ideological perspectives is religious globalism since we are a religious country.
It has the impact that people's views on same-sex marriage, for example, differ due to our religion's
beliefs. Another ideology that we have is market globalism. Globalization has an ideological effect on the
Philippines since it promotes the idea of creating a marketplace, which in turn impacts the majority of
Filipinos because such markets are typically monopolized and controlled by powerful corporations or
individuals. As a result, with the rise of the Philippine market in the international marketplace, which is
globalization, poverty inequality, and employment instability among local residents and enterprises are
on the rise.

Furthermore, in the political sphere of globalization, the Philippines enacted a law governing K-12
education. It was indirectly influenced by the other countries because the Philippines must need to
catch up on them, and we needed to keep up with the rest of the world.

In terms of economic dimension, the Philippines has a favorable impact on economic growth and
employment. Our country's GDP has grown as a result of our increased openness in trading with other
countries. On the other hand, there is a disadvantage because some industries have become less
relevant because of technological advancements. They were the ones who were most affected, and
globalization will make it difficult for them to change and find new occupations.

Lastly, the rate of migration grows as a result of globalization in the social dimension. More
opportunities had opened up for the Filipinos, and their workplace had expanded to a global scale.
Globalization, on the other hand, has had certain negative consequences. I have noticed that many
Filipinos, especially the youth, are not fluent in Tagalog, and some prefer to communicate in English
since it allows them to express themselves more freely. We are gradually losing our language and
identity as a result of globalization, as we are more fluent in speaking two languages (English and
Tagalog) in our daily conversations, and the Filipino subject is not taught in some universities.


Globalization is currently taking place in the modern world. This course has taught me a lot about the
various aspects and dimensions of globalization, as well as its positive and bad effects on our world. I
used to believe that globalization was about unifying people all across the world and providing beneficial
impacts to everyone, but I was mistaken. As the weeks of the lecture went on, I realized that
globalization is much bigger than I thought it was since it affects everything around us and has negative
As I get a greater understanding of the world we live in, I may put what I've learned into practice by
doing modest things to help the environment improve rather than damage or abuse it, and by
respecting other people's culture, religion, and viewpoints. To be able to contribute to the preservation
of our planet, I am doing my best to follow sustainable goals, assist others, and volunteer so that future
generations will not suffer. In addition, I will spend my life without forgetting my roots and preserving
my own culture. Furthermore, I am more conscious of social media and technology in order to keep up
with current events both locally and globally.

I still believe that if we try to understand each other, the world will be a better place. Globalization has
both beneficial and harmful consequences. As citizens of the planet, we must understand the problems
of globalization and devise a solution so that there will be more benefits than drawbacks in the world we
are living in.

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