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Guidance Notes for Candidates of the

In-class Quiz for GEOG1022, 2022-23

Quiz information

Date 2nd March 2023 (Thursday)

Time 11:35 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. (40 minutes)
Venue Grand Hall (CPD-LG.01)
Format 10 multiple choice questions & 4 short answer questions, closed-book
Platform Course Moodle
Content Lecture 2 – 5


• Students must attend the quiz, or else 20% of the marks for the final course grade will be forfeited.
• If for any reason you have been unable to attend the quiz you must write, at least 2 days before
the quiz, to Dr. Zhu ( and circulate (CC your email) to Shino (
giving reasons for your absence with valid documentary support.
• If you are unable because of illness to be present for the quiz, you should provide valid
documentary proof, i.e., a medical practitioner’s sick leave certification within 7 days of the date
of quiz.

Before the quiz

1) You should check your seat number carefully. The information has been uploaded to course
Moodle. Alternatively, you can locate the relevant information in Appendix A of this document.
2) You MUST bring your University card (or Hong Kong Identity Card or any other valid passport) to
the quiz venue. Candidates who fail to produce such proof of identify may not be allowed to take
the quiz.
3) The quiz may start at 11:35 a.m. sharp. You must present yourself at the venue before 11:30 a.m.
You are strongly advised to arrive at the quiz venue at least 10 minutes before the start of the quiz
(i.e., 11:25 a.m.) in order not to miss any announcements made by the Chief Invigilator before the
quiz commences.
4) You must behave quietly and decorously both within the quiz venue, and in its vicinity before,
during and after the quiz, and must not communicate with other candidates in any way during the
5) You should take the seat assigned, and may not change your place unless an invigilator gives you
permission to do so.

Attending the quiz

6) You must place your University card on the top left corner of your desk throughout the whole
examination for inspection by invigilators.
7) You can use either your laptop or tablet for the in-class quiz, but please put them on silent mode.
Other electronic devices that can emit sound MUST be switched off throughout the Examination.
Otherwise, you may be disqualified.
8) All personal belongings, such as books, dictionaries, notes, papers, notebooks, mobile
phones/pagers must be put under your chair.
9) You will be told when you may begin work.
10) If you wish to ask any questions arising from the questions, you must do so within the first twenty
minutes of the quiz.
11) If you need to go to the washroom during the quiz, you should request an invigilator to accompany
you. You must NOT carry any pager, mobile phone, question book, answer sheet or paper to the
washroom. The invigilator will record your University number and the time taken for going to the
washroom. No extra time will be allowed to compensate for the time taken for the washroom.
12) You are NOT allowed to leave the quiz venue until the end of the quiz. Five minutes before the
end of the quiz, you will be reminded of the amount of time you have left.
13) You should listen very carefully and follow the instructions given by the Chief Invigilator.
Candidates who violate the instructions given by the Chief Invigilator or the rules set out in these
Guidance Notes, or act dishonestly in any way during the quiz, are LIABLE TO BEING DISQUALIFIED.

After the quiz

14) At the end of the quiz, you must remain seated until you are asked to leave by the Chief Invigilator.

Typhoon/rainstorm signal

15) As a general rule, the quiz will be held as scheduled when typhoon signal No. 3 or lower, and/or
rainstorm signal "Amber" or "Red" is issued. It may be postponed when typhoon signal No. 8 or
above, or rainstorm signal “Black” is issued.
16) Unless a specific announcement has been made on the course Moodle page that the quiz has been
postponed due to bad weather conditions, the quiz will be conducted as originally scheduled.
17) Alternative arrangements, if any, will be published on the course Moodle page.

Frequently asked questions

A. Is it enough if I only revise the lecture notes?

Only topics that have been taught in lectures will be included in the quiz. The topics that have not
been covered will not be tested in the quiz. In learning, it is suggested to look at the forest rather
than individual trees. Students are strongly advised to read the recommended references for
individual lecture topics listed in Moodle. The lectures provide the outline and background, which
should be reinforced by reading.

B. Do I need to memorize details such as equations or figures?

The approach to learning is rather individualistic or indeed idiosyncratic. For a university student,
it is more important to understand than to memorize. Students are encouraged to study to acquire
knowledge, gain a better understanding of the world and develop independent thought.

C. When will the quiz result be available?

The quiz result will not be released. Students could only know the final grades of the course when
their home Faculty offices release the examination results.
Appendix A
Seating Seating Seating Seating
Number Number Number Number
3033064960 BB18 3035665603 CC38 3035704033 P25 3035780609 Z7
3035294375 J10 3035671200 J14 3035704370 Z15 3035780702 T30
3035345796 F12 3035671286 S14 3035705037 J25 3035781471 BB30
3035444437 X9 3035671420 M10 3035707009 W39 3035781861 AA13
3035448768 CC19 3035676248 V9 3035707205 X38 3035782798 U12
3035494236 I14 3035683667 Y7 3035707231 I7 3035783352 Y3
3035549201 DD16 3035683916 BB34 3035707774 YY10 3035783596 N15
3035552624 M11 3035684116 R10 3035707865 Y18 3035784021 G11
3035555729 BB11 3035684867 Q24 3035707968 AA37 3035784837 CC3
3035556060 G14 3035685445 Y33 3035707970 X4 3035785013 M25
3035557820 L10 3035685677 G3 3035708364 Z38 3035787097 J28
3035558771 CC23 3035686126 U35 3035708572 P24 3035787217 DD1
3035558848 T34 3035686384 DD8 3035708675 T42 3035787360 Y2
3035559153 CC11 3035686750 K20 3035708687 P7 3035788091 AA12
3035559634 H14 3035686798 M24 3035708883 P15 3035788182 Z30
3035559907 V47 3035686889 Z19 3035709136 U9 3035788962 YY34
3035569574 F21 3035687041 BB7 3035709198 L28 3035789021 H11
3035578408 H24 3035687194 V42 3035709344 R14 3035789045 U42
3035580279 Q15 3035687405 Z34 3035711995 S7 3035789069 CC14
3035580891 J29 3035688851 F29 3035712004 Q6 3035789899 H3
3035581340 O7 3035689520 W31 3035712248 Z11 3035790472 J20
3035583063 YY43 3035689611 F25 3035712315 K28 3035790537 DD24
3035584110 M29 3035689740 K21 3035712523 Y41 3035791543 YY7
3035590949 N11 3035689960 L15 3035712975 S11 3035791749 X43
3035592002 K3 3035690311 Q25 3035716191 U8 3035792470 M14
3035596175 Y11 3035691494 AA20 3035717975 Q14 3035792573 G24
3035602704 AA16 3035691913 O24 3035718981 K11 3035794935 N2
3035605043 U47 3035692008 CC33 3035719521 Z42 3035796191 AA38
3035605081 V12 3035692498 S10 3035719557 T31 3035797200 Y10
3035639082 K15 3035692620 K18 3035719820 X16 3035801415 L14
3035660471 J11 3035693430 X39 3035720465 P21 3035801518 DD4
3035661334 F5 3035694056 G2 3035721548 I21 3035805899 J21
3035661528 U39 3035694082 CC22 3035724162 U43 3035806403 YY30
3035662883 F9 3035694800 F4 3035729887 DD12 3035806544 W43
3035663186 DD21 3035695141 R6 3035740257 W11 3035806673 V35
3035663708 M2 3035697137 F24 3035740934 W30 3035806922 V5
3035663784 R3 3035698090 DD20 3035742578 X12 3035807031 M20
3035663801 YY3 3035698155 V8 3035742944 H10 3035807316 Z6
3035664398 T38 3035698870 H28 3035745623 O11 3035807471 X34
3035664893 Q3 3035700910 L29 3035756713 M18 3035807500 V31
3035665213 BB38 3035701653 Q20 3035759155 H21 3035807586 J6
3035665287 F16 3035702229 K7 3035779959 CC10 3035807706 O3
3035665445 K14 3035703675 W3 3035779973 P20 3035807926 O6
You can locate your seating number in the list by pressing “CTRL” and “F” (Windows) or
“Command" and “F” (Mac OS) buttons on your keyboard and typing in your student university number
Seating Seating Seating Seating
Number Number Number Number
3035807938 F20 3035857127 F28 3035927233 DD32 3035989114 L7
3035807976 F8 3035857153 J24 3035927257 W15 3035992800 X42
3035812531 I25 3035857309 R20 3035927269 Y30 3035994262 YY2
3035812543 H29 3035857402 L25 3035928691 L2 3035994470 G21
3035821271 Z43 3035858743 U16 3035929358 H18 3035994547 L21
3035821283 V34 3035859151 W47 3035929504 P2 3036001701 V16
3035821570 V13 3035859216 U46 3035929695 P10 3036002016 L11
3035821879 W6 3035859670 X17 3035929724 H6 3036002092 Z2
3035822081 DD33 3035864429 U31 3035932874 V1 3036002107 Y6
3035822316 CC7 3035864431 Z10 3035932903 Y37 3036002468 X13
3035822952 DD17 3035868932 DD9 3035934676 M21 3036002470 N10
3035824986 BB19 3035869285 AA5 3035937094 Z35 3036002729 X30
3035825734 H20 3035869314 Z18 3035937381 V30 3036002755 K25
3035826960 CC6 3035869352 G29 3035939614 CC18 3036002860 N27
3035828372 Z3 3035891135 BB22 3035940936 I20 3036003046 W34
3035834333 G20 3035891276 CC30 3035944243 P18 3036003072 BB33
3035835492 G7 3035899101 R11 3035944384 Y38 3036031160 G10
3035835507 M3 3035899204 R2 3035944982 K24 3036037190 Y42
3035835557 O14 3035902398 W14 3035945039 YY35 3036037530 P11
3035836393 J2 3035902453 G28 3035945235 U34 3036050386 O20
3035836410 K29 3035902582 U17 3035945405 M28 3036050439 H15
3035837024 G6 3035908249 YY19 3035948158 X46 3036056768 CC41
3035837086 I3 3035913165 W2 3035948718 U4 3036056794 Y19
3035837309 H2 3035917733 BB3 3035948720 X8 3036056859 YY15
3035837361 T35 3035917886 Z47 3035950151 N14 3036058560 YY31
3035837933 BB37 3035920156 BB2 3035951569 M6 3036058637 S20
3035838274 Q2 3035920352 J7 3035956325 I24 3036059057 R23
3035838341 T43 3035920417 Z31 3035976947 YY46 3036059772 I10
3035838640 I2 3035920481 AA9 3035977173 Y15 3036060135 Q10
3035840162 K6 3035920596 W38 3035977264 P6 3036062808 V17
3035840409 I29 3035920857 L3 3035978983 L20 3036063175 W19
3035840423 YY47 3035920895 Y14 3035979468 L6 3036063228 BB14
3035840576 I6 3035922312 S2 3035980168 N3 3036063395 AA21
3035854333 YY38 3035922324 AA4 3035980376 X5 3036063589 Z39
3035855208 Z14 3035922831 S3 3035980687 W35 3036063591 G25
3035855284 N23 3035923782 BB6 3035983512 X1 3036064038 U30
3035855351 N6 3035924449 J18 3035986514 M7 3036064272 S15
3035855492 I11 3035924463 S6 3035987702 U38 3036064428 R15
3035855698 Y34 3035925194 W10 3035988110 YY11 3036064478 N18
3035855703 K10 3035925510 O15 3035988213 O10 3036064806 X31
3035855985 YY14 3035925912 DD13 3035988328 V43 3036064856 P3
3035856422 I28 3035926617 V4 3035988859 ZZ31 3036064911 YY39
3035857000 ZZ30 3035926679 AA17 3035989061 H7 3036065173 CC37
You can locate your seating number in the list by pressing “CTRL” and “F” (Windows) or
“Command" and “F” (Mac OS) buttons on your keyboard and typing in your student university number
Seating Seating
Number Number
3036065305 N7 3036095506 V46
3036066488 CC2 3036097372 W42
3036066701 F1 3036098053 G15
3036066907 Q7 3036101355 AA8
3036066919 BB23 3036101367 N20
3036066933 AA30 3036101630 W18
3036067195 T39 3036102153 CC15
3036067248 H25 3036103755 P14
3036067585 V39 3036106006 BB10
3036067731 Q11 3036106226 O2
3036068101 U5 3036106549 BB41
3036068278 W7 3036108432 X47
3036068280 AA34 3036109034 F13
3036068369 J15 W46
3036068371 O23 Z46
3036068400 DD5
3036068565 BB15
3036068905 AA33
3036068955 DD25
3036069923 AA1
3036073340 Q21
3036075221 L18
3036075831 YY6
3036076940 S23
3036077657 J3
3036077803 K2
3036079760 X35
3036080628 O27
3036080680 CC34
3036081256 YY42
3036084545 L24
3036085329 U13
3036085604 R7
3036086103 AA41
3036086244 N24
3036086294 V38
3036087377 O18
3036088876 I18
3036088890 M15
3036094136 I15
3036095269 U1
3036095491 Y45
You can locate your seating number in the list by pressing “CTRL” and “F” (Windows) or
“Command" and “F” (Mac OS) buttons on your keyboard and typing in your student university number

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