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1. Describe the influence of Rizal's family in his life.

Knowing that Rizal's family is one of the wealthiest families in

Calamba, Laguna; Rizal was given a chance or a big opportunity to
have a better life. By that, you can study in a prestigious school that
only those who have influence can study. Also, his mother was his
first teacher who taught him how to read and value reading.

2. How will you describe the childhood and early education of

Jose Rizal?

As I have stated, Rizal's mother was his first teacher who taught
him how to read and consequently to value reading as a means for
learning. His mother also encouraged him and taught him how to pray
and do poetry. Then, he was tutored by private tutors and taught him
Spanish and Latin. Afterwards, he entered Ateneo Municipal De
Manila to continue his studies.

3. How did Rizal show his love for his family?

Rizal has a deep relationship with his family especially for his
mother. When he studied abroad, he continued his communication
with his family by sending letters to his parents, brothers and also
sisters. He also wrote a poem dedicated to his mother entitled "Me
Primera Inspiracion" to show his love to her and how his mother
inspired him to study"

4. How did Rizal's heredity and environment shaped his


Rizal inherited his love for freedom from his Malayan ancestors
and his serious nature, frugality, patience and love for children from
his Chinese ancestors while his elegance of bearing, sensitivity to
insult and gallantry for ladies is from Spanish ancestors. Living in his
birth town Calamba, Laguna, he was shaped by a religious family and
a family who are achievers themselves. Living in a natural
environment, Rizal stimulated his talent in art in Laguna.

5. What do you think are the values which you can adopt from
Rizals childhood that you can apply in yourself as a student at
I think the value which I can adopt from Rizal's childhood that I
can apply in myself as a student at the present is the value of learning
and reading. We all know that reading is one of the most essential
ways of learning new things. George Martin once said " a reader lives a
thousand lives before he dies and the man who never reads only lives
once". Through reading, we can't just learn but we can share, adopt,
inspire and live a thousand more lives by putting or imagining
ourselves to the stories that we are reading.

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