Newtons Law of Motion Prject Science 2014-15

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Name: Date: Class Period: Newton’s Laws of Motion Project Oo Newton’s Three ‘Laws Book This project allows you find it in magazines and real life. Your task is to make a book of the Newton’s laws using, at the smallest, 8.5 by 11 inch paper (notebook size) which you will fold in half to Presentation Your task is to make a PowerPoint presentation of the | Newton’s laws using Microsoft PowerPoint or an equivalent computer program (Prezi, HaikuDeck, ete.). Educational Video Your task is to make a Video/Movie presentation of the Newton’s laws using a video camera, make a “book” out of, Oo Problem Solying ‘Apply Newton’s Third Law to design a solution ta a problem involving the TD Free chice Newton’s Laws of Motion (Fill out your proposal at the Lab Creation Pian an investigation to provide evidence that the change in an object’s motion marble at least 2 meters from start to finish. Include a brochure detailing the particulars of your roller coaster and how it utilizes Newton's Laws. inspection, and be fun. Include a brochure detailing the particulars of your roller coaster and how it utilizes Newton's Laws. motion of two colliding bottom of the page to be | depends on the sum of the | objects. approved before bewinning your | frees on the object and the project) ae mass of the object. Physical Roller (J Virtual Roller ‘You Be the Person Coaster Coaster How would Isaac Create a Roller Coaster with | Create a virtual roller coaster on_| Newton feel about being so at least three hills and one | | famous in today’s time? loop that can transport a Roller coaster must be safe, pass | Prepare a “You Be the Person” presentation to answer your classmates? questions about your life and work, Free Choice Prop Explain what you would like to focus on for your project as well as how the information will be presented. Teacher Approval Date Signature Name: Project Rubric Daie: Class Period: ‘Areas inguished | Proficient | Apprentice | Novice Self Assessment Content | Allrequired | All required | Most required | Some Knowledge | information is | information is | information is | required included, All | included. included. | information is information is Most _| Several things | _ included. accurate. | information is are Several things accurate. inaccurate. are inaccurate Vocabulary | Several Several Some Vocabulary vocabulary | vocabulary | vocabulary | words are words are words are | wordsare | missing or used, All are | used, Most | used. Several used used correctly. | are used areused | incorrectly. | ae correctly. | incorrectly. | _ a Prepared/ | — Project is Project is Project is Project is Completion | completed on | completed on | completed on | completed on time and time and. time, but time and shows time | shows time | showsalack | shows a lack and effort in | andeffortin | oftimeand — oftime and completion. completion. effort in effort in completion. | completion. Quality Project is Project is Project is Project is i} completed | completed | completed | completed | showing showing | showing off- | showing off- | thoughtful | thoughtful topic topic | intention and | intention and | information | information creativity. some and lack | and little to creativity. creativity. _| no creativity. Teacher Comments: Grade: __/100 peers Create a Model aoe eae Sere ‘Your task is to create a physical model of two objects colliding. This can be accomplished using recycled or repurposed materials. Materials are not to be purchased for this project. Model must include two objects to collide. This can be two moving objects or a moving object and a stationary object. The model can be demonstrated to the class or shown as a video using iPads. Essay must include - Description on model (including materials used) - Connection to at least one Law of Motion - Explanation for connection to at least one Law of Motion - - You Be the Person = Your task is to write and present a speech about how Sir Isaac Newton might feel about being famous today. Research might include personality traits, other inventions/discoveries, and awards. Speech can be written as an interview, award acceptance speech, or letter. Writing must include information about Newton’s Laws of Motion. al Roller Coaster Your task is to create a virtual roller coaster using the program]-thrills . The roller coaster must be safe and fun. A typed or written brochure describing the roller coaster and the connections to Newton’s Laws must be included written as an advertisement. Brochure Requirements - Visual (drawing or printed picture) of roller coaster - Roller coaster specifics (hills, loops, etc.) - Connection to at least one Law of Motion a __Lab Creation _ if Your task is to plan and complete an investigation to show that a change in an object’s motion depends on the object and the mass of the object. You can use any materials on hand in the science classroom (with permission) or recycled materials. Final project will be written as a lab report that peers can follow and recreate. (Research on the proper lab writing should be done.) A demonstration of the investigation will be presented to the class. Lab Report Layout - Title ~ Introduction - Procedure - Observations/ Data - Conclusion ‘Your task is to create a working least 2 meters without 2 human applied force. It must operate using the concept of Newton’s 3" Law of Motion (Law of Action/Reaction). Supplies must be recyclable or already purchased. No supplies can be purchased for the sole use of this project. Essay must be typed and contain: - Drawn design to include - Picture of the model - Description of the models materials and how it works - Explanation of the connection to the Law of Action/Reaction _Edueational Video Your task is to make a Video/Movie presentation of the Newton’ laws using an iPad. In your movie you must follow the following procedure: 1. First, you will need to state each law as it is written in your textbook or other source. 2. Your group must record yourselves accurately demonstrating each of Newton’s Laws. You must have two different demonstrations for each of the three laws. Demonstrations must be school appropriate. 3. After each demonstration there must be an explanation on camera, either while the demonstration is occurring, or after the demonstration, of how each illustrates the law. The explanations must be at least 5 sentences for each demonstration. All group members must in some way be in the video. You ean recruit other people to assist in demonstrations. Video Segment 1.......dhntroduetion.......Title of Project ‘Your name ‘Your Class Period Video Segments 2 and 3........1sLaw....... State Newton’s Is Law Two demonstrations of the law One paragraph for each demo describing how the picture illustrates Newton’s 1st law. Video Segment 4 and 5........2n4 Law. .. State Newton’s 2nd Law ‘Two demonstrations of the law One paragraph for each demo describing how the picture illustrates Newton’s 2na law. 3rd Law........ State Newton's 3ra Law Two demonstrations of the law Indicate in your demonstrations action and reaction force pairs. One paragraph for each demo describing how the picture illustrates Newton's 3x law. Video Segment 6 and 7 ai Newton’s Laws of Motion Presentation Your task is to make a PowerPoint presentation of the Newton’s laws using Microsoft PowerPoint or an equivalent program (Prezi, HaikuDeck, etc.) Procedure: 1. First, you will need to state each law as it is written in your notebook or other source. 2. Then find at least two pictures or video segments that illustrate each law and copy them to a PowerPoint slide; one picture per slide. Pictures or video segments can be from any internet source or digital media that is school appropriate. The pictures must be photographs not diagrams or illustrations and cannot already be labeled with forces. 3. Write a paragraph describing how each picture you chose illustrates the law. The paragraphs must be at least 5 sentences and be on the same slide as the picture. Please make sure your references are school appropriate. Slide 1........Cover Page.......Title of Project ‘Your name(s) Your Class Period Slide 2 and 3........laLaw....,... State Newton’s Isc Law ‘Two pictures illustrating the law One paragraph for each picture describing how the picture illustrates Newton’s Ist law. Dea Law... State Newton’s 2a Law ‘Two pictures illustrating the law One paragraph for each picture describing how the picture illustrates Newton’s 2” Jaw. Slide 6 an 7.......3Law........ State Newton’s 3xa Law Two pictures illustrating the law Draw arrows on your pictures, indicating action and reaction force pairs on the actual pictures. One paragraph for each picture describing how the picture illustrates Newton’s 3° law. Slide 4 and 5. _____Newton’s Three Laws Book — 9 Where can you find Newton’s three Laws? This project allows you find it in magazines and real life. Your task is to make a book of the Newton’s laws using 8.5 by 11 inch paper (colored or plain white, not lined) which you will fold in half to make a “book” out of. Procedure: 1. First, you will need to state each law as it is written in your textbook or other source. 2. Then find at least two pictures that illustrate each law. Pictures can be from magazines, real photographs, and newspapers, and must be printed and cut out if from the internet. The pictures from the internet must be photographs not diagrams or illustrations and cannot already be labeled with forces. 3. Write a paragraph describing how the pictures you choose illustrates the law. The paragraphs ‘ust be at least 5 sentences. Please make sure your references are school appropriate. Page 1........Cover Page.......Title of Project Your name/s Your class period Page 2 and 3........LsLaw........ State Newton’s la Law ‘Two pictures illustrating the law One paragraph for each picture describing how the picture illustrates Newton’s 1* law. Page 4 and 5........2na Law. ... State Newton's 2na Law ‘Two pictures illustrating the law One paragraph for each picture describing how the picture illustrates Newton’s 2" law. State Newton’s 3 Law ‘wo pictures illustrating the law Draw arrows on your pictures, indicating action and reaction force pairs on the actual pictures. One paragraph for each picture describing how the picture illustrates Newton's 3 law. Page 6 am 7.......3et Law oe] Fs eles loodwaters aces eee es Bait | \D ual Ne \\e r Th < peples/ ati 1 ON OW TO SURVIVE A RIP CURRENT ip current frm whon conditions along & boach force a Je amount of water to flow through a narrow passagaway, -hs a gap ina sandbar or a deep channel along a pier INCOMING = waves: BF Weer flows [oward shore ‘away trom shore. It ean easly pull a swimmer out to sea. ae s a Re ‘ang piles Up there. svolmainy SHL OL AVMHLVd eran Pa

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