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(4) Find the class-marks of the classes 10-27 I, Short Answer Type Questions-! ee 4. Ifthe mean ofthe following data is 20.6, find the x nen fests | 25 ie 3 io_| 25 th ‘8. Find the mean ofthe following distribution: ope Class Tel 7 10 Frequency 3 6. Find the mean of the following distribution: Class sas_[_ 15-25 | 25-35 38 Frequency 2 4 cee ae Bi Ill. Short Answer Type Questions-I! es BS0KREd Mary 7. The mean of the following frequency distribution is 62.8 and sum of all frequencies is the missing frais, t fand fi Un, aia cm [me | oe | 00-80 | 80-100 | 100-120 Frequency Sala salt [ee 7 2 8. The arithmetic mean ofthe following frequency distribution is 53. Find the value o Dakin Class 0-20 | 20-40 | 40-60 | 60-80 | 80-100 Frequency 12 15) & B 9. ‘The table below shows the daily expenditure on grocery of 25 households in a locality. Daily expenditure (in®) | 100-130 150-200 | 200-250 | 250-300 | 300-350 No. of households 4 5 2 2 2 (NCERT, Find the mean daily expenditure on food by a suitable method. ‘The following distribution shows the daily pocket allowance of children of a locality. The mean pocket allowances 10. % 18. Find the missing frequency f. Daily pocket allowance int)| 11-13 | 13-15 | 15-17 | 17-19 | 19-21 | 21-23 | 23-25 Number of children 7 6 > 13 f ¥ 4 11. A class teacher has the following absentee record of 40 students of a class for the whole term. Find the mean numbero! days a student was absent. [al20) Number of days: 06 6-12 12-18 | 1824 | 2430 | 30-36 36-42 ‘Number of students: 10 iT a 4 4 Bi 1 IV. Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks} 12. The mileage (km per litte) of 50 cars ofthe same model was tested by a manufacturer and details are as follows: ‘Mileage (ki!) 10-12 | 12-14 | 14-16 | 16-18 ‘No. of Cars D 12s eeeU as aa ‘he mean mileage. The manufacturer claimed that the mileage ofthe model was 16 kin/1. Do you agree wit claim? ; PMCEDT Evamnlar] [limp 100-104 ats occupied during 100 flights is given as follows: 15 1oR-112 [116-120] 2 15 + je mean number of seats occupied ov, : cemplar] 5 er the flights, [NCERT Exemp! se ag distribution shows the daily pock: sHowance is @ 18. pe owins Pocket allowance of . The mean pocket allowal i ieaeney ince of children of a Locality. cose Standard 2020, 2018} Oe ereraniowance (MO)! U-13 | 35 Tisay Pass | ipa] 21s | 23-25] pe penildren 3 é A < - 7 ria ne mean of the following data: ind ves {20 | 20-40 [40-60 | 60-80 | 80-100 | 100-120 eget 2 35 32 a 38 31 _Case Study Based Questions J adent-Teacher Ratio: Student-teacher ratio expresses the relationship between the number of students enrolled in + Sfyoo! and the numberof teachers in tht school. I is important fora number of reasons. For example, it can be an ‘iator ofthe amount of individual attention any child is likely to receive, Keeping in mind that not all class size are ini to be the same. is ‘he following distribution gives the state-wise student-teacher ratio in higher secondary schools of India (28 states and 7UTs only). [Number of | students | Number of States/ Number of students | Number of States/ (per teacher UTs per teacher UTs fee 3 35-40 3 30-25 8 40-45 0 [2530 9 45-50 0 | 30-35 10 50-55 2 \ Tnorder to find the mean by direct method, we use the formula o © nxE fx, @ nv Eg, Bas : . 2. The mean of the above data is @292 (6) 30.5 (© 383 @ 401 3. The formula for assumed mean method to find the mean is Yi, Yy, Bd, Bi a) A-E b) A+ (6) Axe ae (a) 7 () Wd, © YS, (@) At yf, 4. The sum of class marks of 25-30 and 45-50 is (@) 62 (70 (©) 75 (@ 8s The sum of the upper and lower limits of modal class is (a) 55 (b) 65 (© 85 @ 75

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