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SAMPLE PAPER 1 | A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper for CBSE Class X (Term Il) Examination | All questions are compulsory, 2, The question paper has three sections and 15 questions. All questions are compulsory. Section A has 7 questions of 2 marks each; Section B has 6 questions. ‘of 3 marks each; and Section C has 2 case based questions of 4 marks each. i Internal choices have been provided in some questions. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions. No. ] “Maximum Marks : 40 é Time allowed : 2 Hours Section ZV 1. The following table shows the positions of four elements A, B, C and D in the periodic table. a Gow 1]2] 30 iq is 16.7] Period 2 ik a a Using the above table answer the following questions. (The element ’D’in the periodic table will form only covalent compounds. Why? (ii) Which element is a metal with valency 2? 2. Study the given table and answer the questions that follow. Element Atomic number a mlofale|a (i) Which element exhibits catenation? Gi) In the given table, between C and D, which element has the highest electronegativity? SAMPLE PAPER 1 ch a |. When a human female reaches a certain age then va; The Figure below shows that bar magnet is pushed inside a coil connected to galvanometer. Direction of motion y ci—f 000). 0.0.0 e aN Abar magnet CBSE Sample Pape, sds Bc ict x Cr Mem, (i) Explain how, new Bryophyllum plants can be produced from th, hy plant? leaves of oly PEt plang in BOCA foray a (ii) Why is vegetative propagation practised for Browing some ginal bleed after regular intervals. (i) What is this process known as in scientific terms? 4 (ii) At what time period, this process starts in human females? F process usually lasts? or how many ays, Pure-bred pea plants look like Aare crossed with pure-b; is found that plants which look A does not appear in F F,-generation. Among A and B which of the plant is ( red pea plant |, 00k My aes But rae “ all, (ii) draft? Give react a Or ‘son, Do genetic combination of mothers play a si new born? Justify your answer. 4 gnificant role in determining the Sex of a \@ Galvanometer The galvanometer shows a deflection towards right. (i) Name the phenomenon used in the above observation. (ii) Draw diagram to show the direction of current flowing in the circuit Or In Fleming's right hand rule, the forefinger, middle finger and thumb of the righthand are stretched at right angles to each other as shown below. ight hand (i) For which purpose is this rule used? (ii) Which quantities are shown by these two fingers and thumb? Number of vultures are decreasin concern. At which trophic level pyramid? aa of ig remarkably now-a-days, which is ae will you place vultures, in a given tropic a \ \gse Sample Paper Science Class x (Terr 1) | Give reason for your answer, Bp iath Rs ot b Ih the given figure, two different nergy pyramids are given. Choose the correct one and give reason for your choice, Tertiary consumers, ‘Secondary consumers Primary consumers Producers, Section [Ey 8. Carbon exists in various allotropic forms and along with hydrogen it forms large number of hydrocarbon, Considering the various Properties of carbon, give reason for the following. (i) Carbon forms compo bl tunds by covalent bonding. (i) Carbon is a versatile element. (©) Graphite can be used as lubricant but not diamond. 2 {i Imhow many blocks has the modern Periodic table been divided? m bb () Anatom has electronic configuration 2,8, 6, To which of the following elements Would ite chemically similar? [Atomic rumbe =NO).06), PAs), axcs)) | ©) Consider the following features and *dentify the correct block to which these "Properties belongs, {@) These elements majorly forms acidic oxides (©) These elements are majorly metals. 2 (ili) Name two elements you would expect to show same kind of chemical Teactivityas = magnesium. What isthe basis for your choives 5 “ate sex of anewborn child is a matter of chance and none of the parents maybe jg, 7 Shanatted responsible for it”. Justify this statonece with the help of flowchacy gz showing determination of sex of a newborn = bs m av & il jominant. sa ep Ret clour gee wl be te (ii) Rand. : ir, generations sete polinated then, the genotypic ratio of F,-generation wil a2 RR Rr re 50, out of 2400 plants, 600 will be having white petals and 1800 will be having red ls. petal - IfF ,-generation is cross-pollination with rr ‘genes, then the genotypic ratio of F> generation will be 1: 1. Reve So, out of 2400 plants, 1200 will be having white petals and 1200 will be having red petals. 15. (i) Ais carbon, Bis carbon monoxide and Cis carbon dioxide. CBSE Sample Paper Science Cle, : SSX fy (i) Carbon has atomic number 6 configuration is 2, 4. It ig, "el Hof the periodic table, in (iii) (@) Valency of element Ej ® that thas one electron in Ms . “len (b) E*+CIr— EC) Valency of Clis(-), whi (+)L Therefore, the fom that Of Big Or witb The electron dot structure of Bang (@) B:(CO) = CO) &) €(CO,) OCP Cate (rerere ee 8 inant. 14, (i) Red colour gene will be the dominant (i) Rand s. ae i ration is selfpollinated th e ae Fr gore ratio of Fygeneration will be Mcenpmait2iea RR Re rr So, out of 2400 plants, 600 will be having white petals and 1800 will be having red petals. on IfF,-generation is cross-pollination with rr genes, then the genotypic ratio of Fy generation will be 1:1. Re So, out of 2400 plants, 1200 will be having ‘white petals and 1200 will be having red petals. 15. (i) Ais carbon, Bis carbon monoxide and Cis carbon dioxide. CBSE Sample Paper Sei Sloss y . (i) Carbon has atomic numbers configuration is 2, 4. It is pro, i 4 of the periodic table, ""°*tin (ili (a) Valency of element Eig : On. SEA Pao ona clans LT shell. electron inthe (b) E*+Cr'—> EA Valency of Clis (-), whi > le that (4)L Therefore, the il tha of Oo tlw The electron dot structure of Band ¢ (@) 8:(CO) 2 CD:— (&) C:(CO,) oa jence Class * (rerm Ii) ~ sin various allotropic forms (ee ‘ rarbon with cage-ti ba ee a™ Ge) of unpaired electron is 6. - ‘on each chlorine, 3 pair of rons are present: Or gotstructure of NH; is as erotal shase carbon exist as CO and ane form it exist as diamond and Be ay Thestrocture of ammonia is as follows Bet H Number of single bonds = 3 Number of double bond = 0 {a Uss of graphite are as follows « lis used in pencils. + Itisused as lubricants. 1. Wecan convince Kalawati by telling her that sofa child is determined by the sperm ‘hich carries gametes from the father. Women are homogametic, i.e. they produce «aly one type of ova (22 + X} Males are ic. They produce two types Of fe at two types of sperms are formed in equal Popartion. It is a chance factor that 22 +) segith the ovum produced and she @veS 'o female child. The same chance is fete eed ernie ‘Sex of child, only the father is "sponsible, y x Energy consumed by refrigerator in 30 Mas=soow x oh a0 days =90000 Wh = 90 kWh. +-Cost of eng for 30 daye ‘© OPerate the refrigerator =90 KWhx 245 per kWh, (ii) Gi See VEN, Potential difference, V = Current, 1=06 A, eae Time, t =2 min = 120 5 Power, P=? We know that, ee = VI =220 x05 = 132 W 132 120 = 15840} So, the power of fan is 132 W and it transforms 15840 J of energy 12. (i) Since, the magnet is at rest, so no current is induced in the coil. So needle shows n¢ deflection. (ii) Since, the bar magnet is at rest and the coil is moving away from the magnet, needle of the galvanometer coil swing towards right. (iii) When the magnet will move towards the coil, the needle swings to the left Or (i) The galvanometer shows a deflection which ‘means current is induced in the coil. Current is induced in the coil due to the relative motion between coil and magnet (ii) The galvanometer shows a deflection in opposite direction which means current is induced in opposite direction. In this ease, the direction of motion is in the opposite direction w-r. coil. (Gil) There is no deflection in galvanometer as no current is induced in the coil. This s because there is no relative motion between coil and magnet. fy in slice 1, no change willbe observed or oo ‘will remain sterile because it lacks moisture ji) A white cottony mass surrounded with © es pin head-like sfructures are Seem i the surface of slice 2. This is spreading on the Of Rltzopus are always Pecause tiny spores of Rtianpns O° resent in air which thrive it hu inslice3, tat low i ‘arlow temperature Gi) wadvd a1dWWS as EXPLANATIONS its lower conductor due oe isabel veri ® ' vi spe used in electrical nail igh resistivity * on of nitropen ( ‘econsiguration O a 20 sr rat. no. =19) are aie LM heating =7) : i Pas il Jectronegative than co Xibemer ace of BORE GONT 2 dl ut ca ains reach the stigma of carpel 3. ( Pollen gr? from the pollen rough pollination. yerminates tyle and enter the len tube ca travels through st ovary to reach the egg cell. (ap Stigma is sticky in nature and receptors of pollen grains. 4. ( Aissyphilis and B is gonorrhoea. The bacteria hich causes this disease spread through sexual contact with an infected person. (i) The disease B is AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and it is caused by a vinus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). 5 ee ae seeds in plants obtained in the round and yellow en poser with wrinkled and green ( 'Y) seeds and plants with yellow seedy. DY) seeds will be round and 6 Let the cy trent flowin, and current flowing ae through resistor R, is 1 Bh resistor R isos 1 4 05~ p36 SAMPLE PAPER 5. = 5+1=6 ar6-55,° ‘ 7. At each trophic level, a large ee energy is utilised for the mai £ organisms occurring at that Po trophic level. Organisms get jeg energy at successive level. So 4, and energy at higher trophic level ln; number of trophic levels in a food a. Or No, removal of all organisms ofa level will disturb the ecosystem, Kij., higher trophic level organisms wile explosion in the population of lowers. organisms. This will adversely affeis. ecosystem. 8. (i) Magnetic field lines due toa solenaidi shown below : { (ii) In case of an ideal solenoid, mg field strength is maximum at p=! and is minimum or zero at post 8 is because the magnetic field a Where magnetic field lines ar ie and is weak, where magnetic fl are far apart. F At the point C, the density of lines is less than that of pois 4 Breater than that of point By So, the order of magnetic fied Ae eee nw . B - oe ee fh, paper Selence Class X (Term 1 ‘ = _. what will be the percentage of pi wo ote Plants bearing white flower i the flowers of F plants were selfed? (Marke). te flower in F,-generation, when bh i 3 ww many blue plants will be prod wes ye 1600? Produced in the F,-generation ifthe total plants ants to show the magneti ‘astudent wants £0, ‘agnetic effects of current oper wire on an iron nail and connected two ends ee oreas en iaeulated cofh ait now stated f0 attract iron flings. This pheno Ene ia age ymenon is known as tl ral CF we “J Baty (i) Name the phenomenon shown by the above observation. (1 Mark) (ii) Which type ‘of material is used for making core of a strong electromagnet? (1 Mark) (ji) State the factors on which the strength of magnetic field di ey agnetic field due to a current carrying, Or (ii) What happens to the electromagnet, (a) when connections through the battery is reversed? (b) when the iron nail is removed from the set up? cL uadvd aTANVS >) | ~ erro rarer A XPLAM ju inherit an X-chror Ce i will inherit an et pivalency 218 ‘Thus, it ea complete jesin grou given 2. Theelectronic elements are ) Element ‘E’ exhibits catenation as it shares Jectrons to form bonds. its four el vents ‘Cand ‘Di are ster d ie beeen es Between ‘C and ‘D,, “Dis ore electronegative due to smaller size (number shell). S Jayllum plants can be produce ca Pare of a plant by vegetative propagation. The leaves of Bryophyllum is. broad and has notched at its margins. Buds arise from the notches. They get detached from the mother plant and fall back on to the ground thus, growing into a new plant after coming in contact with soil. (ii) Vegetative propagation is practised for growing some type of plants because it is useful for propagating those plants that do not produce viable seeds or produce less number of seeds, 4. (i) Menstruation. (ii) This process starts in human females at the time of puberty. The approximate age for a ad si undergo her first period is between ‘and 12 years. It ae Years Itusually lasts for about 5.()B (ia Because in F, ic 'Beneration, dwarf es nf pl ; TL pPear So Ais the dwarf a ae all plant, Plant and Bis the Or The Mother's have a pair of X-chromoso mes, 7. Vultures are always placed at the highest trophic 8. (i) Carbon forms compounds by covalent vegardless whether they rove, sex i always determinjes My osome that they inherit irate te sex chrom father: hu inherits the X-chromosome of One wt be giel while who inherits featvomosome of the father will be boy, do not play significant role jn the! So, mot the sex of a newborn, determining @! : @ Production of an electric current in a 6 (Tait by a changing magnetic fel sninduced current. This Phenomenon a ‘alled electromagnetic induction, (ii) = Current (Galvanometer Or (i) The direction of induced current is given by Fleming’s right hand rule. (ii) The forefinger is in the direction of the magnetic field, the thumb is in the direction of motion of the wire and the induced current in the wire is in the direction of the middle finger. ‘ level ina food chain, i.e. they are tertiary consumers. So, in the given trophic level pyramid, they will be placed at top carnivores level. Or The correct oneis (A), because the population will decrease as we more from bottom to the top of8 food chain. The producers will be the highest in number in@ food chain as they fix solar energy, makingit available for consumers. bonding because atomic number of| shell and its octet can be completed by following two ways (a) It could gain 4 electrons and “anion, but for a nucleus ha 6 protons, it would be diffic 10 electrons, somple paper Science Class x (Term 1) could lose 4 electrons and f Boot ee Guu dost refore, in order to overcome this ; problem. carbon shared its valence reyrons with other atoms of carbon ern atom of other elements. bs omens, characteristic features seen in ‘Tipon that is tetravalency and catenation, gut ogeher give ie to large number of com} is by forming single, double and tpl bonds. Thus, carbon is versatile in pale Graphite has sheet like structure i (a) GP arbon atom is attached ae eathon ators By strong covalent bonds. tryever, the fourth electron of each carbon atom is free. while in diamond all the four electrons of Wpon are involved in bond formation. sr graphite can be used as lubricant but 4.) The periodic table is divided into four blocks (eblock, pblock, d-block and {feblock) on the basis of their electronic ner has made an attempt to arrange theelements with similar properties into groups having three elements each. He ood these groups 4s triads. He showed that when the three elements it t iad were arranged in the order of it atomic masses, the atomic mass increasing ar the middle element was roughly the average of the atomic ‘masses of the other twoelements. (ii) Noble gases are very stable and have complete octet. They do not react with other elements due to their stability: "Since they all are unreactive and show Similsrbehaviourare keptin separate BrOUP- a0 Elements of same group are chemically similar and of the given elements, OXYBE" belongs to the same group 2S sulphur. As both oxygen and ‘sulphur has six , electron in valence shell. Electronic configuration = 0-2 6 52,86 {i (@) plock elements are non-metals ‘hence majorly form acidic oxides- () Bi aierents Gooiprmenormes =? they have low ionisation energy: (ili) Calcitim and barium shows same kind of chemical reactivity as magnesium because they have same number of valence electrons as magnesium, ie. they are in same group of periodic table. 10. In human beings, the sex ofthe individual is i. determined by the genes inherited from the parents. ‘The females have a perfect pair of sex chromosome, ic. XX whereas man have ‘mismatched pair of normal sized X and short Y chromosome, ie XY. If sperm having X chromosome fuses with egg, the progeny will be female and if sper having Y chromosome fuses with the egg, the progeny will be male. X or ¥ have equal chances to fuse with the eB, 0 we can say that the sex of the child is a matter of chance and none of the parent is responsible for it. ‘The following flow chart shows determination of sex of a newborn. Father Mother « x xn ey Om ee XY Deughter Daughter Son Son 1.50 % chances of having either daughter oF son. {Let potential difference supplied by the ppower source be V- Resistance of bulbs in series will be more than the resistance of bulbs in parallel “Therefore, from the formula, p=Y-and P= VI R “The bulbs in series will draw less current and hence, they will glow with less brightness. ‘The bulbs in ‘current and hence, «i For the same voltage applied By the source, parallel will draw more they will glow with 1 Pe— R 1 Re P L dadvd JIdAVS = electrical device = 402,R, 7102 nace resistances given bY series equivalent “4 ene R,=40+10=500 Total resistance = 50.2 iy Current through cially Potential difference, V=9 V ‘Total resistance, R= 502 Current, P= = 9 Power of the lamp, P= PR (5 2 9x9 PA ee) Phenotypic Ratio = 3:1 for blue and: By flowers. “ae =162W (@) Allflowersin F, progeny will be bluein olga. Or (Gi) Expected ratio of the genotype BB, Bw, ry Given, voltage, V =9V. will be1:2:1. From the figure, DE! CF (iii) When F, progeny are selfed, 25% of the pe, i flowers in Fz progeny will be white. Fa Sees Jxa00=25% Now, Rpaata isin series with BC. Or InFy-generation, the ratio is BB Bw ww Recs = Roaratet +3 tea Sieg eal So, 1200 blue plants will be produced in Raia 3 *3= 3 2 Re-generation. Now, Ryeries is in parallel with AB 15. (i) The given observation shows the | 1 Wilder of electromagnetism. e abn 2 R, 6 0 (ii) For making a strong electromagnet, the re i) ane301. 41 ‘material of the core should be made of Ry 15165 = Ry =4.020 canying loop depensettcey +Cames in be cout = TSR ‘current, number of turns in the loop and a ov eae 402023 i - ao Pesticides enter the phytoplakton z from the polluted water. This level of Fr F ‘organisms is known as producers, (i) Birds will have maxim a pesllsdas acces ee = the food chain, because it has z been placed at top in the giv 2 chain This process is knowras Z biomagnifiction Pe .. sopun € 2x5: 40 a UF SAMPLE PAPER 2 A Poeermacee Practice Questions Paper E Class X (Term II) Examination | jnstructions shal questions are compulsory. 4} The question paper has three sections and 1 4 Section A has ? questions of 2 marks each: Section B has 6 questions of 3 marks euch; and Saction Chas 2 case based question of 4 marks each Mar el 4 Internal choices have been provided in some questions. Astudent has to a nly one of the ees in such Questions questions. A student has to attempt only one of IS questions, All questions are compulsory. gore (J | TT yanmar 7 Section¥ 1, Study the table and answer the following questions. t Atom _ Atomic number A il B 7 (i) Compare the position of A and B in the periodic table. (ji) Which type of bond is formed between Aand B ? 2. (i) Using part of periodic table shown below, arrange each of the following series in order of increasing size. (a) (a) Li, Be**, Be (Cl, 5, S* _ (ii) Write the name and symbol of all elements that occupy the same row of the periodic table as nitrogen. Be coma Li] Be| tte gu case somple Poper Science Clos. : Me a i per between an e 4 0 sd be the ratio of chromosome num ag andi an a lly, different from the egg? ay {iy How isthe s rm genetical ‘ fora few days, then Some orgoniy ven a moist slice ‘of bread was kept asid é 4 ween tad like projections and pulb-like structures at the 8 nl seen (i) What are the fine, thread-like ‘of projections On the surface of the slice of known as? a) What name given to the knob Hite Green and red-colour of seeds are recessive and dominant traits, respecti SUF in which generation will the green ‘seeds appear, if both aaa Oxte are ot hye Explain by giving reason. fine threa structure, and what do they contai in? sf Or gee tchaora for tbe rs dihybrid oe appearance of new combination of characters in the F, aco econ cl 4 ona per coils wound on a sins ey ai i Peeeeomcncineert one coil tothe battery and a key and another cage He vanometer. What pe ineoreereemien Colt a II]F Deer —s Tiger (1000 J) Section [Ey §, Give reason for the following based on the Properties of carbon and its compound. [3] () Covalent and ionic bond(s) exist in (a) CCl, (b) CaCl, respectively. (ti) Most carbon. compounds are poor conductors Of electricity. (G) Diamond has a high melting point. 4, 0) Define allotropy. Give two examples of allotropes, {i) Write two properties of diamond. (8) What is the functional group in the followin, @) H\C—CH, —CH,OH io) ig Compounds? (>) HCOOH Or 1) Why certain compounds are called hydrocarbons? (i) Write the general 1 formula for homologous series of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. Also draw the Structure of the first member of each series. "The person Ahas o: nly B chromosomes in all its gametes. On the other hand, another [3] anc. has chromosome D in half of gametes and chromosome Ein the other half ‘BaMetes, chromosomes. B and Dcombine during fertilisation it Produces a female zygote. What qcthe® hand, combination of Band E chromosomes produces a male zygote. Tallest in fo neS™€S B, E and D respectively. Which chromosome among all is tin size? Give reason f for your answer, Z UadWd JIdNVS = ‘CASE Sample Paper Science Class x Tem 11. (i) Calculate resistivity of a copper wire having length 5 m, area of cross-section, 0,2 m? and resistance 0.42 p02. ) Explain heating effects of current with the help of Ohm’s law. 12. (i) When is a device said to be connected in parallel? (ii) Derive the expression for resistance of 'n” resistors connected a5 shown below, A OSH kK v Or (@) State Ohm's law and therefore, explain resistance of a conductor. (ii) Describe the effect of temperature on the resistance of metallic conductor, 13. Every household produces a lot of material A daily. In one of method of disposal b, material A is burned at very high temperature. by (@) What is material A? What does its consist of ? (ii) Name the method of disposal B. Section fe} This section has 02 case-based questions (14 and 15). Each case is followed by 08 sub-questions (i), (ii) and (iii). Parts (i) and (ii) are compulsory. However, an intemal choice has been provided in part (ii). |. Rajan crossed pure-bred tall (dominant) pea plant with pure-bred dwarf (recessive) Ml pea plant, he will get pea plants of F,-generation. If now he self-cross the pea plant of F,-generation, then he obtain pea plants of F,-generation, (i) What do the plants of F,-generation look like ? (1 Mark) (i) What is the ratio of tall plants to dwarf plants in F,-generation? (1 Mark) (iii) State the type of plants not found in F,-generation but appeared in F,-generation mentioning the reason for the same, (2 Marks) 15. g de or converting electric energy into a ergy. Itis b i ale that when a rectangular coil is id through it, two equal and opposite MPLE PAPER 2. EXPLANATIONS 1. (i) Element ‘A’ with atomic number 11 is Na. It’s electronic structure is 2, 8, 1. It belongs to third period and first group. Element ‘8’ with atomic number 17 is Cl It’s electronic structure is 2, 8,7. «lt belongs to third period and seventeenth group. (ti) Due to large electronegativity difference, Aand B loses and gain electrons respectively to achieve nearest noble gas configuration, Aand Bforms ionic compound AB 2. (i) In aperiodic table, along the period, size decreases on going left to right. Also size of cation is smaller than its atom, «Correct order is (a) Be Ro where, Ris called resistance of a conductor. samt) As the temperature of the conductor increases, the random motion of the electrons also increases. Due to this, the collision between the electrons and positive ions also increases. Therefore, the resistance of a conductor also increases with increase in its temperature. 13. (i) The material Ais garbage. The garbage include, left over food, fruits and vegetable peels, fallen leaves, waste paper, etc. a case Sample Poper Science Cjgc. & een i (i) The ratio of tall plantto a Regeneration is3:1,—Plantiy (il) The plant which were not fo Regeneration, appeared in became trait for dwariness, F8eteaag can be expressed in the recess homozygous condition only, or In F-generation, the ratio of produced is bt lized di TT Tt tt j So, in F,-generation, 1000 tal plan produced with the genotype ll 15. (i) Magnetic effect of current is electric motor, The armature col a torque which rotates in uniform, field. (ii) Fleming's left hand rule is used to. the direction of rotation of coil in sa magnetic field. (ii) An insulated copper wire wrapped rectangular frame of soft iron core isa armature, Loop ABCD in the given fue is armature of the motor. Or. i) Gi) (a) Horse shoe magnetisusedin construction of ‘elettricmatoras is |) magnetic field is uniform. (6) The function of brushes connected split rings of motor is to provide al current to the coil. wed “sAMPLE PAPER 3 | A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper for CBSE Class X (Term II) Examination tions I sions are compulsory. i ale sion paper has three sections and 1S questions. All questions are compulsory: Seon ‘A has 7 questions of 2 marks each; Section B has 6 questions of 3 marks each; and JC has 2 ease based questions of 4 marks each Set choices have been provided in some questions. A student has to attempt only one of the ratves in such QuestiONS, eL ‘Maximum Marks : 40 Time allowed : 2 Hours Section [Ly 1, Electrical resistivity of some substances at 20°C are given as below. “Substance Resistivity (Qn) Silver 16010 162x10~* CASE Somple Pape Selonee Cogs 3. (i) Trace the pathway of pollen grain to the carple, (ii) Name the part which is sticky and rece |. A, Band Care three common STDs. Aand Care caused by bacteria whereas, Big by avirus, (i) Name the disease A and C. How does it spread? (ii) Identify B, Name the virus that cause this disease. In Mendel's experiment, round and yellow seeds (RRYY) ate dominant over wring, and green seeds (rryy). What would be the phenotype of seeds in plants obtained the F ,-generation, if the plants homozygous for the above mentioned traits are crossed? fertilise female egg after reacting the ign .ptor of pollen grain. Or Eis gene for brown eye colour and eis the gene for blue eye colour. Which combi of genes in the zygotes will produced children with blue eyes and children with eyes. 6. Two resistors 4 9 and 6 Q are connected in parallel to a cell to draw 0.5 A current from the cell as shown below. Calculate the current in () resistor Ry. Gi) resistor Rp. ‘= in = pee Ra=60. a= Or The equivalent resistance of the following circuit diagram is 40 Calculate the value ofx. 7. Ina given, figure, if we increases the number of trophic levels, what would be the "effect on energy us e level? Give reasons. wince v 6) nagantii4 & dit}o 2 quung. peda (0 a AMPLE PAPER 5. ~S: ee ss sper science Closs X (Term II) pot Or ‘ ae swing fo od web, can the organisms of any trophic level be removed without in gany damage the ecosystem, Food webs Secondary camivores Pray Ne ce Section EY §, For the current carrying solenoid as shown below : BI (i) Draw magnetic field lines. i) Give reason to explain that out of the three points A, Band C at which point, the field strength is maximum and at which point, it is minimum. . 131 2 YadVd JIdNVS BSE Sample Paper Science Class x Fe 12. A bar magnet is moved in and out of a coil, i.e. connected to a sensitive centre a meter as shown in the figure given below. The meter needle swings to the left when the magnet is moving towards the coi), (i) How the needle behaves when the bar magnet is at rest? (ii) How the needle behaves when the bar magnet is at rest and the coil is moving. away from the magnet? (iii) In which condition, the meter needle swings to the left? Or A coil of insulated copper wire is connected to a galvanometer. What will happen, if bar magnet is (i) pushed into the coil, (ii) withdrawn from inside the coil and (iii) held stationary inside the coil? 13. Ravi took three bread slices and kept them in the following conditions (j) Slice 1 ima dry and dark place (ii) Slice 2 im a moist and dark place (iii) Slice 3 in moist and in refrigerator. What would he observe in each of the above conditions? Give reasons for your Section[ey This section has 02 case-based questions (14 and 15). Each case is followed by 03 sub-questions (i), (ii) and (iii). Parts (i) and (ii) are compulsory. However, an inter choice has been provided in part (iii). 14, Anexperiment was conducted, on two plant varieties, one with red petals and the other with white petals. When these two varieties are cross pollinated, all the offspri | havered petals. »e! (@) Which gene will be the dominant? (1 Mark) oper science Class X (Term I) Or eration were cross-pollinated with plants having rr genes a total of sre produced. How many of these would be having red and white petals? pe of Fy-generation, Fem we plans we ane pheno metal A is an important constituent of our food and forms two oxides Band C. (#1 4, Ant ps toxic whereas C causes lobal warming, An element E combines with O; to * guile Pde E 0 whieh is a good conductor of electricity. em a ‘ i or the following questions. identity 4B and C. (1 Mark) : ‘fowhich group of periodic table does A belong? (1 Mark) i : (a)How many electrons will be present inthe outermost shell of £2 (1 Mark) i (o> write the formula of the compound formed when E combines with chlorine. (2 Marks) Or Write the electron dot structure of B and C. 2 YAdWd JIdWVS EXPLANATIONS ! a better conductor due to its lower ity. (ii) Nichrome should be used in electrical heating devices due to very high resistivity. 2. (i) Electronic configuration of nitrogen ( =7) and phosphorus (At. no. =15)are as KLM N=2 5 Pez 8 5 (ii) N will be more electronegative than P as electronegativity decreases on going down a group, 3. (i) Pollen grains reach the stigma of carpel through pollination, ‘The pollen tube germinates from the pollen grain and travels through style and enter the ‘ovary to reach the egg cell (i) Stigma is sticky in nature and receptors of pollen grains. 4. (i) A is syphilis and Bis gonorrhoea, The bacteria which causes this disease spread through sexual contact with an infected person. (ii) The disease B is AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and itis caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). 5. The phenotype of seeds in plants obtained in the F,-generation from a cross between plants with round and yellow (RRYY) seeds and plants with wrinkled and green (rryy) seeds will be round and. yellow seeds. Or Pia ce combination of genes = 54x26 Sx=6-5 x2 7. Ateach trophic level, a lange proportion g energy is utilised for the maintenance of organisms occurring at that structure trophic level. Organisms get less and less energy at successive level. So, decrease in energy at higher trophic level limits the number of trophic levels in a food chain, Or No, removal of all organisms of a trophic level will disturb the ecosystem. Killing of higher trophic level organisms will cause explosion in the population of lowerlevel organisms. This will adversely affect the ecosystem, 8, (i) Magnetic field lines due to a solenoids shown below : (ii) In case of an ideal solenoid, magnetic field strength is maximum at point A and is minimum or zero at point B Tht is because the magnetic field is trong, ‘where magnetic field lines are crowded and is weak, where magnetic field linet are far apart. ‘At the point C the density of the field Jines is less than that of point A but greater than that of point B So, the order of magnetic field a points A, Band Cis By < Be < By. paperselence Class X (Term Il) ey sin various allotropic forms +.Cost of energy to operate the refrigerator orn et tlerene (Cg) one of the for 30 days 2 i $ Reed ‘ofearbon with cage-like =90 kWh x45 per kWh ae =? 405 eon Ce ae (i) Given, potential difference, V = 220 V Bows Current, 1=06 A Ox Time, t =2 min = 120s a Power, P=? ty We know that, srestectrons dot structire of Cly is power, P= VI =220x06=132 W @ and E= Pt=132 x 120 = 15840) () So, the power of fan is 132 W and it transforms 15840 J of energy. total member of unpaired electron is 6. 12+ (i) Since, the magnet is at rest, so no current is Tsmeans on each chlorine, 3 pair of induced in the coil. So needle shows no ng are present. deflection. os (ii) Since, the bar magnet is at rest and the coil is moving away from the magnet, needle of ( Ingeseous phase carbon av as CO and the Pigehoneter coil swing Eibate right. €0,-In solid form it exist as diamond and Gy Wes ec ciel aie trai the ee a coil, the needle swings to the left. {i The structure of ammonia is as follows Or (@) The galvanometer shows a deflection which H—N— ‘means current is induced in the coil. I Current is induced in the coil due to the H relative motion between coil and magnet. Number of single bonds =3 (ii) The galvanometer shows a deflection in ‘opposite direction which means current is Mine ai induced in opposite direction. In this case, (a) Uses of graphite are as follows. the direction of motion is in the opposite + Itisused in pencils. direction w.rt. coil. + Itis used as lubricants. (iil) There is no deflection in galvanometer as We wince Kalawatiby tellingherthat -—=»=»-«‘no current is induced in the coil. This is sofacildis cael if because there is no relative motion between coil and magnet. (i) Insice 1, no change will be observed or it ‘will remain sterile because itlacks moisture. -pin head-like structures are seen g on the surface of slice 2, This is y spores of Rhizopus are always ‘which thrive in humid slice 2 kept in moist and ‘of sporangia and £ YAdWd JIdNVS CBSE Sample Paper Science loss . {i Carbon has atomic number 6, 14. (i) Red colour gene will be the dominant, i configuration is 24, tis Ise (i) Rand. ofthe periodictable, | (ii) FF, -generation is selt-pollinated then the \sateney of element Eis genotypic ratio of Fy-generation willl be CD omer dectou so Didewhk shell. RR Re () Et+Cr— ECL So, out of 2400 plants, 600 will be having Valency of Clis(~)1, while ie petals and 1800 will be having red GL Therefore, the formulae se Or or IfF -generation is cross-pollination with rr The electron dot structure of Band Giana ‘genes, then the genotypic ratio of F2 (a) B:(CO) 7 a es = =0c0 Bie ain white petals and 1200 will be having red () C(CO2) ir petals. 15. (i) Ais carbon, Bis carbon ide and Cis 2) 2 O=C=0 Btn mnie SCD 2& i faa ff wert a wel) tor! prnllod Yi) war Agni yes rsa saath Bib wi bit BY en doris ac gat»

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