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In this section you must choose the word or phrase which best completes each
sentence. For each question, 1 to 20, indicate the letter A, B, C or D against the
number of the question.
1) We are grateful … our friends, who have done everything for us in the
making of the film.
D- None is
A- for B- to C- with correct
2) First he read the poem to himself and then … to the class.
D- Both A
and C are
A- loudly B- aloud C- loud correct
3) The … for winning that match is a gold medal.
A- Price B- prizing C- award D- reward
4) Opening a conversation and bringing it to an end are essential parts of
our …
A- every day B- everyday C- language D- language
language language everyday of every day
5) We have advised him … many times but, you know, he is a stubborn
A- of keeping B- to keep C- keeping D- keeping
quiet quiet quiet quietly
6) The holidays at the seaside … We really had a good time there.
A- made us B- made us C- made we D- made us
happily happiness happy happy
7) Had I known Arabic was so difficult to learn, I … it up.
B- would D- would
A- would have never C- will never never have
never take taken take taken
8) The boy … two full hours on his homework yesterday.
B- have D- has
A- has spent spended C- spent spended
9) Your rudeness brought us ….
A- sad B- sadly C- sadness D- comfort
10) Since her father …, her eldest brother has looked after them.
C- passing
A- death B- dead away D- died
11) You have to be … your stupidity.
A- ashamed B- ashamed C- ashamed D- ashamed
of for over about
12) When I reached the place, I found that the man …
A- death B- was died C- was death D- was dead
13) He lives … but he doesn’t feel … because he has plenty to do.
A/ alone – B/ lonely – C/ single – D/ alone –
lonely alone alone singly
14) The dog was so dirty that he looked as if he … in the mud.
A/ had been B/ had been C/ had been D/ had been
lay lying lied lain
15) They have … of helpers even when they are in need.
A/ a great B/ a large C/ a large D/ great
quantily amount number number
16) I … the heat because I had been living there for a long time.
B/ was used C/ got used D/ was used
A/ used to to of of
17) The purpose of the examination was to … the students’ knowledge of
the subject.
A/ try B/ inspect C/ prove D/ test
18) There’s … to be frightened of the dog; he’s quite harmless.
A/ a fear B/ no fear C/ no need D/ any
19) The child was told to … for being rude to his uncle.
A/ case B/ time C/ order preparation
20) You may have to stay the night, so take a toothbrush just in …
A/ case B/ time C/ order preparation
In this section you will find after the passage five questions of unfinished
statements about the passage, each with four suggested answers or ways of
finishing. You must choose the one which you think fits best. For each question,
21 to 25, indicate the letter A, B, C or D against the number of the question.
In many old cities in Europe, there are narrow twisting roads with many
shops huddling together along the two sides. These commercial places are
not so modern and convenient as those called shopping centres in modern
cities, especially in the suburbs of the big cities in the United States.
Shopping centres have developed rapidly because of the shift of the
population to the suburbs, the growing use of and dependence upon the
automobile and the heavy traffic in downtown areas.
A shopping centre is a large group of stores facing a huge central mall
which may be covered , heated and air conditioned. A shopping centre is
also surrounded by a parking area with space for thousands of cars.
We can buy all kinds of food and get anything we need in a shopping
centre. Unlike a supermarket where groceries are chiefly sold, a shopping
centre provides us with all services besides food. We can get our hair cut,
eyes examined, clothes washed; we can book our tickets for a world tour
and even enroll in special classes.
Shopping centres are, therefore, very convenient for customers, but they
lack the “sense of closeness” as felt in order commercial centres.
21) The rapid development of shopping centres is mainly due to …
A/ the fast growing prosperity of suburban people.
B/ the increasing use of the automobile.
C/ the growing use of heavy cars in big cities.
D/ the shift of the population to downtown areas.
22) A shopping centre is a large group of stores facing a huge central mall
which is ….
A/ narrow and winding
B/ very crowded with automobiles
C/ used as a store-house for heaters and air-conditioners.
D/ shaded and comfortable
23) American shopping centres are especially established in the suburbs
because …
A/ the customers want to avoid the heavy traffic in downtown areas.
B/ the traffic is heavier in the suburbs than in the downtown aresa.
C/ there are few people moving from the downtown areas to the
neighbouring regions.
D/ the streets in the downtown areas are so narrow and twisting.
24) Customers can’t find the “sense of closeness” in a modern shopping
centre because …
A/ all the items in the stores are very expensive
B/ the shopkeepers are not very cordial
C/ it is too modern and conventional
D/ they worry too much about the safety of their cars.
25) In the shopping sections of many old cities in Europe, the stores are
A/ in the suburbs.
B/ in residential areas.
C/ along poor, dirty roads.
D/ along small, winding streets.
Paper 2
A/ Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE
word in each space.
In a village on the east coast of Scotland, people were waiting anxiously for
news. Two of their fishing-boats (26) …. Been caught in the storm (27) …
had blown up during the night. In the cottages round the harbour people
stood (28) … their door, (29) … worried to talk.
The rest of the fishing fleet had (30) … the harbour dark, and the men from
these ships waited and watched with the wives and families of (31) …
missing men. Some had (32) … thick blankets and some flasks of hot
drinks, knowing that the men (33) … be cold and tired. As dawn began to
break over (34) … the east, a small point of light was (35) … in the
darkness of the water and a (36) … minutes later, (37) … was a shout.
Before long, the two boats (38) … turning in, past the lighthouse, to the
inside of the harbour. The men (39) … help out of their boats, and although
they were stiff (40) … cold and tiredness, they were all safe.
Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences.
41) If/ no taxis / walk / station
42) When I / station / train / already / leave
43) see him / walk alone / park / ago
44) I / wait / her / since 9 o’clock
45) sister / not interested / find / new job
46) film / so good / see / four times
47) look forward to / your reply / soon
48) If / fine weather / an excursion / to Vung Tau / tomorrow
49) year 2000 / our living conditions / much better
50) I / hope / come / England / next year / spend / some months / London
C/ Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly
the same as the sentence printed before it.
51) He didn’t hurry, so he missed the train.
If …………………………..
52) I asked my mother to wake me up at 6 o’clock the following morning.
Please ……………………..
53) The garage is going to repair the car for us next week.
We are going …………………………………..
54) Although his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car.
In spite ……………………………………………
55) I can’t cook as well as my mother does.
My mother ……………………………………….

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