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North South University

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering



Semester Fall 2022

Name: Mohasin Ahmed Niloy

Student ID: 2121497042

 Is abortion justi able?

Abortion is de ned as the termination of a fetus from the womb of a human
female, at the request or through the agency of the mother, so as in fact to result in the
death of the fetus but with small risk to the life or health of the mother. I do not
believe that abortion can be justi ed, without rare exceptions. A fetus is a human
being, and all human beings have the right to life, killing is evil and immoral and
abortion allows us to kill our own species.

Firstly, according to the pro-life side, life begin at conception and a living human
being have the right to life. But According to the pro-choice side, a fetus is not a
living person right up until birth. As long as a fetus is not a physical, separate entity
to the mother, and it is inside the mother, only mother should give any moral wight.
Since the fetus is very much mother’s body, so an abortion should be permissible
right up until birth of a baby. On the other hand, according to pro-life side right from
the beginning of the pregnancy this is a life, this is a living human being and so it has
moral weight the right to life. So, with rare exceptions, circumstances like when the
mother's life at risk from the pregnancy, abortion should not be permissible.

Secondly, according to pro-life, a fetus has the potential to become a human being, so
ultimately a fetus is a human being, killing a human being is evil and immoral. But
according to the pro-choice side at the beginning of the pregnancy, there's nothing but
a cluster of cells, but a human being is a breathing moving being with the physical
body. In this way, a human being and a group of cells are not the same thing. So
eliminating a group of cells and killing a human being is not the same thing. Fetus
has no consciousness, and it can not ll pain or anything of the sorts, so we can not
compare a fetus with a living baby. In this fact, they should not be given the same
moral rights. So we can say that, since it is still developing, cells in the mother's
body and should be treated as parts of the mother's body. But a nine-month fetus at a
day before born can not be considered a cluster of cells and can not be given the same
moral weight as a cluster of cells. It is high possibility a later term pregnancy fetus
can survive outside the mother's womb. If he can survive outside the mother, then it
should be considered a distinct moral agent. According to the pro-choices side,
viability is the best answer, as it is the middle gourd. But viability can not be the best
answer because if we compare a 23-week fetus with a 24-week fetus there is not
much difference, however they have completely different moral status. One is
considered a living being, and the other is considered a cluster of cells that can be
terminated, and this is not right. Though an early fetus doesn’t consider as a human
being, it has full potential to become a life and a human being. So abortion should
consider as killing a human being, and it is evil and immoral to do so.

Finally, abortion makes it possible for us to kill our own species and inevitably
retains humanity as a whole. According to pro-choice, acceptance of safe abortion
bene t the Society. There are some cases where abortion is worthwhile. Consider a
girl who has been the victim of a rape that has led to a pregnancy. Though this was
against her will, she should have every right to terminate the fetus and not have to go
through the whole pregnancy as a constant reminder of the abuse she had endured.
Also consider severe deformities or illnesses that can be detected very early in the
pregnancy by allowing abortion, these beings do not have gone through a life of pain
and misery. Abortion also helps with population control and of course less unwanted
children in the World means less poverty, fewer crimes and less abundant and
neglected children. But we can not go to a children's home care or child hospital and
say to the children that we should have terminated them. According to WHO, around
73 million induced abortions take place worldwide each year, and this is a lot of
potential life being terminated. Consider how many great people would have been
terminated. How many great minds, how many doctors, scientists, investigators have
been terminated. So, we should stop abortion so that our species as human beings can
go forward and build a better future for us.

Therefore, abortion is a broad topic of discussion in our society. It depends from

person to person, it is morally correct or wrong to have an abortion. But having
discussed the following facts, I believe that as a human being we should respect the
fetus as we do for an entire human being. Because he has as much potential as a baby,
he should be allowed to live. Abortion should not be permitted, as killing a human
being is evil and immoral. Even if a foetus has full potential as a baby, we should
give him a chance to do something in him life.

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