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5. Reading

1. Digital photography is quicker and cheaper. You can see the results instantly and
delete the pictures you don’t like or take another, better picture.
2. The camera developed and printed the picture at the same time.
3. Because we all like to see photographs quickly and not have to wait
4. It will continue to be popular with a small group of people, but I don’t think it will be
popular with people in general


1. a restaurant.
2. negative.
1. It was his girlfriend’s birthday
2. A friend had recommended it.
3. He asked for a table by the window you don’t like or take another, better picture.
4. They sat at a small table in the middle of the restaurant.
5. The food was fine.
6. The waiter refused to remover the service charge.
After having stayed at Casa Andina hotel, all the services served were really good. I think that it
was my greatest experience I’ve ever had.

I visited Lima last year because of Coldplay’s concert so I went with my girlfriend to pass a
great time. When I reserved the hotel, the brochure on their website mentioned that there
was a special offer that included a buffet breakfast, so we were really happy because we heard
that they used to make an exquisite breakfast and we would need it after getting up early to
win a line at the concert.

On the other hand, the hotel facilities inspired a lot of peace and comfort. We arrived the day
of the concert really late and there was security in front of the main door, we felt really safe.
Everybody knows that crime has increased, hence it is essential to take precautions and choose
not only a nice hotel but also a warranty one.

I have never stayed in a hotel with very spacious rooms at an affordable price. We spend a
great week in Lima, so I really recommend go to Casa Andina. You won't regret it!

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