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Name of Roommate 1: VISHAKHA SINGLA

Name of Roommate 2: TARINI SHARMA

Room Number: 231

Residence Hall Number: RH4

Floor RA(s)’s Name: NISHTHA DANI

Part B
Please fill this form together by reaching to a consensus regarding the best living
arrangement for both of you. Both the roommates are expected to bring a spirit of
healthy discussion, compromise and adjustment while filling this section of the form.
Make sure the solution you select is in tandem with the policies and procedures outlined
in the Residence Life Policies.

1. Regarding the appearance of the room, we have decided:
a. It will be orderly and clean ☐
b. It will be in between ☐

c. It will be messy ☐
d. We will both take care of how our own sides look and not bother about the
other ☐
e. We have no preference ☐


1. We will leave the windows:
a. Open ☐
b. Closed ☐

c. Depends on the weather ☐

d. Depends on the time of the day ☐
e. No preference ☐

2. When we are in the room, the temperature of the room will be:
a. Cold- with both the fan and the A/C on at all times ☐
b. Cool – with the A/C on at all times ☐
c. Moderate – with the fan on at all times ☐

d. Warm – without switching on either one of them ☐

1. With regard to our roommates sleeping and studying habits:
a. We have read and agree to accommodate their requirements ☐

b. We have read each other's requirements, but due to certain conflicts, we have agreed
to the following rules: ☐
While one (or both) of us is (/are) sleeping we: (add more conditions to these points if
i. Will keep the room dark ☐
ii. Will keep a light on ☐

iii. Will play music out loud ☐

iv. Will listen to our music on headphones ☐
v. Do not mind the other having peers over ☐

vi. Will not have peers over ☐

vii. Will not use our laptops ☐

viii. Do not mind the other using their laptops ☐

ix. Will not talk on the phone/ video chat ☐
x. Do not mind the other talking on the phone/ video chatting ☐

xi. Others ☐
2. While one (or both) of us is (/are) studying we: (add more conditions to these points
if required)
i. Will not play music out loud ☐

ii. Will play music out loud (deciding on what kind of music together) ☐
iii. Do not mind the other having peers/ study partners over ☐
iv. Others ☐

If others, please specify:

3. When it comes to eating food in the room

a. We will not eat food in the room ☐
b. We do not mind anyone eating in the room ☐

c. These are the certain types of food we do not want anyone eating in the


1. We have read and agree to accommodate our roommate’s conditions for peers s in the
room ☐

2. We have read our roommate’s conditions for peers in the room, but due to certain
conflicts we have agreed on the following rules:

a. Peers are welcome anytime ☐

b. Peers will leave when the other roommate is studying ☐

c. Peers will leave when the other roommate is sleeping ☐
d. Peers will leave when the other roommate is in the room ☐

e. We must be informed about peers a few hours before they are invited ☐
f. No advanced warning is required when inviting peers ☐

1Please note that all visitation should be in consonance with the University Residence Life Policy on
Security and Visitation.
g. Peers will not use the other’s bed when they are not there ☐

h. Peers may use ___________’s <roommate name> bed, but not

___________ ’s <roommate name> bed when they are not there ☐
i. Peers may use the other roommate’s bed when they are not there ☐
j. Peers may not feel free to eat the other roommate’s food at all ☐

k. Peers may eat _______’s <roommate name> food, but not ________’s
<roommate name> food ☐
l. Peers may eat the other roommate’s food ☐

m. Overnight peers are allowed ☐

n. Overnight peers are not allowed ☐
o. Overnight peers are only allowed when the other roommate is not there ☐

p. Other ☐
If other, please specify:

Talk it out and work out the details.

3. If a roommate’s peers break anything in the room: ______________________
4. With respect to visitors of other gender we have decided

1. The room should be locked when: (select as many as applicable)
a. One roommate leaves ☐
b. When both roommates leave ☐

c. At night when either one/ both roommates are asleep ☐

d. Other ☐

If other, please specify:

2. Do both roommates agree to carry the room keys everywhere they go?
a. Yes ☐
b. No ☐

3. With respect to our personal belongings, we have decided that

use with permission


The basic rights of a roommate include (but are not limited to):
1. The right to privacy
2. The right to free and uninhibited access to the allotted room at all times
3. The right to have the roommate and/or peers respect personal belongings
4. The right to study and sleep peacefully in the allotted room, free from any undue
interference or hindrance from the roommate and/or peers
5. The right to be asked/consulted with and to grant/deny permission for having
2peers invited over in the allotted room
6. The right to a hygienic and clean living environment
7. The right to free and uninhibited access to common spaces at all times
8. The right to be treated as equal without fear of harassment, intimidation,
bullying, and physical and/or emotional harm
9. The right to discuss and resolve disagreements or conflicts in a respectful, civil,
and open manner

Any violation of the above-stated rights can be reported to the relevant committee for
further action.

*The discussion points for other agreements can include laundry arrangement, any
specific hygiene concerns, spiritual interests, physical display of affection, offensive
and inappropriate language, preferred names and pronouns, cultural traditions etc.

2 The privilege to host a peer(s) in the room is superseded by the rights of the resident specifically Clause 1 and 2. Therefore, a

resident’s request for any peer(s) being hosted by the roommate to leave the room must be honoured at all times, regardless of the
sex or gender of the peer(s).
Other agreements are as follows:

Our signatures below indicate that we have discussed this document and agree to abide
by it.

Roommate A Roommate B

• Please submit the completed agreement form over email in PDF format to your RA.

• Please refer to the Roommate Agreement whenever there seems to be a roommate

conflict. If you are unable to resolve the matter, contact your Resident Assistant for
further assistance.

• If the Roommate Agreement requires renegotiation or you are unsuccessful in working

through a conflict, contact your RA for consultation or additional mediation.

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