A New Fluoride Ion Colorimetric Sensor Based On Azo-Azomethine Receptors - Arabahmadi2013

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Supramolecular Chemistry
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A new fluoride ion colorimetric sensor based on

azo–azomethine receptors
a a
Raziyeh Arabahmadi & Saeid Amani
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences , Arak University , Dr. Beheshti Ave, Arak ,
38156-8-8349 , Iran
Published online: 26 Sep 2013.

To cite this article: Raziyeh Arabahmadi & Saeid Amani , Supramolecular Chemistry (2013): A new fluoride ion colorimetric
sensor based on azo–azomethine receptors, Supramolecular Chemistry, DOI: 10.1080/10610278.2013.833334

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10610278.2013.833334


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Supramolecular Chemistry, 2013

A new fluoride ion colorimetric sensor based on azo– azomethine receptors

Raziyeh Arabahmadi and Saeid Amani*
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Arak University, Dr. Beheshti Ave, Arak 38156-8-8349, Iran
(Received 7 April 2013; accepted 6 August 2013)

Four new colorimetric chemosensors, receptors 1a – 1d, containing electron-donating moieties appended to the azophenol
moiety were synthesised. The dyes were characterised by elemental analysis, infrared, UV – vis and nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR) spectra. Spectral characteristics of the dyes were investigated in four organic solvents of differing polarity
and their chromogenic behaviours towards various anions. The sensors showed a colour change upon addition of fluoride ion
with a substantial bathochromic shift. No significant colour changes was observed upon addition of any other anions.
The significant changes of absorption bands and colour show that chemosensor was selective towards fluoride ion over other
anions such that Cl2, Br2 and NO2 3 could not cause any colour change. The sensing action was further confirmed by
Downloaded by [Florida Atlantic University] at 04:38 30 September 2013

UV – vis titration. In addition, 1H NMR experiments were carried out to explore the nature of interaction between receptors
and F2.
Keywords: test kit; receptor; colorimetric sensors; solvatochromism; fluoride ion

1. Introduction they also find direct applications in the development of

Anion recognition is an area of growing interest in optodes and disposable dipstick arrays based on absorption
supramolecular chemistry due to its important role in a wide changes (27–33). In colorimetric chemosensors, a bath-
range of environmental, clinical, chemical and biological ochromic or hypsochromic shift of absorption spectra or
applications, and considerable attention has focused on the visual colour change is affected by the respective increase
design of supramolecular sensors that are able to selectively or decrease in electron densities on the chromophore
recognise and sense anion species (1–12). Among the moiety. So, most of the chromogenic sensors are available
biologically important anions, fluoride is of particular for only charged guests. The term solvatochromism is used
interest due to its established role in dental care and to describe the shift of an UV or visible absorption band in
osteoporosis (13–17). The addition of fluoride in drinking solvents of different polarities. Dye molecules with
water and toothpastes has become widespread due to the solvatochromic strong character have been used as probes
valuable effects of fluoride in human health. Molecular in the study of micelle/solution interfaces, model liquid
chemistry has developed a wide range of procedures for membranes, microemulsions and phospholipid bilayers, as
creating even more sophisticated molecules and materials well as in the dyes applied in analytical chemistry for
from atoms linked by covalent bonds (18, 11). Beyond indicating solvent polarity. Dependence of absorption
molecular chemistry, supramolecular chemistry aims at spectra on the solvent polarity refers to the difference in
constituting highly complex, functional chemical systems dipole moment between the ground and excited states of the
from components held together by intermolecular forces. chromophore. Variations in the intensity, position and shape
Chemosensors are the molecules of abiotic origin that bind of the absorption spectra can be used to understand the
selectively and reversibly with the analyte. Change in one or non-specific and specific interactions between the probe
more properties of the system, such as colour (colorimetric and solvent molecules (34–36). Here, we report the
chemosensors) or fluorescence (fluorescent chemosensors) synthesis, characterisation and chromogenic studies on
or redox potentials (electrochemical sensors), is observable hosts (1a–1d) with azophenol moiety as the end groups
(19–26). Among different types of chemosensors, colori- so as to dispose two –OH groups capable of forming
metric/chromogenic chemosensors are especially attractive H-bonding or undergoing deprotonation in the presence of
because the guest determination can be carried out by the anion. We prepared a set of four hosts 1a–1d based on
naked eye, without the use of expensive equipment, and azophenol–imine platform, cf. Scheme 1.

*Corresponding author. Email: s-amani@araku.ac.ir

q 2013 Taylor & Francis
2 R. Arabahmadi and S. Amani


R3 N N R3

R2 R1 R1 R2
R1 , R2=H R3=(CH2)3CH3 1a
R2=H R1 , R3= CH3 1b

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R3 N N R3

R2 R1 R1 R2
R1 , R2=H R3=(CH2)3CH3 1c

R2=H R1 , R3= CH3 1d

Scheme 1. Synthesised receptors (1a – 1d).

2. Experimental hydrochloric acid (36 ml) and water (16 ml) was heated to
2.1 Physical measurements 708C until complete dissolution. The clear solution was
poured into ice water and was diazotised below 58C with
Determinations of C, N and H composition were
sodium nitrite (2.8 g, 40 mmol) dissolved in water
undertaken using an Elemental Analysis System carried
(10 ml). The cold diazonium solution was added over
out by GmbH Vario EL III (Germany). Electronic spectra of
the course of 30 min at 08C to a solution of
receptors in CH3CN/DMSO (dimethylsolfoxide) were
salicylaldehyde (4.26 ml, 40 mmol) in water (75 ml)
recorded on a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 15 (Germany).
containing sodium hydroxide (1.6 g) and sodium
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of the com-
carbonate (14.8 g). During the addition process, the
pounds as KBr discs were obtained in the 4000 –400 cm21
solution was vigorously stirred. The product was
range with a Galaxy series FTIR 5000 spectrometer
collected by vacuum filtration and washed with NaCl
(England). Melting points of all newly prepared compounds
solution (100 ml, 10%). Coupling of the diazonium
were determined on Electrothermal 9200 apparatus
reagent to the salicylaldehyde occurred at the position
(Germany). 1H NMR spectroscopy was performed using a
para to the hydroxyl group. The diazo compound was
Bruker 300 MHz spectrometer (Germany)
recrystallised several times from ethyl alcohol. Yellow,
yield: 92%, m.p.: 86 – 888C. FTIR (KBr, cm21): 3211
( – OH group), 1666 ( – CHO group), 1620 (CvC), 1574
2.2 Materials
(phenol ring), 1481 (NvN), 1286 (CZO). lmax (nm)
All solvents were of reagent grade quality and were purchased (1 (M21 cm21)): 268 (15,796), 346 (34,292), 445
from Merck Chemical Company (Germany) and used as (13,556) in dimethylformamide (DMF). 1H NMR (d6-
received without further purification. All anions in the form of DMSO, 300 MHz, ppm) d: 10.36 (1H, s), 8.15 (1H, s), 8.0
tetrabutylammonium salts were purchased from Fluka (1H, dd, J ¼ 8.9, 2 Hz), 7.7 (2H, d, J ¼ 8 Hz), 7.4 (2H, d,
Company (Spain) and used without further purification. J ¼ 8.01 Hz), 7.2 (1H, d, J ¼ 8.8 Hz), 2.6 (2H, t,
J ¼ 7.6 Hz), 1.59 (2H, p, J ¼ 7.05 Hz), 1.3 (2H, q,
J ¼ 7.2 Hz), 0.9 (3H, t, J ¼ 7.1 Hz).
2.3 Synthesis
2.3.1 Synthesis of the starting materials 1-(3-Formyl-4-hydroxyphenylazo)-2,4-dimethylbenzene
1-(3-Formyl-4-hydroxyphenylazo)-4-butylbenzene (C1). (C2). Compound C2 was synthesised from 2,4-dimethylani-
A suspension of 4-butylaniline (6.07 g, 40 mmol) in line (5.44 g, 40 mmol) following the procedure given above
Supramolecular Chemistry 3

for C1, using the same molar ratio of the reagents. The purity Synthesis of bis(4-(4-butyl-phenylazo)-phenol)diethylene
of the compound was evaluated using thin layer triimine (1c). Yellow, yield: 67%, m.p.: 1248C. Anal. calcd
chromatography. Brown, yield: 38%, m.p.: 130–1338C. for C38H45N7O2, C: 72.2, H: 7.12, N: 15.5. Found: C: 71.98,
FTIR (KBr, cm21): 3014 (–OH group), 1649 (–CHO H: 7.92, N: 15.36%. FTIR (KBr, cm21): 3290 (– OH
group), 1614 (CvC), 1581 (phenol ring), 1481 (NvN), group), 1637 (CvN group), 1612 (CvC), 1512 (phenol
1278 (CZO). lmax (nm) (1 (M21 cm21)): 268 (19,120), 346 ring), 1429 (NvN), 1265 (CZO). 1H NMR (d6-DMSO,
(40,340), 456 (14,292) in DMF. 1H NMR (d6-DMSO, 300 MHz, ppm) d: 8.3 (2H, s), 7.9 (1H, s), 7.8 (1H, d,
300 MHz, ppm) d: 11.8 (1H, br), 10.36 (1H, s), 8.1 (1H, s), J ¼ 8.9 Hz), 7.6 (2H, d, J ¼ 7.8 Hz), 7.3 (2H, d,
8.0 (1H, d, J ¼ 7.9 Hz), 7.5 (1H, d, J ¼ 8.4 Hz), 7.27 (1H, s), J ¼ 7.7 Hz), 6.8 (1H, d, J ¼ 9.03 Hz), 3.6 (2H, s), 3.4
7.23 (1H, s), 7.1 (1H, d, J ¼ 8.3 Hz), 2.7 (3H, s), 2.3 (3H, s). (NH, s), 2.9 (2H, s), 2.6 (4H, t, J ¼ 7.2 Hz), 1.5 (4H, t,
J ¼ 6.9 Hz), 1.3 (4H, q, J ¼ 6.7 Hz), 0.9 (6H, t, J ¼ 7 Hz).

2.3.2 Synthesis of the Schiff base ligands

A solution of related diamine (1 mmol) in absolute
EtOH (15 ml) was added to a stirring solution of azo- Synthesis of bis(4-(2,4-dimethyl-phenylazo)-phenol)
coupled precursors C1 – C2 (2 mmol) in absolute EtOH
Downloaded by [Florida Atlantic University] at 04:38 30 September 2013

diethylene triimine (1d). Light brown, yield: 31%, m.p.:

(60 ml) during a period of 7 min at 70 – 808C. The 1198C. Anal. calcd for C34H37N7O2, C: 71.4, H: 5.89, N:
mixture was heated in water bath for 4 h at 808C with 17.4. Found: C: 70.97, H: 6.43, N: 17.03%. FTIR (KBr,
stirring. The mixture was filtered and the obtained cm21): 3427 (– OH group), 1633 (CvN group), 1610
solid was washed with hot ethanol. The resultant (CvC), 1581 (phenol ring), 1489 (NvN), 1282 (CZO).
product was dried in air. 1
H NMR (d6-DMSO, 300 MHz, ppm) d: 8.32 (2H, s), 8.37
(2H, s), 8.1 (2H, d, J ¼ 9 Hz), 7.9 (2H, s), 7.8 (2H, d,
Synthesis of bis(4-(4-butyl-phenylazo)-phenol)-O-pheny- J ¼ 9.4 Hz), 7.6 (2H, d, J ¼ 8.9 Hz), 6.6 (2H, d,
lene diimine (1a). Yellow, yield: 87%, m.p.: 2048C. Anal. J ¼ 9.8 Hz), 3.6 (4H, s), 2.9 (4H, s), 3.3 (NH, s), 2.7
calcd for C40H40N6O2·CH3OH, C: 73.59, H: 6.7, N: (6H, s), 2.2 (6H, s).
12.25. Found: C: 73.76, H: 6.7, N: 12.77%. FTIR (KBr,
cm21): 3329 ( – OH group), 1614 (CvN group), 1585
(CvC), 1570 (phenol ring), 1483 (NvN), 1282 (CZO).
1 3. Results and discussion
H NMR (d6-DMSO, 300 MHz, ppm) d: 13.64 (2H, s),
9.1 (2H, s), 8.3 (2H, s), 7.9 (2H, s), 7.7 (4H, s), 7.5 (2H, s), 3.1 Infrared spectra
7.4 (2H, s), 7.3 (4H, s), 7.1 (2H, s), 2.6 (4H), 1.5 (4H), 1.3 The positions of some of the prominent bands in the
(4H), 0.9 (6H). infrared (IR) spectra of C1 – C2 and 1a – 1d receptors are
given in Table 1. A strong band observed in the IR
spectra of C1 and C2 in the region of 1655 – 1675 cm21
Synthesis of bis(4-(2,4-dimethyl-phenylazo)-phenol)-O- can be assigned to the n(CvO) group. The total
phenylene diimine (1b). Dark brown, yield: 41%, m.p.: absence of the y (CvO) band in the IR spectra of the
1898C. Anal. calcd for C36H32N6O2, C: 74.4, H: 5.5, N: prepared dyes together with the appearance of new n
14.4. Found: C: 74.21, H: 4.5, N: 14.29%. FTIR (KBr, (CvN) band in the range of 1612 – 1637 cm21 clearly
cm21): 3014 ( – OH group), 1612 (CvN group), 1587 indicated that new Schiff base compounds had formed
(CvC), 1575 (phenol ring), 1481 (NvN), 1286 (CZO). in each case. The symmetric NvN stretching mode in
H NMR (d6-DMSO, 300 MHz, ppm) d: 13.63 (2H, s), the IR spectra of 1a – 1d leads to a medium band at
9.1 (2H, s), 8.3 (2H, s), 7.9 (2H, d, J ¼ 6.5 Hz), 7.5 (2H, 1429 – 1489 cm21, while the n(CZO) stretching mode
s), 7.4 (4H, s), 7.2 (2H, s), 7.1 (4H, s), 2.6 (6H, s), 2.3 gives an intense band within the range 1265 –
(6H, s). 1286 cm21 (37 – 41).

Table 1. Infrared spectral data of C1 – C2 and 1a – 1d receptors (cm21).

Compounds n(CvO) n(CvC) n(CZO) n(CvN) n(phenol ring) n(NvN)

C1 1666 1620 1286 – 1574 1481
C2 1649 1614 1278 – 1581 1481
1a – 1585 1282 1614 1570 1483
1b – 1587 1286 1612 1575 1481
1c – 1612 1265 1637 1512 1429
1d – 1610 1282 1633 1581 1489
4 R. Arabahmadi and S. Amani
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Figure 1. Partial 1H NMR (300 MHz) spectra of host 1a in DMSO, (A) in the absence, (B) presence of 1.0 equiv. and (C) presence of
2.0 equiv. of TBAF.

3.2 H NMR spectra The electronic absorption spectrum of the receptors in
H NMR titration experiments were performed to under- the absence of anions showed three transitions in DMSO.
stand the character of the receptor –anion interactions. The first band in the wavelength 260 –276 nm was
In the 1H NMR spectra of the receptors, the singlet assigned to the excitation of the p-electrons of the
resonances in the 13.6 ppm regions can be attributed to the aromatic system. The second band observed in the
protons of the phenolic OH groups. All three receptors wavelength 360 – 375 nm could be due to p ! p *
exhibit singlet signals in the range of 9.1– 8.3 ppm, which transition of azo and azomethine groups. The third band
were attributed to imine protons. 1H NMR spectrum was located in the wavelength of 427– 469 nm is due to an
recorded by treating the receptor with F2 ion. It was found intramolecular charge transfer transition within the whole
that the peak at 13.64 ppm corresponding to the proton of molecule (19, 39, 42).
the phenolic OH group disappeared on the addition of
1 equiv. of F2. This demonstrates the interaction of anion
through the phenolic OH group in the receptor (Figure 1). 3.4 Solvatochromism behaviour
At the same time, deprotonation of the receptor can be It is well known that the UV – vis absorption spectra
possibly occurred, and indeed, we observed such (positions, intensities and shapes) of azo – azomethine
deprotonation and the formation of HF2 1
2 in the H NMR ligands are usually influenced by the surrounding medium
spectra of 1a as a new signal at ca. 16 ppm (Figure 1C) and solvents (42, 43). The positions of wavelength
(18). Consequently, we propose that the F2 recognition absorption bands in the spectra of synthesised dyes,
occurs by the initial hydrogen bonding of the anion to the 1a –1c, were determined in four organic solvents of
receptor, followed by deprotonation that brings electron different polarities, namely DMF, DMSO, tetrahydroforan
density onto the p-conjugated framework through bond (THF) and dioxane. The solvent effect on the spectral
propagation, thus causing a shielding effect and inducing position bands of 1a– 1c is summarised in Table 2. We
small upfield shift of aromatic protons. found that the absorption band at 360– 375 nm generally
shows red shift (positive solvatochromism) as the polarity
of solvent was increased. The influence of solvents for the
3.3 Electronic absorption spectra prepared dyes increases in the order DMSO . DMF . -
The UV – vis absorption spectra of the azo-coupled dioxane . THF. This observed behaviour is accounted as
salicylaldehyde precursors C1 and C2 display mainly two that the prepared azo dyes in the ground state and in the
bands arising from the p ! p * transitions in the excitation state indicate different polarities. The other
backbone, while the third band at 310 –345 nm is due to band at 427 – 469 nm shows blue shift (negative solvato-
n ! p * transition in the visible region. chromism) upon increasing solvent polarity, indicating a
Supramolecular Chemistry 5

Table 2. Absorption spectral data of 1a – 1d in various organic solvents; lmax/nm (1/dm mol – 1 cm – 1).

Compounds DMSO DMF Dioxane THF

1a 375(29,933) 335(23,533) 246(12,566) 251(17,233)
464(5466) 466(7366) 350(31,366) 353(45,000)
1b 276(24,800) 275(23,266) 243(50,800) 274(42,600)
360(51,666) 356(48,366) 275(38,933) 278(18,600)
469(7433) 445(10,833) 355(48,566) 357(69,466)
434(8933) 450(7803)
1c 260(25,866) 270(27,533) 250(22,100) 243(36,466)
366(46,100) 362(49,133) 359(47,166) 296(22,266)
427(16,923) 433(15,066) 360(45,700)
1d 362(53,000) 361(52,700) 240(49,133) 244(41,633)
454(10,403) 463(13,366) 271(37,266) 304(37,000)
356(46,700) 356(68,666)
449(6200) 451(5600)
Downloaded by [Florida Atlantic University] at 04:38 30 September 2013

reduction in the dipole moment upon electronic excitation. the solution. The negative charge brought about by the
The absorption spectra of 1b in various solvents are shown anion-induced deprotonation increases the dipole
in Figure 2. moment and stabilises the excited state causing a red
shift of 1a – 1d hosts. These results demonstrate that a
complex formation of 1a – 1d with F2 anion is taking
3.5 UV –vis titration place via electrostatic interactions of hydrogen bonding
(Table 3). However, no change was observed with ions
The sensing behaviour of the receptors 1a – 1d towards Cl2, Br2 and NO2 3 in CH3CN/DMSO (Figure 3e).
anions (F2, Cl2, Br2 and NO2 3 ) was also investigated by Judging from the titrations, the strong binding of fluoride
the UV – vis titration (44 – 46). UV – vis titrations were allowed the Job’s plot method to be used in the
carried out by successive incremental addition of determination of the binding stoichiometry, which was
tetrabutylammonium salts to 1a – 1d and the spectra are found to be a 1:1 host-to-anion complexation (Figure 3f).
shown in Figure 3. When increasing the concentration of
F2, in all these receptors 1a – 1d, a new red-shifted
absorption band at 390, 430, 470 and 445 nm were 3.6 Calculation of binding constant
gradually enhanced, while the intensity of absorption at
348, 351, 354 and 361 nm were decreased correspond- The binding constants of receptors 1a– 1d were calculated
ingly. The clear isosbestic points were observed at 375, from the fluoride-induced absorption changes using
382, 390 and 387 nm for 1a – 1d, respectively. The Equation (1) (47):
appearance of a single isosbestic point indicates the
presence of only two species, neutral host and its anion in b 1 1 1
¼ £ þ ; ð1Þ
DA St K a D1 ½L St D1

where DA is the change in absorbance, b is the path

length, St is the total concentration of substrate, Ka is the
association constant, D1 is the change in molar absorp-
tion coefficient. Plot can be made with 1/DA as a function
of 1/[L ]. The binding constant can be obtained by the
ratio of intercept and slope (see Supplementary
Information, Figure S1, available online). The binding
constant of the receptors with the corresponding anions is
summarised in Table 3. The detection limitation of
sensors towards F2 was obtained according to UV – vis
titration. The result can also be calculated from the
fluoride quantities added which made the initial changes
of absorbance of sensors 1a – 1d during the process of
UV – vis titration. The fluorimetric limit of detection of
Figure 2. Electronic spectra of 1b in various solvents with 1a – 1d were found to be 1.05 £ 1026, 1.01 £ 1026, 1.03
different polarities. £ 1026 and 1.00 £ 1026 mol l21, respectively.
6 R. Arabahmadi and S. Amani
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Figure 3. (a– d) A family of UV – vis spectra of hosts 1a – 1d were taken in the course of the titration of CH3CN/DMSO solution of
1a – 1d (4 £ 1025 M) with a standard solution of TBAF (c < 1.5 £ 1023 M) at 258C. (e) UV – vis absorbance increases of host 1b, in
CH3CN/DMSO, in relation to the free host, after addition of 2 equiv. Anions (lmax ¼ 351 nm). (f) Job’s plot of host 1b (2 £ 1025 M) with
fluoride, respectively.

Table 3. Data obtained from the UV – vis spectra upon titration of 1a – 1d with n-Bu4NþF2 in CH3CN/DMSO.

Receptor Receptor, lmax (nm) Complex, lmax (nm) Bathochromic shift, Dlmax (nm) Isosbestic point (nm) Ka (M – 1)
1a 348 390 42 375 5.725 £ 103
1b 351 430 79 382 6.200 £ 103
1c 354 470 116 390 8.200 £ 103
1d 361 445 84 387 5.890 £ 103

3.7 Sensor performance avoid the competing salvation effect of water (48–50), we
Generally, receptors for anions based solely on hydrogen prepared test strips of 1c for inspecting F2 in aqueous
bonding interactions cannot serve as efficient sensors in environments by putting a filter paper into the CH3CN/
aqueous media, due to the strong solvent competition. To DMSO solution of 1c (2.0 £ 1023 M) and then drying in
Supramolecular Chemistry 7

convenient and reliable detection of fluoride ions in

everyday applications.

The authors would like to thank the Research Council of Arak
University for the financial support of this research.

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Supramolecular Chemistry 9

Raziyeh Arabahmadi and

Four new colorimetric chemosen-
Saeid Amani
sors, receptors 1a–1d containing
electron-donating moieties appended
A new fluoride ion colori-
to the azophenol moiety were syn-
metric sensor based on
thesized. The dyes were character- azo – azomethine receptors
ized by elemental analysis, IR, UV-
vis and NMR spectroscopy. Spectral
1 –9
characteristics of the dyes were
investigated in four organic solvents
of differing polarity and their chro-
mogenic behaviours toward various
Downloaded by [Florida Atlantic University] at 04:38 30 September 2013

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